Topic: Child support questions
countrymike's photo
Tue 12/16/08 10:38 AM
Fran and all.Please think before you write.Fran thinks it is better to put folks in jail...hmm...let's see at a cost of 30,000 dollars a year to incarcerate ,why not give the child the 30,000 dollars a year...let the deadbeat go on in life and the state has lost nothing except the income from the judiciary branch..Follow the money trail and figure out why the state is involved in collecting child support...It is big business..for all who do not know about how child support started ,it is from the social security an effort to save the states money...How are we saving money by incarcerating folks and what does that really do for the child? One does not earn too much from a jail the child does without more because of ,money money...and your belief that debtors prison is the way to go...What do you get done with a jail cell...Tell me please..........

franshade's photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:28 AM

Fran and all.Please think before you write.Fran thinks it is better to put folks in jail...hmm...let's see at a cost of 30,000 dollars a year to incarcerate ,why not give the child the 30,000 dollars a year...let the deadbeat go on in life and the state has lost nothing except the income from the judiciary branch..Follow the money trail and figure out why the state is involved in collecting child support...It is big business..for all who do not know about how child support started ,it is from the social security an effort to save the states money...How are we saving money by incarcerating folks and what does that really do for the child? One does not earn too much from a jail the child does without more because of ,money money...and your belief that debtors prison is the way to go...What do you get done with a jail cell...Tell me please..........

That is just what I think - you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. Yes, incarcerate the man/woman - why let him/her be free, be able to work, be able to enjoy life without assuming parental responsibility. Parental responsibility includes among other responsibilities financial support. Just my opinion.

We get license plates done :laughing:, highways cleaned.

keepthehope's photo
Thu 12/18/08 10:56 PM
You file in the state that you and your child live in. Give them his current address if you have it, and they deal with the problem of another state and jurisdiction.

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:15 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 12/18/08 11:25 PM

Fran and all.Please think before you write.Fran thinks it is better to put folks in jail...hmm...let's see at a cost of 30,000 dollars a year to incarcerate ,why not give the child the 30,000 dollars a year...let the deadbeat go on in life and the state has lost nothing except the income from the judiciary branch..Follow the money trail and figure out why the state is involved in collecting child support...It is big business..for all who do not know about how child support started ,it is from the social security an effort to save the states money...How are we saving money by incarcerating folks and what does that really do for the child? One does not earn too much from a jail the child does without more because of ,money money...and your belief that debtors prison is the way to go...What do you get done with a jail cell...Tell me please..........

Hey you will fit right in. Another arrogant azz whose right and everyone else is wrong. Welcome you will fit right in!! We sure dont want to put any extra burdon on you since you are the only one who pays for anything. Yea thanks for the trillion $ bailout. Might as well give it to the crooks after all hungry kids will eat anything. Thats right their not hungry all their parent has to do is sign up for help. We will give them enough. What a fffnnn JOKE

Winx's photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:28 PM
Edited by Winx on Thu 12/18/08 11:29 PM

Fran and all.Please think before you write.Fran thinks it is better to put folks in jail...hmm...let's see at a cost of 30,000 dollars a year to incarcerate ,why not give the child the 30,000 dollars a year...let the deadbeat go on in life and the state has lost nothing except the income from the judiciary branch..Follow the money trail and figure out why the state is involved in collecting child support...It is big business..for all who do not know about how child support started ,it is from the social security an effort to save the states money...How are we saving money by incarcerating folks and what does that really do for the child? One does not earn too much from a jail the child does without more because of ,money money...and your belief that debtors prison is the way to go...What do you get done with a jail cell...Tell me please..........

"Fran and all.Please think before you write."


Winx's photo
Thu 12/18/08 11:29 PM

Fran and all.Please think before you write.Fran thinks it is better to put folks in jail...hmm...let's see at a cost of 30,000 dollars a year to incarcerate ,why not give the child the 30,000 dollars a year...let the deadbeat go on in life and the state has lost nothing except the income from the judiciary branch..Follow the money trail and figure out why the state is involved in collecting child support...It is big business..for all who do not know about how child support started ,it is from the social security an effort to save the states money...How are we saving money by incarcerating folks and what does that really do for the child? One does not earn too much from a jail the child does without more because of ,money money...and your belief that debtors prison is the way to go...What do you get done with a jail cell...Tell me please..........

That is just what I think - you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. Yes, incarcerate the man/woman - why let him/her be free, be able to work, be able to enjoy life without assuming parental responsibility. Parental responsibility includes among other responsibilities financial support. Just my opinion.

We get license plates done :laughing:, highways cleaned.

It's called consequences for your actions.

adj4u's photo
Fri 12/19/08 03:54 AM
if they would fix the system and make it fair

there would be less non-payers

if you are still together and have money issues

do you send your sig other to jail because of lack of money

just a thought

and it is not really about the child very often

it is about the money

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:17 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 12/19/08 05:21 AM

if they would fix the system and make it fair

there would be less non-payers

if you are still together and have money issues

do you send your sig other to jail because of lack of money

just a thought

and it is not really about the child very often

it is about the money

Friend I will disagree with you on this one. It is not about the money but in the slim minority of cases. Its about have the means to care for your child. Its just not men either but woman as well. Raising a family into days worls in most case requires two incomes. Look at the people still married!!!

franshade's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:18 AM

if they would fix the system and make it fair

there would be less non-payers

if you are still together and have money issues

do you send your sig other to jail because of lack of money

just a thought

and it is not really about the child very often

it is about the money


If parents would own up and accept their responsibilities there would be no need for a system. But as everyone has 'excuses', 'reason's, for everything that is not done - one person takes a stand, then another, and the domino effects then require state/governmental interference. (jmo - but what do I know :wink:)

If you are still together and trying to play the system, sounds just one should go to jail.

It should (I accept it's not) always be about the kids, but disagree with those that think that child support is about getting back - with parenting comes financial obligation.

Pay up or don't reproduce (jmo) - kids grow, eat and need and both parents need to be responsible. Not just the custodial.

franshade's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:20 AM

Fran and all.Please think before you write.Fran thinks it is better to put folks in jail...hmm...let's see at a cost of 30,000 dollars a year to incarcerate ,why not give the child the 30,000 dollars a year...let the deadbeat go on in life and the state has lost nothing except the income from the judiciary branch..Follow the money trail and figure out why the state is involved in collecting child support...It is big business..for all who do not know about how child support started ,it is from the social security an effort to save the states money...How are we saving money by incarcerating folks and what does that really do for the child? One does not earn too much from a jail the child does without more because of ,money money...and your belief that debtors prison is the way to go...What do you get done with a jail cell...Tell me please..........

Hey you will fit right in. Another arrogant azz whose right and everyone else is wrong. Welcome you will fit right in!! We sure dont want to put any extra burdon on you since you are the only one who pays for anything. Yea thanks for the trillion $ bailout. Might as well give it to the crooks after all hungry kids will eat anything. Thats right their not hungry all their parent has to do is sign up for help. We will give them enough. What a fffnnn JOKE


not sure what I said to have him single me out winking

I try to be understanding especially during this holiday season, can be hard on some.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:25 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 12/19/08 05:28 AM

Fran and all.Please think before you write.Fran thinks it is better to put folks in jail...hmm...let's see at a cost of 30,000 dollars a year to incarcerate ,why not give the child the 30,000 dollars a year...let the deadbeat go on in life and the state has lost nothing except the income from the judiciary branch..Follow the money trail and figure out why the state is involved in collecting child support...It is big business..for all who do not know about how child support started ,it is from the social security an effort to save the states money...How are we saving money by incarcerating folks and what does that really do for the child? One does not earn too much from a jail the child does without more because of ,money money...and your belief that debtors prison is the way to go...What do you get done with a jail cell...Tell me please..........

Hey you will fit right in. Another arrogant azz whose right and everyone else is wrong. Welcome you will fit right in!! We sure dont want to put any extra burdon on you since you are the only one who pays for anything. Yea thanks for the trillion $ bailout. Might as well give it to the crooks after all hungry kids will eat anything. Thats right their not hungry all their parent has to do is sign up for help. We will give them enough. What a fffnnn JOKE


not sure what I said to have him single me out winking

I try to be understanding especially during this holiday season, can be hard on some.
"Fran and all" He called everyone out. Seems we are all just puppets of the system in his eyes.

franshade's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:26 AM

Fran and all.Please think before you write.Fran thinks it is better to put folks in jail...hmm...let's see at a cost of 30,000 dollars a year to incarcerate ,why not give the child the 30,000 dollars a year...let the deadbeat go on in life and the state has lost nothing except the income from the judiciary branch..Follow the money trail and figure out why the state is involved in collecting child support...It is big business..for all who do not know about how child support started ,it is from the social security an effort to save the states money...How are we saving money by incarcerating folks and what does that really do for the child? One does not earn too much from a jail the child does without more because of ,money money...and your belief that debtors prison is the way to go...What do you get done with a jail cell...Tell me please..........

Hey you will fit right in. Another arrogant azz whose right and everyone else is wrong. Welcome you will fit right in!! We sure dont want to put any extra burdon on you since you are the only one who pays for anything. Yea thanks for the trillion $ bailout. Might as well give it to the crooks after all hungry kids will eat anything. Thats right their not hungry all their parent has to do is sign up for help. We will give them enough. What a fffnnn JOKE


not sure what I said to have him single me out winking

I try to be understanding especially during this holiday season, can be hard on some.
He called everyone out. Seems we are all just puppets of the system.

<~~~ not a puppet (winking)

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:27 AM

Fran and all.Please think before you write.Fran thinks it is better to put folks in jail...hmm...let's see at a cost of 30,000 dollars a year to incarcerate ,why not give the child the 30,000 dollars a year...let the deadbeat go on in life and the state has lost nothing except the income from the judiciary branch..Follow the money trail and figure out why the state is involved in collecting child support...It is big business..for all who do not know about how child support started ,it is from the social security an effort to save the states money...How are we saving money by incarcerating folks and what does that really do for the child? One does not earn too much from a jail the child does without more because of ,money money...and your belief that debtors prison is the way to go...What do you get done with a jail cell...Tell me please..........

Hey you will fit right in. Another arrogant azz whose right and everyone else is wrong. Welcome you will fit right in!! We sure dont want to put any extra burdon on you since you are the only one who pays for anything. Yea thanks for the trillion $ bailout. Might as well give it to the crooks after all hungry kids will eat anything. Thats right their not hungry all their parent has to do is sign up for help. We will give them enough. What a fffnnn JOKE


not sure what I said to have him single me out winking

I try to be understanding especially during this holiday season, can be hard on some.
He called everyone out. Seems we are all just puppets of the system.

<~~~ not a puppet (winking)

Sry I left out "in his eyes"!

adj4u's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:43 AM

i am not talking about the family structure on the issue

i am talking about the govt intervention on the issue

unless the custodial parent is recieving some kind of govt assistance they very rarely get involved in recovery of child support

and when the gov gets involved they do knot look at the details

they say pay x amount then they keep most of it to apply on the help the custodial parent received in the past

kind of what i expected for responses tho

everyone is ready to attack anyone questioning the support of a child issue

after all who does not care about the children they must be cold hearted azzholes


the govt also runs the animal shelter (they kill the animals after three days (some shelter)

Winx's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:49 AM

I disagree with this statement of yours, "unless the custodial parent is recieving some kind of govt assistance they very rarely get involved in recovery of child support."

They do get involved when the women aren't receiving government assistance. Some men are good at going underground.

franshade's photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:56 AM

i am not talking about the family structure on the issue

i am talking about the govt intervention on the issue

unless the custodial parent is recieving some kind of govt assistance they very rarely get involved in recovery of child support

and when the gov gets involved they do knot look at the details

they say pay x amount then they keep most of it to apply on the help the custodial parent received in the past

kind of what i expected for responses tho

everyone is ready to attack anyone questioning the support of a child issue

after all who does not care about the children they must be cold hearted azzholes


the govt also runs the animal shelter (they kill the animals after three days (some shelter)

not hugging me back tears Robin tears

Agreed the government does seek repayment from those absent parents of public assistance, it does also go after those who do not receive public assistance.

the govt should be repaid for financially supporting those on public assistance, so yes, when non custodial parent is ordered to pay child support, shouldn't they recoup what they have paid out???

I would never attack you, I rather enjoy our differences. :smile:

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 05:58 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 12/19/08 06:00 AM

i am not talking about the family structure on the issue

i am talking about the govt intervention on the issue

unless the custodial parent is recieving some kind of govt assistance they very rarely get involved in recovery of child support

and when the gov gets involved they do knot look at the details

they say pay x amount then they keep most of it to apply on the help the custodial parent received in the past

kind of what i expected for responses tho

everyone is ready to attack anyone questioning the support of a child issue

after all who does not care about the children they must be cold hearted azzholes


the govt also runs the animal shelter (they kill the animals after three days (some shelter)

I agree they wont help unless the parent is in the system.

Support payments are based on income and not wether you are recieving help. If a parent is forced to go on assistance because of failer to pay, they should have to pay back.They keep most of it while they are receiving assistance.I dont see a problem with that.JMO

There are some cold hearted azzs out there. THATS THE PROBLEM!

I dont have a solution for the animals. There are way to many uncared for. Maybe more free spay and neuter clinics. The stray dogs here run in packs very dangerous!!! But doesn't that come back to people not stepping up to their responsibilities?

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:05 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 12/19/08 06:07 AM


I disagree with this statement of yours, "unless the custodial parent is recieving some kind of govt assistance they very rarely get involved in recovery of child support."

They do get involved when the women aren't receiving government assistance. Some men are good at going underground.

I bed to differ there winx from my own experience. But then I was a guy too. If they do help someone out not on assistance them I was discriminated against for being a man. The Child support Enforcement agency would not help me prove paternity even though she was on assistance. If she was pointing the finger at me you bet I would have been hauled in and forced to do a paternity test.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:12 AM

i am not talking about the family structure on the issue

i am talking about the govt intervention on the issue

unless the custodial parent is recieving some kind of govt assistance they very rarely get involved in recovery of child support

and when the gov gets involved they do knot look at the details

they say pay x amount then they keep most of it to apply on the help the custodial parent received in the past

kind of what i expected for responses tho

everyone is ready to attack anyone questioning the support of a child issue

after all who does not care about the children they must be cold hearted azzholes


the govt also runs the animal shelter (they kill the animals after three days (some shelter)

not hugging me back tears Robin tears

Agreed the government does seek repayment from those absent parents of public assistance, it does also go after those who do not receive public assistance.

the govt should be repaid for financially supporting those on public assistance, so yes, when non custodial parent is ordered to pay child support, shouldn't they recoup what they have paid out???

I would never attack you, I rather enjoy our differences. :smile:

I hope you reread what I wrote. I kinda left some out. I wasnt calling anyone a puppet.flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Fri 12/19/08 06:22 AM
tempt - no prob, I just responded before you edited :smile: