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Topic: Your child is smoking pot
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 06/06/09 12:54 AM

I've been to rehab twice. Me and 99% of the people I know, and have asked what was there "gateway" drug. The answer is always alcohol. People tend to forget that alcohol is indeed a drug. If anybody wants to point the finger at "what causes users to graduate to experiment with harder drugs?"...it should be alcohol. JMO.


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 06/06/09 10:52 AM

Depends - if you smoked weed when you were young or stayed clean. My teen asked me and I admitted to it, because I won't lie to her. I did tell her the trouble it led to and why I wish I hadn't wasted so much time and energy on it, though.

Duffy's photo
Sat 06/06/09 01:50 PM
oh i took a survey of wa state, and the consensus is that pot is a thing of the past.
they smoke cow pies now......some kind of high from manure..drool drool drool drool :laughing: flowers

SunnyMcleod's photo
Sun 06/07/09 01:49 PM

The sad thing about that question is that some, or many people, find the question entirely different than the question of "If your child is drinking alcohol."

I see little difference between marijuana and booze. Not in the effects, (obviously they're totally different) just in the way you have to watch it.
I smoke weed. I've admitted this fully and completely. And have no shame in it. But that doesn't mean that it won't effect my life if I let it. Alcohol does the same thing.
Now that being said, if I smoked it everyday, without fail, then I have a problem. It's like drinking everyday. You have to realize that it WILL effect your body, brain and life.
But whether it's weed, alcohol or twinkies, you really need to realize that all things are fine in moderation

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 06/07/09 06:03 PM

oh i took a survey of wa state, and the consensus is that pot is a thing of the past.
they smoke cow pies now......some kind of high from manure..drool drool drool drool :laughing: flowers

That's how you get shrooms.smokin

Marie55's photo
Sun 06/07/09 08:08 PM
I typed a note the other day on a pregnant woman, doesn't drink but smokes pot -- states she is "TRYING TO QUIT" -- hmmmmm, so glad it is not addictive and that little fetus inside her is getting high along with her. frustrated frustrated frustrated

That is one of the things that really ticks me off about drugs, the little babies have no say-so over what is put into their bodies while they are inside their moms and their "dumb-az" moms doing drugs and alcohol while pregnant totally mess up these little critters before they ever see the light of day. Some of the babies are born with horrific effects of the drugs and alcohol and spend the rest of their lives dealing with the effects.:cry: That is one of the reasons I am so anti-drug and anti-alcohol too.grumble frustrated rant grumble

Okay, I will shut up now, sorry for the rant.explode explode

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 06/07/09 08:21 PM

I typed a note the other day on a pregnant woman, doesn't drink but smokes pot -- states she is "TRYING TO QUIT" -- hmmmmm, so glad it is not addictive and that little fetus inside her is getting high along with her. frustrated frustrated frustrated

That is one of the things that really ticks me off about drugs, the little babies have no say-so over what is put into their bodies while they are inside their moms and their "dumb-az" moms doing drugs and alcohol while pregnant totally mess up these little critters before they ever see the light of day. Some of the babies are born with horrific effects of the drugs and alcohol and spend the rest of their lives dealing with the effects.:cry: That is one of the reasons I am so anti-drug and anti-alcohol too.grumble frustrated rant grumble

Okay, I will shut up now, sorry for the rant.explode explode

Responsibility, the same occurs with alcohol only alcohol is more often.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 06/07/09 11:50 PM

oh i took a survey of wa state, and the consensus is that pot is a thing of the past.
they smoke cow pies now......some kind of high from manure..drool drool drool drool :laughing: flowers
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Marie55's photo
Mon 06/08/09 12:07 AM

oh i took a survey of wa state, and the consensus is that pot is a thing of the past.
they smoke cow pies now......some kind of high from manure..drool drool drool drool :laughing: flowers
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Ahhh, it is not the manure that they "we" from Washington are getting high off of, it is the "left over unsmoked pot" that is in
the cowpies. After all, can't let any go to waste now, can we?????
And you thought the cows were laying around chewing their cuds all happy and content for no reason now, didn't ya???? laugh laugh
You just don't see them stash their "smokes" when you go by the fields.:wink: noway

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/09/09 10:34 AM

oh i took a survey of wa state, and the consensus is that pot is a thing of the past.
they smoke cow pies now......some kind of high from manure..drool drool drool drool :laughing: flowers
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Ahhh, it is not the manure that they "we" from Washington are getting high off of, it is the "left over unsmoked pot" that is in
the cowpies. After all, can't let any go to waste now, can we?????
And you thought the cows were laying around chewing their cuds all happy and content for no reason now, didn't ya???? laugh laugh
You just don't see them stash their "smokes" when you go by the fields.:wink: noway
laugh laugh

Winx's photo
Tue 06/09/09 07:45 PM

I typed a note the other day on a pregnant woman, doesn't drink but smokes pot -- states she is "TRYING TO QUIT" -- hmmmmm, so glad it is not addictive and that little fetus inside her is getting high along with her. frustrated frustrated frustrated

That is one of the things that really ticks me off about drugs, the little babies have no say-so over what is put into their bodies while they are inside their moms and their "dumb-az" moms doing drugs and alcohol while pregnant totally mess up these little critters before they ever see the light of day. Some of the babies are born with horrific effects of the drugs and alcohol and spend the rest of their lives dealing with the effects.:cry: That is one of the reasons I am so anti-drug and anti-alcohol too.grumble frustrated rant grumble

Okay, I will shut up now, sorry for the rant.explode explode

That is so very sad, Marie. It makes me sick.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/09/09 08:22 PM
Myth: Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Damages the Fetus. Prenatal marijuana exposure causes birth defects in babies, and, as they grow older, developmental problems. The health and well being of the next generation is threatened by marijuana use by pregnant women.

Fact: Studies of newborns, infants, and children show no consistent physical, developmental, or cognitive deficits related to prenatal marijuana exposure. Marijuana had no reliable impact on birth size, length of gestation, neurological development, or the occurrence of physical abnormalities. The administration of hundreds of tests to older children has revealed only minor differences between offspring of marijuana users and nonusers, and some are positive rather than negative. Two unconfirmed case-control studies identified prenatal marijuana exposure as one of many factors statistically associated with childhood cancer. Given other available evidence, it is highly unlikely that marijuana causes cancer in children.

Winx's photo
Tue 06/09/09 08:36 PM

Myth: Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Damages the Fetus. Prenatal marijuana exposure causes birth defects in babies, and, as they grow older, developmental problems. The health and well being of the next generation is threatened by marijuana use by pregnant women.

Fact: Studies of newborns, infants, and children show no consistent physical, developmental, or cognitive deficits related to prenatal marijuana exposure. Marijuana had no reliable impact on birth size, length of gestation, neurological development, or the occurrence of physical abnormalities. The administration of hundreds of tests to older children has revealed only minor differences between offspring of marijuana users and nonusers, and some are positive rather than negative. Two unconfirmed case-control studies identified prenatal marijuana exposure as one of many factors statistically associated with childhood cancer. Given other available evidence, it is highly unlikely that marijuana causes cancer in children.

Source of information?

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/09/09 08:44 PM

Winx's photo
Tue 06/09/09 08:56 PM
The American Academy of Pediatrics is against marijuana use during pregnancy and nursing a child.

Winx's photo
Tue 06/09/09 09:01 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 06/09/09 09:02 PM
American Academy of Pediatrics:

Marijuana and Children:

Some short-term effects of smoking marijuana include:

*Calm, relaxed, sleepy feeling

*Increased appetite

*Dry, bloodshot eyes; dry throat and mouth

*Increased heart rate

*Slowed reaction time

*Poor short-term memory

*Anxiety, panic attacks, or paranoia

Why young people try marijuana:

There are many reasons why young people use drugs. Some of the most common reasons are:

*To fit in with their friends

*To avoid dealing with strong emotions or problems

*Because they are curious

*To rebel and be different

*For a quick way to feel good and have fun

*Because some media show drug use as "cool" or normal and not having any bad effects.

Some teens may think using marijuana will make them "cool" or seem more adult-like. They need to know that marijuana use is not a normal step in growing up, despite what their peers may say.

The risks:

Over time, marijuana may cause serious physical effects in teens who are still growing and maturing. These include:

*Lower sperm count and testosterone levels in males (Testosterone is a hormone that controls hair and penis growth, muscle mass, and voice changes during puberty.)

*Irregular menstrual periods and ovulation in females, which can lead to infertility

*Heart and lung damage


*Memory problems

*Psychological dependence on the drug

Marijuana can make it difficult for a person to think, listen, speak, remember things, solve problems, and form concepts. It can also affect how well your teen does in school. Heavy, chronic marijuana smokers often have less drive and ambition.

The effects of marijuana can make driving or playing sports risky. This is because marijuana impairs complex motor skills and the ability to judge speed and time. Using drugs like marijuana increases the risk of injury, such as from vehicle crashes.

In adolescence, sexual feelings are evolving and changing. Smoking marijuana can confuse these feelings and cause your teen to take sexual chances. This could lead to an unplanned pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease (including HIV, the virus that causes AIDS).


Marie55's photo
Tue 06/09/09 09:57 PM
You are also relying on a "dealer" to give you a "quality product" unless you grow your own. What if it has been laced with some other drug?? There are lots of unknowns. ohwell huh

I worry about my 9 y/o granddaughter getting curious about drugs as she gets a little older and then her 5 y/o brother behind her. :cry: explode

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 06/10/09 03:16 AM

You are also relying on a "dealer" to give you a "quality product" unless you grow your own. What if it has been laced with some other drug?? There are lots of unknowns. ohwell huh

I worry about my 9 y/o granddaughter getting curious about drugs as she gets a little older and then her 5 y/o brother behind her. :cry: explode

Trust your dealer. I only go through one person to get my marijuana, the things I've noticed it to be laced with is usually quite mild compared to out in the West. Even in the West though you can find a dealer that will sell good quality, usually the shady one's have it laced with something strong or hard but the effects of the drug that marijuana is laced with is typically minimal if at all noticeable. It is a very difficult process to grow a hybrid plant (split of marijuana and another drug).

no photo
Wed 06/10/09 03:41 AM
my latest batch o plants are doing well thanks, decorative too winking

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 06/10/09 03:43 AM

my latest batch o plants are doing well thanks, decorative too winking

Getting big? Gotta love the big ones.tongue2

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