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Topic: Your child is smoking pot
Duffy's photo
Fri 06/19/09 05:19 PM
look i say let the kids smoke, and parents, u go to a movie. they r going to figure a way to do it anyhow....with or without u knowing.... trust me...:wink:

Marie55's photo
Fri 06/19/09 09:58 PM

not dull...that's how you feel. I smoke cigarettes and occasionally drink....my point is...if adults want to do things then they accept the consequences of it....but not kids. I wouldn't give my kid cigarettes or alcohol or pot. he is 18 now and can legally smoke (knowing the risks because I drilled that into him) but he also knows what's legal and not. he also knows when he is 21....PI and DUI can ruin lives....

I agree when they are legal age, then it is on their shoulders, by their own choice. But not by being tricked into a possible drug charge like your niece. And that guy giving your nephew pot, just plain wrong. There are people with addictive personalities who just plain need to stay away from drugs and alcohol and the younger they start, the more addicted they become and it can ruin their lives. My daughter was one of those. Took a fortune to get her straightened out.

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 06/19/09 10:54 PM

not dull...that's how you feel. I smoke cigarettes and occasionally drink....my point is...if adults want to do things then they accept the consequences of it....but not kids. I wouldn't give my kid cigarettes or alcohol or pot. he is 18 now and can legally smoke (knowing the risks because I drilled that into him) but he also knows what's legal and not. he also knows when he is 21....PI and DUI can ruin lives....

I agree...other than the PI charge really doesn't ruin your life, DUI will, but a PI charge is damn near laughable in how they punish those cases.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 06/20/09 01:17 AM
This errand run is exactly why I have and always will stress to people not to be a taxi service for anyone.

You would be amazed the number of jokers that are carrying drugs or a gun and can put you in the middle of a jackpot by being in your vehical or that matter living in your house.

I talk to a Grandfather that is beside himself because his Grandbaby's Daddy is so high all the time he dropped the baby off his lap playing a computer game. When I ask why they didn't just kick him out he said they had been threatend that dope was hidden so many places that they would never find it all and he would turn them in and get their homes taken away from them for trafficing or at least the baby taken by CPS. The grandmother quit her job to babysit but he dominated her to the point the daughter quit her job recently too. Drugs are a plague in this country every bit as much as other countries.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 06/20/09 10:46 AM

This errand run is exactly why I have and always will stress to people not to be a taxi service for anyone.

You would be amazed the number of jokers that are carrying drugs or a gun and can put you in the middle of a jackpot by being in your vehical or that matter living in your house.

I talk to a Grandfather that is beside himself because his Grandbaby's Daddy is so high all the time he dropped the baby off his lap playing a computer game. When I ask why they didn't just kick him out he said they had been threatend that dope was hidden so many places that they would never find it all and he would turn them in and get their homes taken away from them for trafficing or at least the baby taken by CPS. The grandmother quit her job to babysit but he dominated her to the point the daughter quit her job recently too. Drugs are a plague in this country every bit as much as other countries.

Call the police, inform them that he has drugs hidden in the house somewhere but you are not sure where, as long as the police know of the drugs and the fact that you are unaware of their location but you are basing it off past threats...should be okay, typically police will take your word over a drug addict anyway, especially if he is a known user.

Honestly, they are worse off because if he does get busted the CPS will open an investigation anyway. Don't make excuses, make change...nothing comes from 'he said/she said'. If it is explained to the responding officers (preferably a sheriff if they have to perform an eviction) they should understand, may tear the house up looking for the drugs...but at least no one that shouldn't go down, will go down.

Winx's photo
Sat 06/20/09 10:49 AM

not dull...that's how you feel. I smoke cigarettes and occasionally drink....my point is...if adults want to do things then they accept the consequences of it....but not kids. I wouldn't give my kid cigarettes or alcohol or pot. he is 18 now and can legally smoke (knowing the risks because I drilled that into him) but he also knows what's legal and not. he also knows when he is 21....PI and DUI can ruin lives....

I agree...other than the PI charge really doesn't ruin your life, DUI will, but a PI charge is damn near laughable in how they punish those cases.

If it's on your record, it makes it more difficult to find good jobs.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/20/09 10:52 AM

not dull...that's how you feel. I smoke cigarettes and occasionally drink....my point is...if adults want to do things then they accept the consequences of it....but not kids. I wouldn't give my kid cigarettes or alcohol or pot. he is 18 now and can legally smoke (knowing the risks because I drilled that into him) but he also knows what's legal and not. he also knows when he is 21....PI and DUI can ruin lives....

I agree...other than the PI charge really doesn't ruin your life, DUI will, but a PI charge is damn near laughable in how they punish those cases.

If it's on your record, it makes it more difficult to find good jobs.

Plus...here in Texas, they are pretty had on drunks and rightfully so IMO

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/20/09 10:52 AM

look i say let the kids smoke, and parents, u go to a movie. they r going to figure a way to do it anyhow....with or without u knowing.... trust me...:wink:

I really hope this is sarcasim

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 06/21/09 11:13 AM

look i say let the kids smoke, and parents, u go to a movie. they r going to figure a way to do it anyhow....with or without u knowing.... trust me...:wink:

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 06/21/09 06:04 PM

not dull...that's how you feel. I smoke cigarettes and occasionally drink....my point is...if adults want to do things then they accept the consequences of it....but not kids. I wouldn't give my kid cigarettes or alcohol or pot. he is 18 now and can legally smoke (knowing the risks because I drilled that into him) but he also knows what's legal and not. he also knows when he is 21....PI and DUI can ruin lives....

I agree...other than the PI charge really doesn't ruin your life, DUI will, but a PI charge is damn near laughable in how they punish those cases.

If it's on your record, it makes it more difficult to find good jobs.

Not really (speaking from experience). At least not in Utah and Illinois, all I had in Utah was a fine of about 300 or 400 dollars spent 30 days in jail off a seperate charge of trespassing...but the public intox charge hardly did anything.

Winx's photo
Sun 06/21/09 07:46 PM

not dull...that's how you feel. I smoke cigarettes and occasionally drink....my point is...if adults want to do things then they accept the consequences of it....but not kids. I wouldn't give my kid cigarettes or alcohol or pot. he is 18 now and can legally smoke (knowing the risks because I drilled that into him) but he also knows what's legal and not. he also knows when he is 21....PI and DUI can ruin lives....

I agree...other than the PI charge really doesn't ruin your life, DUI will, but a PI charge is damn near laughable in how they punish those cases.

If it's on your record, it makes it more difficult to find good jobs.

Not really (speaking from experience). At least not in Utah and Illinois, all I had in Utah was a fine of about 300 or 400 dollars spent 30 days in jail off a seperate charge of trespassing...but the public intox charge hardly did anything.

It matters if you're licensed to work in the medical field. It matters for quite a few job positions outside of the medical field too.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 06/21/09 07:55 PM
PI's and DUI's matter for CDL's here in Texas.

Marie55's photo
Sun 06/21/09 09:35 PM
For any state job in Washington you have to pass a background check. When I worked in the prison system, had to pass an FBI background check too.

You cannot work for the prison system (in custody positions or any position where you would have to do a transport) if you have a DUI, affects your license and if you cannot drive, you cannot transport inmates (obviously) -- people were put on administrative leave for getting DUIs when they were employees, until they resolved the issue, if they couldn't resolve it and keep their license, they lost their job.

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 06/22/09 04:14 AM

For any state job in Washington you have to pass a background check. When I worked in the prison system, had to pass an FBI background check too.

You cannot work for the prison system (in custody positions or any position where you would have to do a transport) if you have a DUI, affects your license and if you cannot drive, you cannot transport inmates (obviously) -- people were put on administrative leave for getting DUIs when they were employees, until they resolved the issue, if they couldn't resolve it and keep their license, they lost their job.

I paid 300 dollars for a ticket, one of many...I decided long ago not to work for the government. I've been an anarchist for about 8 years (16-today). You can get your license 6 months-2 years after the charge, I wasn't eligible for my license until I was 22, that's six years. It is ridiculous that a PI charge does that, would think the opposite effect would occur...might as well drive, going to lose my license anyway...

no photo
Mon 06/22/09 07:14 PM
well LOTS of people smoke pot. doctors, writers, RNs, teachers, cops, lawyers, grandmas, grandpas, CEOs, drug dealers, college students . i mean from ever aspect of life. i think berfore 14 its NO but from then on out if they take care of **** get good grades and work i dont think it would be something to worry about . i would rather my kid be out smoking and driving and NOT drinking and driving.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 06/22/09 11:29 PM
A pot charge is serious if you want to get money for education from the state or federal government you are out of luck. The list of employers is growing daily because the cost of being stupid on their insurance is just not worth investing in an employee; especially one they might want to train and promote later but consider a security risk when they checked into you. It is also going to bar you from some special home loan programs and may eventually other credit venues. It will keep you out of public houseing and some retirement communities. Statisticlly it makes you a bad risk for having children with birth defects and early onset COPD and Alzheimers. Has there been definitive research? No but then drug studies are usually funded to prove saftey of drugs that are sold for LEGAL profit. Just the fact that the majority of dope is sold illegally should make you figure you are the one that has the most to loose useing them because you have no protection of the law that you are getting what you pay for.

punx_not_dead's photo
Tue 06/23/09 12:10 AM
OK so im not a parent but i am a child. and yes...i smoke pot. i think my mom went about it the right way tho. she told me (since she used to do it herself when she was my age) that if you are going to do it...do it responsibly. i mean it may sound silly but shes right. when she says responsibly she means indoors and only with people that you trust. and she said she would rather me do that than harder drugs, ciggarettes, or alcohol. she has also told me all the consequences that could happen with pot like jail and probation and not getting a good job. and i understand that. but im not just gonna go outside a light up a joint anytime soon. but also understand that you would have to know that it can lead to other more dangerous drugs. like you would have to know how addictive your kids personality is. mine? i can quit cold turkey. but like my friends...she wanted a better high. so it all depends if your child has a good head on their shoulders. OH and dont be super strict on your kid because of it cuz it will want him/her to smoke more.

punx_not_dead's photo
Tue 06/23/09 12:13 AM

OK so im not a parent but i am a child. and yes...i smoke pot. i think my mom went about it the right way tho. she told me (since she used to do it herself when she was my age) that if you are going to do it...do it responsibly. i mean it may sound silly but shes right. when she says responsibly she means indoors and only with people that you trust. and she said she would rather me do that than harder drugs, ciggarettes, or alcohol. she has also told me all the consequences that could happen with pot like jail and probation and not getting a good job. and i understand that. but im not just gonna go outside a light up a joint anytime soon. but also understand that you would have to know that it can lead to other more dangerous drugs. like you would have to know how addictive your kids personality is. mine? i can quit cold turkey. but like my friends...she wanted a better high. so it all depends if your child has a good head on their shoulders. OH and dont be super strict on your kid because of it cuz it will want him/her to smoke more.

oh and ive never been caught =]

geektothetenth's photo
Tue 06/23/09 10:18 AM

my niece is 18 and as of right now...still shaking because she went on a drug run without knowing it and knows if they got busted...she would have gone to jail. she would have to press charges. but as far as my nephew...not only would I call the cops but CPS too

she just told me that she had been told that a friend was paying back money he owed that dad and it was to get his car fixed

I better not find out where they live or who the dad is

Your niece was not going to go to jail. The crime isn't driving a pot head around, the crime is possession, since the father was in possession (I'm assuming he didn't pull it out and try stashing it in the car) he would've been the only one doing something illegal. but yeah he's an @ss for being shady about needing a ride.

The worst that happens to people on pot (based on what people are saying here) seems to be getting in trouble with the law for smoking pot, and having that disqualify you for certain jobs. It's like that old commercial that shows a kid lighting up in a bathroom and a cop comes in and puts him in cuffs, saying this is what can happen to you when you smoke. Weird logic, if the worst affect of pot is being arrested, than the law seems to be more hurtful than the substance, in which case any reasonable logic loving society would simply change the law.

I don't drive right away after I smoke pot, sometimes I'll drive after a few hours but usually if I'm going to smoke, I'll do it at the end of the day and in the privacy of my home. Is it as bad as drinking and driving probably not, but it still dulls your reaction time and can make you zone out a bit. A car is a 1 ton blunt weapon capable of going 120mph. If I were stoned and accidentally hit someone, I'd always wonder whether or not I could've avoided it were I sober, you'd never know for sure and that'd eat me up inside.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 06/23/09 10:23 AM

my niece is 18 and as of right now...still shaking because she went on a drug run without knowing it and knows if they got busted...she would have gone to jail. she would have to press charges. but as far as my nephew...not only would I call the cops but CPS too

she just told me that she had been told that a friend was paying back money he owed that dad and it was to get his car fixed

I better not find out where they live or who the dad is

Your niece was not going to go to jail. The crime isn't driving a pot head around, the crime is possession, since the father was in possession (I'm assuming he didn't pull it out and try stashing it in the car) he would've been the only one doing something illegal. but yeah he's an @ss for being shady about needing a ride.

The worst that happens to people on pot (based on what people are saying here) seems to be getting in trouble with the law for smoking pot, and having that disqualify you for certain jobs. It's like that old commercial that shows a kid lighting up in a bathroom and a cop comes in and puts him in cuffs, saying this is what can happen to you when you smoke. Weird logic, if the worst affect of pot is being arrested, than the law seems to be more hurtful than the substance, in which case any reasonable logic loving society would simply change the law.

I don't drive right away after I smoke pot, sometimes I'll drive after a few hours but usually if I'm going to smoke, I'll do it at the end of the day and in the privacy of my home. Is it as bad as drinking and driving probably not, but it still dulls your reaction time and can make you zone out a bit. A car is a 1 ton blunt weapon capable of going 120mph. If I were stoned and accidentally hit someone, I'd always wonder whether or not I could've avoided it were I sober, you'd never know for sure and that'd eat me up inside.

it could be transporting as well. Texas has tough laws on these things...which I don't mind the laws being tough on that, drinking and underage smoking

my main problem with my niece was the dad didn't tell her (actually lied to her) and if she knew she would have never done it. she is too damn trusting and I lectured her when I heard.

she could have gotten busted, especially when it's his word against hers...and she was driving.

this dad has no problem letting his 15 yr old smoke with him...and seems to think it's ok to lie to my niece to do a pot run and give it to my nephew.

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