Topic: 60 Absolutely Infallible Indesputable Proofs That God Exist
Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:03 AM
Spider said with a straight face:

Logical arguments strongly favor Christianity

laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:06 AM

Spider said with a straight face:

Logical arguments strongly favor Christianity

laugh laugh

I am sure it does for some people(or many), but not for everyone. It seems everyone has a different idealogy of what logic is:smile:

now will someone pass the mashed potatoes pleaseindifferent

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:06 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Fri 12/05/08 06:10 AM

Thats not the point spider. You just dont have to be rude to people is all I meant.

There's no 'proof of God' in all this stuff.

I have to agree with that assessment spider. You have proven nothing. You have not shown that something had to "create a cause" That implies an intelligent designer. Im not saying that it is an impossible concept but you also refuse to accept the concept of evolutionary biology which makes me question some of your basic understandings overall. There is nothing that says that an intelligent designer did not utilize evolution in order to bring biological organisms into existence and begin that process over millions of years. Why take one and not the other?

If a house burned down, does that mean that the fire was intelligent? The house fire was caused by something, does it necessitate an intelligent cause?




The cosmological argument proves that the universe had a cause. That's it. It doesn't prove or imply an intelligent creator. It proves that something caused the universe to exist. There are other arguments that will take us past this point into the realms of "Is the cause intelligent" and "which religion, if any, most accurately describes this cause"?

Is that it? Is that all you have. Then that is nothing more than what you state. Something might have "caused" the Big Bang to occur but that does not imply ID. It could have been any number of naturally occurring events. You keep speaking of these "other arguments" that supposedly elude to substantiating the idea that a ID must have existed in order for this to occur. If you have something more, you probably need to show it because this is unconvincing. In fact, it's downright silly. You are essentially bastardizing a cosmological argument and attempting to slant it towards a biased an unfounded assumption that there is a god. Your next step will be to attempt to prove that it is the god of he bible. Pfft.

I dont understand why the first cause is unique? Why should I believe that? Are you saying that it is somehow exempt from having a cause? What caused the first cause? You are creating a "special situation" there and it is simply not true.The problem with arguing for the first cause's exemption is that it raises the question of why the first cause is indeed exempt? How come you are giving this First Cause such special treatment? You cant just make things up and create your own rules.


You are making the same mistake that Abra made: These are not my arguments. They are arguments made by some of the worlds greatest minds. Leibniz was the first man to invent Calculous and he wrote the Necessary Being Cosmological argument.

Krimsa, if there wasn't a first cause, then why does anything exist? Can you refute any of the points?

1. Every finite and contingent being has a cause.
2. Nothing finite and contingent can cause itself.
3. A causal chain cannot be of infinite length.
4. Therefore, a First Cause (or something that is not an effect) must exist.

1) Do you want to argue that there are finite beings (beings that haven't existed forever) that didn't have a cause?

2) Do you want to argue that something that is finite can cause itself to exist?

3) Do you want to argue that a causal chain can be infinite in length?

If you can't refute one of those posits, then the conclusion is inescapable.

SOMETHING has always existed, otherwise our universe wouldn't exist. That cannot even be questioned.

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:09 AM

Spider said with a straight face:

Logical arguments strongly favor Christianity

laugh laugh

Oh, don't you want to lecture me about being nice some more?

They obviously do, you and Abra pretended all night to be unable to grasp the Cosmological Argument.

You: "but that doesn't prove ID!"

Me: I never said it does.

You: "but that doesn't prove ID!"

Me: I never said it does.

You: "but that doesn't prove ID!"

Me: I never said it does.

You: "but that doesn't prove ID!"

Me: I never said it does.

Maybe I should have just said "I never said it does INFINITY!!!"


no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:13 AM

Spider said with a straight face:

Logical arguments strongly favor Christianity

laugh laugh

I am sure it does for some people(or many), but not for everyone. It seems everyone has a different idealogy of what logic is:smile:

now will someone pass the mashed potatoes pleaseindifferent

Yes, I would love to see one of you try to refute the posits of the Cosmological Argument. The intellectual laziness is astounding. "Your wrong spider!" passes as a valid argument. It's so childish that those involved should be ashamed. Refute the argument or that is an admission of me being right. That's how debates and logic works. If you cannot refute the posits, then you must accept them. Well, must is a strong word...Accept the arguments or refuse to admit your beliefs are based on what you want to believe rather than the logic.

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:18 AM
My logic right now is why don't we simmer down, take a big breathe, and share the mashed potatoeslaugh

Now am I going to get some mashed potatoes or what?

GuitarManager's photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:20 AM

My logic right now is why don't we simmer down, take a big breathe, and share the mashed potatoeslaugh

Now am I going to get some mashed potatoes or what?

I agree, except I want my potatoes all fluffy and perky.

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:23 AM

My logic right now is why don't we simmer down, take a big breathe, and share the mashed potatoeslaugh

Now am I going to get some mashed potatoes or what?

Yes, of course.

You don't have any refutations to my arguments, so you imply that I'm angry. Good tactic and it will probably work for many of the people who read these forums.

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:28 AM

My logic right now is why don't we simmer down, take a big breathe, and share the mashed potatoeslaugh

Now am I going to get some mashed potatoes or what?

Yes, of course.

You don't have any refutations to my arguments, so you imply that I'm angry. Good tactic and it will probably work for many of the people who read these forums.

Does that mean you don't want mashed potatoes?
Or rather you don't like mashed potatoes?tongue2

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:30 AM
Edited by smiless on Fri 12/05/08 06:36 AM

My logic right now is why don't we simmer down, take a big breathe, and share the mashed potatoeslaugh

Now am I going to get some mashed potatoes or what?

Yes, of course.

You don't have any refutations to my arguments, so you imply that I'm angry. Good tactic and it will probably work for many of the people who read these forums.

no not you! I was talking to my dog!laugh

but I still want the mashed potatoes before they get coldlaugh

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:31 AM

My logic right now is why don't we simmer down, take a big breathe, and share the mashed potatoeslaugh

Now am I going to get some mashed potatoes or what?

I agree, except I want my potatoes all fluffy and perky.

sorry you get what you get and they are lumpylaugh

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:35 AM

My logic right now is why don't we simmer down, take a big breathe, and share the mashed potatoeslaugh

Now am I going to get some mashed potatoes or what?

Yes, of course.

You don't have any refutations to my arguments, so you imply that I'm angry. Good tactic and it will probably work for many of the people who read these forums.

About the subject, well I would have to go back 5 pages and read what was discussed, but in the long run I see it like this.

If you believe your logic to the subject is correct then that is all that matters. If others don't then it is their loss no matter how much they disagree on what you say.

I am sure your logic works for many people if not the majority! Now I know that mashed potatoes only tastes good next to my slice of turkey. Some gravy wouldn't be bad either.laugh Have a great day Spiderdrinker

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 06:37 AM
and for Krimsa,

Your logic could be just as valid and absolutely 100% correct, but there will be many who disagree with you. It is just the way of a human.

Want some mashed potatoes?laugh

Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:08 AM
Im not arguing. Im actually too tired for this. I didnt get to bed till like 3am last night for arguing on forums. No, I'll pass. Carbohydrate makes me feel lethargic. happy

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:18 AM

Im not arguing. Im actually too tired for this. I didnt get to bed till like 3am last night for arguing on forums. No, I'll pass. Carbohydrate makes me feel lethargic. happy

I see you suffer insomnialaugh

I do to at times, but not because of the forumslaugh I had a rough year losing two family members I truly loved, lost a good computer with alot of valuable information to me on a virus that couldn't be saved. Lucky I bought a new laptop on black friday and saved some money.

and sometimes I wake up in 3 in the morning with a great idea for my chapter on a novel to only forget it by the time I have my computer on to write it. Then I go to bed wondering what I wanted to write not able to sleeplaugh

Yes true I have become a nutcase, but I am enjoying my time given to me:smile:

Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:42 AM
You need to be backing up everything if you are a novelist. Zip drives or whatever they are referred to now. In case that happens again. Evey time you write something, you back it up.

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:51 AM

You need to be backing up everything if you are a novelist. Zip drives or whatever they are referred to now. In case that happens again. Evey time you write something, you back it up.

Yes I am saving away now.laugh It was so weird because I lost my computer looking at a children's game website, so my daughter can have some fun playing a educational game. My luck right!laugh

Well anyway, it is the past and I learned from it.

(I want to apologize to screennmame JasmineInglewood for being off topic)offtopic

now back to the program:laughing:

GuitarManager's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:55 AM

Im not arguing. Im actually too tired for this. I didnt get to bed till like 3am last night for arguing on forums. No, I'll pass. Carbohydrate makes me feel lethargic. happy

That's why I always quit arguing early on. While I feel strongly about religion I have more important things to do like listen to some good music. I don't like arguing; it drains me and I've done too much of it over the past 10 years, not by choice.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:57 AM
Yeah I have gotten a virus before. Computer virus that is. People always imagine it is the porn websites and it is very often but it can be any website actually so you need to have a good firewall or like a Norton Utilities or some kind of protection program that will alert you in time. I got a Trojan from a computer graphic design site.

Maikuru's photo
Fri 12/05/08 08:40 AM
As someone who is more philosophical and spiritual. I choose not to attach myself to religious institutions. My reason for belief in a higher power, a source to all things as it were goes back to Blaise Pascal's Wager arguement. I try to avoid the terms deity or "God" because of the tendency of those words humanizing something which is not human. Anyways in the Wager arguement, belief in something is a wager or a bet as it were. If i believe in a higher power and there is one then i lose nothing. If there is no higher power then i lose everything. If i bet that there is no higher power and there is I still lose everything. I don't have to absolute proof to find good reason to believe in something. I just play the odds and statistics. A 50/50 chance is better than resigning myself to no chance at all. Just my thoughts is all.:smile: