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rlynne's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:20 PM
Okay all of you people with your Christian and anti religion dogma! Christmas was a pagan holiday adapted by the catholic church to aid in converting people to catholicism, before there were separate churches of Christianity. Enjoy and celebrate as a time of love and goodwill stop making it a battle of whos got more righteous respect geez, now I need a drink

hellkitten54's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:21 PM

Okay all of you people with your Christian and anti religion dogma! Christmas was a pagan holiday adapted by the catholic church to aid in converting people to catholicism, before there were separate churches of Christianity. Enjoy and celebrate as a time of love and goodwill stop making it a battle of whos got more righteous respect geez, now I need a drink

Hmmm you didn't even read the whole topic did you? Appearently NOT.

hellkitten54's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:23 PM
Edited by hellkitten54 on Mon 12/15/08 08:23 PM

ps I'm not athiest..I'm christian. but christian or atiest or jewish doesnt make you an american.Living in America does and acceptance of all kinds of religion and culture makes you American.
well merry christmas all you americans, from yur fellow canadian.!!:wink: drinker drinker drinker

get er done!

Seems alot of people thinhk I made this post to spout off religious beliefs....WRONG....read all of what I have written....with an open mind.....you may be surprised.....lol

Um i think you are the one that needs to reread what you wrote. And then read all of the replies and think about why people are reacting to what you wrote. Hmmmmmmm

You need to google american history and read up.

Miss HellKitten, I for one do respect and appreciate what you're saying. I'm not about getting in anyone's face over any aspects of this topic. I suppose I just feel that if it bothers someone by simply wishing them well, which is how I've been raised to view the term "Merry Christmas", it makes me feel like I have to not only refrain from greeting them at Christmas, but maybe I should refrain from any greeting at all. After all, maybe they have something against "take it easy" or "have a great day" or "happy birthday". I'm not asking anyone to respect or appreciate my religion or what I believe. I'm just basically trying to spread cheer and maybe get a little back in the process but after seeing how much it bothers some people in this thread, I'm thinking I should just be blank and restrain myself from any direct greetings of any kind.
I think, from what I've had the pleasure to see, that you're an awesome individual and I really hope I haven't offended you or anyone else. I think I'll think twice before I post in any of the serious threads from now on. Not worth it...

I hope you don't think I was referring to anything that you have said, as I do understand what YOU are saying. I just don't understand the OP and the "american tradition". You have not offended me, nor has anyone else in the topic. Just trying to stir up some stuff. No worries darlin.flowerforyou flowers

Good because I'd hate to offend you, although it did take mistakenly thinking that I offended you to make me step back and reflect on how I may be offending others. Nothing wrong with an attitude adjustment every now and then. Good for the ol cobwebs ya know. ( OMG, hope I haven't offended the spider people)

My dear, I am pretty sure I need a good ole B!tch slap. :tongue: But don't you worry, it's VERY hard to offend me.:wink:

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:24 PM

Note: they all grew out of the pagan ritual celebrating the winter solstice.

yeah, um, not Judaism

Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, and may occur from late November to late December on the Gregorian calendar.


Clearly Christmas was adapted. It was the Winter Solstice. All they added was Santa and Christ and Doorbusters at Wallmart. noway

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:29 PM

Your profile says "Christian-other" Were we not going to notice that?

the OTHER means NON-DENOMINATIONAL....look up hopecenternashville.com......there you will see the last church I attended.....ALL RACES AND CULTURES

But American Indians are not Americans because they arent Christians and they dont celebrate Christmas? noway

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:29 PM

Note: they all grew out of the pagan ritual celebrating the winter solstice.

yeah, um, not Judaism

Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, and may occur from late November to late December on the Gregorian calendar.


Clearly Christmas was adapted. It was the Winter Solstice. All they added was Santa and Christ and Doorbusters at Wallmart. noway


notquite00's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:29 PM
What about happy Ramadan? ;-P

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:30 PM

Note: they all grew out of the pagan ritual celebrating the winter solstice.

yeah, um, not Judaism

Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, and may occur from late November to late December on the Gregorian calendar.


Clearly Christmas was adapted. It was the Winter Solstice. All they added was Santa and Christ and Doorbusters at Wallmart. noway


Never mind, I guess you were talking to someone else. I was not referring to Hanukkah at all.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:37 PM
when did Jesus turn into a white guy?

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:40 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Mon 12/15/08 08:41 PM

when did Jesus turn into a white guy?

Good question. The Hallmark card rendition where he is tall and blond. huh My guess is that is not an entirely historically or culturally accurate depiction of a Jewish man.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:46 PM
Ya know it is amazing to me how things can be taken by different people by how each person interprets what has been said or written.

I will admit in the OP's original post some of the facts are not completely correct.

Will discuss that later but.......if anyone has in fact keep up with what has happened lately you would in fact understand what his point is in the first place.

The deal is that some of the stores ect.. have decided to no longer use the wording Merry Christmas but instead to use the words Happy Holiday in order not to offend anyone. That either does not believe in God or in reality believe in celebrating Christmas it's self.

Myself regardless of what anyone else believes in I will still say Merry Christmas to everyone regardless of your religion or no religion. If that in facts offends anyone then to me that is their problem. Due to the fact that is just what I believe in and it is only and expression. I'm not asking anyone to observe what I believe in just respect me for my beliefs as I will with what ever you believe in.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:52 PM
But my feelings are I do not believe they should change the words from MERRY CHRISTMAS to HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

Let what it has been remain as it is why go changing things just because someone gets offended by it. Shshs we might as well change everything for someone somewhere is surely to be offended by it.noway

Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:57 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Mon 12/15/08 09:02 PM

Ya know it is amazing to me how things can be taken by different people by how each person interprets what has been said or written.

I will admit in the OP's original post some of the facts are not completely correct.

Will discuss that later but.......if anyone has in fact keep up with what has happened lately you would in fact understand what his point is in the first place.

The deal is that some of the stores ect.. have decided to no longer use the wording Merry Christmas but instead to use the words Happy Holiday in order not to offend anyone. That either does not believe in God or in reality believe in celebrating Christmas it's self.

Myself regardless of what anyone else believes in I will still say Merry Christmas to everyone regardless of your religion or no religion. If that in facts offends anyone then to me that is their problem. Due to the fact that is just what I believe in and it is only and expression. I'm not asking anyone to observe what I believe in just respect me for my beliefs as I will with what ever you believe in.

I think what several people on this thread have pointed out is that if you personally choose to verbally say "Merry Christmas" to someone you encounter on the street, that is perfectly fine. I would have no problem with that. I would not yell at you or flip you off. I would simply perceive your beliefs to be that of a Christian who is somewhat close minded and inconsiderate of anyone elses spirituality.

The terminology "Happy Holidays" is used in public displays because it is an all inclusive sentiment. It is not favoring one religiosity or another. It is not giving undue observance to Christians and their belief in Jesus. It is also not excluding any one religion or belief.

That is why some people are annoyed with this OP and it will be argued and justifiably so.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 12/15/08 08:57 PM
Firstly, as a Jew from Galilean descent through Mary, genetically he would probably have dark hair and an olive complexion not unlike every other Jew of that area. As a carpenter he would be stocky and muscular - muscular and strong enough to overturn the moneychangers' tables at the Temple. However, judging by the impact he had on people, his whole demeanour must have been one of a highly charismatic character who, once seen, would never be forgotten - the sort of person who, when they look at you, their eyes pierce your very soul. Other than these gleanings and speculations, no other descriptions can really be ascertained. Of course, in art, the appearance of Jesus is portrayed as 'perfection' or 'pureness' or 'holiness' and often in the western world the convention is of a blonde haired blue eyed, white, effeminate looking man, as that, for many people, is the ideal. Similarly, in other cultures Jesus is portrayed as black, oriental, innuit, asian or whatever. But the important thing is not what he looked like but who he is and what he did for mankind.

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:05 PM
you are all wrong, Jesus was a Roman descent and his real name was Brian.

I got historical footage here:


HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:06 PM

you are all wrong, Jesus was a Roman descent and his real name was Brian.

I got historical footage here:




Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:08 PM
Is that a clip from the "Life of Brian"? laugh

AllenAqua's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:12 PM

Firstly, as a Jew from Galilean descent through Mary, genetically he would probably have dark hair and an olive complexion not unlike every other Jew of that area. As a carpenter he would be stocky and muscular - muscular and strong enough to overturn the moneychangers' tables at the Temple. However, judging by the impact he had on people, his whole demeanour must have been one of a highly charismatic character who, once seen, would never be forgotten - the sort of person who, when they look at you, their eyes pierce your very soul. Other than these gleanings and speculations, no other descriptions can really be ascertained. Of course, in art, the appearance of Jesus is portrayed as 'perfection' or 'pureness' or 'holiness' and often in the western world the convention is of a blonde haired blue eyed, white, effeminate looking man, as that, for many people, is the ideal. Similarly, in other cultures Jesus is portrayed as black, oriental, innuit, asian or whatever. But the important thing is not what he looked like but who he is and what he did for mankind.


Krimsa's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:18 PM

What about happy Ramadan? ;-P

I would have no problem hearing that for a change but someone is bound to complain.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:18 PM
I think what several people on this thread have pointed out is that if you personally choose to verbally say "Merry Christmas" to someone you encounter on the street, that is perfectly fine. I would have no problem with that. I would not yell at you or flip you off. I would simply perceive your beliefs to be that of a Christian who is somewhat close minded and inconsiderate of anyone elses spirituality.

The terminology "Happy Holidays" is used in public displays because it is an all inclusive sentiment. It is not favoring one religiosity or another. It is not giving undue observance to Christians and their belief in Jesus. It is also not excluding any one religion or belief.

That is why some people are annoyed with this OP and it will be argued and justifiably so.

Actually what most are more upset about as far as the post goes is the fact that he makes the statements that Christmas is and American Tradition and that others should respect Christmas regardless if you in fact live in America. As should Americans respect others beliefs if they are in fact in their country.

More or less Traditions should remain in each culture and we should all out of respect let each person believe what they believe in with out making then have to defend their beliefs.

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