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AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:58 PM
You didn't offend me and I certainly apologize if I've offended you. In fact, I've enjoyed our dialog and must thank you for sharing your views. You seem a very intelligent and thoughtful person.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 07:01 PM
Na, Im a dork. :tongue: I sent you an email about the alligators I saw in Florida. That was cool. I like those air boats Im sure if you live in Florida alligators become a nuisance but I liked them.

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 07:02 PM


love love

ps I'm not athiest..I'm christian. but christian or atiest or jewish doesnt make you an american.Living in America does and acceptance of all kinds of religion and culture makes you American.
well merry christmas all you americans, from yur fellow canadian.!!:wink: drinker drinker drinker
love love smooched
smooched smooched :tongue: flowerforyou
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile evening handsome:wink: :wink:
i sure hope wher not thread bustin, hiya sexy thing.!!!:tongue: flowerforyou
laugh laugh ok back to the thread was it about aliens"?

Illegal Aliens....they don't celebrate Christmas. smile2

Felice Navidad

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 07:03 PM
Fleas on a dog! :tongue:

BonnyMiss's photo
Tue 12/16/08 07:07 PM
The word "Holiday" goes way back hundreds, (or thousands), of years. The word accually means, "Holy day" and meant times of religous celabration. Now it is commonly used as a replacment for times such as Christmas and Thanksgiving in an attempt to eliminate God from the picture.


Holiday is a contraction of holy and day, holidays originally represented special religious days. This word has evolved in general usage to mean any extra special day of rest (as opposed to regular days of rest such as the weekend). Countrywide Holidays stands for when everybody plans for holidays or a break. Under many belief systems, days of rest are necessary for ritual or spiritual rejuvenation.

Holy days originated in the Bible as 7 annual Holy Days the Jews or children of Israel were commanded to keep as instructed by Moses (who received it from the Lord or Yahweh (the Eternal One)). Outlined in Leviticus 23 are the 7 annual Holy Days that were to be kept. The word holi-day has replaced "Holy-Day" in todays english.

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/16/08 07:07 PM
The gators mostly only worry me when my lab, who just can't restrain himself from diving right into practically any swampy hole he finds, does so with reckless abandon.
I was on a job last year working near a dock at a small lake just south of here and I guess people had been feeding a small (4 ft) gator because it seemed to be begging and I had to stop bringing my dog to work because he thought it would make a good playmate. No fear at all (stupid mutt). Other folks in the area were letting their dogs swim there, even kids.

buttons's photo
Tue 12/16/08 07:23 PM

all's i know is merry xmas n happy new yr, i love all , and have a lil thing for button's.!!!laugh :wink: flowerforyou drinkerthats beleiveablesick

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/16/08 07:24 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 12/16/08 07:34 PM
Well if thats the case and "Holiday", actually means "Holy day" which arguably could be referring to a Christian holy day, then why all the complaining! That seems ridiculous. Taken from a secular resource.

O.E. haligdæg, from halig "holy" + dæg "day;" in 14c. meaning both "religious festival" and "day of recreation," but pronunciation and sense diverged 16c.

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 07:31 PM
Edited by littleredhen on Tue 12/16/08 07:32 PM
I am an atheist. I am not offended by "Merry Christmas" or any other greeting that expresses good wishes. If I am sure the person I am addressing is Christain, I will say "Merry Christmas" If I know they are Jewish I will say "Happy Hannekka". If addressing a room of people I will say "Happy Holidays"

I am offended however at the implication that it's unamerican to celebrate or not celebrate any religous holiday. Religous freedom, freedom of speech & freedom from unfair taxes are what this country is founded on.

Now there are some "American" Holidays. Independance day, Flag Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day & Presidents Day to name some. We still have to choice to participate or not & that is the American way!

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:38 PM

But my feelings are I do not believe they should change the words from MERRY CHRISTMAS to HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

Let what it has been remain as it is why go changing things just because someone gets offended by it. Shshs we might as well change everything for someone somewhere is surely to be offended by it.noway

Thank you....

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:41 PM

Firstly, as a Jew from Galilean descent through Mary, genetically he would probably have dark hair and an olive complexion not unlike every other Jew of that area. As a carpenter he would be stocky and muscular - muscular and strong enough to overturn the moneychangers' tables at the Temple. However, judging by the impact he had on people, his whole demeanour must have been one of a highly charismatic character who, once seen, would never be forgotten - the sort of person who, when they look at you, their eyes pierce your very soul. Other than these gleanings and speculations, no other descriptions can really be ascertained. Of course, in art, the appearance of Jesus is portrayed as 'perfection' or 'pureness' or 'holiness' and often in the western world the convention is of a blonde haired blue eyed, white, effeminate looking man, as that, for many people, is the ideal. Similarly, in other cultures Jesus is portrayed as black, oriental, innuit, asian or whatever. But the important thing is not what he looked like but who he is and what he did for mankind.

Thank you

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:44 PM

PBug: Separation of church and state, in the US, is largely a myth. Every president to date has been Christian at least. Most politicians are also Christian. Many decisions are heavily influenced by Christianity, as our some of our holidays.

For this reason, I wouldn't say the separation of church and state is obvious at all. In fact, separation of church and state is more the exception than the rule, and the rule is that we are by and large a Christian state.

Here's a couple more examples of issues where religion has played a main role:

Stem-cell research
Abortion laws
Gay rights
The state of Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
...list goes on.

Whenever a government is democratic or has special interest groups, and when the country's people are heavily influenced by religion, it's probable that "separation of church and state" is just not going to happen.

I do agree with you on this.....well said

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:50 PM

It serves me no purpose to argue over what I think and believe verses what you think and believe. And as far as running with dogs of any type goes...Yeah... I'll pass from now on...

I remember a thing called "door warriors"......meaning that a person would talk trash, as if they were something to be feared.....but noone ever saw them out from behind the closed door, therefore the person felt safe, because they were sure the door would not open, thus, keeping them from harm.

I laugh when I read alot of threads, cause it seems that this is the case with alot of people on these sites.....internet warriors......LOL

I have made not one comment on this thread I can not back up with credible historical evidence. Can you say the same? I also would say everything I have stated on this thread directly to your face and not even bat an eyelash.

You seem to be intelligent....what you are not understanding, is that since "Christmas was started in this country, hundreds of years ago, never has anyone worried about offending someone by saying Merry Christmas....

You may have historical quotes.....but so far, next to none of them have had anything to do with the point I am making.

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:51 PM

So he's saying that only white, Christians are Americans.happy
i dont think i heard him say that hun.!!!noway

thanks for the back up on that....all to often people read what they want, and run with it..
i think the OP is simply stating that christmas is pretty much a tradition to the majority of americans and has been celebrated for a few years now and because of a few who don't like the word christmas stores are just saying to hell with it we'll just say and put up happy holidays,now i'm just waiting for the chinese americans to b!tch and complain to change our new years in america to theirs.traditions are just collapsing more and more and unless its really morally wrong why change it?

yes, exactly....thank you.

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:54 PM

How is stating "Happy Holidays" requesting that the Christians not observe their interpenetration of the holiday? That is a simple question that has not been answered thus far. Not satisfactorily anyway.

This issue has not been posed, and therefore, needs no answer....I am talking about the words...
not the practice...

What many people fail to understand....freedom of speech.....that means if Merry Christmas offends you....sorry about your luck....there is no excuse for changing the words...

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:00 AM

Yeah Im backing off. There were some rude personal comments made.

Yes, I can be an a$$hole.....being that you want to attempt to make this post look as if I am thinking selfishly.....
for your information...in my part of the country, I know a vast number of people who believe that MERRY CHRISTMAS should maintain its integrity...it is still a saying out of politness....even is christmas is not your thing...it should be taken as a sign of peace, when someone says it...not something to be offended at

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:05 AM

Just a quick question before I go:

How is christmas an american holiday, when you obviously have a separation of church and goverment? Doesn't that imply that the United States is in fact indifferent towards religion?

Seperation of church and state.....a crock of sh*t......

So you do not believe in separation of church and state, or you don't believe that it has worked as it should?

I think the pledge should not be removed from schools....any kid who has parents that disagree with it, those kids should not have to say it...

And, it has not worked out as it is said to do, the crooked government still uses biblical reference in many aspects....such as swearing in the president.......

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:11 AM

How about we all just celebrate the holiday we want? How about we just say happy 'whatever' without being offended? If this is a free country I am free to say 'Merry Christmas' if I want. If you are offended then you are un-American. If you want to say 'Happy Hanakuh" fine, it's your right. If you want to say 'Happy Kwanza' Great(It was invented in this country BTW). If you want to say 'Guten Getrunkentaggen' go ahead. If you wake up you realize that it's not the people wishing you a Merry (insert) holiday that are un-American, it's the ones that get offended that are un-American.

LOL....I like that....HAPPY WHATEVER

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:11 AM

Yeah, there's no use arguing with him. He will listen to his viewpoint only.

I see that a lot in here (and everywhere else)

just do what I do and make fun of em without trying to engage their arguments

git er done!

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:15 AM

Yeah, there's no use arguing with him. He will listen to his viewpoint only.

I see that a lot in here (and everywhere else)

just do what I do and make fun of em without trying to engage their arguments

I'm all for people debating. It's when they get angry and start insulting those who don't agree with them is what I don't like. I guess some people just can't do that.

I insult people who are directly, or indirectly attempting to insult me.....or, when they are smart people, debating on a topic which has nothing to do with what I am talking about....I said something cut and dryed....and several people want to go so far out of proportion that they think they are still talking about the same thing

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