Topic: r u willing to give up some freedom to just feel safer
no photo
Thu 09/21/06 08:39 AM
I feel that not only are we losing a little freedom(which is what makes
this country great) we also are being put into a world where things are
no longer certin. Having been to other areas in the world I can tell
you that what is happening here is a great problem. Not that we a re
losing a little freedom but rather that the USA on the world table is
being almost laughted at. Look at what is going on with Iran

TheCaptain's photo
Thu 09/21/06 08:39 AM
How many attacks have happened since 9-11. I guess even the anti-Bush
cool-aid drinkers might have to say this is a good thing, and mabye...
just mabye our government has done something right.


tretia's photo
Thu 09/21/06 09:33 AM
very well said chisma!!

SalvationJane's photo
Thu 09/21/06 10:40 AM
Our founding fathers had no way to anticapte the threats that would
besiege our great nation in the future at that point in time.

It's a new world a new age and amenities HAVE to be made! Those
countries have absolutely nothing to lose and breed hatred among their
children. What kind of tyrants do you think will come from a child who
has known nothing but hate, death and destruction and has carried and
used weapons since the day he could walk?

What kind of leaders will those children make??!!! What kind of hatred
and destruction will they be capable of when your children have

Scares the shit outta me!!

And you want to look the other way and allow them opportunity to build
nuclear weapons???


chismah's photo
Thu 09/21/06 10:46 AM
Everyone type into google TERRORSTORM and be prepared to be informed
like never before..."NO KIDDING EITHER"

TERRORSTORM...type it into google and pass it on!!

chismah's photo
Thu 09/21/06 10:50 AM
or Down whatever you call it...BOTH parties are CONTROLLED by the same
criminal elements that have HIJACKED our government

It's about FREEDOM VS SLAVERY....RIGHT VS WRONG...keep that in mind!!

Usadad's photo
Thu 09/21/06 11:17 AM
George Washington: So, is this all we need in the Constitution?

Thomas Jefferson: Wait.... what if some people hijack some jets and fly
them into the World Trade Center?

John Hancock: Screw it. I'm late for dinner. Let's wrap it up.

Usadad's photo
Thu 09/21/06 11:24 AM
Here's a little story about something that happened right after 9-11.

I had just finished orientation for JB Hunt Trucking in Atlanta and was
being sent by bus to their Arkansas location to pick up my tractor.
There was a line at security at the Bus Station in Atlanta and I waited
my turn. When they searched my stuff, they took a short screwdriver away
from me apparently so I could not attack anyone with it. I objected, but
what can you do. We finally boarded the bus and left. The bus then made
a 15 minute rest stop at a store in Douglasville, GA.. 20 miles outside
of Atlanta. The store had snacks, and drinks and stuff but also had a
showcase filled with knives and ammunition and the like!!!


andreww38's photo
Thu 09/21/06 06:01 PM
3 words:
kingbreeze for prez!

Andrew Wee

no photo
Thu 09/21/06 07:41 PM
chisma, i'm not nuts because i feel the same way that you do about it
and jane, i don't care what you say it won't make me hate you. i'm just
unwilling to give into fear. if someone threatens me i'll kick their ass
or go to hell trying.
i understand your reasoning on the wiretaps jane but you have no idea
what other ways the government is using them.
the canadian that i mentioned is not the only one that this has happened
to and they finally released him after being tortured and imprisoned for
3 years because they found out that they made a mistake and he wasn't
involved in any way,shape or form.
what if it had been you?

no photo
Thu 09/21/06 07:45 PM
i flew to vegas thursday folowing 9/11 and some guy got through security
with a knife. i didn't flip out about it but we aren't any safer and i
don't want to give up precious liberties for a fantasy feeling. you are
right, the world is an ugly place but nothing is gonna change that so
why don't people learn how to deal with what they can't control and
fight for what they have instead of letting them take it from you.

no photo
Thu 09/21/06 10:23 PM
im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... LOL

andreww38's photo
Fri 09/22/06 03:03 AM

i have difficulty following any topic with more than 30 words.

well 50 on good days.

hiya 4funnnieeeeee06

Andrew Wee

roger_bd49's photo
Fri 09/22/06 08:27 AM
The government is concerned for its own safety, not the people's. All of
the security measures are for the preservation of the positions of those
in power.
People's memories are short. There were several unexploded bombs found
in the Murrah building in Oklahoma City about which we never hear. The
government reaped the rewards of the Patriot Act.
The attack on Pearl Harbor was was provoked, and allowed to anger the
American people to go to war. The people were tired of war, for e had
just come out of The Great War, later called WWI after WWII.
This is a ploy for the government to get the populace to do its bidding,
and the government is doing the bidding of banks and big business,
particularly those in weapons manufacture.
The twin towers was to rile the people to attack others who could really
cause us no harm.
If we are the most prosperous, most powerful nation on earth what could
we possibly fear from two bit dictators of third world countries?
When I graduated from high school the government was hot to send young
fellows like me off to be target practice for a bunch of "communist." We
had been in Viet Nam for six years that I knew about. when you look on a
globe, Viet Nam is a tiny sliver of a country, and we are a giant. It
was we were trying to swat a gnat with a small stick instead of a fly
swatter. And lots of people were making money.
We have visible troops in something like 140 countries around the world,
which is nearly all of them, and we probably have invisible troops in
places like North Korea, Iran, etc. we work feverishly to "protect" the
borders of these countries while leaving our own with wide gaps for
multitudes to sneak in.
The topic should say Liberty instead of freedom. There is a bit of
difference. To live in society we have to give up a little bit of
freedom. Freedom is what you have when you do not have anything else. If
you were in a grocery store where everyone else for a thousand miles
around had been wiped out, then you would have the freedom to do what
you wanted. You could throw cans, smash watermelons, whatever, that is
if there were anything there. If the store were full of people, that
would be antisocial behavior.
Our government was not formed to tell us what to do, or not do with our
lives. But as we obey each little encroachment the government becomes
stronger, and we get weaker.
The great problem is there are people who are willing to sell their
mercenary services to the government who will shoot you if you do not
behave as the government desires. This has nothing to do with murder,
theft, rape, or other capital crimes. We call them policemen, cops, and
You will be jailed for simple failure to pay a traffic fine. If you
resist further your punishment will increase. Yet you have damaged
neither property nor person.
It is simpler to pay the small fine. This is highway robbery. The
government has lost the war on poverty, the war on drugs, (if course the
government is the biggest importer of "illegal" drugs), and do you think
it will ever win the ever expanding war on terror? If it does it only
will be because it redefined terror.
To give up a little Liberty only encourages the government to try to
take more.
If you do not mind your phone being tapped then move to a country that
does that. If you do not think people should own guns, then move to a
country where they cannot.

tretia's photo
Fri 09/22/06 11:22 AM u crack me up..hahaha

alright, now i'm gonna go read roger's long a** better be good

tretia's photo
Fri 09/22/06 11:25 AM
ok, i'm being serious, now..roger that was really good..i agree with you
whole heartedly! well said!

bliss420's photo
Fri 09/22/06 11:41 AM
hey king long time no talk so how have u been i think that the more
freedom we lose 2 b safe the more trouble we r in what sum people don't
realize is our fucked up goverment is tryin 2 make a 1 world goverment
and the plane is already in action so pl be careful what u vote 4
everyone bec soon we won't have ne rights at all

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 12:15 PM
The ROPE is getting tighter and tighter around the necks of the people
of this country by every election!!! The balance between greed and self
serving businesses/politicians, and the rights of a free people and
society is way out of whack.

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 01:34 PM
and the thing with the wiretaps is that if they allow warrantless
wiretaps they can use it as a precedent for something later that will
continue the invasion of our private lives.

andreww38's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:39 PM
geeze you guys...

you guys is smart.

i read the first sentence, and i kinda understand it.
then i read the second and get lost.
so i read the first sentence, and i kinda understand it.
then i read the second and get lost.


you smart peoples....


Andrew Wee