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Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:23 AM
Shes been around longer than Allah and MUCH longer than Jesus ya now. laugh

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:40 AM
Edited by HasidicEnforcer on Tue 12/16/08 11:41 AM

It is both. That is why I just find it easier to refer to "Hebrew" indicating a specific ethnicity and "Judaic" denoting a specific religiosity. Someone can be of the Jewish faith and not ethnically classify themselves as being of Hebrew descent.

Thank you.

Judaism is not a race.

It is a religion.

Caucasian is a race, Asian is a race, African is a race, Judaism is a religion.

Don't believe me, a Jewess?

Then ask any Rabbi you meet.

BTW, if you want to be PC about it?

Jesus was an Israelite.

Like all the "Hebrews".

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:35 PM
I just got this email a few minutes ago.. figured this is the appropriate place to share it..

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.
Now that shouldn't offend anyone....

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:51 PM

I just got this email a few minutes ago.. figured this is the appropriate place to share it..

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.
Now that shouldn't offend anyone....


Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:55 PM
Thats a lot of foof. No one really bothers people if they say "Merry Christmas" Christians have traditionally been coddled.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:56 PM
it's about being polite to everyone.
if you were in a room with 2 christians, 2 muslims, 2 jewish persons, and a hindu. whould you only care about greeting the 2 christians in the room with "merry christmas" and shunning the other folks in the room for not being christian?

its less about being politically correct and more about being not an ass-hole bigsmile

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:57 PM

Thats a lot of foof. No one really bothers people if they say "Merry Christmas" Christians have traditionally been coddled.

Ok then... Merry Christmas! :smile:

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/16/08 05:05 PM

it's about being polite to everyone.
if you were in a room with 2 christians, 2 muslims, 2 jewish persons, and a hindu. whould you only care about greeting the 2 christians in the room with "merry christmas" and shunning the other folks in the room for not being christian?

its less about being politically correct and more about being not an ass-hole bigsmile

It doesn't mean I'm shunning anyone if I greet with "Merry Christmas". If someone feels that way it's their own problem because they can ignore it. I'm not saying anything about anyone by simply wishing a greeting based on my own beliefs and traditions. As I and other posters have already noted , it goes both ways as I shouldn't be offended or feel shunned just because someone greeted me using terminology from their own tradition.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 05:09 PM
it's about being polite to everyone.
if you were in a room with 2 christians, 2 muslims, 2 jewish persons, and a hindu. whould you only care about greeting the 2 christians in the room with "merry christmas" and shunning the other folks in the room for not being christian?

its less about being politically correct and more about being not an ass-hole

Well said although I cant find the origional poster but this is my position as well. Lighten up. Happy Holidays is meant to be ALL INCLUSIVE.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 12/16/08 05:11 PM
Edited by JasmineInglewood on Tue 12/16/08 05:12 PM

it's about being polite to everyone.
if you were in a room with 2 christians, 2 muslims, 2 jewish persons, and a hindu. whould you only care about greeting the 2 christians in the room with "merry christmas" and shunning the other folks in the room for not being christian?

its less about being politically correct and more about being not an ass-hole bigsmile

It doesn't mean I'm shunning anyone if I greet with "Merry Christmas". If someone feels that way it's their own problem because they can ignore it. I'm not saying anything about anyone by simply wishing a greeting based on my own beliefs and traditions. As I and other posters have already noted , it goes both ways as I shouldn't be offended or feel shunned just because someone greeted me using terminology from their own tradition.

very well. that is your prerogative. bigsmile

i personally like to customize my greetings according to how they suit the person i am speaking to, out of sensitivity and politeness.

we may agree to disagree. drinker

PBug's photo
Tue 12/16/08 05:13 PM
Do you get offended when I congratulate the other team for winning your team? Does it make me an asshole?

If no, then why should it matter if I say merry christmas to someone else? I can't understand the problem behind the whole x-mas boogaloo.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 05:13 PM
Aqua no one was saying verbal greetings were a problem. Its signage in public thoroughfares. I dont mind if a Christian says Merry Christmas to me. You have no way of knowing what someone's personal spirituality is though so Happy Holidays is a safer bet but I wont kick your ass for saying Merry Christmas to me. Dont be ridiculous. There is a problem being created where one should not exist.

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/16/08 05:37 PM
I believe a poster just a few post up did say just that...That the greeting itself is offensive and that if you use it in mixed company you're an "ass-hole".
As for signage in public thoroufares, do people not have a right to display Christmas related scenes, concepts or ideas publicly ?
If you would take that right, would you not, in essence, be restricting free speech? What if I have a problem, though I certainly don't, with seeing the Star of David emblem displayed on the sign outside a synagog while driving by on a public road? Or whatever...
We have a right to disregard, dismiss and even be repulsed, but we don't, and we shouldn't, have a right to limit or restrict one from generally accepted free speech or display within privately funded media.
We can like it or lump it but attempting to please every pursuasion or none at all only leaves us in a sterile, blank and meaningless existence , since pleasing everyone is not possible.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 05:53 PM

I believe a poster just a few post up did say just that...That the greeting itself is offensive and that if you use it in mixed company you're an "ass-hole".
As for signage in public thoroufares, do people not have a right to display Christmas related scenes, concepts or ideas publicly ?
If you would take that right, would you not, in essence, be restricting free speech? What if I have a problem, though I certainly don't, with seeing the Star of David emblem displayed on the sign outside a synagog while driving by on a public road? Or whatever...
We have a right to disregard, dismiss and even be repulsed, but we don't, and we shouldn't, have a right to limit or restrict one from generally accepted free speech or display within privately funded media.
We can like it or lump it but attempting to please every pursuasion or none at all only leaves us in a sterile, blank and meaningless existence , since pleasing everyone is not possible.

All that has been mentioned about Christians saying "Merry Christmas" is that it resonates with a certain level of insensitivity. If you say that to a person you do not know, then yes, you do run the risk of offending them. You are taking the liberty of projecting your own spirituality onto them

I told you that I personally would tolerate it.

You are much better off saying "Happy Holidays" because it is an all inclusive sentiment. That is the point that I have heard made repeatedly on this thread and there is no way to argue its merit.

You have a right to display Christmas related themes on YOUR OWN property. In areas designated as public thoroughfares, then absolutely not. It is inappropriate. Happy Holidays dos not single out or favor any one religiosity. Nativity scenes can also be displayed on church property. Absolutely.

Now if you are asking me if a nativity scene can be rightfully displayed out in front of a civic office? No. The reason? Tell me how you would feel if you were a Buddhist who was accused of a crime and had to attend trial in a city court house. As they march you inside shackled and handcuffed, you see a nativity scene prominently displayed on the court house lawn. How is that going to make you feel? Probably a little frightened and apprehensive about the outcome of your trial. You will have no way of knowing if your judge, jury and attorney will be capable of acting independently and with no bias directed towards race, religion or creed.

Where do we draw the line?

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:07 PM

I believe a poster just a few post up did say just that...That the greeting itself is offensive and that if you use it in mixed company you're an "ass-hole".
As for signage in public thoroufares, do people not have a right to display Christmas related scenes, concepts or ideas publicly ?
If you would take that right, would you not, in essence, be restricting free speech? What if I have a problem, though I certainly don't, with seeing the Star of David emblem displayed on the sign outside a synagog while driving by on a public road? Or whatever...
We have a right to disregard, dismiss and even be repulsed, but we don't, and we shouldn't, have a right to limit or restrict one from generally accepted free speech or display within privately funded media.
We can like it or lump it but attempting to please every pursuasion or none at all only leaves us in a sterile, blank and meaningless existence , since pleasing everyone is not possible.

All that has been mentioned about Christians saying "Merry Christmas" is that it resonates with a certain level of insensitivity. If you say that to a person you do not know, then yes, you do run the risk of offending them. You are taking the liberty of projecting your own spirituality onto them

I told you that I personally would tolerate it.

You are much better off saying "Happy Holidays" because it is an all inclusive sentiment. That is the point that I have heard made repeatedly on this thread and there is no way to argue its merit.

You have a right to display Christmas related themes on YOUR OWN property. In areas designated as public thoroughfares, then absolutely not. It is inappropriate. Happy Holidays dos not single out or favor any one religiosity. Nativity scenes can also be displayed on church property. Absolutely.

Now if you are asking me if a nativity scene can be rightfully displayed out in front of a civic office? No. The reason? Tell me how you would feel if you were a Buddhist who was accused of a crime and had to attend trial in a city court house. As they march you inside shackled and handcuffed, you see a nativity scene prominently displayed on the court house lawn. How is that going to make you feel? Probably a little frightened and apprehensive about the outcome of your trial. You will have no way of knowing if your judge, jury and attorney will be capable of acting independently and with no bias directed towards race, religion or creed.

Where do we draw the line?

Ultimately, I run that risk just saying hello to anyone that doesn't speak english, or who doesn't want to be greeted in any way whatsoever, but I'm not a mind reader and to me, it says more about you if you take offense where non is intended than about me who merely seeks to live in a more cordial world.
I never promoted religious displays on public property but if you get upset or put off by my Nativity scene, on my property, which happens to be observable from the public road you're passing on, it's your problem. That's all I'm saying.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:18 PM
Well clearly Aqua that was not what I was addressing at all in my post.

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:32 PM
I don't have a problem wishing "Happy Holidays" but for the sake of arguement, isn't that term "holiday" a contraction of the words Holy and day?
To an atheist, by greeting that way would I not be disrespecting their non-beliefs?
In the words of the late great Ricky Nelson "You can't please everyone but you can try to please yourself"

Really though, I do hope people don't take offense when I wish them a Merry Christmas but it's my tradition that I was raised with and I respect that, for better or worse, more than I respect the notion that I should worry about offending people where non is intended.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:47 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 12/16/08 06:49 PM

I don't have a problem wishing "Happy Holidays" but for the sake of arguement, isn't that term "holiday" a contraction of the words Holy and day?
To an atheist, by greeting that way would I not be disrespecting their non-beliefs?
In the words of the late great Ricky Nelson "You can't please everyone but you can try to please yourself"

Really though, I do hope people don't take offense when I wish them a Merry Christmas but it's my tradition that I was raised with and I respect that, for better or worse, more than I respect the notion that I should worry about offending people where non is intended.

Im not saying that you must greet people with "Happy Holidays" if you prefer not to but if you say "Merry Christmas" to everyone with impunity, I guarantee you will offend someone. They may not say anything to you or let you know but they might be Jewish, Atheist, Agnostic, Pagan the list goes on....if that doesnt bother you then dont worry.

Dont quote me on this because Im uncertain but I think the actual origin of the word "holiday" dates back to old English terminology which might have even been Pagan (as everything else is minus Jesus and Santa)

My guess is most Atheists are not going to have a problem with it and much less of an issue than Merry Christ-mass, thats for certain.

Its clear you dont worry about offending others and thats just your personality and its fine. I told you I have no problem with it myself and I would not confront you about it openly.

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:53 PM

I don't have a problem wishing "Happy Holidays" but for the sake of arguement, isn't that term "holiday" a contraction of the words Holy and day?
To an atheist, by greeting that way would I not be disrespecting their non-beliefs?
In the words of the late great Ricky Nelson "You can't please everyone but you can try to please yourself"

Really though, I do hope people don't take offense when I wish them a Merry Christmas but it's my tradition that I was raised with and I respect that, for better or worse, more than I respect the notion that I should worry about offending people where non is intended.

Im not saying that you must greet people with "Happy Holidays" if you prefer not to but if you say "Merry Christmas" to everyone with impunity, I guarantee you will offend someone. They may not say anything to you or let you know but they might be Jewish, Atheist, Agnostic, Pagan the list goes on....if that doesnt bother you then dont worry.

Dont quote me on this because Im uncertain but I think the actual origin of the word "holiday" dates back to old English terminology which might have even been Pagan (as everything else is minus Jesus and Santa)

My guess is most Atheists are not going to have a problem with it and much less of an issue than Merry Christ-mass, thats for certain.

Its clear you dont worry about offending others and thats just your personality and its fine. I told you I have no problem with it myself and I would not confront you about it openly.

I'd say that it's also clear that I'm not the only one who doesn't worry about offending others. I agree to disagreedrinker

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:56 PM
Did I offend you? When? How? I apologize if I did. Im not sure how though. Everything I have stated here is verifiable. I am simply making it very clear why we say "Happy Holidays" in public areas as far as displays are concerned instead of Merry Christmas.

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