Topic: Witchcraft and Shamanism
Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:04 AM

Oh wait! No, lets torture him anyway. We want him to reveal the names of all the other members of his coven.

:banana: :banana: pitchfork

That's exactly what they'd do!

There's no getting around the hatred and violence of Christianity.

In fact, that's precisely what they did do in the past.

And it's truly heart wrenching because some older feeble women were probably so distraught by their torturers that they told them of their very own daughter's or siblings, probably even thinking that maybe they would come and HELP FREE them from their tormentors.

Can you imagine how horrible it must have been for someone's grandma to have given the name of her grand daughter in the hope of calling for HELP only to then watch her grand daughter being tortured and accused right next to her!

These thoughts are so horrifying, yet these very things most likely did happen.

It's sad beyond comprehension.

And to think that this was done in the name of Jesus is truly sad.

Had Jesus genuinely been God, surely he would have interevened to stop the burning times.

Clearly Jesus was not God.

no photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:16 AM

You have to realize Abra, that these were evil sick men. They were not men of God or even Christianity.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.

That happens all too often even today. The most evil men (and women) pretending to be working for a good cause and yet doing the exact opposite.

This is the evil of the dark priestess. The spy among you who pretends to be your friend.

This is also the evil of the dark Magician, the one who seeks to do you harm.


This is not the people who are taken in by this facade. They are the masses who are gullible and afraid of being different and of not belonging.

The reason for so many different kinds of Christian churches is because people have left the Church and tried to create something better.

Eventually they will leave it all behind and create something better.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:36 AM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 02/12/09 09:42 AM

Eventually they will leave it all behind and create something better.

Yes, I truly do understand this. bigsmile

The vast majority of 'Christians' today truly are 'Designer Christians'.

Many of them talk about a 'Personal walk with God'. Most of them denounce the Church, and most of them actually denounce proselytizing as well, as accepting evolution, and many other concepts.

There are even "Gay Christians" who accept same-gender relationship as being accepted in the eyes of "The Lord Jesus".

There are far more 'Christian Witches' than people realize.

There are even people who call themselves 'Christian Pantheists'.

Humanity is evolving toward an understanding of the pantheisic picture of nature. There's no doubt about it. That's where the future of humanity is headed.

We are indeed experiencing a re-awakengin of the Wizard as Deepak Chopra puts it.

I don't mean to sound vindictive against 'Christians' when I point out the historical atrocities of the religion. Although I'm sure it comes across that way as many people.

My real point is the idea that it make no sense for a supposedly intervening God to sit by and allow people who believe they are following him to do terrible thing IN HIS NAME.

I mean the whole point of an intervening God who writes a rule book would be that he would expect his followers to follow it.

But if his followers are misunderstanding his word then it would be the responsiblity of an intervening God to intervene and point out to his FOLLOWERS that what they are doing is wrong.

Even if that intervention is in the form of inspiration.

In other words, a God who could inspire the writing of the Bible could also inspire the rejection of the Malleus Maleficarum.

That's the whole point.

The idea that some Satanic demon can mislead innocent people away from God spits in the face of the idea that those people have FREE WILL.

For if they are not KNOWINGLY choosing to reject God and they are actually BELIEVING that they are doing God's Will then how can they be rejcting God?

They wouldn't be rejecting God at all!

They would be innocent people who were TRICKED by a Satantic demon into BELIEVING that they were actually doing God's Will!

Clearly the religion is deeply flawed.

And that's my only point.

I'm not trying to point fingers of blame.

I'm just showing why it's flawed and therefore it can't possibly be true.

It makes no sense for a God to allow innocent people to do wrongful things thinking that they are SERVING HIM!

no photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:45 AM

If you look at it symbolically, GOD simply means Good. Lucifer means, lawless.

If people would stop falling prey to thinking of Good and Evil as God and Satan, they could recognize what is going on in their churches and see if what they are looking at is good or evil.

If you are hurting some one and not helping and having compassion for them, is that Good? Is that God? No its not.

You will know the evil ones by their deeds, not by their words.

And the evil ones will disguise themselves as good. They will pretend to be your friend.

People need to listen to their hearts and stop being fooled by appearances, lies and deceptions.

Kindness, love, compassion does not engender hatred and war.

Any intelligent person can figure this out. I want to encourage people to THINK AND FEEL for themselves.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:58 AM

Any intelligent person can figure this out. I want to encourage people to THINK AND FEEL for themselves.

Well, that's just it.

A lot of people believe that Satan is REAL and that God is at war with evil forces, and so on and so forth.

As an example:

They don't view the harassment of same-gender couples as being something wrong simply because it negatively affects the gay couple.

They view the very act of being gay as 'evil' and a act that is associated with Satan.

Same thing goes for practictioners of witchcraft.

In fact, radical fundamentalists even view scientists and atheists as having fallen for the 'temptations' of Satan.

The bottom line is that the Biblical picture of God and the word 'Intelligent' simply aren't imcompatible concepts.

So as soon as you mention 'intelligent people' you rule out the biblical account of God.


Jill298's photo
Thu 02/12/09 12:15 PM
<---- gets tempted by Satan daily devil just ask my family laugh

Jill298's photo
Thu 02/12/09 12:18 PM

Any intelligent person can figure this out. I want to encourage people to THINK AND FEEL for themselves.

Yet another reason I left the Christian church. Unlike Christianity, Paganism actually teaches you to think for yourself and be responsible for your actions. It's accountability I couldn't find anywhere else.
Tho I guess it is easier to blame the big guy up in the sky when things aren't going your way. And your problems in "his" hands and all will be fixed in due time. ohwell

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/13/09 08:37 AM
the hardest part of using this site is not letting it take precedence over my life. When I was gone for a month I made real progress in my daily activities, my studying and my practice. But, I also enjoy being here.

JB, thanks for the help with the reading again. After what you said I took my tennis shoes to work and left them there. I walked on my lunch hour everyday for the last 3 days and I will again today. You're was a real help and I've barely started. Although, I can honestly say it is a huge struggle to get my butt out there.

Today I am getting a massage after work. One of those that just pushes all the yucky negativity right out of your body. bigsmile It's a splurge financially, but I really need it.

So, anyway, my new "Mingle Rule" is that I'm not allowed to post during the day. Only before and after work and even then I really have to be careful. But, too much crap just gets neglected if I don't.

no photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:19 AM

Yes I need to take a few days off of Mingle too. Perhaps I will limit my posting time on the computer.

Why is this such an addiction? laugh

It may be that evil plot to take over the world by aliens like that advertisement by Eric Baldwin. Have you seen that?

It is an add for a thing that will allow you to watch television on your computer... for free.

He said that between television and the computer they are turning our brains to mush. Then they plan to scoop them out with a spoon and eat them.

Its probably true.

Jill298's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:22 AM

Why is this such an addiction?

Because you :heart: us flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:35 AM
The aliens eating our brains sounds the most plausible to me.

Jill298's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:36 AM

The aliens eating our brains sounds the most plausible to me.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Jill298's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:37 AM
I come here all the time because I laugh more here than I do most other places. You get to know people here and their personalities. I've met people here I otherwise would have never known. I'm thankful for that. And thankful I get to block the ones I never wanna meet again drinker

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:50 AM
I like it a lot here too. I juat don't want to be typing here on my lunch break instead of exercising. Or typing here on the weekends when I should be whipping up witchy recipes in the kitchen. It all goes back to my new years resolution to be more balanced. Balance and moderation in everything. Much easier said than done.

Jill298's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:55 AM

I like it a lot here too. I juat don't want to be typing here on my lunch break instead of exercising. Or typing here on the weekends when I should be whipping up witchy recipes in the kitchen. It all goes back to my new years resolution to be more balanced. Balance and moderation in everything. Much easier said than done.
yes you are correct, it's hard to balance. I go thru my moods where I'm on here alot and then I will disappear for several days lol I need a break from the drama and let my poor hands rest

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:58 AM
We should file a class action law suit against mingle for carpal tunnel syndrome. laugh

Jill298's photo
Fri 02/13/09 09:59 AM

We should file a class action law suit against mingle for carpal tunnel syndrome. laugh
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: my poor pointer finger doesn't click as well as it used to

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:12 AM

We should file a class action law suit against mingle for carpal tunnel syndrome. laugh
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: my poor pointer finger doesn't click as well as it used to

See? People underestimate the physical dangers of being online too much.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 02/13/09 12:05 PM
I spend for too much time reading and posting to the forums!

The good news is that I'm actually starting to wean off it and getting things done around here. I've been working on my new Labyrinth Garden in spite of the fact that it's only February and the weather here is quite wintry. There's lots of work to be done that I can indeed do right now, and I'm doing all I can. I'm really excited about it. It's far more than just a labyrinth, it's my vegetable garden! I have always loved gardening and I really miss it, so I'm excited about getting back into it.

Also I'm adding to the idea of the labyrinth path by including three themes. That may seem like overkill, but it turns out that they are actually working out quite well, I'm so excited about it I wish I could share it better. But it's hard to share in posts.

Just as a quickie before I get back to work (I'm actually on break right now :wink: ), let me try to explain a little bit about it.

Early on I decided to include the 12 Zodiac signs because they represent the seasons, as well as many human attributes. I also use those signs as a visual countdown in some of my mediations. So I begin with Capricorn representing the Winter Solstice and the Yule season and the rebirth of the son. The placement of the 12 zodiac signs mysteriously ended up at the most perfect locations. As an example, Aquarius is only the second zodiac symbol so it occurs early in the labyrinth pathway, however, it also just happens to coincidentally fall on the west side of the inner circle next to the Water element symbol! That was purely an accidental coincidence, yet it could be more perfect. I play on having a fountain statue of a woman water bearer pouring water into the water chalice that represent the west side of the circle. It really uncanny how things are working out!

Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio all just accidentally landed in water pools! And all those signs are associated with the element water.

In any case, I also added the planet gods and goddesses starting with the Sun next to Capricorn at the labyrinth path entrance. The rest of the planets also ended up an quite remarkable places on the path, and I'm choosing their location purely by ordering them from the Sun out to Pluto, and then placing them equidistance apart on the laby path. Yet their locations are remarkably interesting.

Finally, I decided to add the 22 Major Arcana of tarot. That might sound like ambitious over-kill, but I've already walked the labyrinth path in my garden space imagining the displays of just the Zodiac and the Planets I could sense very long walks between each display. So to fill in those gaps I decided to use the tarot major arcana, and again the placement of these things is uncanny.

The Fool begins the journey with the Sun and Capricorn. The magician just happens to coincidentally end up right near the Cauldron at the south edge of the central circle which represent fire (and for me personally it also represents wands and the passion of manifestation) so it's quite fitting to have the magician standing next to the caldron.

As you walk the path it also turns out the Venus and "The Lovers" coincide. bigsmile

The Chariot also lands next to planet Earth which I felt was significant.

Justice lands right next to Libra purely by accident. Balance scales, harmony, and justice?

It's really quite interesting the way this thing is unfolding. I guess it's natural that many coincidence are going to occur naturally when laying something like this out, but just the same it's working out so well that it almost has to be built! It's begging to become manifest in the real world.

One problem I have is that once it's built 'they will come'.

Yet, PEOPLE will want to walk this labyrinth and view all the statuary etc.

What's wrong with that, you may ask?

It's my Vegetable Garden!

I'm not sure if I want tons of people walking through my vegetable garden. laugh

But I'm sure that everyone who see it will be wanting to bring their friends to see it as well. So I'm really risking becoming a circus here by building this thing. That's really not my intent. I just want to create something meaningful for me.

In any case, the plan is taking on a life of it's own and begging to be built.

One last thing before I get back to work,...

I've also laid out the seven chakra circuits as they have come to me intuitively based on this labyrinth pattern. Once again the coincidences just never cease.

The Root (or Life) chakra is the first section of the path, and it begins with the rebirth of the Sun God, Capricorn, and The Fool. It also contains the Magician, the High Priestess, The Empress (Mother) and the Emperor (father). And that just coincidentally ends with that Root (of Life) chakra.

The Sacral (or Love) chakra path contains the Hierophant, Venus, and "The Lovers". Is that wild or what?

The Solar (or Individual & Social) chakra path contains Strength, The Moon, and The hermit. This is meaningful for me because I view this chakra as being a balancing of both the social aspect of life and the self (or individual) aspect of personal power and social interaction.

The Heart Chakra path contains Leo the Lion (the Lionhearted?), Virgo the Virgin, and the wheel of fortune.

The last three path segments are interesting too, but I better get back to work. I blab too much! laugh

In any case, this is really coming together quite well. Far more interesting than I had originally expected.

People will find it hard to meditate on a path with so many interesting displays though. laugh

I really should submit this design to some public place where this labyrinth garden could be built for the general public to use. It's really cool, and I really don't want my vegetable garden to become a public attraction.

That could be a potential problem. ohwell

Well, now I better get back to work on it!

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/13/09 12:29 PM
Yes, James, people will want to come see that. Not sure what you're going to do about it but maybe its meant to be. It sounds like there are other forces at work in the making of this anyway. So it may be out of your hands.

As for might be distracting for some at first. However they will also work to create epiphanies for people as they go through. So I think it will work very well.