SkyHook5652's photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:14 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Mon 11/17/08 04:19 PM
Nope. You either misread or misunderstood or forgot what I said. I stated very specifically that it was not while in a dream or meditative state.
"Skyhook"...that's the point I'm making... you never said
But in fact I did say. So you haven't made any point at all.
"Skyhook"'re making it up as you go along because I remember the thread ..but anyway claims of OBE are that it was either entered in a dream or through meditation and you just denied those methods ...all that left is through drug inducement, delusion or a lobotomy ... I vote lobotomy
Well you obviously don't remember the thread because you've got it wrong. And now you've got the claim wrong too. Wanna try for strike three?

SkyHook5652's photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:16 PM
Nope. You either misread or misunderstood or forgot what I said. I stated very specifically that it was not while in a dream or meditative state.
"Skyhook"...that's the point I'm making... you never said
But in fact I did say. So you haven't made any point at all.
More than likely he overheard and overlooked because it wouldn't fit with his argument, in real life you call that selective hearing.
I think it's significantly more than likely. I think it's a certainty. :wink: :smile:
"Skyhook" it funny how you rant but never leave the answer ... come on's your chance to sprew how you entered into OBE
What's even funnier is how everyone else got the answer but you funch.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:22 PM
Edited by funches on Mon 11/17/08 04:24 PM

Nope. You either misread or misunderstood or forgot what I said. I stated very specifically that it was not while in a dream or meditative state.
"Skyhook"...that's the point I'm making... you never said
But in fact I did say. So you haven't made any point at all.
"Skyhook"'re making it up as you go along because I remember the thread ..but anyway claims of OBE are that it was either entered in a dream or through meditation and you just denied those methods ...all that left is through drug inducement, delusion or a lobotomy ... I vote lobotomy
Well you obviously don't remember it because you've got it wrong. And now you've got the claim wrong too. Wanna try for strike three?

"Skyhook" ..I voted you had a Lobotomy and I stand by that answer ...just prove me wrong by giving the answer of how you supposely entered OBE ..tick tock tick tock

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:48 PM
I respect your opinion funches, and I won't attempt to further try to get you to view the matter in a different light.

It isn't something that interests everyone

SkyHook5652's photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:53 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Mon 11/17/08 05:11 PM
Nope. You either misread or misunderstood or forgot what I said. I stated very specifically that it was not while in a dream or meditative state.
"Skyhook"...that's the point I'm making... you never said
But in fact I did say. So you haven't made any point at all.
"Skyhook"'re making it up as you go along because I remember the thread ..but anyway claims of OBE are that it was either entered in a dream or through meditation and you just denied those methods ...all that left is through drug inducement, delusion or a lobotomy ... I vote lobotomy
Well you obviously don't remember it because you've got it wrong. And now you've got the claim wrong too. Wanna try for strike three?
"Skyhook" ..I voted you had a Lobotomy and I stand by that answer ...just prove me wrong by giving the answer of how you supposely entered OBE ..tick tock tick tock
You haven't yet listened to any of the answers you've been given, so you've forfeited any right to either a vote or an answer.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 05:05 PM
Edited by funches on Mon 11/17/08 05:06 PM

I respect your opinion funches, and I won't attempt to further try to get you to view the matter in a different light.

It isn't something that interests everyone

"Ahaloaskewed" isn't it logical to rule out the other possiblities first . .and some of those possibilites are that OBE could be a dream or even conscious REM sleep

if there is no evidence that OBE is not beyond a dream then other dream realities that you were referring to can be examine and investigated ...but as you see with "Skyhook' instead of just giving a truthful answer he is trying to make it something that it's not and that is why OBE can never be taken seriously

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 05:44 PM
Funches is just jealous because he has never had an OBE.

Plus he just likes to argue.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 06:29 PM

Funches is just jealous because he has never had an OBE.

Plus he just likes to argue.

"JennieBean" I have an OBE every saturday on Greasy food "beer" and watch a crappy sci-fi movie night ...

and from the lack of evidence you and skyhook have presented so far ..I can deduce that you all's OBE and reincarnation experiences was drugged induced also

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 06:50 PM
funches we don't care about showing you evidence. Anyway who do you think you are always demanding evidence or proof anyway? If you don't believe it you don't believe it and I don't care what you do or don't believe, because you have a right to decide what to believe as everyone else does too.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 07:37 PM

Anyway who do you think you are always demanding evidence or proof anyway?

"JennieBean"...I'm pretty sure you say that to the police officer that ask you for your driver's license and proof of insurance

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 07:46 PM

Anyway who do you think you are always demanding evidence or proof anyway?

"JennieBean"...I'm pretty sure you say that to the police officer that ask you for your driver's license and proof of insurance

I should. tongue2

I'll try that next time.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:03 PM

ok then "Invisible" what answer did "Skyhook" give as how he entered into his "Out of Body Experience"

if you don't know or to lazy to check that OBE thread then you are just babbling are like a false witness aiding and abetting in the promotion and deception of mis-information from the facts ...shame on you little kitty cat

Will I call you headless body from now on?
You have no right whatsoever to draw any conclusions as to what I have been reading or not. You have no evidence.
I however draw my conclusion from what I read.
You choose to dismiss everything because it doesn't fit in with your argument. It has been so ever since you joined this site, and is hasn't changed an iota.
This is a fact that everyone has noticed.
Perhaps you should change your stance a little.

SkyHook5652's photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:25 PM
Anyway who do you think you are always demanding evidence or proof anyway?
"JennieBean"...I'm pretty sure you say that to the police officer that ask you for your driver's license and proof of insurance
Then I guess you would tell him he's "delusional".

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:52 AM
Other possibilities ruled out?...

and OBE isn't a dream. A dream is a dream.

The body will fall asleep, but it's easy to tell the big difference between the too. In regards to the "debate" you are having with skyhook, I've not read the thread you first began the debate on.

about 8 pm before I woke up for work, I had a pretty intense dream. In my dream, I woke up, and noticed my tooth was really loose and wondered why the hell it was so loose...So I went to pull it out..and pulled 4 teeth along with it somehow...and before I knew it...nearly all my teeth fell out...very intense dream, vividly detailed..but only..a dream...

here's how you find out if you really had an OBE funches...not all cases are the same of course, and some of the cases..can be ruled out..

The human falls asleep...of course...the body is asleep...the body isn't what is having the experience...which is why its called...OUT of BODY EXPERIENCE...

Some will say they view their own body sleeping, in what they believe to be REAL TIME, and wonder off in this state wondering what's going on, THINKING they are experiencing just an intense dream...they VIEW PEOPLE and SURROUNDINGS and specifically DETAILED information...the person having this experience can tell you if 2 people were having a conversation outside, what was said, what was done, etc. They can tell you what a person wrote in a notebook, how many baskets the neighbor made in his session of basketball, if a cat caught a bird, so many things.

The person who had the experience, wonders what the hell happened...soon as he/she is out of that state...he/she will ask the neighbor hey man did you just play basketball with your friend and miss 7 shots but make 10? Did you happen to see if a cat caught a bird? Were you writing a poem in your notebook about a girl named Jan? When the people the hell do you know this?

That's why it can't be ruled out Funches

Evidence is Examined, Investigated, Proven.

They aren't guesses...hell...if it was that simple funches...imagine how many would be winning the lotto time after time? Besides...if that were the case...well would have a VERY NICE useful purpose now wouldn't it?

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 04:46 AM

Will I call you headless body from now on?
You have no right whatsoever to draw any conclusions

"Invisible" stop being lazy and go to the "Out of Body Experience" thread and point out where "skyhook" explain how he entered into his "OBE" ..until you do that your ranting is delusional

this is your chance to prove me wrong ..either go read that thread and show me ...or close your pie-hole

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 04:55 AM

Will I call you headless body from now on?
You have no right whatsoever to draw any conclusions

"Invisible" stop being lazy and go to the "Out of Body Experience" thread and point out where "skyhook" explain how he entered into his "OBE" ..until you do that your ranting is delusional

this is your chance to prove me wrong ..either go read that thread and show me ...or close your pie-hole

First you gonna prove to me that I didn't read it.
come on, take the challenge.
If you can't do it, you are the one who is delusional.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:08 AM

The person who had the experience, wonders what the hell happened...soon as he/she is out of that state...he/she will ask the neighbor hey man did you just play basketball with your friend and miss 7 shots but make 10? Did you happen to see if a cat caught a bird? Were you writing a poem in your notebook about a girl named Jan? When the people the hell do you know this?

"Ahaloaskewed"these "OBE" are usually about the activity of those you know and so you are familar with their habits their enviroments their wants and need which mean all you did was profiled them

also the person may just be humoring you ..they probably know or heard that you believe in 'OBE" or that you may regard yourself as a sort of psychic and for some reason feel that it's better to agree with you then say no that it didn't happen you see that same type of deception is taking place in this thread

and the information in these "OBE" is all insignificate nothing of value or usefullness ever comes out of the experience

"OBE" may be possible but so far the evidence doesn't support that

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:20 AM

First you gonna prove to me that I didn't read it.
come on, take the challenge.
If you can't do it, you are the one who is delusional.

"Invisible"'s not up to me to prove or disprove that you are delusional or read the thread's up to you

and the fact that you haven't provided an answer only shows that you either didn't read the thread or did read it and know the answer is not in the thread

even "skyhook" knew that he didn't give an answer or lied about the answer he supposely gave but yet your defending him for not providing that answer only proves you are delusional

"Skyhook" place himself in the corner when he denied that he didn't enter into "OBE" through a dream or through meditation "Invisible" all you are doing is making yourself appear dense

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 07:36 AM

First you gonna prove to me that I didn't read it.
come on, take the challenge.
If you can't do it, you are the one who is delusional.

"Invisible"'s not up to me to prove or disprove that you are delusional or read the thread's up to you

and the fact that you haven't provided an answer only shows that you either didn't read the thread or did read it and know the answer is not in the thread

even "skyhook" knew that he didn't give an answer or lied about the answer he supposely gave but yet your defending him for not providing that answer only proves you are delusional

"Skyhook" place himself in the corner when he denied that he didn't enter into "OBE" through a dream or through meditation "Invisible" all you are doing is making yourself appear dense

Excuse you me.
You accused me of not reading the text.
and I'm innocent until proven guilty beyond any doubt.
And it is the task of the accuser to provide the proof.
I have to do nothing but to sit and wait until you have done that.
And unless you prove it beyond any doubt, you are delusional.
I mean you are that anyway, because you believe that the only game that can be played is by your rules, which you make up as you go along, so they fit your argument.
This is not so.
I never ever have to prove anything to you. You either take my word or you leave it.
It's your delusion that makes you think everybody plays to please you.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 08:24 AM

Excuse you me.
You accused me of not reading the text.
and I'm innocent until proven guilty beyond any doubt.
And it is the task of the accuser to provide the proof.
I have to do nothing but to sit and wait until you have done that.
And unless you prove it beyond any doubt, you are delusional.
I mean you are that anyway, because you believe that the only game that can be played is by your rules, which you make up as you go along, so they fit your argument.
This is not so.
I never ever have to prove anything to you. You either take my word or you leave it.
It's your delusion that makes you think everybody plays to please you.

"Invisible" I only have to prove that the text you are speaking of is not in that thread and the thread itself proves that which means you couldn't have read that text because it doesn't exist in the thread ....a logical conclusion

this is just another case of how you are deceptive in the forum and how you resort to lying...even to yourself

again to prove me wrong ...just tell where that text exist in the thread that "skyhook" entered "OBE" by any other means than through a dream or meditation ...

hey I know.. maybe he entered into "OBE" through one of your delusions