Community > Posts By > beeorganic
Well i'm glad we're amigos, amigo. There's a huge difference between an "act of war" as you call it, and invading and occupying another country. If Junior had just listened to his old man, who had quite a bit of experience in this area, this whole mess would have been avoided. Bon ami, acts of war are acts of war regardless if it's solely bombing targets of a sovereign nation (who didn't attack us) from hundreds of miles away with cruise missles or having boots on the ground. By definition, Clinton committed acts of terrorism, naked aggression, and war crimes. Just like acts of war, one can't get a little bit pregnant either. One may make a valid arguement that Bush merely inherited the Iraq/Afghanistan problem from Clinton (it's been shown in this thread that all the same players/information were involved under the Clinton administration). Obviously Clinton and Bush believed Iraq/Afghanistan were considered threats and now Obama is complicit and accessory to these perceived "illegalities". Time to build a bigger prison to include every single member of congress who voted to approve and fund these missions as well. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse". We wouldn't want to accuse anyone here of hypocrisy or having double standards now would we? |
The difference, my friend, is that Mr. Clinton did not take us to war based on the evidence he had. Too bad history and the facts don't support your assertion amigo. What would you call his (Clinton's) bombings of the aspirin factory in Sudan and the cruise missle attacks in Afghanistan? Acts of war (and/or to distract the public from the Monica Lewinski problem). "In its most recent comment on the issue, State Department spokesman Philip Reeker said last week the administration stands by its initial justification for the bombing. He said evidence suggests that bin Laden was seeking to acquire weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons, for use against American targets. He said Empta, used to make chemical weapons, was found outside the al-Shifa facility." "The statement by the law firm said the U.S. government has retreated systematically from declarations that high officials made two years ago to justify the attack on the plant, "except for the claim that a chemical component of VX nerve gas known as Empta was found in a soil sample taken by a foreign agent near the plant." "It added that a study commissioned by Idris found no trace of Empta in the ground soil and drainage sludge at al-Shifa but instead found evidence of common pesticides with "chemical similarity" to Empta." |
Testimony in Feburary 2001. Let's see (if my math is correct here)... the election was in November 2000, Bush inaugurated January 20th, 2001. In office a whole month? Intelligence comes from the previous administration that early.
Better keep a cell available for Bill Clinton while we're at it. From Feburary 18, 1998 "If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear," Clinton said. "We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program. We want to seriously reduce his capacity to threaten his neighbors." "At the same time, by about a 2-1 margin, people say if the U.S. does attack, its goal should be remove Hussein, not just to reduce Iraq's capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and threaten its neighbors." They don't call em "double standard democrats" for nothin... bon appetit and try not to choke on the facts. |
Not one valid site carried this story and if true it was news worthy. So I guess it is bogus bull as usual from Faux especially. Seems your "valid" sites aren't so valid afterall, eh? Since you admit this story was newsworthy- that's satisfaction enough for me (it's significantly more than I expected). I guess the smirkingchimpers aren't smirking now... more like hear nothing bad about the Obama administration, speak nothing bad about the Obama administration, see nothing bad about Obama administration. Checkmate. |
How about this as a credible source then... the new black panthers themselves- OUCH! That's gonna leave a mark on you Fox News haters. Nice attempt at damage control to say the very least. "Public Notice Regarding Philadelphia Chapter Suspension 1/7/09 NBPP Official Statement Philadelphia Chapter of the New Black Panther Party is suspended from operations and is not recognized by the New Black Panther Party until further notice. The New Black Panther Party has never, and never will, condone or promote the carrying of nightsticks or any kind of weapon at any polling place. Such actions that were taken were purely the individual actions of Samir Shabazz and not in any way representative or connected to the New Black Panther Party. On that day November 4th, Samir Shabazz acted purely on his own will and in complete contradiction to the code and conduct of a member of our organization. We don't believe in what he did and did not tell him to do what he did, he moved on his own instructions. It is true that volunteers in the New Black Panther Party successfully served as poll watchers all over the country and helped get the Black vote out. We were incident free. We are intelligent enough to understand that a polling place is a sensitive site and all actions must be carried out in a civilized and lawful manner. Certainly no advice from the leadership of the New Black Panther Party was given to Samir Shabazz to do what he did, he acted on his own. This will be the New Black Panther Party's Only Statement on the matter." So obviously this event did happen... the true question why wasn't this widely reported on other "valid" (liberal) places? |
yes we all know fox news and youtube are very credible sources of information ::rolls eyes::: Please feel free to cite ANY source invalidating the information/topic sources then (if you can). It's been my experience that eyes that roll are merely loose due to the void behind them. |
I can't get the numbers on how much it cost me (a US taxpayer) for Borat and Amarosa Obama's night on the town in NY city last week (especially during one of the claimed worse economic times since the great depression) but I could find where every civilian nuclear site in the US is. No Bush to blame here. "WASHINGTON (AP) - The government accidentally posted on the Internet a list of all civilian nuclear sites and their activities in the United States. The 266-page document was published on May 6 as a transmission from President Barack Obama to the U.S. Congress. According to the document, the list was required by law and will be provided to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Some of the pages are marked "highly confidential safeguards sensitive." While there is security at the facilities, the list could presumably be useful for terrorists or anyone else who would like to harm the United States. The publication of the list was first reported in an online secrecy newsletter Monday. The document details the location of the nuclear sites and what is being done there. For instance, there are nuclear reactors at the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, Pa. This facility is currently working on research into what happens when there are accidents with the nuclear reactors. The project started in 2006 and is expected to end in 2012, according to the document. The document was posted on the Government Printing Office Web site, and has since been removed." Just keep the apologies a comin... for the "mistake of 08". |
I'm extremely surprised this topic didn't appear here sooner. A new presidence has been set for every hate group in the nation by the Obama administration. (Source
The Youtube clip ( "Charges brought against three members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense under the Bush administration have been dropped by the Obama Justice Department, FOX News has learned." "The charges stemmed from an incident at a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day 2008 when three members of the party were accused of trying to threaten voters and block poll and campaign workers by the threat of force -- one even brandishing what prosecutors call a deadly weapon." "The three black panthers, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were charged in a civil complaint in the final days of the Bush administration with violating the voter rights act by using coercion, threats and intimidation. Shabazz allegedly held a nightstick or baton that prosecutors said he pointed at people and menacingly tapped it. Prosecutors also say he "supports racially motivated violence against non-blacks and Jews." "The Obama administration won the case last month, but moved to dismiss the charges on May 15." "The complaint says the men hurled racial slurs at both blacks and whites." *NOTE THE BELOW (My emphasis... Bartle Bull is a UBER-LIBERAL)* "A poll watcher who provided an affidavit to prosecutors in the case noted that Bartle Bull, who worked as a civil rights lawyer in the south in the 1960's and is a former campaign manager for Robert Kennedy, said it was the most blatant form of voter intimidation he had ever seen." "In his affidavit, obtained by FOX News, Bull wrote "I watched the two uniformed men confront voters and attempt to intimidate voters. They were positioned in a location that forced every voter to pass in close proximity to them. The weapon was openly displayed and brandished in plain sight of voters." "He also said they tried to "interfere with the work of other poll observers ... whom the uniformed men apparently believed did not share their preferences politically," noting that one of the panthers turned toward the white poll observers and said "you are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker." "A spokesman for the Department of Justice told FOX News, "The Justice Department was successful in obtaining an injunction that prohibits the defendant who brandished a weapon outside a Philadelphia polling place from doing so again. Claims were dismissed against the other defendants based on a careful assessment of the facts and the law. The department is committed to the vigorous prosecution of those who intimidate, threaten or coerce anyone exercising his or her sacred right to vote." --------------------------------------------------------------------- Change we ALL can believe in. |
As per the question of why anyone would want an AK 47 (or any weapon of choice as far as that goes)? To be blunt and brief, I believe if for no other reason than because they want or believe they need one (without having to justify it to anyone else). An arguement I wish the NRA would start using.
1. If you're so horrified by debt and spending, where were your tea parties when George Bush was adding $4 trillion to the federal deficit? 2. If you're so outraged by the bailouts, where were your tea parties when the bailouts were first instituted by Henry Paulson and George Bush last fall? 3. If you're so troubled by pork, where were your tea parties when the number and cost of congressional earmarks rose spectacularly in each year of Republican congressional rule between 1996 and the end of the Republican majority in 2006? 4. Would you be protesting any of this bull**** if this had been George W. Bush's budget? _______ About author I'm a political reporter for Rolling Stone magazine, a sports columnist for Men's Journal, and I also write books for a Random House imprint called Spiegel and Grau. My main ambition in life is to someday strangle that chick in the Progressive Insurance commercials who is always waving her hands back and forth and screaming, "Discount!!!" Anyone who has suggestions for how to dump her body without being caught is welcome to write to me. I already have plenty of plastic and a staple-gun. Madisonman- I'm impressed. You're a contributing political reporter for Rolling Stone magazine, a columnist for Men's Journal, and the author of two books? As per YOUR personal request "Questions I'd like "Teabaggers" to answer". How clever of you... masking your past posts/topic threads with the spelling/typing of a 4th grader. Brilliant ruse indeed. Here you gave the impression that you were just some typical union slug all this time. Kudos for your courage in submitting your literary resume' and credentials. 1. I don't know if the concept of modern day tea parties even existed during the Bush administration. If they did, I nor the vast American public were aware of them. Perhaps people were partially horrified by debt and spending... isn't this why people voted for "Change"? It appears this isn't the kind of change a lot of people wanted afterall as indicated by participation in these "tea parties". You of all people should be complimenting and commending people for participating and taking an active role in speaking out. 2. "Outraged by the bailouts". There's an old adage "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". The first one who fooled us once in regards to the bailouts is gone. The one who is attempting to fool us twice has been notified via these tea parties that some of us aren't going to be allow to be fooled twice. The more things "change" the more they remain the same. 3. There once was a president who boldly proclaimed "Read my lips, no new taxes". He lied, and subsequently removed from office in the next election. We now have a president who boldly proclaims "no pork" in legislation. A lie. Are you suggesting we do not hold this current president to the same standards? Not unless you are to be considered a hypocrit with double standards. 4. As per if I would have been protesting if this had been Bush's budget. Maybe. Liberals don't have a monopoly on protesting. My question, "Why do liberals insist on living in the past"? As per the "If" hypothetical questions. What is the adage again? "If if's and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry (insert politically correct individual holiday of choice)". In regards to your ambition in life- exquisitely appropriate for a liberal... jealousy of someone making more money than themselves. Incidently, the feeble attempt at humor wasn't overlooked... just dismissed as inane. |
The trap money Bush gave out had no accounting provisions. Guess that's Obama's fault. "trap money" someone may have stumbled upon the correct term finally, kudos Lynann. Uhhhh, dear... in case you didn't get the memo, Bush is no longer in office; Hence, a moot point. We're now under an administration that promised transparency in government. |
The Wasilla Hillbillies
Funny how so many on these boards were ugly and attacked anyone they deemed a "liberal" for talking about the knocked up daughter of a family values abstinence only candidate. You know how many times people on this board yapped and nipped at any of us who mentioned it? If I had a dollar for every time I saw the phrase "it's a private matter" hehe Where are they now? Must be they are embarrassed...their hero's are pathetic. Pretty quiet aren't they in the face of this publicly drawn out white trash freak show hahah I believe they (disagreeing posters) only attacked the misguided logic of said liberals. It's like (and equally as inane) blaming Al Gore or Joe Biden for their kids alcohol and drug usage/abuse (which I have never seen conservatives do here). I don't believe others are embarrassed, they're just smarter than I not to take the bait and content with watching another frivolous Palin obsession thread (void of logic) quietly go down the drain. The trouble with liberals (in my opinion)- the inability to assign personal responsibility and think rationally/logically. It must be nice to have the time to worry/obsess about the lives of others. Please notify me if/when Bristol Palin goes on welfare... that's when I'll start taking an interest and complaining. |
Sometimes in life we have to make decisions. I can see yours is a sour reason but it is one, I guess. I still say if you wanted it bad enough you would not give up on it so easily. I have a story of adversity too. I know you do not want my advise but I will give you a bit of it anyway. Stop worrying about how others live and survive, every struggle is not the same, worry about yourself and how you do it. In the end it will be you who faces you about what you have done with your life and noone else will be there. KerryO's post (John Galt) describes me and my beliefs almost perfectly. Oy vey! Almost too eerie (great call again KerryO). If you want to see where I am coming from... Only time will tell if this was a right decision to do or not. Right now, I believe it's probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. If not, I'm confident in my skills, talents, education, and abilities will be enough to achieve other endeavors/ventures (as an individual). I have no significant stories of adversity that I haven't been able to overcome (E.G. the likes of Stephen Hawking has to overcome). Whatever my personal shortcomings are/were in regards to the things I desire to achieve, I either can do it or I can't. Acknowledging simple reality that life isn't fair nor equal. I will never set a world's record in the 100 meter dash; However, If I'm given a 90 meter head start by the governing olympic committee (the government) I'll set the record. Why should any other athlete train and work hard to strive to set the record then if I'm going to be given some advantage? I'm not worried how others live and survive, not in the least... so long at it's not at my expense. Charity and volunteerism is one thing... legalized theft and forced redistribution of the fruits of my labor is another. One can't make poor people rich by making the rich poor. If I am to be made poorer, that will only make the poor only poorer in the long run. I'm not jealous nor envious of those richer or wealthier than myself. I can only seek to be the best I can be. If I am to be punished for success and achievement why strive for it? We can all be mediocre together. |
Who is John Galt? That never entered my mind until you posted it. Great post! No, fantastic post! KerryOkudos! |
Considering they (the employees) have no business knowing my business (from a financial perspective), it was a priviledge for them to allow them to ask questions in that area. I do have to thank several here for helping me solidifying my decision.
"Sad but nature always weans out the weaker ones. If he really wanted to run a business and all that entails, he would do it. If he is giving up then he does not have the moxy. In my opinion. No offense intended." True, nature always weans out the weaker ones; However, that isn't always true in business (I.E. especially those businesses considered "too big to fail" and those subsidized by government). Also, if I were a minority and/or a female- government funds are literally given away for funding of businesses for those individuals (out of political correctness/diversity). I would say those who use their own capital to start a business (without loans/grants)and last more than five years are the truly strong. I lasted 16 very profitable years and have nothing left to prove. I've grown tired of carrying the weak... those who don't contribute at all (those that are capable), tired of subsidizing those who have more excuses to not work than work ethic. Some here like the idea of the redistribution of wealth. I get the unique opportunity to spread poverty now. Instead of me having to support my employees (via employment), you (generally speaking) now get to support them (via welfare if/when they can't find other employment). Nothing that I haven't ranted about before here but now a reality. As per those "pesky regulations". First thing I would say... tell that to China or Mexico. If one wants American products the government is either going to have to loosen restrictions on American businesses or force other countries to comply with ours (we already know the answer to that one) to compete. Make them have to pay for workman's comp insurance and such. I don't have to worry about those thing anymore either. Considering I breath the same air, drink the same water, and work in the same enviroment as my employees, it wouldn't make much sense to have a unhealthy work enviroment. I actually had more people watching over me to make sure I was compliant with everything than worked for me. People who never ran or owned a business or their own telling others how to run theirs. The best personal example- When one has to explain what a blow-off/relief valve on a water heater is to a plumbing inspector... something is seriously amiss. This wasn't a decision based on economics (business has been very good). This was based entirely on personal happiness. I'm looking forward to a full 8 hours of sleep tonight... first time in years. |
(April 6, 2009- to be filed under current events) Unfortunately, this won't appear in any newspaper.
Twenty-four full and part-time employees (all American citizens) of a profitable midwest business were notified this morning that they will no longer have jobs at the end of this month. Along with the employees, notification was sent out to tweleve subcontractors and ten suppliers that their services will no longer be required as well. In a bold move by the forty-something owner he simply stated "After long thought and careful consideration... I'm tired and have I've had enough". The announcement in this mornings meeting caught most employees by surprise, while several appeared totally indifferent. After the announcement, employees were granted the priviledge of asking questions in regards to the state of affairs of the business. The first question was "Are we in financial trouble or going bankrupt"? The reply was "No, financially speaking- the business is doing quite well". The next question was "Why are we closing"? The owner calmly reached into shirt pocket and pulled out four, 3 x 5 index cards and began to read from the carefully prepared list. A brief synopsis- Launching into a carefully controlled tirade he stated "I'm tired. Tired of putting up with the bull****. Tired of jumping through hoops to appease and/or passify both the government and whiney employees with a sense of entitlement. If any of you weren't happy here or thought you could make more money elsewhere, you were free to leave at any time- just like several of your former coworkers did. I'm not happy and I've decided to leave. Since everything from the building to all the machinery belong to me, I'm taking what is mine with me." 2. "There was talk of unionizing a few months ago. I vowed when I started this business sixteen years ago with my own two hands, my own money, and my own sweat that the first talk of a union, I would either close these doors and/or move production elsewhere if I wanted to still stay in business. I refuse to be slowly bled to death by employees whose loyalty stops paycheck; Yet, I am expected to stand behind all of you no matter what. I've had to tolerate lies, theft, and all the excuses. Your paychecks always cleared. Your mistakes corrected. Given the time and freedom to handle personal affairs on company time. It's far cheaper to just close the doors than to battle potential lawsuits because someone thinks they've been unfairly fired or decides to make something up out of spite." 3. "I started this business soley for the purpose of making money and building a better life for myself. This business is over-taxed, over-regulated, and over-burdened. I'm almost spending as much time doing paperwork to make sure this business is compliant as I am trying to do business with customers to make money. This business will never be considered "too big to fail". There are no bailouts, no safety nets for this business, nothing. I no longer want the responsibility for others and no longer have the right incentives to stay in business. My instincts are telling me now is the time to close. That's all I have to say right now." The owner tucked the index cards back into his shirt pocket, walked back to his office and preceded to convey the morning events here. I'm looking forward to a long overdue vacation starting in May. Perhaps start building my dream house in Arkansas. No more worries. |
Uh Oh... the fable crumbles
(Playing the Devil's advocate here after reading the journal article). First, as a truly objective scientist I would have to completely disregard the sample from the Manhattan resident (and even question how he/she knew what Thermite residue looked like to begin with). Basic Thermite is a combination of aluminum and rust (type 3). (A simplistic yet viable alternative hypothesis) A plane contains an abundance of aluminum that collides with an adundance of rusty steel girders (some rust had to accumlate during construction). Add heat from the collision and burning jet fuel.
Another possibility (or question I would have). If Thermite welding techniques were used on the World Trade Center during construction. If so, shouldn't one expect to find Thermite samples, yes? I would ask you to compare all the fuels and oxidizers from the above link that make up Thermite and ask yourself "how many of those items were present in and on the plane and in or on the World Trade Center when it impacted (totally disregard any possible conspiracy by the government for the time being). I submit that if all the ingredients to make Thermite to begin with are present... given enough force (from impact), additional heat (from jet fuel), and other variables... one will find find many things. On personal note- I too use to listened to Alex Jones (years before the Coast to Coast with George Noory days). No longer (other than for entertainment occasionally). He (Alex Jones) also claimed the passengers on the planes were "gassed/put to sleep" and the planes flown into the World Trade Center via remote control by the government... that's stretching it a bit. Everything is a conspiracy and never "things happen the way they really happened". Plenty of videos and books to sell... very few lawsuits to prove his assertions where they count. |
Let's not forget former president Carter's wonderful little trip over there to "negotiate" the cease of such development in the 90s. "Carter met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang and returned to America waving a piece of paper and declaring peace in our time. Kim, according to Carter, had agreed to stop his nuclear weapons development." "The Clinton appeasement program for North Korea included hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, food, oil and even a nuclear reactor. However, the agreement was flawed and lacked even the most informal means of verification." |
As per the original question "I'm genuinely curious how this administration will handle the issue. How are they going to protect our safety without walking all over the liberties of other nations?" Some of my guesses... 1. Blame George Bush and his failed policies 2. Make excuses of only being in office for a little less than 3 months 3. Change/divert the topic 4. Boycott the next olympics 5. Appease North Korea by giving/selling them MORE nuclear technology (a la Bill Clinton) 6. Issue more "stern" warnings 7. Organize a community protest and have people go door to door and get signatures to send to the United Nations or to North Korea 8. Hope Kim Jong-il dies 9. Shoot some hoops with Gordon Brown, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney 10. Nothing, just keep reading their own press clippings on how much the world loves (and obviously respects) the Obama administration 11. Finally admit "We have no clue what we're doing" Didnt they actualy develope the Bomb when bush was in office? and were we not buzy chaseing phantom WMDS in Iraq when this happened? ![]() "In fact, major advances in North Korea's nuclear capabilities took place during the Clinton administration. North Korea greatly improved its missile technology. It successfully tested the Nodong missile to a range of 500 kilometers in 1993. In October 1997, a North Korean defector testified before the U.S. Senate that Pyongyang had two or three nuclear warheads. In 1998, North Korea tested a Taepo Dong-1 missile which flew over Japan and landed in the Pacific Ocean. In February 1999, Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet told Congress that North Korea's missile-development program includes missiles that will be able to hit the continental United States. During the 1990s, North Korea repeatedly shut its nuclear reactors to harvest fuel for bombs. It built facilities underground to evade international inspectors." "The Clinton administration's eight years compounded these North Korean successes. The diplomatic enticements and sweetheart deals it engineered or endorsed, including the Agreed Framework, all gave Pyongyang more resources and time to pursue its bomb." |