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Topic: What is the "mark of the beast"?
SharpShooter10's photo
Mon 09/29/08 07:20 PM
The Mark of the Beast in Revelations if you check the seals, vials and trumps is the sixth seal, sixth vial and sixth trump when the anti christ appears on earth. It is not a chip or mark on our persons and other things similar to that.

The meaning of on or in the hand and forehead means you will work for him knowingly or unknowingly and on the forehead or in the forehead meaning the mind, you will be decieved by him.

tribo's photo
Mon 09/29/08 07:32 PM
Edited by tribo on Mon 09/29/08 07:33 PM
i agree sharp, i thinks its a spiritual seal like that given gods chosen which is said to be on the forehead, to undestand it any other way is foolish, just as lindsey's or other futurist writers on the subject try to interject what has happened 2000 yrs ago is meant for today, instead of happening in AD 70. People tend to go with whats popular rather than whats really stated - its much easier to read a supposed theologians take on things than study the book to see what it really says.

SharpShooter10's photo
Mon 09/29/08 07:46 PM
Hey what's up Tribo, went back and read everything from the start after posting,took me a bit to get back herelaugh

tribo's photo
Mon 09/29/08 07:49 PM
Edited by tribo on Mon 09/29/08 07:50 PM
I'm A-OK sharp - no prob. it another joy ride is all. :thumbsup:

you want fun? - go check out Lynnann's new post - "naked mass" laugh :tongue:

SharpShooter10's photo
Mon 09/29/08 07:50 PM

i agree sharp, i thinks its a spiritual seal like that given gods chosen which is said to be on the forehead, to undestand it any other way is foolish, just as lindsey's or other futurist writers on the subject try to interject what has happened 2000 yrs ago is meant for today, instead of happening in AD 70. People tend to go with whats popular rather than whats really stated - its much easier to read a supposed theologians take on things than study the book to see what it really says.
very true, that is why so many will be decieved, a lot of christians take some preachers word for everything without questioning or doing some study on their own. I get a kick out of the chips and tatoos stories, satan is much smarter than that, most, even ill informed christians wouldn't fall for that. They will be working for him and worship him thinking that he is actually christ returned.

tribo's photo
Mon 09/29/08 07:57 PM

i agree sharp, i thinks its a spiritual seal like that given gods chosen which is said to be on the forehead, to undestand it any other way is foolish, just as lindsey's or other futurist writers on the subject try to interject what has happened 2000 yrs ago is meant for today, instead of happening in AD 70. People tend to go with whats popular rather than whats really stated - its much easier to read a supposed theologians take on things than study the book to see what it really says.
very true, that is why so many will be decieved, a lot of christians take some preachers word for everything without questioning or doing some study on their own. I get a kick out of the chips and tatoos stories, satan is much smarter than that, most, even ill informed christians wouldn't fall for that. They will be working for him and worship him thinking that he is actually christ returned.

Well you know i'm not a chrisitian but i read to find error's of others im trollish in that sense.

but the thing that always amuses me is if they were right [lidsey,lehaye, and the rest]about the mark, no one would take it because they would know what it meant, right? even unbelievers.

but if it is done by a government and rulers in the way they do everything else [create a panic - bush war etc] then the people will fall for it if they want to buy or eat etc.

but for me the bottom line is that all of revelations took place already and is not even meant for today or any time in the future, the church has had dominion for 2000 yrs, they just dont know it because they have been taught lies.

arkdanimal's photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:31 PM
Why are so many people afraid of the truth? Are the really so many that will accept the traditional veiws of a few that there is no hope of a better way? I find it interesting that so many people in the world will not stop and think for themsevles. They blindly accept the ways of there ancestors with hope that they were right. Stopand look where this has gotten the world so far. If we can not stop the ideals that have caused animosity, we have not hope of ever becoming one people, the human race!

Krimsa's photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:34 PM
And you are espousing this world view of tolerance and peace by singling out "Muslim extremists" who fail to misinterpret the bible in the same way that you do?

arkdanimal's photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:35 PM

And you are espousing this world view of tolerance and peace by singling out "Muslim extremists" who fail to misinterpret the bible in the same way that you do?

Krimsa's photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:36 PM
Oh, sorry I was confused by what you were typing on this thread. My bad. :tongue:

arkdanimal's photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:50 PM

i agree sharp, i thinks its a spiritual seal like that given gods chosen which is said to be on the forehead, to undestand it any other way is foolish, just as lindsey's or other futurist writers on the subject try to interject what has happened 2000 yrs ago is meant for today, instead of happening in AD 70. People tend to go with whats popular rather than whats really stated - its much easier to read a supposed theologians take on things than study the book to see what it really says.
very true, that is why so many will be decieved, a lot of christians take some preachers word for everything without questioning or doing some study on their own. I get a kick out of the chips and tatoos stories, satan is much smarter than that, most, even ill informed christians wouldn't fall for that. They will be working for him and worship him thinking that he is actually christ returned.
Yes Sharp, many will be deceived, "so called christians" are some of the most missled, they used to bind the hands and legs of people, throw them in the river, if they didn't drown, they were witches. If they did drown they were not. I have nver understood that logic. I used to work for a man whom was from Isreal. His father was the number one shamen. He expressed to me that the scripture's were basically a lesson in logic. He would not go beyond that for fear of being persecuted by mainstrem idealogical religon. He was truly in fear of the misled. Remember who it actually was that crucified Christ, It was the leaders of the church/state. If someone thinks that my view on this is incorrect that is fine. Let them find out what the scriptures mean on their own without outside influence. People for the most part have always been afraid of change or new ideas. If any man has an ear to hear let him hear. If not, so be it!

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:45 AM

"Unfortunatly, the muslim extemist group that is responsible for many terrorist attacks have decided to only pick at the surface about what the beast is! They honestly believe in there hearts that the U.S. of America is the beast that rose up out of the sea. It is not there fault they believe this, someone afflicted with a vengful heart taught them that. It is there fault that they choose to bring harm to other human beings. But I'm not there judge,God is! Pray for peace,,,please!" --Arkdanimal

This was your origional quote. Feel free to explain how it might have been misinterpreted.
"muslim extremist group" not all muslims Do you feel threatened or somethig by what I am saying? If so may I ask why?

No I dont feel threatened by you. I am not Muslim. If I was, I would probably just find this assertion baseless and silly. Could you blame me?

arkdanimal's photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:48 AM

"Unfortunatly, the muslim extemist group that is responsible for many terrorist attacks have decided to only pick at the surface about what the beast is! They honestly believe in there hearts that the U.S. of America is the beast that rose up out of the sea. It is not there fault they believe this, someone afflicted with a vengful heart taught them that. It is there fault that they choose to bring harm to other human beings. But I'm not there judge,God is! Pray for peace,,,please!" --Arkdanimal

This was your origional quote. Feel free to explain how it might have been misinterpreted.
"muslim extremist group" not all muslims Do you feel threatened or somethig by what I am saying? If so may I ask why?

No I dont feel threatened by you. I am not Muslim. If I was, I would probably just find this assertion baseless and silly. Could you blame me?

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:49 AM
Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue? If you want to say these things, go ahead. I am asking you to explain what has caused you to reach this conclusion. I am merely questioning your position.

arkdanimal's photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:51 AM

Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue? If you want to say these things, go ahead. I am asking you to explain what has caused you to reach this conclusion. I am merely questioning your position.
go back and read the thread from the beginning, it might help you understand!

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/30/08 12:58 AM

Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue? If you want to say these things, go ahead. I am asking you to explain what has caused you to reach this conclusion. I am merely questioning your position.
go back and read the thread from the beginning, it might help you understand!

Understand what? I was addressing your assertion that "Muslim extremists" have misinterpreted the bible in some respect and have therefore wrongly focused their hateful agenda on Christians. Are you capable of explaining this position or no?

arkdanimal's photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:06 AM

Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue? If you want to say these things, go ahead. I am asking you to explain what has caused you to reach this conclusion. I am merely questioning your position.
go back and read the thread from the beginning, it might help you understand!

Understand what? I was addressing your assertion that "Muslim extremists" have misinterpreted the bible in some respect and have therefore wrongly focused their hateful agenda on Christians. Are you capable of explaining this position or no?
I never said they misinterpreted the bible. It could be that the U.S. Of America Is the beast. But that is not the point. Eben if it is, no one can stop violence with more violence!

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:08 AM
actually I don't think the muslims read the bible, but the Koran (not sure of spelling) so some may misinterpret that as some christians and others misinterpret the bible.

arkdanimal's photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:20 AM

actually I don't think the muslims read the bible, but the Koran (not sure of spelling) so some may misinterpret that as some christians and others misinterpret the bible.
Surely some muslims read the bible, I on occasion's I have read the koran. So far what I have discovered is the basic principles of the koran and the bible are the same. However. I think the Hawaiians said it the easiest way to understand. "Hurt/harm no one" and "Hurt/harm nothing"

Krimsa's photo
Tue 09/30/08 01:28 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 09/30/08 01:29 AM

"Unfortunatly, the muslim extemist group that is responsible for many terrorist attacks have decided to only pick at the surface about what the beast is! They honestly believe in there hearts that the U.S. of America is the beast that rose up out of the sea. It is not there fault they believe this, someone afflicted with a vengful heart taught them that. It is there fault that they choose to bring harm to other human beings. But I'm not there judge,God is! Pray for peace,,,please!" --Arkdanimal

This was your origional quote. Feel free to explain how it might have been misinterpreted.
"muslim extremist group" not all muslims Do you feel threatened or somethig by what I am saying? If so may I ask why?

This is based on the sea monster story that we were discussing found in the bible. I dont think Muslims are reading the bible and certainly not misinterpreting it in the same manner that you are. I also resent your notion that "Muslim Extremists" are any worse than fundamentalist or radical, lunatic fringe Christians.

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