I don't have cable or a land line. I don't think I could disconnect the internet for business reasons. I live alone anyway, so nobody to spend quality time with, unless you count the cat.
No Slutty Drunk Chicks
you are sooooooo not allowed to buy Alaska. I checked. ![]() Why not? It's been done before! LOL. xx |
I'm 23... a little old for you. Good luck, anyway. I'd suggest a puppy. Seriously. Get a puppy and walk it on campus. Money back guarantee you'll get at least one bite.
xx |
is chivalry really dead?
Yes, and women killed it. I quite agree. This is why I'm a misogynist. xx |
I expect that's more a product of your psyche than gravity. Kind of the way you are left-handed, right-handed, or ambidextrous; the way you hold your phone to your left ear when you're talking business or numbers, but hold it to your right ear when you're talking to someone you care about, that sort of thing. Interesting post, though.
imagination is not in the "no child left behind" tests. they don't teach it in school... neither history nor civics either. Indeed, Jon. In my experience, and I know I'm not alone in this, imagination and creativity, "thinking outside the box" if you will, are actively discouraged in that public, group-"learning" environment. |
Philosophically speaking...
I'm sad to see how this thread has deteriorated. But simply put, in response to the original topic, my rights end where your rights begin. That's how it works; maybe not how it should be.
You're being purposefully dense to suggest that a concept is the same as a human being. It's the same thing I tell people about the US Constitution; as much as you want it to be alive, it ain't gonna happen. It cannot possibly do all you want to believe it can. In short, it's insulting to sentient beings, imho (but I believe everyone reading this thread knows that there are a plethora of individuals on this site that may not quite fit into that category). But I do believe you were trying to be cute or cleaver (that's sharper than clever), so I'm willing to let you off the hook. Thanks but I am not on any hook so I don't need you to "let me off of it." Further, I am not trying to be "cleaver" (or clever or cute.) And I am completely serious. MEN created religion. If not men, then it must have been those galaxy aliens. But men perpetuate it in the need to worship something or to be worshiped themselves. I understand what you're trying to say, but you never refuted or even answered my point. |
Teenagers have sex. Am I the only one who remembers those days? Were you all virgins until you married? They are going to have sex with or without your "permission". You can deal with it or bury your head in the sand. I personally did not want to raise grandchildren by myself. So I made sure my teen had access to birth control. They are having sex - not committing murder. I don't understand why parents get their nosehairs in such a knot about this topic. I made it through my teenage years with my virginity in tact, but I still believe in caution. |
Should have mentioned this earlier. I went to school with more than one sexually active 11 year old, and knew plenty of pregnant 12/13 year olds. Just because we don't like to think about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Teaching your kid will go a long way, but why even take that risk? It's not like giving them a pill is giving them permission. It won't undo years and years of teaching.
Birth control isn't just pregnancy prevention. My mom took me to the doc for birth control when I was 13 because I was beginning to get acne and had obscenely heavy, irregular periods (I had two a month, and I'll spare you the other details). I'd say if they're having problems like that, by all means, put them on it. My doc STRONGLY suggests that all teen-age girls, particularly those of college age, use some form of oral contraception, if only for instances of (God forbid) acquaintance rape or sexual assault. Better safe than sorry. The only warning I would give you is to monitor their weight. I gained about 30 pounds (this was when they were giving you REAL doses of hormones in those pills) when I first started taking them.
Am I TOO Informative?
It's a bit long, but I don't think there are any wasted words, if that makes sense.
tired of views and no hits
I think it looks good. It may just be a matter of the right person not having found it yet. Hang around the forums a little and maybe she'll notice you. Good luck!
No Slutty Drunk Chicks
Not drunk, not slutty, just a chick. I think your profile's perfect. It's very honest, and like a good dress is long enough to cover the subject and short enough to gather interest. Good luck.
What do you think?
Check it out--how is my profile? Be honest, I can take it. I like your profile. It speaks real. Too bad about the Baroque composers, because I do not know jack about such things. The cemetery strolls and other stuff is cool. Linguistics? Um...<--says my level, right there. Where is all that juice aimed? You've picked out a scientific community or university as a career goal? Welcome, have a blast, and thanks for being here. ![]() Hehe, thanks. I'm kind of odd. I'm looking to be a historian, actually, or an archeologist. |
Kids Eating Habits
Here's what my parents did, and I think it worked, because while I was never a picky eater, all my brother wanted all the time was spaghetti. Mom mostly cooked what we liked, but every now and then, she'd cook something new, and we had to have two bites, no fighting, no spitting. You might also encourage the kid to "help" you cook, so there's more ownership there. That worked with my baby cousins.
And to the potty training man: Don't put your kid in pull-ups. Grandma always said if you do that, then there are no consequences for not doing what's supposed to be done. It's confusing to a kid. And if you don't want to get the little targets, cheerios are pretty cool, too. That worked on a three year old I was nanny for, and he was a tough little nut. |
No joke, I just laughed until I peed.
whatcha doin???
Tomorrow I'm doing housework. The weather is going to be lamentable, and I've got to "rest up" because I've got two family members having major surgery this week and I'm the at home nursing service.
Hairy Men Unite
Not saying I wish to marry a werewolf, but I don't mind body hair. I figure if he's a little hairy, he's bound to notice my lax shaving habits less often, right?
You're being purposefully dense to suggest that a concept is the same as a human being. It's the same thing I tell people about the US Constitution; as much as you want it to be alive, it ain't gonna happen. It cannot possibly do all you want to believe it can. In short, it's insulting to sentient beings, imho (but I believe everyone reading this thread knows that there are a plethora of individuals on this site that may not quite fit into that category). But I do believe you were trying to be cute or cleaver (that's sharper than clever), so I'm willing to let you off the hook.