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Topic: Throw down - part 2
Krimsa's photo
Tue 08/12/08 06:44 PM
That’s true Redy. Besides none of it is real in my humble opinion. It makes for some exciting, violent, lustful stories however. Or perhaps some of these tales in fact occurred though I don’t buy into any of the supernatural accounts. That’s not to say that someone did not actually write something as their honest perception. Its just virgin births, cadavers rising from the dead, ribs becoming people, terra and fauna being made in 6 days. No. laugh

splendidlife's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:21 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Tue 08/12/08 07:34 PM

Krimsa wrote:
They were not given a chance to speak with counsel nor invoke their own rights.

Krimsa you are confusing god kind of morality with human morality. A good deal of the major industrialized countries in the world today, believe in the kind of human rights you are considering in your last post. God, however, is not human and I think a good deal of how god acts in the stories of the bible, might even bring one to the conclusion that god does not have emotions at all. It was man who assigned emotions to god, it just seemed right to them. After all if humans were to be in the image of god than god should have human emotions.


Yes! Emotions are the spice of human experience purposed to color our learning and make for more mind-made combinations of possible agenda-driven outcome... Sending us on wild goose chases. We get all excited and attach meaning to our discoveries, as if they somehow serve to prove our value. Does God need emotion? Doubt it very much.

The more we think we know... The more elated we become about finally being "right" (like the mad scientist). The moment our minds tell us we've got the precise answer... we've made the ultimate discovery.. well, that's the moment our very own hearts begin tripping up our theories... Ever reminding us (sometimes painfully) of how awkward and stupefying it can be as a human.

I can attest to the exhilaration of increasing my understanding of the physical workings of nature. Studied Science... brain needs it's exercise. Yet, that knowledge means absolutely nothing when I lack connection to my heart (God).

Emotions can drive the mind to make ridiculous assumptions (about ourselves and about others). Many of these assumptions, we hold inside, afraid of letting them see the light of day to risk exposure of just how much we DON'T know.

But, what drive the emotions? God?

Funny: The more I can admit my own awkward stupidity, the more I realize my freedom. The less the strangle-hold of emotion.

tribo's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:29 PM

Krimsa wrote:
They were not given a chance to speak with counsel nor invoke their own rights.

Krimsa you are confusing god kind of morality with human morality. A good deal of the major industrialized countries in the world today, believe in the kind of human rights you are considering in your last post. God, however, is not human and I think a good deal of how god acts in the stories of the bible, might even bring one to the conclusion that god does not have emotions at all. It was man who assigned emotions to god, it just seemed right to them. After all if humans were to be in the image of god than god should have human emotions.


Yes! Emotions are the spice of human experience purposed to color our learning and make for more mind-made combinations of possible agenda-driven outcome... Sending us on wild goose chases. We get all excited and attach meaning to our discoveries, as if they somehow serve to prove our value. Does God need emotion? Doubt it very much.

The more we think we know... The more elated we become about finally being "right" (like the mad scientist). The moment our minds tell us we've got the precise answer... we've made the ultimate discovery.. well, that's the moment our very own hearts begin tripping up our theories... Ever reminding us (sometimes painfully) of how awkward and stupefying it can be as a human.

I can attest to the exhilaration of increasing my understanding of the physical workings of nature. Studied Science... my brain needs it's exercise. Yet, that knowledge means absolutely nothing when I lack connection to my heart.

Emotions can drive the mind to make ridiculous assumptions (about ourselves and about others). Many of these assumptions, we hold inside, afraid of letting them see the light of day to risk exposure of just how much we DON'T know.

Funny: The more I can admit my own awkward stupidity, the more I realize my freedom. The less the strangle-hold of emotion.

there is nothing more enlightning than finding who one is at there very core - flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:30 PM

I just happened to think - what happened to spider, didnt' he start this thread? laugh

I think, if I'm not mistaken, he's done this before. A really long, in depth thread and spider copps out. funny!

I think he was disqualified for breaking his own rules. laugh

Krimsa was beating up on him pretty badly intellectually. Not that she meant to, but she just coudln't help but make perfectly good points that were too sound to shake and and she did it all whilst adhering perfectly to Spider's rules in the OP of the original thread. bigsmile

I must say Krimsa you are one hell of a good debater. Are you a lawyer?

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:34 PM
SplendidLife wrote:

Funny: The more I can admit my own awkward stupidity, the more I realize my freedom. The less the strangle-hold of emotion.

Well, you're lucky. You have a 2-year-old mentor as a guru.

Not all of us are so fortunate. bigsmile

splendidlife's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:36 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Tue 08/12/08 07:46 PM

SplendidLife wrote:

Funny: The more I can admit my own awkward stupidity, the more I realize my freedom. The less the strangle-hold of emotion.

Well, you're lucky. You have a 2-year-old mentor as a guru.

Not all of us are so fortunate. bigsmile

You're RIGHT! She IS a Guru... And, truly my mentor.

rofl :banana: rofl

Eljay's photo
Wed 08/13/08 12:18 AM
Edited by Eljay on Wed 08/13/08 12:49 AM

As I said I will never be a scientist with the ability to understand all that encompasses the theories of evolution. For example, I will never hold a degree in biology, microbiology, archeology, paleontology, physiology, biophysical genetic engineering or any of the other dozen, or so, fields that would grant me the knowledge that it takes to study, test, produce results, match and verify, research, study, and test some more. WILL YOU?

What I can do is look up words and terms such as:
Genetics, macroevolution, microevolution, natural selection, species, speciation, spontaneous mutation, the genetic basis of divergence.

I can get an understanding of homology and analogy, review the methodologies used as I look into the various theories, how they come about, what parts of those theories are fact and what parts remain under study. I can research the various types of dating techniques, I can review the archeological findings and how they were determined to fit into the evolutionary picture. I can look at the geographics tracing mitochondrial DNA.

I can look, I can read, I can research, and review and in the end I can say I am not a scientist, but what I have seen is enough for me to take, on faith, that those who are scientists are on target and evolution is a fact, one way or another evolution NOT creation is how all the living things on this planet have come to be what they are today.

OR - I can read one book, that tells me stories of gods and miracles in a time so distantly removed from the present that I can’t even fathom the life style or mentality of those people. And from that book I can create a fantasy of a god to suit my purpose and never have to look into what science means to us today, and what the scientists are researching on the frontiers of tomorrow. It would mean nothing to me, because it would have nothing to do with how I viewed life and death, oh no, in a view from such book I would be more likely to be concerned with pleasing the unknowable demands of an unreasonable god, so that I might be found worthy of an eternal existence after this life and all the tests I had to endure.

Believe what you will, study what you like, but do not consider yourself intellectually challenged, more learned, or any more aware or comprehending of this life, world or universe, simply because you’ve read one book full of stories of gods and demons, angels and devils, dreams and visions. In fact, depending on the version of the book you read, you may never even have to look up the definition of a single word, but you will have to make up the meanings of stories that are unclear, often contradictory and many times not written with a logical sense of time and space, person or place.

Learn from your own creative ability to interpret a story or learn the hard way. It’s up to you. I will not teach you by holding your hand and leading the way and pointing out this phrase and this sentance, oh no. I have learned the hard way and I’m still learning, you my friend are behind.


Like you - it was not my path to pursue the fields of science - although in my youth, I had great interest in it - chemistry being my main focus of interest. I was privately tutored by a friend of my aunts who had a phd in Chemistry - and I knew as much about the subject in the 7th grade as a college Sophmore. Biology was my downfall. My H.S. biology teacher loathed me (I was not a model student) and I bearly passed her class. So I pursued Math and theater instead. However - I remain a student of life and am always interested in learning - though I find my motivation to know all things has waned a tad, so I absorb what comes my way, and take advantage of those who's time has been spent studying things I likely will not - to keep me informed. It is a major part of my being here - as I am not actively seeking a mate - it is pretty much all I do while here. Though we very rarely take the time to express our overall impressions beyond the posts we respond to - I do not dismiss the idea's presented here. I have great respect and admiration for many members here - of all persuations, and have friends of equal merit on both sides of the "christian/nonchristian" wars that take place. I read the ideas of Yours, Abra, Tribo, Voile, Feralcat, Spider, Wouldee, Jeannie, David (when I can decifer them) Creative,Smiless, KerryO, Miles, Krisma, the list goes on -with great interest, and I would be amiss at telling the truth if I did not admit that I don't continually learn something new - or consider my perception on the topics here on a daily basis.

Though I cannot assert this with any amount of certainty - I would gather that you too - feel the same way. It is this interest in learning that keeps us posting our input into these discussions - because we value the input ofothers - even if we adamently disagree with them.

Having expressed that - I do have a question for you. and I ask not in a manner to "trip you up" but to understand better from your response.
When you investigate these concepts - such as evolution, miracles, philosophy... Do you examine the issues from both sides? Are your studies of Evolution only from the persective of those who abandon the Intelligent design theory?
When you read commentaries on scripture - are they only ones that seek to refute the historical Christian understanding? I'm curious.

Eljay's photo
Wed 08/13/08 12:36 AM

The text of Genesis 19 implies that God approved of Lot's behavior, even though he made an offer of his virgin daughters to be raped. This approval would have been extended to Lot's family as well. But God apparently had a fierce anger directed at the other inhabitants of the town. He destroyed Sodom with fire and brimstone (sulfur) dumped from above. According to the story, he killed all of the men and women of Sodom, as well as all the innocent children, infants, newborns, etc. who lived in the city. Once again, god at his finest.

Yes - very similar to the judgements passed on the Nazi's after WW2. Is it your opinion that the trials of Nuremborg were a travesty to those poor Nazi's? What should they have done with them - sent them home with a slap on the wrist? Woud that have been "man at his finest"?

Okay - so the analogy is extreme. But the point is - that there is a back history here. Are you familiar with it?

Well except Nazi's were grown men who were in fact soldiers of the Third Reich under direct command of Adolph Hitler. That is a very far reaching comparison. None of these villagers found in Sodom or any of the neighboring towns were allowed a trial as the captured Nazi’s were in Nuremburg. They were not given a chance to talk with counsel nor invoke their constitutional rights. They never once were able to explain their side of events and what might have been occurring. I think that is what I take issue with here. The fact that Yahweh dropped sulfur on men, women, children and infants guilty or not is a little bit troubling to me. I find your analogy to be quite insufficient.

Perhaps you should re-examine your issue then - for the people of Sodom & Gomorrah WERE given a trial. It was Abraham who spoke in their defense. At first Abraham asked the Lord to spare S&G if 50 rightious men were found. The Lord agreed. Then he asked for 45. The Lord agreed. Then he asked for 40. The Lord said he would spare them if there were 40. Then Abraham asked for 30. The Lord said he would spare them. Then he asked for 20. The Lord agreed. Finally Abraham asked that they be spared for the sake of 10 rightious men. TEN! Out of a population of two cities! For the sake of ten men - the Lord said he would spare them. (Genesis 18: 16-33)

I would say that is some haggling job by Abraham.

Then we find that all the men - from every part of the city - YOUNG and old - came with less than good intentions. The reason why these cities were destroyed was because of the outcries from the people of the surrounding area's whom were terrorized by the people of S&G. So much so - that not even 10 rightious men were to be found amoungst them. so apparently - since you seem outraged by this - have you considered what might have been a better solution? I'd be curious to hear it.

Eljay's photo
Wed 08/13/08 12:45 AM

For me - evolutionary science is not an issue. Darwinian Evolution as an origin of the species is a fairy tale. You are aware I can see the difference I hope.


So Eljay,

You're going through all this sherade because of the question raised through the 'header' (title) of Darwin's work !?!?!?

That's it???

The whole darn creationist circus for a title which raises a question???

A question which your club has judged only the biblical god, as some of you understand him, can raise???

I'm serious Eljay.

What do you mean you have no issue with evolutionary science on the one hand,

... but you have an issue with what it might imply?!?!?

Hell, call the dogs off, and cross that bridge when you get there!!!

Until that moment, just relax and enjoy 'evolution'!!!

I mean to say that I don't believe all life on earth can be traced back to an aomeba (or however it's spelled)

Nor do I think a "big bang" occured and out popped rocks, tree's, and gold. Anymore than I think tossing a can of nuts and bolts into a garage will evolve itself into an automobile.

Just doesn't fly for me. I look at the world and see a designer. A creator. This is a difficult concept? Now - do I think that virus' are capable of evolving - yes. That mutations in te gene pool would cause evolution within a species.
I could see that. But I don't see getting from a fish to a bird. Only in fairy tales.

Birds are descended from reptilian ancestors. They arose nearly 200 million years ago, during the Mesozoic, the age of dinosaurs. In fact, birds are probably the closest living relatives of the dinosaurs!

Occipital condyles enable the skull to articulate with the vertebral column. Both reptiles and birds have only one occipital condyle; mammals have two.

Birds and reptiles have a single middle ear bone, the ossicle. Mammals have three middle earbones.

The jaws of reptiles and birds are composed of five fused bones, while the mammalian jaw is formed from a single bone, the dentary.

The red blood cells of birds and reptiles are nucleated, while those of mammals lack nuclei.

Reptilian and avian eggs share the same membranes and structures; avian eggs are more rigid, but this is simply the result of the larger amount of calcium deposited in the shells of birds' eggs. Both hatchling reptiles and birds have an egg tooth for breaking through the eggshell at hatching.

There is more. I can go on. I posed this question to Deb and I don’t think she answered. What do the folks who believe in Creationism think the dinosaurs were exactly? Do you simply choose to doubt their existence?

So - how long was the migration from reptiles to birds? A few million years - give or take a few?
Where are the fossils demonstrating this "change"?
We're talking years in the millions here. Aren't we still waiting to find even one example of this cross-over in species? How is it we can locate that 200 million year old reptile, then the 100 million year old bird - but can't seem to find anything of of the changes that "gradually" occured between them?

The folks of "Creationism" think dinosaurs are exactly what those who are non-creationists. Large accumulations of skeletal remains with artist renditions of skin coverings. We don't doubt their existance - just their presumed age and era. Since Job walked with the dinosaurs - how do they predate men by millions of years. And since the men of the time of the writing of Job were not extensive archiologists, how did they know what they were describing. Or even imagine such a beast. After all - how far back was the first discovery of Dinosaur remains? 1800's if I'm not mistaken. Had the dinosaurs not walked with man - explain how the description in Job came about?

Please - answer these "contradictions" about dinosaurs.

just watched evolution of feathers and the "micro-raptor, a look at the evolution of feathers - the micro raptor actually had two 2 sets of wings on arms and legs a forerunner of the bird - very interesting - science channel/or history channel i look in a while cant remember - but look up micro-raptor.

I know what you mean - it's facinating what can be done with wire and foam - computer editing and a blue screen. I'm totally facinated by it when I'm at work. When I was at Ashcliffe - me and my buddy carried a 20 foot tall - four foot diameter diameter Oak tree from one end of the shop and loaded it on the truck. It's facinating what can be done with sonotube and foam. Even the bark was exactly like the tree they delivered on a flatbead that took 20 guys and two forklifts to unload. From ten feet away - you couldn't tell the difference. And the imagination of artists!
These scenic artists are incredible. I'm in awe of their talents and imagination. You'd almost believe that what you were holding in your hands were real!

Eljay's photo
Wed 08/13/08 12:52 AM

I just happened to think - what happened to spider, didnt' he start this thread? laugh

I think, if I'm not mistaken, he's done this before. A really long, in depth thread and spider copps out. funny!

I think he was disqualified for breaking his own rules. laugh

Krimsa was beating up on him pretty badly intellectually. Not that she meant to, but she just coudln't help but make perfectly good points that were too sound to shake and and she did it all whilst adhering perfectly to Spider's rules in the OP of the original thread. bigsmile

I must say Krimsa you are one hell of a good debater. Are you a lawyer?

Where's the pom-pom emoticon. Abra - she might be a tad young for you. And the gas will cost you a fortune.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 08/13/08 04:22 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 08/13/08 05:09 AM

The text of Genesis 19 implies that God approved of Lot's behavior, even though he made an offer of his virgin daughters to be raped. This approval would have been extended to Lot's family as well. But God apparently had a fierce anger directed at the other inhabitants of the town. He destroyed Sodom with fire and brimstone (sulfur) dumped from above. According to the story, he killed all of the men and women of Sodom, as well as all the innocent children, infants, newborns, etc. who lived in the city. Once again, god at his finest.

Yes - very similar to the judgements passed on the Nazi's after WW2. Is it your opinion that the trials of Nuremborg were a travesty to those poor Nazi's? What should they have done with them - sent them home with a slap on the wrist? Woud that have been "man at his finest"?

Okay - so the analogy is extreme. But the point is - that there is a back history here. Are you familiar with it?

Well except Nazi's were grown men who were in fact soldiers of the Third Reich under direct command of Adolph Hitler. That is a very far reaching comparison. None of these villagers found in Sodom or any of the neighboring towns were allowed a trial as the captured Nazi’s were in Nuremburg. They were not given a chance to talk with counsel nor invoke their constitutional rights. They never once were able to explain their side of events and what might have been occurring. I think that is what I take issue with here. The fact that Yahweh dropped sulfur on men, women, children and infants guilty or not is a little bit troubling to me. I find your analogy to be quite insufficient.

Perhaps you should re-examine your issue then - for the people of Sodom & Gomorrah WERE given a trial. It was Abraham who spoke in their defense. At first Abraham asked the Lord to spare S&G if 50 rightious men were found. The Lord agreed. Then he asked for 45. The Lord agreed. Then he asked for 40. The Lord said he would spare them if there were 40. Then Abraham asked for 30. The Lord said he would spare them. Then he asked for 20. The Lord agreed. Finally Abraham asked that they be spared for the sake of 10 rightious men. TEN! Out of a population of two cities! For the sake of ten men - the Lord said he would spare them. (Genesis 18: 16-33)

I would say that is some haggling job by Abraham.

Then we find that all the men - from every part of the city - YOUNG and old - came with less than good intentions. The reason why these cities were destroyed was because of the outcries from the people of the surrounding area's whom were terrorized by the people of S&G. So much so - that not even 10 rightious men were to be found amoungst them. so apparently - since you seem outraged by this - have you considered what might have been a better solution? I'd be curious to hear it.

Eljay I was referring to your comparison of the peoples of S & G with Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich. I explained why I felt that was a poor analogy. Did you even read my comment? The men accused of these war crimes were under the direct command of Adolph Hitler. When Yahweh took it upon himself in the biblical tale to torch not only men, but innocent women, children and infants of these townships, I felt that to be wrong. I’m sorry if you don’t agree. That is my opinion and I will stick by it. As Redy mentioned, we need to look at these fables in the context and time period of which they were written. The same holds true of Leviticus. Yahweh would have been considered to be this "all knowing" omnipotent power so he would find it suitable to act as sitting judge, prosecutor and jury. I simply found that to be quite egregious. I would also be curious as to what your solution would be if you were in god's position here? I sincerely hope not to brutally burn to death innocent women, children and infants along with any adult males you felt were guilty of some undisclosed and debatable criminality?

This was also not the issue that was initially brought forward. It was the fact that Lot essentially offered up his two, virgin daughters to this mob that approached him at his home. The intention of some of these men, although I’m sure you will disagree, was to sexually assault the two male angel visitors that Lot has hidden in his dwelling. The daughters were to be considered in exchange for these men in order that they are satiated and move on their way, thus leaving the angels unharmed. I also find this to be quite despicable, although, as noted, women did not enjoy all of the same rights and privileges that men did in this time period. This was obviously a sacrifice Lot was willing to make.

Eljay's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:25 AM

The text of Genesis 19 implies that God approved of Lot's behavior, even though he made an offer of his virgin daughters to be raped. This approval would have been extended to Lot's family as well. But God apparently had a fierce anger directed at the other inhabitants of the town. He destroyed Sodom with fire and brimstone (sulfur) dumped from above. According to the story, he killed all of the men and women of Sodom, as well as all the innocent children, infants, newborns, etc. who lived in the city. Once again, god at his finest.

Yes - very similar to the judgements passed on the Nazi's after WW2. Is it your opinion that the trials of Nuremborg were a travesty to those poor Nazi's? What should they have done with them - sent them home with a slap on the wrist? Woud that have been "man at his finest"?

Okay - so the analogy is extreme. But the point is - that there is a back history here. Are you familiar with it?

Well except Nazi's were grown men who were in fact soldiers of the Third Reich under direct command of Adolph Hitler. That is a very far reaching comparison. None of these villagers found in Sodom or any of the neighboring towns were allowed a trial as the captured Nazi’s were in Nuremburg. They were not given a chance to talk with counsel nor invoke their constitutional rights. They never once were able to explain their side of events and what might have been occurring. I think that is what I take issue with here. The fact that Yahweh dropped sulfur on men, women, children and infants guilty or not is a little bit troubling to me. I find your analogy to be quite insufficient.

Perhaps you should re-examine your issue then - for the people of Sodom & Gomorrah WERE given a trial. It was Abraham who spoke in their defense. At first Abraham asked the Lord to spare S&G if 50 rightious men were found. The Lord agreed. Then he asked for 45. The Lord agreed. Then he asked for 40. The Lord said he would spare them if there were 40. Then Abraham asked for 30. The Lord said he would spare them. Then he asked for 20. The Lord agreed. Finally Abraham asked that they be spared for the sake of 10 rightious men. TEN! Out of a population of two cities! For the sake of ten men - the Lord said he would spare them. (Genesis 18: 16-33)

I would say that is some haggling job by Abraham.

Then we find that all the men - from every part of the city - YOUNG and old - came with less than good intentions. The reason why these cities were destroyed was because of the outcries from the people of the surrounding area's whom were terrorized by the people of S&G. So much so - that not even 10 rightious men were to be found amoungst them. so apparently - since you seem outraged by this - have you considered what might have been a better solution? I'd be curious to hear it.

Eljay I was referring to your comparison of the peoples of S & G with Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich. I explained why I felt that was a poor analogy. Did you even read my comment? The men accused of these war crimes were under the direct command of Adolph Hitler. When Yahweh took it upon himself in the biblical tale to torch not only men, but innocent women, children and infants of these townships, I felt that to be wrong. I’m sorry if you don’t agree. That is my opinion and I will stick by it. As Redy mentioned, we need to look at these fables in the context and time period of which they were written. The same holds true of Leviticus. Yahweh would have been considered to be this "all knowing" omnipotent power so he would find it suitable to act as sitting judge, prosecutor and jury. I simply found that to be quite egregious. I would also be curious as to what your solution would be if you were in god's position here? I sincerely hope not to brutally burn to death innocent women, children and infants along with any adult males you felt were guilty of some undisclosed and debatable criminality?

This was also not the issue that was initially brought forward. It was the fact that Lot essentially offered up his two, virgin daughters to this mob that approached him at his home. The intention of some of these men, although I’m sure you will disagree, was to sexually assault the two male angel visitors that Lot has hidden in his dwelling. The daughters were to be considered in exchange for these men in order that they are satiated and move on their way, thus leaving the angels unharmed. I also find this to be quite despicable, although, as noted, women did not enjoy all of the same rights and privileges that men did in this time period. This was obviously a sacrifice Lot was willing to make.

At the time of the writing of Genesis - corporal punishment was the law of the land. They went out of their way to create the most excruciating methods of killing people who were lawless. For that matter - killing people who were not of their tribe - and the reference is not to that of the Jewish population. Where's your outrage for the people who did not worship the God of the Jews sacrificing their "innocent" children to hte God's so that their grape harvest would yeild more wine for the orgies?

As to the Nazi's... don't be decieved. These were people who eagerly joined Hitlers military and who not only bought into what He was doing, but helped create it.
You make this "broad assumption" about the innocence of woman and children.

Lot offered up his daughters because - had he not, the entire township of S&G would have been wiped out by these two angels. You may not be aware of this, but Lot was. This was an attempt on his part to choose the lesser of two evils.
He chose correctly. Both He, and his family were spared.

Now - you were saying about how you would have handled this S&G issue differently? You can't have this both ways and demand your questions be responded to - and ignore the ones asked of you.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:32 AM
Eljay Wrote:
Having expressed that - I do have a question for you. and I ask not in a manner to "trip you up" but to understand better from your response.
When you investigate these concepts - such as evolution, miracles, philosophy... Do you examine the issues from both sides? Are your studies of Evolution only from the persective of those who abandon the Intelligent design theory?

Eljay, what you ask makes sense from only ONE perspective. That scientists and all science is about one thing, disproving creationism. If that’s the way YOU view science than your question makes sense, because YOU WOULD have to view both sides.

I don’t see scientists, or all of science, being about creationism. What I review, in my studies and through my research, are the ideas of people whose OBSERVATION determined a question, from which they create an option and then test it and write their conclusions. THAT, Eljay, is pretty much the basis of scientific methodology. It is not to disprove creationism.

So, NO, when I study, research and review scientific finding, theories and data, I don’t consciously try to make some connection between god and the science.

If you do, Eljay, then YOU are the one enforcing confirmation bias, not I.

Eljay also wrote:
When you read commentaries on scripture - are they only ones that seek to refute the historical Christian understanding? I'm curious.

It depends on the commentary. If it is opinion, I may question why they have that opinion.

If it is some prove that is being offered, I want to know where that prove was found.

If that prove is said to be scientifically derived, I want look it up and validate the methodology and to see if there is any "scientific" peer review.

You see Eljay, I DO look into what others say, they simply don't want to review or accept my findings. So rarely is there an intelligent interplay, as my refutes are not rebuttled in the same logical venue.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:37 AM
Edited by Redykeulous on Wed 08/13/08 09:41 AM
This was also not the issue that was initially brought forward. It was the fact that Lot essentially offered up his two, virgin daughters to this mob that approached him at his home. The intention of some of these men, although I’m sure you will disagree, was to sexually assault the two male angel visitors that Lot has hidden in his dwelling. The daughters were to be considered in exchange for these men in order that they are satiated and move on their way, thus leaving the angels unharmed. I also find this to be quite despicable, although, as noted, women did not enjoy all of the same rights and privileges that men did in this time period. This was obviously a sacrifice Lot was willing to make.

Krimsa, I have kept silent on this issue, because it’s an old one that we have torn apart on several occasions. However, you desreve some explanation from someone.

The reason Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, according to Christians, was because of their homosexuality. I know ridiculous.

You see, this is one of only 5 places that Christians maintain homosexuality is spoken of in the Bible. Yet they declare it the worst of sins, no doubt even worse than murder.

At any rate, the point being that Christians maintain that the “males” wanted to KNOW (have sex with) the male angels. Now, it was the custom in those days that an invited guest in your home was in higher status regarding your protection and their comfort , than even your family.

But here’s the part that Christians don’t like to review. First of all, if it was only the adult males that were promiscuous, then why was the whole city destroyed. So perhaps it was all the males, but then why weren’t the females spared?

Also if it was only the males and they were all homosexual, where did all the children of the city come from? A true homosexual who is known to be homosexual will not choose a female partner.

Here’s the big catch – If Lot knew that the men outside were homosexuals and wanted the angels, WHY WOULD HE OFFER THEM FEMALES INSTEAD?

The truth of the passage has been lost in time and through translations. It has been interpreted by bigoted minds and has been handed down this way.

In those times, there were many many cities that practiced pagan and cult rituals, that included sexual acts, even between families, yes children. These were the practices the writers were trying to say that god was against, not loving homosexual relationships,but the practice of worship that included sexual acts of children, male with male, female with female.

Now you may see why this subject has been ignored or at the very least not delved into. It’s because this is one of those topics that Feral, in her mind, has won, over and over – but she also never read or comprehended the vast amount of information, including word entemologies that go along with this argument.

Do you see, now why this passage, as interpreted by Christians makes no sense to you? This is one of those "little" inconsistancies in the bible that fundamentalists don't like to confront. It actually does make sense, if it's read and interpreted in the context of the times and the people with whom it involves.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:50 AM

The text of Genesis 19 implies that God approved of Lot's behavior, even though he made an offer of his virgin daughters to be raped. This approval would have been extended to Lot's family as well. But God apparently had a fierce anger directed at the other inhabitants of the town. He destroyed Sodom with fire and brimstone (sulfur) dumped from above. According to the story, he killed all of the men and women of Sodom, as well as all the innocent children, infants, newborns, etc. who lived in the city. Once again, god at his finest.

Yes - very similar to the judgements passed on the Nazi's after WW2. Is it your opinion that the trials of Nuremborg were a travesty to those poor Nazi's? What should they have done with them - sent them home with a slap on the wrist? Woud that have been "man at his finest"?

Okay - so the analogy is extreme. But the point is - that there is a back history here. Are you familiar with it?

Well except Nazi's were grown men who were in fact soldiers of the Third Reich under direct command of Adolph Hitler. That is a very far reaching comparison. None of these villagers found in Sodom or any of the neighboring towns were allowed a trial as the captured Nazi’s were in Nuremburg. They were not given a chance to talk with counsel nor invoke their constitutional rights. They never once were able to explain their side of events and what might have been occurring. I think that is what I take issue with here. The fact that Yahweh dropped sulfur on men, women, children and infants guilty or not is a little bit troubling to me. I find your analogy to be quite insufficient.

Perhaps you should re-examine your issue then - for the people of Sodom & Gomorrah WERE given a trial. It was Abraham who spoke in their defense. At first Abraham asked the Lord to spare S&G if 50 rightious men were found. The Lord agreed. Then he asked for 45. The Lord agreed. Then he asked for 40. The Lord said he would spare them if there were 40. Then Abraham asked for 30. The Lord said he would spare them. Then he asked for 20. The Lord agreed. Finally Abraham asked that they be spared for the sake of 10 rightious men. TEN! Out of a population of two cities! For the sake of ten men - the Lord said he would spare them. (Genesis 18: 16-33)

I would say that is some haggling job by Abraham.

Then we find that all the men - from every part of the city - YOUNG and old - came with less than good intentions. The reason why these cities were destroyed was because of the outcries from the people of the surrounding area's whom were terrorized by the people of S&G. So much so - that not even 10 rightious men were to be found amoungst them. so apparently - since you seem outraged by this - have you considered what might have been a better solution? I'd be curious to hear it.

Eljay I was referring to your comparison of the peoples of S & G with Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich. I explained why I felt that was a poor analogy. Did you even read my comment? The men accused of these war crimes were under the direct command of Adolph Hitler. When Yahweh took it upon himself in the biblical tale to torch not only men, but innocent women, children and infants of these townships, I felt that to be wrong. I’m sorry if you don’t agree. That is my opinion and I will stick by it. As Redy mentioned, we need to look at these fables in the context and time period of which they were written. The same holds true of Leviticus. Yahweh would have been considered to be this "all knowing" omnipotent power so he would find it suitable to act as sitting judge, prosecutor and jury. I simply found that to be quite egregious. I would also be curious as to what your solution would be if you were in god's position here? I sincerely hope not to brutally burn to death innocent women, children and infants along with any adult males you felt were guilty of some undisclosed and debatable criminality?

This was also not the issue that was initially brought forward. It was the fact that Lot essentially offered up his two, virgin daughters to this mob that approached him at his home. The intention of some of these men, although I’m sure you will disagree, was to sexually assault the two male angel visitors that Lot has hidden in his dwelling. The daughters were to be considered in exchange for these men in order that they are satiated and move on their way, thus leaving the angels unharmed. I also find this to be quite despicable, although, as noted, women did not enjoy all of the same rights and privileges that men did in this time period. This was obviously a sacrifice Lot was willing to make.

At the time of the writing of Genesis - corporal punishment was the law of the land. They went out of their way to create the most excruciating methods of killing people who were lawless. For that matter - killing people who were not of their tribe - and the reference is not to that of the Jewish population. Where's your outrage for the people who did not worship the God of the Jews sacrificing their "innocent" children to hte God's so that their grape harvest would yeild more wine for the orgies?

As to the Nazi's... don't be decieved. These were people who eagerly joined Hitlers military and who not only bought into what He was doing, but helped create it.
You make this "broad assumption" about the innocence of woman and children.

Lot offered up his daughters because - had he not, the entire township of S&G would have been wiped out by these two angels. You may not be aware of this, but Lot was. This was an attempt on his part to choose the lesser of two evils.
He chose correctly. Both He, and his family were spared.

Now - you were saying about how you would have handled this S&G issue differently? You can't have this both ways and demand your questions be responded to - and ignore the ones asked of you.

So you are asking me to condone the brutal torture and murder of ALL of the inhabitants of these towns simply because Yahweh decided that these people were evil or had done something wrong? Sorry. That may be fine with you however I take great issue with it. You speak as if you lavish the thought of murder and torture. It’s creepy. If something is clearly heinous and out of control, it is within your power to stand up and claim it is wrong instead of blindly going along with it because this false mysterious, omnipotent lunatic claims it is. Show some backbone for goodness sake.

You still do not understand what I am attempting to convey to you about Hitler and the Third Reich. I am explaining that it is an inaccurate comparison you are making because adult male high ranking soldiers subjected to Israeli law and criminal proceedings were privy to counsel and convicted of their crimes in a court of law. The infants, women and children burned alive by having Yahweh pour sulfur on them from the sky, eh, not so much. Surely you can recognize the difference in the two scenarios? I know in your mind, even the babies and children deserved this fate. I once again, refuse to be swept up into your net of hate and will call you on it each and every time.

As far as Lot is concerned and him offering his two virgin daughters to this mob so that he could claim his own safety, absolutely despicable. There is no minimizing this one, nor rationalizing it away.

I have answered every question put to me thus far. So now I ask yet again that you answer only one. If you were in the place of Yahweh, would you have ordered the brutal murder of every last man, woman, child and infant?

Krimsa's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:58 AM
I got it Redy, thanks. Either way, it’s pretty horrible. I guess just another compassionate loving god spreading the joy around. Never mind if it’s mixed up with a little scalding hot sulfur dropped from above.

no photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:59 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Wed 08/13/08 10:06 AM

You speak as if you lavish the thought of murder and torture. It’s creepy.

Sometimes we hear what we want to hear. In written words, the ability to project our own exceptions onto other's statements can quickly fool us into believing ill of another. It's a part of the human condition, but I think you should try to be a bit more open minded and generous when you interpret another's post.


Krimsa's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:12 AM

You speak as if you lavish the thought of murder and torture. It’s creepy.

Sometimes we hear what we want to hear. In written words, the ability to project our own exceptions onto other's statements can quickly fool us into believing ill of another. It's a part of the human condition, but I think you should try to be a bit more open minded and generous when you interpret another's post.


And I could say the same of Eljay ten times over, spider, yet thank you for your insight. This should be a two way street for all intensive purposes. I feel like my expectation of this is unreasonable at times.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:26 AM
I got it Redy, thanks. Either way, it’s pretty horrible. I guess just another compassionate loving god spreading the joy around. Never mind if it’s mixed up with a little scalding hot sulfur dropped from above.

You are ABSOLUTELY correct and your reasoning is exactly the reason why this creates yet another inconsistency. It never occurs to people that if it's so easy for a creator to create out of nothing, then destroying that which it created means little.

But Christians have bought into the whole belief that they inherited emotions from god which naturally means that god does things becase It is moved to do so through emotions. If god proceeds on emotion then god is unpredictable and all attempts by an imperfect, sinful creation, are prone to the whims of an emotional god on any given day.

Eljay's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:29 AM

The reason Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, according to Christians, was because of their homosexuality. I know ridiculous.

Perhaps this is rediculous because it isn't true.
Any Christiam who's read the bible knows why S&G were destroyed. It's like claiming all Christians say the fruit Eve picked from the tree was an apple - or that there were three wise men.

Misconceptions about what Christians think. Perhaps you should do some research on that.

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