Topic: Why I believe In God. | |
As an atheist, you can't show proof that God doesn't exist. Therefore you are relying on faith. I can, and have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Biblical God can't exist. The Bible cannot possibly be true. It contradicts it's own premises on every other page. So the biblical picture of God has been disproven beyond any shadow of a doubt. Now if you're talking something along the lines of the more abstract notions of God such as Pantheism, then I agree, it's pretty hard to come up with evidence against that. But the biblical picture of God? That picture has disproven itself. You don't even need any outside information. The story itself shoots itself in the foot constantly. It can't possibly be true. There are a myriad of reasons why it can't be true. The Great Flood and the Crucifixion being in the same story is proof that the Bible is false. The Bible claims that God is unchanging (which a god must be if it is going to be trustworthy and dependable). A God who keeps changing the way he does things would be unstable and therefore untrustworthy. Yet, the Bible has God dealt with the sins of humanity in two distinctly differnet ways. The first time he drowned out humanity in a great flood. The second time he sent his son as a sacrifcial lamb to save mankind for sin. This can only indicate a God who is not all-wise, and does not have a master plan and tries various methods to deal with the same problem. Such a God would clearly have a learning curve and not be all-knowing. Therefore the whole story falls apart right there and cannot possible be true in all of it's claims. In fact, if the story is not true in all of its claims, then clearly none of its claims can be trusted. Once we see falsehoods in the doctrine, then the entire doctrine must be brought into question. The details in this are profound and exacting. Not only does the Bible claim that God had changed his method of doing things, but he even changed his mind about how he expects us to behave. As the God of Abraham he had taught us to judge our brothers and siters and stone them to death if we judge them to be sinners. Yet, Jesus taught that we should not judge others and that neither should we stone anyone to death. That's a completely and utter about face. That hardly represents an unchanging God. This would be a God who changes as drasically as night and day. But that flies in the face that God is dependable and unchanging. Therefore the Bible cannot possibly be true. It has proven itself to be false. The God of Abraham had also taught people to seek revenge as in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but Jesus disagreed with that completely and taught that we should be forgiving and not seek revenge or harbor resentment and that we should turn the other cheek. This would not be a stable unchanging God at all. This would be a God that had a major personality overall. A major change in what he wants and expects from human behavior. Moreover, the Bible claims that God is all-wise, yet this God would be sending humanity very mixed messages. There is nothing wise about that. The God of Abraham commanded us to murder heathens. This was God direct commandment. The Bible tells us that the God of Abraham decrees that it is our duty to seek out heathen and murder anyone who speaks out against the word of God! Yet, this very same God supposedly send his son in human form to do precisely this thing? Well, first off that would be utterly stupid. But that flies in the face that God is supposed to be all-wise. However, lets assume that God really is this stupid and inconsistent. Then we have Jesus coming and totally denouncing the teachings of the God of Abraham and we have the Jews denouncing Jesus, and having him crucified for blaspheme (just like the God of Abraham had COMMANDED that they should do!) And now we see the religion split apart into two or more groups. Those who believe that the God of Abraham was telling the TRUTH, and those who believe that Jesus was telling the TRUTH. Clearly these two Gods were in total disagreement with each other so we must choose between them. We can't possibly obey both of them simultaneously because they are telling us to do opposite things. The Jews claims that Jesus did not speak for the God of Abraham and they cling to the original teachings. The Christians claim that what Jesus taught was clearly on higher moral ground! ![]() All that truly suggests is that the original God of Abraham was immoral to begin with! This suggests that it would be immoral to judge others, to stone people to death, and to seek revenge. This suggests that the God of Abraham was originally immoral! This flies in the fact of the Bible's proclaimation that God is all-wise, all-knowing, or even sane or stable at all. Now we have totally mixed messages! Should we believe in Jesus who denounced the teachings of the God of Abraham, or should we denounce Jesus as an obvious blasphemist as the God of Abraham told us to beware of? ![]() At the very BEST we have a confused unwise God who sends horribly mixed messages and leaves people in a state of total confusion and then just disappears to leave them argue over it amoungst themselves. That is NOT a picture of an all-wise Fatherly Image God. Clearly the Bible is a farce. It can't possibly be true becasue it contradicts itself in so many ways. So to say that it's can't be proven that God does not exist may be true for some visions of God (like Pantheism), but it doesn't apply to the Biblical picture of God. The Biblical picture of God is clearly false. There can be no question about that at all. We can toss that picture aside as being totally false and move on to more positive and productive ideas. The Biblical stories have proven themselves to be false. That's a done deal. |
Edited by
Fri 01/23/09 09:30 AM
It takes faith to be an atheist. No it really doesn't. Because as an atheist, I can be wrong. As an atheist, I can accept scientific fact, and people who are different from me, because I don't have a book that tells me that science is wrong, or that those people are sinners. As an atheist, you can't show proof that God doesn't exist. Therefore you are relying on faith. it is not insulting to give little value to the negative proof argument. You would be laughed out of any graduate philosophy program if you used it as a major point in your argument. That is why there is such a thing as circumstancial evidence in the American Judical system. A great many people are tried and convicted on circumstantial evidence alone in this country. It’s just that jurors always assume that there MUST be physical evidence because of all of these crime shows and CSI stuff. Circumstantial evidence is very strong in many cases. But the whole "You can't prove god doesn't exist" argument is akin to convicting someone of murder, because "You can't prove he didn't murder the victim" while there is evidence to strongly suggest he did not commit the crime. . . Oh I know. I agree with your argument. I guess I was speaking in terms of the actual criminal justice system. Nevermind it was ![]() |
meh... so says you. Your opinion also wieghs less than a thought. "allenaqua" your delusions are worth their weight in Gold .. |
Is it not then delusional to waste your time and energy in debate with whom you consider "delusional"? "AllenAqua" you think books about delusion get written if no one study or debate those that are delusional I do not waste my time concerning myself about the delusions of others...Want to believe in nothingness? Be my guest... Want to believe you are your own god? Be my guest... Want to believe I'm delusional? Be my guest... Have at it... I'm only saying that even on a human level only, it's highly disrepectful to insult others for their beliefs unless they affect you directly. Do you let my belief in God affect you directly? |
Well as I sated above in my long-winded post,...
You may not be able to disprove the existence of an abstract spiritual notion like pantheism. However, you can show that a concrete dogma that claims to be the word of God is not consistent with what it claims that God must be like. And in doing so you have proven that the dogma itself is a lie. And therefore that dogam is not the word of any God. Disproving the Bible is easy. It's one contradiction after another. It disproves itself on every other page. |
I do not waste my time concerning myself about the delusions of others... must have only time enough for yours Want to believe in nothingness? Be my guest... Want to believe you are your own god? Be my guest... Want to believe I'm delusional? Be my guest... Have at it... I'm only saying that even on a human level only, it's highly disrepectful to insult others for their beliefs unless they affect you directly. Do you let my belief in God affect you directly? "AllenAqua" on while I look at what's printed on some my US currency ..... oh hell "IN God We Trust" is still printed on it |
"AllenAqua" on while I look at what's printed on some my US currency ..... oh hell "IN God We Trust" is still printed on it and this affects you how? |
The first time he drowned out humanity in a great flood. And don't forget he had Noah build an arc suitable to carry 2 of every species of animals so they could repopulate the world again... And of course none of them died on this arc during the flood. |
"AllenAqua" on while I look at what's printed on some my US currency ..... oh hell "IN God We Trust" is still printed on it and this affects you how? because I want "In Satan We Trust" printed on it ... |
"AllenAqua" on while I look at what's printed on some my US currency ..... oh hell "IN God We Trust" is still printed on it and this affects you how? because I want "In Satan We Trust" printed on it ... |
Thats ceremonial deism anyway, but thats another thread.
The first time he drowned out humanity in a great flood. And don't forget he had Noah build an arc suitable to carry 2 of every species of animals so they could repopulate the world again... And of course none of them died on this arc during the flood. With men it is impossible; but to God all things are possible. - Matthew 19:26 |
The first time he drowned out humanity in a great flood. And don't forget he had Noah build an arc suitable to carry 2 of every species of animals so they could repopulate the world again... And of course none of them died on this arc during the flood. How did god plan on killing all of the sea creatures in that manner I wonder? You cant very well drown sea life? ![]() |
"AllenAqua" on while I look at what's printed on some my US currency ..... oh hell "IN God We Trust" is still printed on it and this affects you how? because I want "In Satan We Trust" printed on it ... so? scratch out "God" on your money and write in whoever it is that you DO trust in there instead. Problem solved. Although I have doubts about how many folks will then accept your money. |
I'm only saying that even on a human level only, it's highly disrepectful to insult others for their beliefs unless they affect you directly.
As an atheist, if I am to take a public office, I have to swear on a holy book, in being sworn in. If I am a witness in a trial, I am supposed to swear on the bible. If I enlist/re-enlist in the armed forces, I have to swear to god. Are these examples good enough for you, or should I go on? |
I'm only saying that even on a human level only, it's highly disrepectful to insult others for their beliefs unless they affect you directly. Do you let my belief in God affect you directly? Oh PLEASE! Christianity is automatically an insult to anyone who disagrees with the Mediterraneans. That what they DESIGNED it to be! Christians are constantly telling other people that they are rejecting God, or that they are SINNERS because they love their own gender, or because they believe in evolution, or some other such foolishness. You may say, "Well I'm not like that!" Well fine, then all you are saying is that you disagree with the very dogma that you claim to believe in. Psalms 14: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." If you don't believe that, then you don't believe in the Bible after all. The nice thing about pantheism is that it doesn't cut anyone down. It's truly divine. The Bible was clearly written by viscious men who were trying to force people to believe like them. When you accept the Bible as the word of God you are actually accepting the philosophy of the Mediterraneans, and all the bigotry and hate that they put in it. |
Allen Aqua, the portrayal of "victim" is really wearing thin on these threads. Stay out if you can’t handle the slightest bit of debate. Stay in Christian Singles. You have your own forum for goodness sake. Grow a thicker skin.
I'm only saying that even on a human level only, it's highly disrepectful to insult others for their beliefs unless they affect you directly.
As an atheist, if I am to take a public office, I have to swear on a holy book, in being sworn in. If I am a witness in a trial, I am supposed to swear on the bible. If I enlist/re-enlist in the armed forces, I have to swear to god. Are these examples good enough for you, or should I go on? Tell you what...try to get folks to accept that you're 100% sincere in your promise to serve them with a good and wholesome heart, based soley on your own word and your own well scrutinized background, without fear of reprisal from God. See if they take your word... You may get some naive atheist to accept you, but folks who believe in God will shine you on. Is that your problem? That people who love God and believe in him more than they might believe in you? |
"AllenAqua" on while I look at what's printed on some my US currency ..... oh hell "IN God We Trust" is still printed on it and this affects you how? because I want "In Satan We Trust" printed on it ... "Jill" that you equate "In Satan We Trust" to think I believe Satan exist wouldn't that indicate that "In God We Trust" gives that exactly same meaning about the government |
Edited by
Fri 01/23/09 10:09 AM
Allen Aqua, the portrayal of "victim" is really wearing thin on these threads. Stay out if you can’t handle the slightest bit of debate. Stay in Christian Singles. You have your own forum for goodness sake. Grow a thicker skin. report me if you think I'm not following rules and guidelines. The OP is about why she believes and since it's the same consistant posters who attack anyone who's pro-Christian, I'm well within my rights to object and offer my own opinion in support of the OP. |