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Topic: Atheism Weak or Strong
MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:04 PM

A TO slave?

:smile: He was speaking to (and about) slaves:smile:

Yes, so? He is telling them to be submissive to their masters as they would be to Christ.
:smile: Do you realize what happened to disobedient slaves?:smile:It was not an endorsment of slavery but rather a statement of fact.:smile:Like when Jesus said "render unto Ceaser what is Ceasers and render unto God what is Gods":smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:05 PM


Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God. Col.3:22

:smile: Thats not an endorsment of slavery but a statement of fact.:smile: Do you realize what happened to disobedient slaves and servants?:smile:

So in other words you are saying well Paul was looking out for their best interests, telling them not to rebel so they dont get murdered, is that it?
:smile: yes:smile:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:05 PM
Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed. 1 Tim.6:1

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:05 PM

It looks bad for Paul.
huh No it donthuh

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:06 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 01/21/09 03:07 PM
I can keep going but you are in denial. Paul was a proponent of slavery.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:07 PM

Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed. 1 Tim.6:1

:smile: You're (or wherever you are getting your info)twisting the meaning of the scripture.:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:08 PM

I can keep going but you are in denial. Paul was a proponent of slavery.
huh He was notlaugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:10 PM
bigsmile Thank you for the discussion Krimsa.flowerforyouBut I think we are at an impass.flowerforyouThere is no way to convince me (or anyone that actually knows the scripture) that Paul endorsed slaveryflowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:13 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 01/21/09 03:20 PM
No way to convince a Christian even though it’s right there. I also showed you some of the OT and you refuse to accept that also.

Ephesian 6:5 (6:5-9) does say 'Slave, obey your master.'

Any attempt to say that it was servant is just pure dissimulation. The christian tradition of slavery was the same as the classical tradition rather than the Jewish one, slaves were still treated as sub human animals. They were not protected and coddled, the life expectancy of slaves in the galleys, the mines and the quarries was weeks or months and the sexual abuse of slaves was not regarded as adultery.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:22 PM

No way to convince a Christian even though it’s right there. I also showed you some of the OT and you refuse to accept that also.

Ephesian 6:5 (6:5-9) does say 'Slave, obey your master.'

Any attempt to say that it was servant is just pure dissimulation. The christian tradition of slavery was the same as the classical tradition rather than the Jewish one, slaves were still treated as sub human animals. They were not protected and coddled, the life expectancy of slaves in the galleys, the mines and the quarries was weeks or months and the sexual abuse of slaves was not regarded as adultery.
flowerforyou I wasn't disagreeing with you about the OT,I was merely pointing out that the people in the OT were not Christians.flowerforyouThe philosophy of "Jesus" did not endorse slavery.:smile:However, slaves could BE Christians.:smile:And many were.:smile:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:23 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 01/21/09 03:24 PM
I wasn’t only referring to the OT there. All of it. The OT is the word of god.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:24 PM

No way to convince a Christian even though it’s right there. I also showed you some of the OT and you refuse to accept that also.

Ephesian 6:5 (6:5-9) does say 'Slave, obey your master.'

Any attempt to say that it was servant is just pure dissimulation. The christian tradition of slavery was the same as the classical tradition rather than the Jewish one, slaves were still treated as sub human animals. They were not protected and coddled, the life expectancy of slaves in the galleys, the mines and the quarries was weeks or months and the sexual abuse of slaves was not regarded as adultery.
:smile: I am saying that any man who owns a slave is NOT a REAL Christian no matter what he says.:smile:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:26 PM
Thats called the "No True Scottsman" fallacy. Its when one trys to elude blame for something by insisting that "no true Christian" would ever do that.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:27 PM

I wasn’t only referring to the OT there. All of it. The OT is the word of god.
:smile: I know Krimsa.flowerforyou The OT may have endorsed slavery but no follower of "Jesus"(such as Paul) ever endorsed slavery.:smile:But they had to deal with the harsh reality that it existed because they were powerless to stop it.:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:27 PM

Thats called the "No True Scottsman" fallacy. Its when one trys to elude blame for something by insisting that "no true Christian" would ever do that.
:smile: I am saying that any man who owns a slave and calls himself a Christian is a liar.:smile:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:28 PM
That would be a "No True Scottsman"

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:29 PM
:smile: Do Pagans believe in slavery?:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:29 PM

That would be a "No True Scottsman"
flowerforyou If you say soflowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:30 PM
Im saying by definition it would be.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 01/21/09 03:33 PM

:smile: Do Pagans believe in slavery?:smile:

Do modern day pagans? :tongue: Sex slaves yes.

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