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Topic: Witchcraft and Shamanism
Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:12 PM

:banana: Weird I could no post for a second. They haven't banned me that Im aware of and Ive been a good girl. Hmm.

Maybe you were only a little bad and they banned you for 15 minutes. :tongue:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:19 PM
Na, I think its my computer. Im having RAM problems. They have to always tell you when they are about to do it. Sometimes they will let me post one last time. laugh

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:35 PM
Abracadabra said:

I too have studied the Biblical picture in great depth. I was raised as a Christian and at one time considered becoming a preacher myself.

Oh no. Perish the thought. laugh :wink:

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:42 PM

That always drove me crazy that there was no reason for the preference of the animal offering over the vegetable offering.

The answer is simple.

The Bible was written by human authors who were trying to be dramatic. Clearly a vegetable offering doesn't carry with it the soap opera drama of the blood and guts of an animal offering.

It's truly sad, and quite sick actually, that modern people fall for that crap (and that stupid mentality!).

I truly divine being would have much favored the vegetable offering and would have told Abel to quite killing his pets. bigsmile

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:45 PM
I was actually thinking that for real and not as a joke. God gave preferential treatment to Abel because he slaughtered a bunch of animals and god prefers blood sacrifice to a bunch of lentils and grains and carrots or whatever Cain slaved over. Its just awful parenting. grumble

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:46 PM

That always drove me crazy that there was no reason for the preference of the animal offering over the vegetable offering.

Higher life forms release more life energy when killed to feed the inter dimensional demons (aliens) or "spirits" mistook as gods.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:57 PM

Abracadabra said:

I too have studied the Biblical picture in great depth. I was raised as a Christian and at one time considered becoming a preacher myself.

Oh no. Perish the thought. laugh :wink:

Yes, that thought has long since perished. Jesus has been thoroughly contaminated but the rest of the Mediterranean mythology (i.e. the Old Testament and references to it made by the idiots who wrote the New Testament).

I have since learned that Buddha taught all the good stuff that Jesus taught, and taught it much better. In fact, I'm thoroughly convinced that Jesus did indeed travel to the far east during his "missing years" from 12 to 30, and studied Buddhism. Then he returned to his home land and tried to help his brothers see the light.

That's precisely how I see it. Christians call this view, "Bashing their religion", but that's hogwash. It's not their religion!

All of human history belongs to all of mankind. If there is a book that claims to be the word of our creator then every human being has a right to look into it and offer their own honest opinion on the matter.

It is my honest sincere opinion that the Holy Bible and all the Mediterranean mythology associated with it is utterly stupid hogwash and could not possible have been the inspired word of any truly intelligent divine being.

That's not 'bashing' anyone. That's just my honest opinion about a stupid frigging book that claims to be the word of my creator.

I say that it's totally made up bull crap and I reject it as being an insult to both humanity and our creator.

Of course, when I say that it's made up I'm talking about the Old Testament.

I do believe that a man named Jesus tried to enlighten those idiots and was nailed to a pole for his efforts. But to suggest that he was a sacrificial pig of God is an insult to all that is holy. And so I reject that notion entirely.

I hold the following with firm conviction:

Jesus could not possibly have been the son of the God of Abraham. That's crystal clear.

In fact I'm totally at a lost to understand why clergy can't see this blatant obvious truth.

Like Jeanniebean often suggests, they don't want to put themselves out of business. That's what it truly comes down to. What would they do if they denounce the only thing that give them any "authority" at all? That would be like shooting themselves in their own foot.

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:04 PM
Just ringing in the new year here

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:06 PM
Invisible wrote:

It was recommended that I wait until the new year with sending something, and I'm lucky that I listened for once. surprised

Oh that book looks good. I'm looking forward to reading it and purifying this place. I'm working on reorganizing and cleaning as we speak.

Any luck finding that Crystal Energy book by the same author? That looks really interesting but I can't find it for sale in the states.

I've been doing a lot of research on wand making. I finally found a wand that is something like what I'd like to make.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:08 PM
I guess, if Christians did not have the sacrifice of Jesus on a pole then what would be their path to salvation today? There would be none. The religion would not even have grounds to exist. They would lose their big climatic self righteous suicidal ending. We could all go home. No crusades, no inquisition, none of it. Although something more than likely would have come along to fill in that void. Another dragon head would have popped out of the hydra or maybe Judaism would have become that much more world dominant and aggressive.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:18 PM
Here is a question,

If you could go back in time and tell Jesus what he was doing (his act of self sacrifice) would lead to the deaths of MILLIONS in his name, do you think he would have stood up for himself against the organized faith of the time rather than let himself die?

Well, anyways I think the one thing I at least will pray for in my own way is that man kind finally has an awakening of conscious to see we are GROSSLY over stepping our limits as a species and acting like a pack of Chimpanzees.
For those who like to romanticize nature keep this in mind, chimpanzees act a lot more like us (or the other way around) than most humans would like to think. They kill, they make war on each other, and man are they sexually VICIOUS! Hopefully within our life times the great awakening will happen but with Generation X I got to wonder where the hell mankind is going!!!.
Let us pray for a great awakening in our own ways and also pray for true peace to rule!

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:27 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/31/08 04:27 PM
I like that wand Abra. It has a natural look to it with the stick. In tune with the earth. Ive also seen one that used a chicken claw to hold the crystal. I guess that might bother some people but it would probably be very traditional.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:30 PM

Here is a question,

If you could go back in time and tell Jesus what he was doing (his act of self sacrifice) would lead to the deaths of MILLIONS in his name, do you think he would have stood up for himself against the organized faith of the time rather than let himself die?

Jesus would roll over in his grave if he knew how his name has been abused by religion over the millennia.

Jesus didn't even believe in religion. He was a Buddhist, I'm sure.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:55 PM

I like that wand Abra. It has a natural look to it with the stick. In tune with the earth. Ive also seen one that used a chicken claw to hold the crystal. I guess that might bother some people but it would probably be very traditional.

I've been doing some serious research into wand making. It's not an easy topic to find good information on. Lots of different idea, myths and superstitions surrounding wands.

The main thing I've noticed is that different people have extermely different ideas of precisely what is important, and what isn't.

Of course, ultimately what is most important (in my view) is how the user feels about it. To me, that is far more important than anything else, because ultimately wands are not magickal at all, but rather they are tools to help transmit and transform a person's spiritual and emotional power.

Having said that, there is something to be said for freedom of vibration. In other words, since it is my belief that wands are tools for the transferrence and transformation of emotional and spiritual energy, then it makes sense that these tools should be constructed in such a way as to allow any crystals and wooden handles to vibrate at their natural frequencies.

Being a physicist, and technologist, and a lover of tools, I am well-tuned to the need for vibrational harmony.

I've also noticed that wands are big business. bigsmile

Here's a shop that sells some pretty fancy wands.


Many of these are beauitful.

Ironically I like some of the less expensive ones.

This fairy wand is only $12. It's more my style. laugh

Although I probably would fancy it up a bit with beads and feathers or something.

I also like this flora wand. It's not too bad at $35 compared to their other prices. But I'm just looking at the design. I'd probably use a wooded handle and carve the face in it myself.

And now that I've seen a chakra wand owl have to make one. :wink:

This one is only $20. That would be hard to build even for that. I mean it has all seven chakra stones, garnet, carnelian, citrine, rose quartz, amazonite, sodalite and amethyst plus a quartz crystal at each end!

You'd be hard pressed to get all those stones together for $20. And then you'd still need to build the thing.

I might look into just ordering this chakra wand. Owl have to see how much their shipping charges are.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:09 PM
Wow! Those are BEAUTIFUL. Now you've got me all into wands. I LOVE that fairy one. I think thats my favorite so far. Its very plain but has an interesting look. Thanks for that site.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:44 PM
I don't have a wand. I did for a while, but never used it. I have a small knife with a handle made from a deer antler that I use. Just personal preference I guess.

those wands are very beautiful though, James.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:56 PM
Do staffs apply the same as a wand or is there a significant difference in the purpose of both?

I never felt comfortable with a wand myself. They never felt....


to put it in a fitting term. I have considered making myself a full blown staff but what I make would be dependent on the wood I choose to make it out of.

A friend of mine had a walking stick he made for as silly as this sounds but the wood was gnarled and he hand carved what he seen in the wood. It had the figures of ten people, a dog, a snake, and the top of it had a head that looked like a withered old man. If for any words it was VERY trippy and I could FEEL its personality. I mean it had a resonance to it I could feel. If anything I think it had potential to act the same as any wand. I mean this thing had a real deep feeling to it wen I held it. it was one of the coolest things I had seen in a long time! I wish dearly I had a picture of it at least!

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:59 PM
I think staffs embody male energy more and wands are more feminine but that is the only real difference and they are certainly interchangeable. I wouldn't feel comfortable with a staff just because Im not a tall person. It would be awkward.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/31/08 06:00 PM
Yes, a staff is used to cast a circle the same way a wand or athame would be. You have to use what feels comfortable for you, like you said.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/31/08 06:55 PM
The more I learn about this stuff the more I understand how to use it.

As most of you know I'm a very pragmatic witch. laugh

In fact, I'm more of an alchemist who finally realized the mystical value of various traditions of witchcraft and shamanism.

I think if someone held an athame to my heart and demanded that I confess my true religion I would plead Buddhism.

I'm a mystical witch with strong shamanic overtones and alchemy roots.

Haven't said that, I'm also a cross between a caveman and a starship captain with a leaning toward the primordial. I love technology but I also love the simplistic and the natural. In fact, I truly see no distinction between the two. To me technology is natural. The thing that makes technology so disgusting in our modern times is not the technology itself but rather the greedy commercialism that drives it.

Having said all of that seemingly unrelated mumbo jumbo, the point is that I view many of the tools of witchcraft as nothing more than the primitive technology of mankind that has been used over the ages to facilitate the amplification, storage and transformation of emotional and spiritual vibrational energy.

huff puff

(let me take a breath of life in this long winded post)

I love toys!

Er,... I mean,... tools!

And I'm starting to see the practical value in them. Today I have printed out many pictures, chants, meditation affirmations, and songs, that I have written in regard to my journey into witchcraft and shamanism. I've placed them all in picture frames and screwed them up on my wooden walls.

I screw everything up! bigsmile

It makes it easier to take them back down and replace. :wink:

In any case, I am also building alters under these printed documents and images. I have an altar for each of the four points on the compass whic also relates to the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

I can easily see having a wand for each element, as well as having wands that are specific to other vibrational energies and emotions.

huh puff

Having said all of that, and not being able to shut up yet I have even more to say,...

One of the picture frames I've hung has Deepak Chopra's Seven Spiritual laws, along with a short synopsis of what each is about, as follows.

Pure Potentiality

Meditation, Nature, Non-judgment

Giving & Receiving

Caring, Affection, Appreciation, & Love


Intuitively Correct Choices, Spontaneously

Least Effort

Accept, Respond, Defenselessness

Intent and Desire

Tranformation of Energy and Information


Relinquish Attachment to the Result


Express Your Talents

You might ask,..."What the hell does this have to do with magick wands?"

Well, actually nothing. laugh

At least not directly. But indirectly it does.

You see, material things like athames, wands, crystals, and so forth, actually serve far more purpose than just as functional tools.

As an example, the chakra wand that I'm going to order, (and yes I must have this wand! laugh )

This wand will be very useful for me in my charkra meditations and yoga exercises. It will become my chakra wand, used solely for the purpose of fine tuning my chakras.

It will story my chakra energy and become attuned to my chakra meditations.

I could build my own chakra wand. And I may eventually do that. But for $20 I just can't beat this wand!

In fact, calling it a 'wand' might be misleading. Think of it more as a 'chakra crystal holder'. It's a psychic tool. This tool will serve as a focal point in the physical world for helping me to align both my chakras and my psyche with the Chopra's seven laws of spirituality.

Of course they aren't truly Chropra's laws. They are the enlightenment of the eastern mystics.

I'm a Buddhist Shaman. bigsmile

A Buddhist Witch who likes to organize around physical toys. :wink:

I see no seperation between spirit and body. They are intimately connected. The spirit is omniscient in the physical, and that includes the wands, etc.

huff puff

Did anyone actually read this long-winded ramble? laugh

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