Topic: What is the "mark of the beast"? | |
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit!
that is odd...tis not what I have been taught
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! uh this the same as your idea of faith when dealing with whether or not the Bible is the only source of truth for Christians? Ironically it would seem to be a bit more than lying that would be the mark that would keep people from buying or selling (revelations) |
or getting into Heaven
Edited by
Sat 09/27/08 09:50 PM
It was not what I had been taught by mainstrem religion either. I began looking for the first sin or evil act. My conclusion was that is was perpitrated by the Snake or beast being disguised to seem pleasant and appealing to the human perspective. Or in other words, lying about his true motive. The act of a human was partaking of (or taking away from) knowledge, lying. In retrospect, the "beast" or satan introduced evil into the human race by introduceing the knowledge of decietfulness. It also goes along with the definitions of what it will be like to not have the "mark". While extremely funny, probably fairly accurate, the movie "Liar, Liar" with Jim Carey.
I've always known it to be the actual taking of the 666 mark as a symbol of devotion to satan.
It was not what I had been taught by mainstrem religion either. I began looking for the first sin or evil act. My conclusion was that is was perpitrated by the Snake or beast being disguised to seem pleasant and appealing to the human perspective. Or in other words, lying about his true motive. The act of a human was partaking of (or taking away from) knowledge, lying. In retrospect, the "beast" or satan introduced evil into the human race by introduceing the knowledge of decietfulness. I also goes along with the definitions of what it will be like to not have the "mark". While extremely funny, probably fairly accurate, the movie "Liar, Liar" with Jim Carey. Ark the reality is this whatever the mark is it is said in revelations to cause those who do not have it not to be able to buy or sell. Additionally if we are being obedient to those things which Christ commanded then it becomes a mute point. |
Edited by
Sat 09/27/08 10:05 PM
Yes you are correct about the obieance to Christ issue. However, Christ commisioned/commanded his followers to teach the Gospel. Gospel is the Hebrew word for truth. Furthermore, the next to last sentence Christ spoke from the cross before his flesh died was, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". In order for that to be true, and I believe Christ was not lying, the people who wanted him crucified would of had to been taught the wrong thing. Don't forget "many shall be deceived" about what the mark of the beast is!
I've always known it to be the actual taking of the 666 mark as a symbol of devotion to satan. |
It's the representation of it.
Yes you are correct about the obieance to Christ issue. However, Christ commisioned/commanded his followers to teach the Gospel. Gospel is the Hebrew word for truth. Furthermore, the next to last sentence Christ spoke from the cross before his flesh died was, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". In order for that to be true, and I believe Christ was not lying, the people who wanted him crucified would of had to been taught the wrong thing. Don't forget "many shall be deceived" about what the mark of the beast is! Jesus told the disciples to go into all the world and make disciples and to teach them to obey ALL that he commanded. No one has said anything about making him a liar...but reality is the mark of the beast has little or nothing to do with the concept of obedience to Jesus. The peoblem is when we get tied up on mute issues like this many get confused or lose sight of the reality of the Truth of the Gospels which is this our only real concern should be am I in obedience to Jesus. If not then work toward it. If you are or are striving toward it then rest in that reality. But beyond that leave it be. |
Edited by
Sat 09/27/08 10:37 PM
Oh well, I tried, the bible said they would not listen. I will not quit trying to get people to get the smoke out of their prayer closets.
There is still time, but probably not much. I love you all. I only wish people would listen with an open mind and heart instead of hanging on to the old! "Do yea not know, with faith only the size of a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move and it will vanish" Mountains come in many forms, the misinterpritation of scriptures is a big one. |
Yes you are correct about the obieance to Christ issue. However, Christ commisioned/commanded his followers to teach the Gospel. Gospel is the Hebrew word for truth. Furthermore, the next to last sentence Christ spoke from the cross before his flesh died was, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". In order for that to be true, and I believe Christ was not lying, the people who wanted him crucified would of had to been taught the wrong thing. Don't forget "many shall be deceived" about what the mark of the beast is! Jesus told the disciples to go into all the world and make disciples and to teach them to obey ALL that he commanded. No one has said anything about making him a liar...but reality is the mark of the beast has little or nothing to do with the concept of obedience to Jesus. The peoblem is when we get tied up on mute issues like this many get confused or lose sight of the reality of the Truth of the Gospels which is this our only real concern should be am I in obedience to Jesus. If not then work toward it. If you are or are striving toward it then rest in that reality. But beyond that leave it be. |
You'll find your answer to the "mark of the beast" in the old testament, not the NT. good luck in your search.
You'll find your answer to the "mark of the beast" in the old testament, not the NT. good luck in your search. |
The number 666 is regarded by most to be a reference to the leader of Rome (Nero)at the time that Revelations was written.
The number 666 is regarded by most to be a reference to the leader of Rome (Nero)at the time that Revelations was written. |
Just curious but have you ever read a book called 666, it was written by a minister and very scary as to what this minister spoke of as things to see down the road. They have all came true except for the mark. That was our S.S.number that we all already have,,it was very interesting reading.
I just thumbed through some of its chapters. But wow,,,it was written I think in the 70's. And talked then about alot of technologies that WE didn't even have yet then.. ![]() |
No I've not read it. However, it states in the Bible that near the end of time (not the end of the world) that nearly all communication will be ye or nay (yes or no,,,or,,,on or off in english). Do you no anything about binary code? One of the things Christ told us about his second advent was to "Know ye the parable of the fig". Study about figs in Christ's day, it shedds alot of info on the subject. The end of time is not the end of the world. It is that moment when Christ will reveal himself on earth again and begin his thousand year reign. All of those who believe in his message and try to do his will, will have nothing to fear. For those who have not loved there fellow man as themselves, it might not be so great. "For the first shall be last and the last shall be first". The wealthiest will become the poorest and vice versa. Don't worry about it just pray about it, and by all means don't judge yourself either, God is the judge, not us.
He was warning all of us NOT to take the mark of the beast.
His predictions involved using a speacial light that will be used to see the mark that will be given out. Under the first layer of skin and the light could read it through it. Then he mentioned a card like a credit card but on it would be a chip. And on that chip would be all your living personal everything, about your life and the number on it, your number. He went on to say that there will come a time that if you don't take the mark. You will not be able to buy anything, food water,,anything.. He also said that the S.S. office address, had the number's 666 in it address,(and it does). All of this imfo,,in the early 70's.. A bit freaky.... ![]() |