Topic: Take Your Flag And Stove It
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Sat 10/11/08 06:16 AM
Wouldn't those standards also apply to the American flag? The Portugese flag? The British flag? The French flag? The Spanish flag? Do you think the Confederacy was the only country to own slaves?

Chazster's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:24 AM
I am sure this was mentioned, but there we some states that supported slavery that we not part of the confederate army.

You associate it with the KKK just because they had it? You know most white power people are very religious and and have bibles. By your logic all Christians support white power by having a bible. You see how that logic is flawed?

I personally don't have a confederate flag, but since I grew up in Louisiana I know people that do. I am sorry if you don't like it because you misunderstand what it represents, but it is part of our heritage.

Also, dont forget that it was the African Tribe leaders that sold their own people into slavery.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:28 AM

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:29 AM
Edited by moonlight_ride62 on Sat 10/11/08 06:31 AM

enderra's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:34 AM

I happen to be your elder lady, so you go play with yourself dear.

no photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:39 AM
Slavery ended at the same time as the Confederacy. Whose tired past are we talking about?

enderra's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:39 AM

I am sure this was mentioned, but there we some states that supported slavery that we not part of the confederate army.

You associate it with the KKK just because they had it? You know most white power people are very religious and and have bibles. By your logic all Christians support white power by having a bible. You see how that logic is flawed?

I personally don't have a confederate flag, but since I grew up in Louisiana I know people that do. I am sorry if you don't like it because you misunderstand what it represents, but it is part of our heritage.

Also, dont forget that it was the African Tribe leaders that sold their own people into slavery.
I have never linked Christian people with White power. I have not mentioned the Bible in this thread.
What Africans did to other Africans is wrong and the Africans nations recently got together and made a formal apology for it. Which is more than the American government has ever done.
Yes, it is apart of every american's heritage alone with the slaughter of native people.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:42 AM
Edited by SharpShooter10 on Sat 10/11/08 06:46 AM

You are a racist it you fly or have a confederate flag any where in your house, car or person.

You may think that you are honoring your ancestor who fought for the rights of states, to do what? Enslave others was the biggest cash cow they had and what they were fighting to keep.

Growing Up When I saw the Klan I saw that flag. How was that honoring your ancestors, oh yes that is right they too thought it was perfectly acceptable to torture, brutalize and dispose of a entire race, not unlike the Nazi.

You can hide behind your ancestors, your heritage, but you are just scared, angry little ignorant people.
It's all in ones perception of the thing. doesn't mean anything except a battle flag in a war basically, Have a guitar that has one depicted on it, doesn't represent anything but a cool guitar that I got a good deal on. It's a shame that idiots like the Klan and Skinheads and racists have used them in the past, but its a silly argument. It's a battle flag, flown by the south during a terrible civil war, fought for and died under by honorable soldiers, nothing more, it is not racist in my opinion, only percieved that way wrongly and sadly.

I like the different Jolly Rogers - and i'm only a pirate when I drink Rumdrinker

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:47 AM

I happen to be your elder lady, so you go play with yourself dear.

well you have the thoughts of a small minded excuse me for getting confused...and btw why it is ok for blacks to hate whites but we are suppose to just love you guys ...hate generates hate darlin.... and damn you look good for your age...

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:48 AM
Edited by moonlight_ride62 on Sat 10/11/08 06:49 AM

I am sure this was mentioned, but there we some states that supported slavery that we not part of the confederate army.

You associate it with the KKK just because they had it? You know most white power people are very religious and and have bibles. By your logic all Christians support white power by having a bible. You see how that logic is flawed?

I personally don't have a confederate flag, but since I grew up in Louisiana I know people that do. I am sorry if you don't like it because you misunderstand what it represents, but it is part of our heritage.

Also, dont forget that it was the African Tribe leaders that sold their own people into slavery.
I have never linked Christian people with White power. I have not mentioned the Bible in this thread.
What Africans did to other Africans is wrong and the Africans nations recently got together and made a formal apology for it. Which is more than the American government has ever done.
Yes, it is apart of every american's heritage alone with the slaughter of native people.

there were white slaves to love but I guess you fail to rememeber that in your little rant here

Chazster's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:51 AM

I am sure this was mentioned, but there we some states that supported slavery that we not part of the confederate army.

You associate it with the KKK just because they had it? You know most white power people are very religious and and have bibles. By your logic all Christians support white power by having a bible. You see how that logic is flawed?

I personally don't have a confederate flag, but since I grew up in Louisiana I know people that do. I am sorry if you don't like it because you misunderstand what it represents, but it is part of our heritage.

Also, dont forget that it was the African Tribe leaders that sold their own people into slavery.
I have never linked Christian people with White power. I have not mentioned the Bible in this thread.
What Africans did to other Africans is wrong and the Africans nations recently got together and made a formal apology for it. Which is more than the American government has ever done.
Yes, it is apart of every american's heritage alone with the slaughter of native people.

Did I ever claim you mentioned the bible? Maybe if you reread what I wrote you will understand my point.

Your lack of understanding and acceptance of others is disheartening especially since you are complaining about other people being "so called racists." Last time I checked, racist was an attitude, not a possession.

You don't see me hating Britains because of the Great Expulsion in 1755. (If you dont know, this is when Brittan forced some 11,000 Acadians out of their homes and scatter them throughout Louisiana.)

Yes, lots of bad stuff happened to lots of our ancestors, but what does that matter to us now? Yes racism exists, but not because of the war. It exists in just about every country.

Hating people for hating others only spreads more hate. It worsens the problem, it doesnt fix it.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:53 AM
king in his famous speech said I have a dream...that means to look forward...but how can the black move forward when ya'll are still stuck in the past...that means the man died for nothing...he shed his blood for you to whine and complain ***** and moan about a flag...come on now...

enderra's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:54 AM

You are a racist it you fly or have a confederate flag any where in your house, car or person.

You may think that you are honoring your ancestor who fought for the rights of states, to do what? Enslave others was the biggest cash cow they had and what they were fighting to keep.

Growing Up When I saw the Klan I saw that flag. How was that honoring your ancestors, oh yes that is right they too thought it was perfectly acceptable to torture, brutalize and dispose of a entire race, not unlike the Nazi.

You can hide behind your ancestors, your heritage, but you are just scared, angry little ignorant people.
It's all in ones perception of the thing. doesn't mean anything except a battle flag in a war basically, Have a guitar that has one depicted on it, doesn't represent anything but a cool guitar that I got a good deal on. It's a shame that idiots like the Klan and Skinheads and racists have used them in the past, but its a silly argument. It's a battle flag, flown by the south during a terrible civil war, fought for and died under by honorable soldiers, nothing more, it is not racist in my opinion, only percieved that way wrongly and sadly.

I like the different Jolly Rogers - and i'm only a pirate when I drink Rumdrinker

If you really think it is wrong for this cherished symbol to be misused, then why don't the people who love it so much, protect it from those that abuse it? Why don't you guy go and grab it out of their hands and say NO. That is the problem.

enderra's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:59 AM

king in his famous speech said I have a dream...that means to look forward...but how can the black move forward when ya'll are still stuck in the past...that means the man died for nothing...he shed his blood for you to whine and complain ***** and moan about a flag...come on now...
you move forward and bury that flag, then get back to me. I should forget my heritage but you can keep waving yours.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 10/11/08 06:59 AM
I think it is soooo funny when people don't realize they are the problem...and like to balme others for whatever they think it unjust or unfair...

no photo
Sat 10/11/08 07:01 AM
The slaughter of the native people is just more liberal thinking. The Native American male grew up in warrior societies that thought war was a game, as a matter of fact, the only way to achieve manhood. Just like the Japanese and the Germans in WWII and yes, the Confederates in the Civil War, they had to be shown what war really was before they would stop. Custer and Sherman (his Secretary of War) learned this lesson in the Civil can continue to defeat an army in the field over and over but until you destroy his economic infrastructure you will not defeat them. This is the reason the British lost the Revolutionary War, if they had burned New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, and Charleston to the ground we would still be British. This is also a lesson America has forgotten in fighting Al Queda. The Native American also immigrated onto their lands and destroyed the previous owners but still whine about it happening to them. To the victor goes the spoils. The only reason it hasn't happened to America is because we just so happened to win. No other reason.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sat 10/11/08 07:02 AM

king in his famous speech said I have a dream...that means to look forward...but how can the black move forward when ya'll are still stuck in the past...that means the man died for nothing...he shed his blood for you to whine and complain ***** and moan about a flag...come on now...
you move forward and bury that flag, then get back to me. I should forget my heritage but you can keep waving yours.

it is my right as well as wanna hate go ahead and hate I for one don't or anyone esle...I will fly whatever flag I want if that offends you then you are the one that is wrong...I fly it cuz it is my heritage and right..

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 10/11/08 07:02 AM

You are a racist it you fly or have a confederate flag any where in your house, car or person.

You may think that you are honoring your ancestor who fought for the rights of states, to do what? Enslave others was the biggest cash cow they had and what they were fighting to keep.

Growing Up When I saw the Klan I saw that flag. How was that honoring your ancestors, oh yes that is right they too thought it was perfectly acceptable to torture, brutalize and dispose of a entire race, not unlike the Nazi.

You can hide behind your ancestors, your heritage, but you are just scared, angry little ignorant people.
It's all in ones perception of the thing. doesn't mean anything except a battle flag in a war basically, Have a guitar that has one depicted on it, doesn't represent anything but a cool guitar that I got a good deal on. It's a shame that idiots like the Klan and Skinheads and racists have used them in the past, but its a silly argument. It's a battle flag, flown by the south during a terrible civil war, fought for and died under by honorable soldiers, nothing more, it is not racist in my opinion, only percieved that way wrongly and sadly.

I like the different Jolly Rogers - and i'm only a pirate when I drink Rumdrinker

If you really think it is wrong for this cherished symbol to be misused, then why don't the people who love it so much, protect it from those that abuse it? Why don't you guy go and grab it out of their hands and say NO. That is the problem.
It's not that I may not want to, but, are you going to bring me cigarettes in jail after its donespock drinker waving

enderra's photo
Sat 10/11/08 07:02 AM

I think it is soooo funny when people don't realize they are the problem...and like to balme others for whatever they think it unjust or unfair...
That's right you are the problem because you refuse to put yourself in other peoples shoes. It would be so much more comfortable for us to remain silent, like all those good negros you grew up with. Wrong is Wrong.

Chazster's photo
Sat 10/11/08 07:04 AM

king in his famous speech said I have a dream...that means to look forward...but how can the black move forward when ya'll are still stuck in the past...that means the man died for nothing...he shed his blood for you to whine and complain ***** and moan about a flag...come on now...
you move forward and bury that flag, then get back to me. I should forget my heritage but you can keep waving yours.

Because, whether we like it or not they have the right to do that. Hell, Skin heads, KKK, etc all have the right to form parades etc. Just because we don't like what they do doesnt make it illegal.