Community > Posts By > roger_bd49

roger_bd49's photo
Sun 10/22/06 02:14 PM
I saw him on TV, a religious channel, teaching the Bible, and peddling
his commentary on the Bible. He broke down in tears, holding a thick
volume in his hand, saying I want you to have his, and for your offering
of only 60 dollars I will send it to you.
Still the same two-faced preacher he always was. He like so many other
are in it for the money. Help us save souls for Jesus, send money. Of
course you won't mind if I keep a little for myself, my Cadillac has
nearly 50,000 miles on it.

roger_bd49's photo
Sun 10/22/06 02:06 PM
Christianity is based upon something which can neither be seen nor
proven, hence faith. They claim the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word
of God.
I attended church for 30 some years. I did not just occupy a pew, I
was active. I began to read and research on my own. Things are not as
they are made to appear.
Two werses:
Acts 9:7 "And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless,
hearing a voice, but seeing no man (the word s better translated as
Acts 22:9 "And they that were with me saw inded the light, and were
afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me."
These two verses say exactly the opposite. Only one can be true, but
both can be false. f it is inspired, what does it tell us?

roger_bd49's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:43 PM
I suppose by marriage you mean the modern definition, i.e., a license
from the government. If you will read in Black Law Dictionary, a license
is a permit granted by competent authority to do what would otherwise be
This is most understandable in reference to going on someone's land. If
that person does not give you permission or license to come on his land,
then you are trespassing.
Marriage existed long before governments, and is not illegal. The
marriage license originated to allow blacks and whites to intermarry,
because there were laws against miscegentation, interracial marriage. In
the mid 1960's the Supreme Court struck down the laws as being
The marriage license was kept, making people think they had to have a
license. By getting a license, you make the state a third party to your
marriage. This gives the state considerable influence over the marriage.
It is however lawful to marry, without a license, and just record a
marriage certificate in publice records, but you do not have to do that.
Marriage is a contract between the two partners getting married. It is a
contract as much as two people entering into a business partnership,
because that is exactly what it is. After 20 years you should understand
that. It has nothing to do with religion. Atheist marry. Remember your
vows, will you do....?, not will you feel like doing....? Marriage is
not religious, nor civil, it is an agreement between two people, which
use to be exclusively male and female. Some of us still think it is.

roger_bd49's photo
Sun 10/01/06 03:02 PM
I do not think there is such a thing as a perfect match, Mr. Right,
Prince Charming etc. These illusions stem from the fairy tales read to
us as children.
It is hard enough for most of us just to find someone who is just
somewhat compatible. If that were not true, then all these sites,
eHarmony, Yahoosingles,, and a host of others, plus personal
advertisements in newpapers and other print publiclations would not
It seems the best we can hope for it to find someone who is reasonably
compatible, has a few of the same goals, and does not want to change the
other person. I have a cousin who has been married to the same fellow
for over fifty years. They are still happy. My brother has been married
for about thirty. It can happen.
This site has the best forum for one to be able to express oneself,
but in that forum you will find some who amuse, some who offend, some
who abuse, some who send you things you do not want, like junk mail.
You have the right to ignore, just like tossing junk mail in the
Sleepless in Seattle may happen in real life, once, maybe twice, not a
million times. Love stories, for the most part are just that, stories.
They take our mind off the ??????? that is our everyday life.
People seem to be looking for someone to transport them out of the
mundane into the fantasy, but fantasies cannot last forever. Eventually
the fairy dust wears off, and boom you're on the ground again.
In the original Yours, Mine, and Ours, Henry Fonda said, "Love is not
going to bed with a man, but getting up with him each morning to face
the routine day," or something close to that.
And magic? "Any sufficiently developed technology is indistinguishable
from magic." Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain
little girl.
In the book The Road Less Traveled, Scott Peck defines Love as work.
Love is not feelings, they will fade; not butterflies, they will
migrate; not bells, whistles, and fireworks, they will all fall silent.
Love is cutting the tree, splitting the wood, stacking it by the
fireplace, and lighting the fire. So many say they enjoy a warming fire
on a cool winter's eve, none say the enjoy cutting and stacking wood. No
one says they are looking for work, but work is what Love is about.

roger_bd49's photo
Fri 09/22/06 08:27 AM
The government is concerned for its own safety, not the people's. All of
the security measures are for the preservation of the positions of those
in power.
People's memories are short. There were several unexploded bombs found
in the Murrah building in Oklahoma City about which we never hear. The
government reaped the rewards of the Patriot Act.
The attack on Pearl Harbor was was provoked, and allowed to anger the
American people to go to war. The people were tired of war, for e had
just come out of The Great War, later called WWI after WWII.
This is a ploy for the government to get the populace to do its bidding,
and the government is doing the bidding of banks and big business,
particularly those in weapons manufacture.
The twin towers was to rile the people to attack others who could really
cause us no harm.
If we are the most prosperous, most powerful nation on earth what could
we possibly fear from two bit dictators of third world countries?
When I graduated from high school the government was hot to send young
fellows like me off to be target practice for a bunch of "communist." We
had been in Viet Nam for six years that I knew about. when you look on a
globe, Viet Nam is a tiny sliver of a country, and we are a giant. It
was we were trying to swat a gnat with a small stick instead of a fly
swatter. And lots of people were making money.
We have visible troops in something like 140 countries around the world,
which is nearly all of them, and we probably have invisible troops in
places like North Korea, Iran, etc. we work feverishly to "protect" the
borders of these countries while leaving our own with wide gaps for
multitudes to sneak in.
The topic should say Liberty instead of freedom. There is a bit of
difference. To live in society we have to give up a little bit of
freedom. Freedom is what you have when you do not have anything else. If
you were in a grocery store where everyone else for a thousand miles
around had been wiped out, then you would have the freedom to do what
you wanted. You could throw cans, smash watermelons, whatever, that is
if there were anything there. If the store were full of people, that
would be antisocial behavior.
Our government was not formed to tell us what to do, or not do with our
lives. But as we obey each little encroachment the government becomes
stronger, and we get weaker.
The great problem is there are people who are willing to sell their
mercenary services to the government who will shoot you if you do not
behave as the government desires. This has nothing to do with murder,
theft, rape, or other capital crimes. We call them policemen, cops, and
You will be jailed for simple failure to pay a traffic fine. If you
resist further your punishment will increase. Yet you have damaged
neither property nor person.
It is simpler to pay the small fine. This is highway robbery. The
government has lost the war on poverty, the war on drugs, (if course the
government is the biggest importer of "illegal" drugs), and do you think
it will ever win the ever expanding war on terror? If it does it only
will be because it redefined terror.
To give up a little Liberty only encourages the government to try to
take more.
If you do not mind your phone being tapped then move to a country that
does that. If you do not think people should own guns, then move to a
country where they cannot.