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Topic: Redistribution of Wealth...
Giocamo's photo
Sun 11/09/08 12:59 AM
my other arguement on here that falls on deaf ears...is that this country is over taxed...not under taxed...we need to STOP SPENDING !!!

damn !...then your name is Tina...right ?...lol

tiamabreid's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:00 AM

Thanks for the head's up on the ignorance.

opps !...that's Tia...slaphead

I don't quite follow what you mean by that. I was not bashing YOU, I just think if someone is going to say that the wealth should be shared from a person willing to work their A** off to earn good money with the person laying on the couch eating potato chips and watching soap operas all day, I find that only an ignorant person would call that fair.


my opps comment is because I called you Tina...silly you...lol...you and I are on the same page...I agree with you...producers giving money to non producers...someone who did not earn it...is apalling...on this board...the rich are looked down upon...if you read some of the stuff that's posted...on here in regards to taxes and money...it makes you kind of scratch you head...

And to THAT, I say touche.

tiamabreid's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:00 AM
Yes, Tina

Drew07_2's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:00 AM
Edited by Drew07_2 on Sun 11/09/08 01:04 AM
The old and now tired mantra of "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer" is enough to make me cringe in a way usually reserved only for fingernails on a chalkboard. Some people in this nation are more concerned about trying to figure out how to get the "rich" to pay their share and I can't help but think that if a few more of them spent as much time and energy actually thinking of ways to earn their own money perhaps they would not have the time to spend trying to figure out how to get their hands on the wealth of others.

From the IRS in 2004, the breakdown is pretty clear.

The top 1% of earners pay 37% of the taxes.
The top 5% of earners pay 57% of the taxes
The top 10% of earners pay 68% of the taxes
The top 25% of earners pay 85% of the taxes.

Conversely, the bottom 50% of wage earners in this country pay a whole 3% of federal taxes.

I did not get these numbers from Rush's site or from FOX so I hope I'll not hear all about how these numbers are biased.

What strikes me as interesting is that the top 25% of this nation pays for this nation and yet those who don't pay much at all (the bottom 50% of wage earners) have in their ranks people who feel that it just isn't fair. Currently, I make enough to pay for my way and the way of several others. I am fortunate to have what I have but it was not "given" to me and no amount of ranting about the system being unfair made it any easier.

I don't covet that which I don't have. Barack Obama himself made over 4.1 million bucks last year and is able to send his kids to private school. He is a rich individual and that is fine with me. John McCain is also quite rich--again, good for him--good for them both. A-list Hollywood actors (both liberal and conservative) can make upwards of 20 million dollars per picture. Oprah is rich beyond measure as are a number of other Americans.

I am happy for them all. If they have a skill and work in a profession that allows them to court that type of money then a heartfelt, congratulations is all you'll hear from me.

But this notion that things need to be made "more" equal, that the rich should pay more (when they are already paying far more than their share) is nothing more than class-envy. It is wanting more of what someone doesn't have and not being willing to work hard enough or sacrifice significantly enough to make it happen.

I don't care if wealth "trickles down" as there is no constitutional provision that states that I should have that which I did not earn. I don't want to see hard work and sacrifice begin to be distributed in a way that creates disincentives for people to venture forth in this world and create something special.

Not every rich person out there is an arrogant a-hole. In fact, I know plenty of poor a-holes and a few too many who seem utterly consumed with what everyone else has while failing to consider that perhaps they have it, because they earned it.

I apologize for the pontification but this issue has been on my mind a great deal of late. If people want egalitarianism there are many nations in this world that work to that end. But this Republic is not one of them. Nowhere is such a measure supported and no amount of "it's not fair" mantra type jealousy is going to make it so.


Giocamo's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:05 AM
Drew thanks for trying to put the facts forth and let the people see the true numbers as they are...I've posted similiar figures on a few occasions...to no avail...like I said before..it goes in one ear and out the other...

tiamabreid's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:08 AM
Beautiful, Drew

The only problem is...everyone opposing our side has run away.

Giocamo's photo
Sun 11/09/08 01:13 AM

Beautiful, Drew

The only problem is...everyone opposing our side has run away.

then we'll just have to take up the fight another day...gulp !!..happy

no photo
Sun 11/09/08 02:17 AM
Edited by AmazingAmanda on Sun 11/09/08 02:20 AM
There's already a thread on this.

Not just in here but in two other outside dating forums at least. I've noticed that with a couple of threads like this. hummmmm?

And yes, I am a forum junkie. It helps pass the time between study sessions (I am a college student).

Edit: Nice post Drew (4 up^^^^). I agree with most of that. I intend on being upper middle class one day and I want to decide how I spread my wealth around, not let the government do it.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 11/09/08 08:17 AM
Edited by cutelildevilsmom on Sun 11/09/08 08:20 AM

Why can't the rich pay a higher percentage of taxes than the poor???


UMMM, THEY ALREADY DO!!! Much higher tax percentage, the difference of 35% to 10%.

35 percent of a billion is **** compared to 25 percent of 18000 a year.
With loopholes and all it aint the rich nor the po paying its the working poor and lower middle class.I live in the real America.Apparently some here live in Fantasyland.By the way I'm a moderate as are most here.By the way I don't want your damn money,I just want a break.If you guys are so worried ,get the IRS abolished and income tax so we can actually get the bucks we work for.

Winx's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:03 AM

Why can't the rich pay a higher percentage of taxes than the poor???


UMMM, THEY ALREADY DO!!! Much higher tax percentage, the difference of 35% to 10%.

35 percent of a billion is **** compared to 25 percent of 18000 a year.
With loopholes and all it aint the rich nor the po paying its the working poor and lower middle class.I live in the real America.Apparently some here live in Fantasyland.By the way I'm a moderate as are most here.By the way I don't want your damn money,I just want a break.If you guys are so worried ,get the IRS abolished and income tax so we can actually get the bucks we work for.

Hmmmm...went to church this morning. The pastor was talking about how difficult the times are now. Told us that we were supposed to be helping those less fortunate than ourselves.
There's a lot of passages in the Bible that say to do that too.

tiamabreid's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:08 AM

Why can't the rich pay a higher percentage of taxes than the poor???


UMMM, THEY ALREADY DO!!! Much higher tax percentage, the difference of 35% to 10%.

35 percent of a billion is **** compared to 25 percent of 18000 a year.
With loopholes and all it aint the rich nor the po paying its the working poor and lower middle class.I live in the real America.Apparently some here live in Fantasyland.By the way I'm a moderate as are most here.By the way I don't want your damn money,I just want a break.If you guys are so worried ,get the IRS abolished and income tax so we can actually get the bucks we work for.

Let me spell it out in words that people like you can understand.

Let's say you are selling candybars to earn your way to camp. If you sell 200 candybars, you have earned a free ride to camp. Any more candybars you sell over 200, you will get $.10 of spending money while you are at camp. Your classmates all have the same amount to sell for a free ride to camp and spending money as well.

You work your butt off day and night and all weekend long to sell 250 candybars. This must mean that not only do you have a free ride to camp, but you also get $5 in spending money.

Now everything turns around and you are forced to help the kids that did nothing to earn their free ride and the camp director now tells you that 1/3 of your candybar sales are going to help other kids, and you no longer have a free ride to camp.

This means that you are going to have to sell 45 more candybars (now, hopefully you know that the tax will still count on the candybars you are going to have to re-sell in order to pay your way) The math is done like this: 250*2/3 = 166.67. Well, no one can only sell .33 of a candybar, so we round up one. We have to sell 34 candybars, but those 34 will then be taxed, so we multiply. 34*1.33333=45.33333 (we rounded up before, so now we can round down to 45).

Maybe this can make a little more sense to all of you that can't think past the scope of a childhood education.


Winx's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:13 AM

Why can't the rich pay a higher percentage of taxes than the poor???


UMMM, THEY ALREADY DO!!! Much higher tax percentage, the difference of 35% to 10%.

35 percent of a billion is **** compared to 25 percent of 18000 a year.
With loopholes and all it aint the rich nor the po paying its the working poor and lower middle class.I live in the real America.Apparently some here live in Fantasyland.By the way I'm a moderate as are most here.By the way I don't want your damn money,I just want a break.If you guys are so worried ,get the IRS abolished and income tax so we can actually get the bucks we work for.

Let me spell it out in words that people like you can understand.

Let's say you are selling candybars to earn your way to camp. If you sell 200 candybars, you have earned a free ride to camp. Any more candybars you sell over 200, you will get $.10 of spending money while you are at camp. Your classmates all have the same amount to sell for a free ride to camp and spending money as well.

You work your butt off day and night and all weekend long to sell 250 candybars. This must mean that not only do you have a free ride to camp, but you also get $5 in spending money.

Now everything turns around and you are forced to help the kids that did nothing to earn their free ride and the camp director now tells you that 1/3 of your candybar sales are going to help other kids, and you no longer have a free ride to camp.

This means that you are going to have to sell 45 more candybars (now, hopefully you know that the tax will still count on the candybars you are going to have to re-sell in order to pay your way) The math is done like this: 250*2/3 = 166.67. Well, no one can only sell .33 of a candybar, so we round up one. We have to sell 34 candybars, but those 34 will then be taxed, so we multiply. 34*1.33333=45.33333 (we rounded up before, so now we can round down to 45).

Maybe this can make a little more sense to all of you that can't think past the scope of a childhood education.


Why are you being rude?

Giocamo's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:13 AM

Why can't the rich pay a higher percentage of taxes than the poor???


UMMM, THEY ALREADY DO!!! Much higher tax percentage, the difference of 35% to 10%.

35 percent of a billion is **** compared to 25 percent of 18000 a year.
With loopholes and all it aint the rich nor the po paying its the working poor and lower middle class.I live in the real America.Apparently some here live in Fantasyland.By the way I'm a moderate as are most here.By the way I don't want your damn money,I just want a break.If you guys are so worried ,get the IRS abolished and income tax so we can actually get the bucks we work for.

Let me spell it out in words that people like you can understand.

Let's say you are selling candybars to earn your way to camp. If you sell 200 candybars, you have earned a free ride to camp. Any more candybars you sell over 200, you will get $.10 of spending money while you are at camp. Your classmates all have the same amount to sell for a free ride to camp and spending money as well.

You work your butt off day and night and all weekend long to sell 250 candybars. This must mean that not only do you have a free ride to camp, but you also get $5 in spending money.

Now everything turns around and you are forced to help the kids that did nothing to earn their free ride and the camp director now tells you that 1/3 of your candybar sales are going to help other kids, and you no longer have a free ride to camp.

This means that you are going to have to sell 45 more candybars (now, hopefully you know that the tax will still count on the candybars you are going to have to re-sell in order to pay your way) The math is done like this: 250*2/3 = 166.67. Well, no one can only sell .33 of a candybar, so we round up one. We have to sell 34 candybars, but those 34 will then be taxed, so we multiply. 34*1.33333=45.33333 (we rounded up before, so now we can round down to 45).

Maybe this can make a little more sense to all of you that can't think past the scope of a childhood education.


you've got my vote !!...well done...:smile:

Lindyy's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:21 AM
TINA: See? No matter what you do, say or the facts you provide....things just are not comprehensible by many....SIGH....

I do not make much money, I do the best with the skills I have, I live modestly and am content with what I have. I am basically a HAPPY PUPPY!

I am all for programs to assist those in need....reaching out & HELPING (NOT SUPPORTING)........ BUT I and the rest of the citizenship of the USA are NOT obligated to provide for others.

Those who are financially wealthy got there through hard work, tons of stress & lots of determination & self sacrifice.......To have the AUDACITY to say these individuals are obligated to "COUGH UP" their hard earned money is mind boggeling....what

Sure, it would be nice to have the skills to EARN (I stress the word EARN)and/or make more money....but I do not, THEREFORE, I make the best of what I have, live sensibly & modestly and am grateful for the wealthy BECAUSE it is THEY, the dastardly, how dare they be "rich", who provide the millions of jobs for others to EARN a living.....and pay the millions of dollars in taxes to keep the USA going.....

Do people REALLY think the minuscule amount paid in taxes by the mid to low class wage earners & the non-tax paying wage earners - keeps things running in the USA? The words "COMMON SENSE" seem to be missing in this thread.frustrated slaphead


tiamabreid's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:21 AM

Why are you being rude?

There are so many people that think: Because someone made good money by working really hard to get it, they should then help the people who have not done anything with their life to make themselves better.

There is already so much more taxes imposed on the people considered "wealthy", so again, I say - if more taxes are necessary to make the lower income families happy, what is the point to ever make something of oneself?

Everything I have done to make myself something, then 1/2-1/3 of my earnings is given to someone who doesnt do anything for themselves.

This is why I am irritated.


JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:24 AM
Maybe this can make a little more sense to all of you that can't think past the scope of a childhood education.


Tina, you make very valid arguments.

But then you proceed to lessen those points by making snide little comments such as the one I am quoting.

I understand that it can be frustrating at times to feel that you are the only one who " sees the light " so to speak. Resorting to insulting someone's intelligence, however, is not the most effective way of making your point.

If people don't listen to those points, that is their own choice.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:25 AM

Why can't the rich pay a higher percentage of taxes than the poor???


UMMM, THEY ALREADY DO!!! Much higher tax percentage, the difference of 35% to 10%.

35 percent of a billion is **** compared to 25 percent of 18000 a year.
With loopholes and all it aint the rich nor the po paying its the working poor and lower middle class.I live in the real America.Apparently some here live in Fantasyland.By the way I'm a moderate as are most here.By the way I don't want your damn money,I just want a break.If you guys are so worried ,get the IRS abolished and income tax so we can actually get the bucks we work for.

Let me spell it out in words that people like you can understand.

Let's say you are selling candybars to earn your way to camp. If you sell 200 candybars, you have earned a free ride to camp. Any more candybars you sell over 200, you will get $.10 of spending money while you are at camp. Your classmates all have the same amount to sell for a free ride to camp and spending money as well.

You work your butt off day and night and all weekend long to sell 250 candybars. This must mean that not only do you have a free ride to camp, but you also get $5 in spending money.

Now everything turns around and you are forced to help the kids that did nothing to earn their free ride and the camp director now tells you that 1/3 of your candybar sales are going to help other kids, and you no longer have a free ride to camp.

This means that you are going to have to sell 45 more candybars (now, hopefully you know that the tax will still count on the candybars you are going to have to re-sell in order to pay your way) The math is done like this: 250*2/3 = 166.67. Well, no one can only sell .33 of a candybar, so we round up one. We have to sell 34 candybars, but those 34 will then be taxed, so we multiply. 34*1.33333=45.33333 (we rounded up before, so now we can round down to 45).

Maybe this can make a little more sense to all of you that can't think past the scope of a childhood education.


Oh i get it.If I don't agree with you,I'm a moron.

Giocamo's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:26 AM

Why are you being rude?

There are so many people that think: Because someone made good money by working really hard to get it, they should then help the people who have not done anything with their life to make themselves better.

There is already so much more taxes imposed on the people considered "wealthy", so again, I say - if more taxes are necessary to make the lower income families happy, what is the point to ever make something of oneself?

Everything I have done to make myself something, then 1/2-1/3 of my earnings is given to someone who doesnt do anything for themselves.

This is why I am irritated.


my guess is this response by you will be met with the following..." unforseen circumstances "...has caused their plight...which is true in some cases...you know,,,this system was set up by FDR as a safety net...and...for far too many people it has become a hammock !...LOL

Lindyy's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:27 AM

Why can't the rich pay a higher percentage of taxes than the poor???


UMMM, THEY ALREADY DO!!! Much higher tax percentage, the difference of 35% to 10%.

35 percent of a billion is **** compared to 25 percent of 18000 a year.
With loopholes and all it aint the rich nor the po paying its the working poor and lower middle class.I live in the real America.Apparently some here live in Fantasyland.By the way I'm a moderate as are most here.By the way I don't want your damn money,I just want a break.If you guys are so worried ,get the IRS abolished and income tax so we can actually get the bucks we work for.

Let me spell it out in words that people like you can understand.

Let's say you are selling candybars to earn your way to camp. If you sell 200 candybars, you have earned a free ride to camp. Any more candybars you sell over 200, you will get $.10 of spending money while you are at camp. Your classmates all have the same amount to sell for a free ride to camp and spending money as well.

You work your butt off day and night and all weekend long to sell 250 candybars. This must mean that not only do you have a free ride to camp, but you also get $5 in spending money.

Now everything turns around and you are forced to help the kids that did nothing to earn their free ride and the camp director now tells you that 1/3 of your candybar sales are going to help other kids, and you no longer have a free ride to camp.

This means that you are going to have to sell 45 more candybars (now, hopefully you know that the tax will still count on the candybars you are going to have to re-sell in order to pay your way) The math is done like this: 250*2/3 = 166.67. Well, no one can only sell .33 of a candybar, so we round up one. We have to sell 34 candybars, but those 34 will then be taxed, so we multiply. 34*1.33333=45.33333 (we rounded up before, so now we can round down to 45).

Maybe this can make a little more sense to all of you that can't think past the scope of a childhood education.


Why are you being rude?

I see NO rudeness....simply someone with PATIENCE & Common sense taking the time to TRY to explain FACTS. Gratefulness is the word that should be able to be seen towards TIA...IMO..


tiamabreid's photo
Sun 11/09/08 11:28 AM
Edited by tiamabreid on Sun 11/09/08 11:30 AM

TINA: See? No matter what you do, say or the facts you provide....things just are not comprehensible by many....SIGH....

I do not make much money, I do the best with the skills I have, I live modestly and am content with what I have. I am basically a HAPPY PUPPY!

I am all for programs to assist those in need....reaching out & HELPING (NOT SUPPORTING)........ BUT I and the rest of the citizenship of the USA are NOT obligated to provide for others.

Those who are financially wealthy got there through hard work, tons of stress & lots of determination & self sacrifice.......To have the AUDACITY to say these individuals are obligated to "COUGH UP" their hard earned money is mind boggeling....what

Sure, it would be nice to have the skills to EARN (I stress the word EARN)and/or make more money....but I do not, THEREFORE, I make the best of what I have, live sensibly & modestly and am grateful for the wealthy BECAUSE it is THEY, the dastardly, how dare they be "rich", who provide the millions of jobs for others to EARN a living.....and pay the millions of dollars in taxes to keep the USA going.....

Do people REALLY think the minuscule amount paid in taxes by the mid to low class wage earners & the non-tax paying wage earners - keeps things running in the USA? The words "COMMON SENSE" seem to be missing in this thread.frustrated slaphead


AND THESE, are the people that the wealthy WANT to help. People who think that they are somehow OWED something because they are poor (or as the uneducated say 'po') are not the people that deserve any more support.


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