Topic: r u willing to give up some freedom to just feel safer | |
hey 4fun, i thought you said fuck this topic lol
i did!!! lol. whatzup?????????? breeze?
why in the world the hornets nest? and i thought biblical discussions
caused this. the ? R U "WILLING" TO GIVE UP "SOME" FREEDOM TO JUST FEEL SAFER? why get in this HUGE debate over a simple question; that has a simple answer! yes, i would be willing to give up some freedom to feel safer, but, doesn't mean that i have to give it all away. if it come down to it hell yeah i'll kill and kick some ass just to defend and protect my family. but, then again no matter which way u look at it, it wont ever be safer. i'd like to think that it would though. theres always going to be wars and evil in general will always run havoic across the world. y, because of simple misunderstandings as this. no one here is knocking our goverment even though we have our own opinions of the matter, no one is saying that this is wrong or right, it is just that a discussion. so, there's no need in getting ur panties all in wad. were not here to offend anyone and vise versa. i strongely believe in what our brave men are doing and for the cause of it. i don't knock bush either, he's just a man with a title! and does the best HE can do. no one can ever win every battle. so, y judge someone for things that they can't control. it's ridiculous! i mean come people, this right here is why we can't trully become one nation, given that everyone has an opinion and a different way of looking at things, we will never be what we pose ourselves to be! that's y we have(the entire continent of america, north and south) become the island of misfits. we don't have proper order, maybe we should take i second look at these 3rd world countries and really learn something from them instead of ramming our beliefs down their throats! Peace out! |
ty myndlash, that was the basis behind the discussion. i don't think we
should be subjected to the invasion of privacy based on the idea that it is happening because of fear because it won't make us safer just make us FEEL safer. alot of people don't take the time to understand the question because it is an emotional topic and they let the emotions take over their mind. |
Hi breeze
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you earlier,been busy. Also sorry I am not understanding your last post( I guess I'm having a brain fart or something). I believe your post to me said something about I answered my own reason as to why we should leave Iraq. If you could please cut & past the part in my post of what you mean by this. Thanks. I am just guessing now as to what you mean. does it have something to do with the fact that there is so much chaos in Iraq that you feel we should pull out. Correct me if I am wrong about this. I'll just answer that. To me, this is why we should ultimately stay there until it becomes stable or at least feel that the new Iraqi army can handle it on their own. Unfortunately though I feel that the Iraqi army will never be able to handle this for the reason that they have never been able to fight a conventional war. But what they are facing is no conventional war, but an urban war of attrition. In a way this could be seen as what went on in Vietnam when we tried to train the South Vietnam army to fight on their own, but for some reason they were unable to do this. That could have been due to a lack of training, not enough support, too much dependence on the US, no real will to actually fight. Or all of the above. I guess my point is that the issue isn't whether we should have or not have gone into Iraq but now that we are there, we need to find a way to deal with this problem rather then packup and leave. I understand it is easier to leave rather then deal with the problem but nothing in life is easy anyways. I hope I am not trying to incite an argument as I view this merely as a healthy discussion. Peace. Ghostrecon |
what up recon, no worries man. i'm easygoing and don't get up set over
things like this, thanks for discussing it without just saying F.U. lol. the only thing i meant by the remark of,"i think you just answered your own question" is that if we train and arm a country that we were just in a war with, what are you gonna expect. as for the rest i completely agree with you. we seem to have a difference of opinion on whether or not we should have been involved in a war with them but once we were there we have to see it through and they made it so that we aren't ever going to be able to leave when they made it about iraqi freedom. if it had just been a war like when it started we should have never paid to rebuild their cities or train the army and just left but they made it about freedom and stabilizing iraq so we can't leave now. this thing is going to drag on for years but as when is it actually going to be a good time to leave, noone knows. technically the war is over and we are still there because they are not strong enough to resist an enemy attack on their own but i didn't see them trying to hard the first couple times they assembled a police force and an army, most of them deserted. |
the whole thing goes back to the 4 original reasons we were given by the
government to go to war with iraq. none of them were true and everytime one was disproved they gave us a new one til it stuck, now we're stuck. this thing didn't start out about iraqi freedom but when that became the reason they signed us up for a lifetime of babysitting and endless endangerment of military lives because they didn't know what other excuse to give. that region will never be stable and we aren't ever going to reclaim those troops from that region. alot of companies just found themselves a permanent home because of the way this was handled. |
I read this topic last night and it got me to thinking. Why are we so
worried about phone tapping when we've already had our privacy invaded and rights hi-jacked so much already? I mean like, our mail is already scanned, cameras are EVERYWHERE, personal information is up for grabs by anyone, property can be taken away from us at any time if the goverment deems fit and that's just a start. We have freedom of speech, but only so far and only in certain places, like miles away from where Bush speaks. There's freedom of the press, as long as the goverment doesn't deem it dangerous to their catch all ambigious blanket of "national security". And don't get me started on the right to bear arms issue... I have nothing to hide, but on principal I am against phone tapping, just like I'm against any other loss, reduction or limitation of our rights as American tax paying citizens. Like its been said before...We can't just keep accepting our rights are acceptable "collateral damage" in the war against terrorism. We're at war to protect our freedom against terrorist, yet we're supposed to think its OK to hand over those rights to the goverment? I think not. The ironic thing is that as we continually lose more and more of our freedoms as acceptablle losses in the war on terrorism? More and more Americans will get fed up and begin to protest and consider themselves revolutionaries fighting to protect our rights and freedoms, while the goverment will in turn lable them as terrorists as well. -=x |
OHH OUUUCH, thankyou for the comment full metal. that is exactly what i
was thinking. i just don't think we should be so quick to hand stuff over. the government is supposed to represent us and we have these liberties for a reason and if we keep giving them away we won't have any left and then the government will be ruling us and not just representing. |
Uh yes,
Thank you breeze for your understanding on this matter. I too would not like to see this discussion degrade into a back and forth on I'm right and your wrong sort of bantering. I think it doesn't do anything but cause a lot of useless effort on both of us. With that said. This kind of topic will probably be discussed thoughtout the ages. The thought of the pervertible society like the George Orwell's 1984 Big Brother doesn't really sit well with me. But so is the thought of our country being under constant attack by terrorist as in Israel don't sit well with me either. I am in somewhat of a conflict as to which of the two societies I could adapt to live in. In other words which of the two evils would one take. I just think I could probably feel more safe under Big Brother then walk out my door and head to work wondering if I will be able to go home that evening in one piece and not fear of having a snack in a cafe and wonder if the guy who just walked in is going to blow himself up. Someone may find this probably foolish but I say, tell that to an Israeli who have to live with that fear everyday. I kind of aquatint those individuals who just blow themselves up in a cafe much like those people who are mentally deranged who possess fire arms to do harm. They just do it under different motivations. The mentally ill do it because they feel they have no other alternative or feel wronged by society much like those terrorist who try to get back at the West for generations of repression, Think about it this way if you lived in squaller all of your life and believe that you will become a martyr for sacrificing yourself for a greater common good. That is very tempting. What our society needs to do is change their way of thinking about their actions and to do so there has to be a change in our attitude of other cultures. But that may be too simplistic. As was said the hatred goes back many generations and maybe this is what is meant by the sins of our fathers. We are paying for their sins. |
i completely understand recon, i just thought it would be interesting to
hear some of the opinions on the topic but i don't think that i communicated it very well. the US is a country built on freedoms and how we fought and died to get them and i was just wondering how many people are willing to fight and die to keep them. the key part to the topic was the FEEL part because i don't believe that any of it actually makes it safer it just make it FEEL safer and the answer that i mostly got from people is that they are willing to hand them over for promised safety that cannot be promised. i am not the type of person that would do that and i don't think that we should give the things that our ancestors died for and handed to us with their blood on them without fighting for them. if they are taken from us then our blood should be on them as well. i respect your opinion and i appreciate the input, have a good night man |
I agree, Panterafan! It's fuckin' senseless that somebody would kill
anybody without good reason, especially Dimebag or any other artist for that matter!! Of course, it could happen to anybody within music or acting or whatever.Ya know? |
To all who are for wiretaps, I say this..... if you want your personal
business to become public, get yourself 1 of 2 things: 1. a reality show or 2. a nosy neighbor or in my case, like everybody else 3. tell your personal biz to a beloved family member who LOVES to gossip. The federal government and its officials have NO right to listen to our conversations about ANYTHING. If they wanna know how we feel on ceratain things, then they should what everybody else in america does every single day: pick up the phone and dial a number. It's as simple as that. |
i'm not talking about security measures like metal detectors and such.
i'm talking about inconveniences, i'm talking about losing freedoms. wiretaps without a warrant, government abductions and torture without evidence, false imprisonment and denial of due process. those are some of the FREEDOMS i'm talking abou, not some pittly ass metal detector and long lines at the fuckin airport. |
Correct me if I'm wrong KB, but aren't the wire taps supposed to be used
only on suppected terroists? If by utilizing wire taps we were able to avoid another 9/11 would that change your opinion at all? J |
no it wouldn't change my mind at all. what is so hard at obtaining a
warrant for a wiretap on a terrorist, they had one for me and i didn't do anything wrong. it's not hard for them to get one and the intelligence they have should be keeping them prepared for whose phone they want to tap. watch, if they get the bill approved you are going to see more people than ever(with no ties to terrorism whatsoever)having their phones tapped and it will eventually be used as a precedent. when it keeps snowballing to something you don't want to lose you won't have a say in it anymore. death and terrorist attacks are unfortunately a part of this world and i ain't giving up my freedoms because someone else is scared. the government is not some good and righteous entity and they make mistakes all the time. the problem is when they make them they don't want to admit them and they get covered up. have your phone tapped for a year and realize it and realize that you are also being followed for a year only you know that you didn't do anything wrong, it gets old after awhile and that is not even the part you should be worried about the most. two guys were held in michigan were held without due process stemming from this bullshit and it turned out the government made a mistake so instead of apologizing to them they still tried to charge them with some bullshit so that they wouldn't look completely wrong, what if that was you and you were arrested and held without due process and restricted from your family and it got out that you were involved with terrorism(which you aren't). that don't just hold these people for a couple of days you know and i doubt you'd have a job when you got out, how you gonna take care of your kids? would you give up all of that so someone could just feel safer and not actually be safer? |
it's always easy to say you don't mind because you aren't doing anything
wrong but you have to put yourself in the shoes of the people who are wrongly accused and defend the freedoms that we fought to establish this country on. i come from a family of marines and they didn't die so that this government could walk on our freedoms in the name of security, that's what wars are for. allowing this to continue will keep taking us one step closer to the type of totalitarianism that my family was in those wars to prevent. there is no difference in whether it is our own country that does it or another country. i am not anti government but if you let them rule you with fear, you are going to start to see what real fear is. |
well i have to put my 2sence in here to king i totaly agree with you.
And jane i dont hate you i'm sorry you'r so missinformed. one thing i got to say is you cant give any one freedom thay have to earn it. and our childern dying there is abunch of shit i would never allow my son to go there if i have to send him out of the country. dont get me rong if it was war against usa i would have my gun loaded and be ready. but not for a country thats fighting against it's self.What if another country helped the south when we had our cival war would we still have slaves. the war in irak did nothing for them or us but get our childern killed i'm totaly against that.i am surprised there are so many ppl here that are so missinformed and brain washed. |