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Topic: Throw down
Eljay's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:33 AM

Oh and Eljay, it’s an "isolated incident"? Come on now. What about your famous "virgin Mary" Why would it be so important for Mary to be considered a "virgin"? Because it implies that god had some kind of role in knocking her up. It would have been yucky and "unholy" for her to become pregnant in the traditional manner.

My guess is it wasn't Joseph. It was another man who impregnated her and it may have been rape. Joseph probably knew what would happen if this got out and became common knowledge. A stoning more than likely. So the two of them concocted this story to spare Mary's life and get out of dodge before those crazy villagers got wind of it.

It was considered "important" for Mary to be a virgin because it was prophised she would be thousands of years previous to this. It was stated first that the saviour would be born to a virgin. It is one of the 3,000+ fullfilled prophecies of the Old Testiment which told of the coming of Jesus.

But seriously - is this something that you are unfamiliar with?

Just not buying it. At least not from a logical perspective. Tell me with a straight face that Mary was a "virgin". By definition of virgin, let’s just say a person who has not been intimate with one of the opposite sex. Do you think this was actually the case? Not to mention, why would it be “bad” or “unholy” if a man had actually impregnated Mary? Isn’t that the way it’s normally done? You have had sex before correct? I don’t want to jump to conclusions here.

Mary was a virgin. Your "not buying it" has no bearing on it's validity. Please don't confuse this with the "perpetuality of virginity" as described in Catholicism though - I don't buy into that. Mary had other children after Jesus - and that would have ended the "virginity" status at that point.

I wouldn't say that you are jumping to conclusions - but I am curious as to how much you are limiting God. Do you think that the God of scripture - who fashioned Adam from the earth, and Eve from his rib - incapable of impregnating a virgin by mere thought?

Mary was not a "virgin". She had to have sex with someone. I don’t know who it was but I don’t think it was Joseph however. My theory is she was sexually assaulted but she might have confessed this to Joseph because she was a young girl and she was frightened of what these villagers would do to her if they found out she had been raped. Stoning most likley in public. I am not confusing anything. She had sex and Jesus was the result. Jesus was a man. Jesus more than likely had descendants of his own also. I am not limiting god. I am simply stating that there is no way he got Mary pregnant telekinetically. So are you suggesting that god had sex with Mary? There are also no ribs forming human beings. That is just a fictitious account from the bible.

Actually - you are limiting God. You are using the limited experience of your life, and the facts and knowledge you have gleened - through others - from the education system that you were exposed to - just like every one here has. You have determined for yourself that the God of Scriptures was incapable of forming Jesus in the womb of Mary - which by the way - is another biblical concept - without the help of a man having had sexual relations with her, consensual or otherwise. This show a serious lack of understanding the God of scripture.

You would be better served to simply claim that Jesus didn't exist. For to claim that God was incapable of forming life in the womb of a virgin, but somehow create a human out of dust, as in the case of Adam, or out of a rib as in the case of Eve, is a demondstration of not comprehending the power of God.

Eljay's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:34 AM
Edited by Eljay on Sat 08/09/08 05:25 AM

:banana: :banana: :banana:


WHEW! Done. I did it, I read the whole thing.

slaphead doh! I could have been cleaning up my office.

Oh well! smokin

By the way it was a pleasure to read you Krimsa and I will look forward to seeing you in other threads.

Everyone - later now!

Yes Krimsa was the only one in the entire thread who actually stuck to the rules.

She used only the Bible to show that it contradicts itself, and she succeeded with sound arguments that could not be refuted by using the same rules.

A toast to Krimsa! drinker

Actually - she only demonstrated that she hadn't read it, and what she read, she did not comprehend.

Eljay's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:40 AM

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

This one reminds me of a debate that took place a while back. Someone was arguing that God lied to Adam and Eve telling them that they would surely die if they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

The argument from the non-believer was that they didn't die.

The argument from the believer was that they did die eventually. The argument being that they would have never died had they not eaten the fruit.

But that's not what the verse says,...

It clearly says,... "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die"

That means that they would die the same day they ate it.

Clearly that didn't happen.

This means that God lied when he threatened them that they would die in the day that they ate it.

Either that or he changed his mind.


God either lies or changes his mind.

There's no way out of that one. bigsmile

Perhaps Adam and Eve died metaphorically to their complete Heaven on Earth when they became self-conscious. Perhaps eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil marked the beginning of the Human Condition. A condition inherantly riddled with perception of good and bad.

No "perhaps" about it Splendid. That is exactly what is echo'd throughout scripture.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:41 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 08/09/08 04:42 AM

Oh and Eljay, it’s an "isolated incident"? Come on now. What about your famous "virgin Mary" Why would it be so important for Mary to be considered a "virgin"? Because it implies that god had some kind of role in knocking her up. It would have been yucky and "unholy" for her to become pregnant in the traditional manner.

My guess is it wasn't Joseph. It was another man who impregnated her and it may have been rape. Joseph probably knew what would happen if this got out and became common knowledge. A stoning more than likely. So the two of them concocted this story to spare Mary's life and get out of dodge before those crazy villagers got wind of it.

It was considered "important" for Mary to be a virgin because it was prophised she would be thousands of years previous to this. It was stated first that the saviour would be born to a virgin. It is one of the 3,000+ fullfilled prophecies of the Old Testiment which told of the coming of Jesus.

But seriously - is this something that you are unfamiliar with?

Just not buying it. At least not from a logical perspective. Tell me with a straight face that Mary was a "virgin". By definition of virgin, let’s just say a person who has not been intimate with one of the opposite sex. Do you think this was actually the case? Not to mention, why would it be “bad” or “unholy” if a man had actually impregnated Mary? Isn’t that the way it’s normally done? You have had sex before correct? I don’t want to jump to conclusions here.

Mary was a virgin. Your "not buying it" has no bearing on it's validity. Please don't confuse this with the "perpetuality of virginity" as described in Catholicism though - I don't buy into that. Mary had other children after Jesus - and that would have ended the "virginity" status at that point.

I wouldn't say that you are jumping to conclusions - but I am curious as to how much you are limiting God. Do you think that the God of scripture - who fashioned Adam from the earth, and Eve from his rib - incapable of impregnating a virgin by mere thought?

Mary was not a "virgin". She had to have sex with someone. I don’t know who it was but I don’t think it was Joseph however. My theory is she was sexually assaulted but she might have confessed this to Joseph because she was a young girl and she was frightened of what these villagers would do to her if they found out she had been raped. Stoning most likley in public. I am not confusing anything. She had sex and Jesus was the result. Jesus was a man. Jesus more than likely had descendants of his own also. I am not limiting god. I am simply stating that there is no way he got Mary pregnant telekinetically. So are you suggesting that god had sex with Mary? There are also no ribs forming human beings. That is just a fictitious account from the bible.

Actually - you are limiting God. You are using the limited experience of your life, and the facts and knowledge you have gleened - through others - from the education system that you were exposed to - just like every one here has. You have determined for yourself that the God of Scriptures was incapable of forming Jesus in the womb of Mary - which by the way - is another biblical concept - without the help of a man having had sexual relations with her, consensual or otherwise. This show a serious lack of understanding the God of scripture.

You would be better served to simply claim that Jesus didn't exist. For to claim that God was incapable of forming life in the womb of a virgin, but somehow create a human out of dust, as in the case of Adam, or out of a rib as in the case of Eve, is a demondstration of not comprehending the power of God.

You are incorrect. I am simply questioning the bible as many of us are here on this thread. Of course I am limited to my educational background, life experience and any other research on the topic I may have done. Are you implying that you aren’t in some respect? I simply disagree with your views. I have brought forth my information to the table and you are free to debate any of us who disagree with you.

Never once have I limited god. I told you I do not believe in a virgin birth, or humans being made from ribs. I do believe in Jesus. He was a man. I have stated this repeatedly. I’m not sure what you are misunderstanding at this point. I also feel that Mary had sexual intercourse with someone in order to become pregnant. Why would that be so awful anyway? Why would the "son of god" need to somehow be created through non traditional means? Tell me why that is evil or bad?

Eljay's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:43 AM

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

31And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation.
(Note: That God should be displeased is inconsistent with the concept of omniscience.)

5And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

funny he said it was >>very good<< and not "perfect", why make it just "very good" if he is capable of making everything "perfect"?

5And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

T: that was after the fall, after man had sinned supposedly. cant count that. thats not a change in god but man if were talking strictly bible.

But he failed. His creation Man was not "good" after all. Therefore God is not perfect.


You are victimizing yourself with the fallacy of the shifting middle. Maybe there's a Mathematician on the threads somewhere who can help you out with this. Abra - do you know anyone capable of explaining this to Jeannie?

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:45 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 08/09/08 05:17 AM

Ok - since no one has asked yet, I will.

Why did god create a whole world, a whole environment in which human was to 'lord' over and then put a TREE in it garded by angels that man could not touch?

Sounds like it's either a contradiction or a test. But why would god create such a test? Why would god create such a tree?

Of couse speaking of Angels, wouldn't that be considered another species? Yes, perhaps from another worldly dimension, but another species anyway. So why would this planet be the only one to be worthy of any godly creations? And if that is erroneous, then why was man the only creation in need of saving?

So many questions, but so difficult to get to them all.

Here's a suggestion. Since Quicksteper and Feral seem to have a direct line to god, maybe we pose our questions to them and have them, both, ask god for a reply and see how he responds to both of them. To make it fair we should have a blind, someone who believes in god but who has never heard god speak to him/her. The three could ask the question we pose of god and then come back and each of them tell us what god said. Of course we would have to ask god to abide by certain rules, specifically we must ask that god not reference the bible in any way, but rather speak his own words.

There now! Finally a chance for those who speak to god to get some answers to REAL questions, and not just the one they think he should answer.

What do you all think?

Well actually you are correct... I believe the heavenly realm is a place of God's divine presence. The fall of satan took place prior to the creation of man. Since "beings" don't really ever die...(there is an after life for creatures) it's understandable why in the garden there would be a tree of good & evil. The garden is a place we can't see anymore because of the fall of man into temptation.

As I said before.. There are questions I never asked God but I'm sure there is an answer. Remember this...the secret things belong to God but the things revealed belong to us.

Man was tricked by the devil but what satan did was deliberate rebellion toward God & His authority. BTW...we are more than just pawns. We are God's children...His beloved. Know that you all are more prcious to God than all the rest of His creation. Maybe because He knows we have to endure much but His grace still prevails even when it seems like it doesn't. Think about it...we can even laugh in the face of death itself...O death where is thy sting!

It's always about God's grace toward humanity when the enemy wants to come to kill steal & destroy us. We are loved.

After saying all that I'll leave this up to Eljay or Wouldee...I'm sure they can explain it better.

Funny thing...it's not something I would ask God about ...but I have asked some tough questions & to my surprize He did answer them.

There is secret wisdom & knowledge of the ages...things forgotten...things deeper than the physical realm...more than I can even think or imagine. God says so & that is scriptural Redy...one day gf...you will ask God & seek Him out & He will reveal them to YOU. LOL...You're a good heart dear girl. :smile: :heart:

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:47 AM

GE 1:31 God was pleased with his creation.

31And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


GE 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation.
(Note: That God should be displeased is inconsistent with the concept of omniscience.)

5And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

funny he said it was >>very good<< and not "perfect", why make it just "very good" if he is capable of making everything "perfect"?

5And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

T: that was after the fall, after man had sinned supposedly. cant count that. thats not a change in god but man if were talking strictly bible.

But he failed. His creation Man was not "good" after all. Therefore God is not perfect.


You are victimizing yourself with the fallacy of the shifting middle. Maybe there's a Mathematician on the threads somewhere who can help you out with this. Abra - do you know anyone capable of explaining this to Jeannie?

If she is incorrect in some respect, why don’t you explain the fallacy in her thinking? Or are you limited by your educational background?laugh

Eljay's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:49 AM

GE 10:5, 20, 31
There were many languages before the Tower of Babel.

5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.


GE 11:1
There was only one language before the Tower of Babel.

Genesis 11

1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.


Well - to start with the first reference is from the table of Nations - and expanding time line running through the expansion of generations. It is similat to the difference between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. First the account of the generations of Noah is given, then we return to the account of man - starting with the Tower of Babel. Similar to the structural writing adopted by Steinbeck in his novel "The Grapes of Wrath".

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:49 AM

Quikstop, you are behaving in a terrible manner. Shame on you! Show some decorum for goodness sake! Just awful. sick

OOPS! Don't look now...but you're violating the no insult rules...AGAIN! So much for being the self proclaimed moderator...physician heal thyself. LOL laugh laugh

splendidlife's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:49 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sat 08/09/08 04:51 AM

T: - now this may be a problem R, what your asking is for god to not use his own supposed words? would it not hold that if these are his words that he could do no other than to speak them? or are you saying for him to say the same thing in a different way? which really would amount to the same thing? doesn't make sense to me?

...perhaps if he could speak it and then translate to terms more matching our current culture...

Oh, but wait... Then someone would accuse him of being evil because he wouldn't be using the word of God.

whoa slaphead rofl :wink:

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:54 AM

Quikstop, you are behaving in a terrible manner. Shame on you! Show some decorum for goodness sake! Just awful. sick

OOPS! Don't look now...but you're violating the no insult rules...AGAIN! So much for being the self proclaimed moderator...physician heal thyself. LOL laugh laugh

Let me get this straight. Because I said that you were behaving shamefully, I am "name calling"? What about you referring to the non-Christians as a "pack of vipers". Now that's name calling as far as my understanding of the definition. happy

Eljay's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:59 AM

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

This one reminds me of a debate that took place a while back. Someone was arguing that God lied to Adam and Eve telling them that they would surely die if they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

The argument from the non-believer was that they didn't die.

The argument from the believer was that they did die eventually. The argument being that they would have never died had they not eaten the fruit.

But that's not what the verse says,...

It clearly says,... "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die"

That means that they would die the same day they ate it.

Clearly that didn't happen.

This means that God lied when he threatened them that they would die in the day that they ate it.

Either that or he changed his mind.


God either lies or changes his mind.

There's no way out of that one. bigsmile


The argument from the believer was that they did die eventually. The argument being that they would have never died had they not eaten the fruit.

But that's not what the verse says,...

It clearly says,... "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die"

That means that they would die the same day they ate it.


they were wrong or stupid, one of the two or both - the death did take place as i wrote JB - it was a spiritual death that happened as soon as they ate, gods spirit left them, they had turned into soulish creatures only, that is why they felt shame not because they were naked, because they knew that they were always naked, but their soulish nature with out gods spirit allowed them to see or experience there new found lustful soulish nature that we now all posses. Anyone who is christian and argues against this i will debate to death!!

Perhaps he'll consider it when you say it - because he ignores it when we do. By all means my learnered friend - keep going, you're on a roll. You should consider becoming an Apologist.

noway noway noway


Quikstepper's photo
Sat 08/09/08 04:59 AM

Quikstop, you are behaving in a terrible manner. Shame on you! Show some decorum for goodness sake! Just awful. sick

OOPS! Don't look now...but you're violating the no insult rules...AGAIN! So much for being the self proclaimed moderator...physician heal thyself. LOL laugh laugh

Let me get this straight. Because I said that you were behaving shamefully, I am "name calling"? What about you referring to the non-Christians as a "pack of vipers". Now that's name calling as far as my understanding of the definition. happy

Here we go again...round & round with your trying to lord it over people. It's ok for you to throw barbs & not others? I think it's you who needs the instructions girlie.

Just post what you are for & stop this nonsense with people you disagree with. I overlook many things said & don't address people personally...I suggest you do the same.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:02 AM

Quikstop, you are behaving in a terrible manner. Shame on you! Show some decorum for goodness sake! Just awful. sick

OOPS! Don't look now...but you're violating the no insult rules...AGAIN! So much for being the self proclaimed moderator...physician heal thyself. LOL laugh laugh

Let me get this straight. Because I said that you were behaving shamefully, I am "name calling"? What about you referring to the non-Christians as a "pack of vipers". Now that's name calling as far as my understanding of the definition. happy

Here we go again...round & round with your trying to lord it over people. It's ok for you to throw barbs & not others? I think it's you who needs the instructions girlie.

Just post what you are for & stop this nonsense with people you disagree with. I overlook many things said & don't address people personally...I suggest you do the same.

So when you call us vipers, that is how you overlook things? Hmm. Okay nice try. Awful.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:14 AM

wouldee, eljay,and spider as well as feral and morning song are steeped in religiosity Krimsa, there are literally millions of theology books and lexicons and concordances they or other's use to prove their 6000 yr old traditions, these debates raised here have been going on for centuries by better minds than mine and Abra's and or the others here. The results? no different than this one. To " argue" or "debate" religion is futile because it is a >>>"FAITH"<<< based belief.

Take away all the >>>extra-biblical<<< propaganda and assumtions,the current inability to understand as clearly as the original hebrews and early aramaic speaking believers of the languages then spoken, and what you have is just words.

A compilation of stories and sayings that only could really be understood by those who were present at the time spoken if you hold the stories true.

If you read and come to the conclusion they are not true (at least for now in this time of your life} then move on.

If you want to search the "faith" of the believers then you really do have to do it from within. you actually have to put aside your >>dis-belief<< - in order find if it is true or not.

Otherwise it is like one trying to explain to another what a piece of fruit or other food taste like that they themselves have not tasted, and that may be the "exact opposite" of what you may find to be true for yourself in tasting the same food(s). I like clams - some others hate clams or are even allergic to them and cant eat them.

I am not reccomending that you do - nor am i saying not to do - I am merely stating that if one really wants to know if >something<, "anything" is really what it says it is - then one has to have >>>"expieriencial"<<<< contact with it or stand away and speak of it only in a hypothetical sense at most.

If that is all you want is Hypothetical answers then continue on "Ad Ifinitum" - but you will find yourself still not knowing whether it is sound or unsound for you - or worthy of putting your >>>>>>>FAITH<<<<<<<<< into it or not.

Faith is the key word here! all else is "mans doing" trying to explain why one should have this faith. read the gospels and all of jesus words - leave out the rest - if they donot move you to believe, then move on, dear lady.

sincerely - tribo

Boy O Boy do I agree with you here.

I agree with all you said...and to add that it does no good to debate. The only way people will know is by living life & experiencing it firsthand. Discussion & debate do nothing for the spirit man.

It's about the experience. God's word is tried & true no matter how mankind feels about it. Christian faith is not blind...it knows where it's going...for sure. :smile:

Oh my. So there is absolutely no reason in your not so humble opinion that we should ever seek to gain a better understanding of a topic, discuss a hypothesis, point out a potential error in logic, nor share any personal insight we may have? This does nothing for the spirit of men according to you?

I don’t think of it in those terms. I never will. What about the spirit of all? What of humanity? Should it have no voice? Should it simply take everything at face value and be fearful of questioning preordained doctrine? Should we reinvent language and insist that the bible conform to our personal desires/beliefs as we see fit? If you choose to negate my views, wouldn’t I have absolute authority to question your own?

You do not know me, or I you. You have no right to imply you have any understanding of what my life experience entails. You do not know what pain I have endured, or the joys. You, my friend, have made sure you have jumped from your own aircraft with a closed parachute. I just hope you wake up before you splatter. Good luck with that.

If you really want understanding you have to understand what God's word says. If you are going to resist it you will never be able to agree with it...for the sake of the experience in KNOWING it actually works. Your own posts reveal your resistance to God by the way you slander & twist His words.

It doesn't matter that I know you or not. You jumped into the fray with much arrogance toward those you don't know & I was just having fun with it. If you're gonna dish it out be able to take it.

I know! I know! You don't do anything wrong...it's always the other guy...Right? LOL LOL

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:21 AM

Why would the "son of god" need to somehow be created through non traditional means? Tell me why that is evil or bad?

it's not evil or bad at all. it's just lack of knowledge.

Eljay's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:21 AM

tribo......the text say that "when mary approached elizabeth she was filled with the holy ghost"

ok.....the perception of this text could be taken many ways, not just ONE......

it is a fact she is filled, and mary is approching her......this in no way is to say that mary approaching was the act that filled her, and this in no way says she was not already filled, nor does it say that all others are not filled as well, and even lends more to god being JUST AND FAIR, so who then can be given unto UNEQUALLY?

this also does not say that there are not two spirits as mentioned all thru text......

it does not matter at all as for doctrine sake, but when something is worshipped as the voice of god, as a holy spirit is so professed to be, and this be already active, since childbirth in all, then this certainally would tend to persuade one was lacking, insteatd of showing how god is already within, and if it was said the kingdom of heaven was within, then how can it be that good as god come from the outside somewhere, as to be filled can easily mean it was from within, and grew, along side another spirit, the sprit of god alike, both growing up together, so both coming to a fullness, and when the two have become completed, creating all wisdom within any one being, the spirit of god gobble up the holy spirit and it be disolved, not seeing any more one man as holy and another as not holy.........

did not moses staff turn to a snake, and EAT the snake of the pharoahs men, moses representing god and pharoah satan, but indeed it was said that god hardend pharoahs heart, so it was god that made pharoah say NO.........then how is pharoah to blame, as who can resist the will of god as it was spoken?

did not god tell peter to kill and eat, and not to see as holy and unholy any longer, as was not it custom to not eat such things previously?

how could god tell to do different now?

is he changing his mind, or is god just the truth in each, answering back the half-truth of all the mind say as a holy spirit, as the law, and it was written in text as two sides of a coin, as the tail side the serpent, and the head side as god.........so when peter heard and wrote, he was simply stating first what his MIND told him, a holy spirit, and then what his HEART told him, the spirit of god.........

ideas, ideas, ideas, lol.........

Actually David - a better account to adress concerning this subject is found in John 16 - verse 7 to be exact - though it is beneficial to read the entire chapters 14, 15 and 16, for the topic of the Holy Spirit is adressed numerous times. But to quote:

John 16: 7 "But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor (refered to earlier as the HOly Spirit) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in reguard to sin and rightiousness and judgement....."

This would conflict the theory that man is born with the Holy spirit.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:22 AM

wouldee, eljay,and spider as well as feral and morning song are steeped in religiosity Krimsa, there are literally millions of theology books and lexicons and concordances they or other's use to prove their 6000 yr old traditions, these debates raised here have been going on for centuries by better minds than mine and Abra's and or the others here. The results? no different than this one. To " argue" or "debate" religion is futile because it is a >>>"FAITH"<<< based belief.

Take away all the >>>extra-biblical<<< propaganda and assumtions,the current inability to understand as clearly as the original hebrews and early aramaic speaking believers of the languages then spoken, and what you have is just words.

A compilation of stories and sayings that only could really be understood by those who were present at the time spoken if you hold the stories true.

If you read and come to the conclusion they are not true (at least for now in this time of your life} then move on.

If you want to search the "faith" of the believers then you really do have to do it from within. you actually have to put aside your >>dis-belief<< - in order find if it is true or not.

Otherwise it is like one trying to explain to another what a piece of fruit or other food taste like that they themselves have not tasted, and that may be the "exact opposite" of what you may find to be true for yourself in tasting the same food(s). I like clams - some others hate clams or are even allergic to them and cant eat them.

I am not reccomending that you do - nor am i saying not to do - I am merely stating that if one really wants to know if >something<, "anything" is really what it says it is - then one has to have >>>"expieriencial"<<<< contact with it or stand away and speak of it only in a hypothetical sense at most.

If that is all you want is Hypothetical answers then continue on "Ad Ifinitum" - but you will find yourself still not knowing whether it is sound or unsound for you - or worthy of putting your >>>>>>>FAITH<<<<<<<<< into it or not.

Faith is the key word here! all else is "mans doing" trying to explain why one should have this faith. read the gospels and all of jesus words - leave out the rest - if they donot move you to believe, then move on, dear lady.

sincerely - tribo

Boy O Boy do I agree with you here.

I agree with all you said...and to add that it does no good to debate. The only way people will know is by living life & experiencing it firsthand. Discussion & debate do nothing for the spirit man.

It's about the experience. God's word is tried & true no matter how mankind feels about it. Christian faith is not blind...it knows where it's going...for sure. :smile:

Oh my. So there is absolutely no reason in your not so humble opinion that we should ever seek to gain a better understanding of a topic, discuss a hypothesis, point out a potential error in logic, nor share any personal insight we may have? This does nothing for the spirit of men according to you?

I don’t think of it in those terms. I never will. What about the spirit of all? What of humanity? Should it have no voice? Should it simply take everything at face value and be fearful of questioning preordained doctrine? Should we reinvent language and insist that the bible conform to our personal desires/beliefs as we see fit? If you choose to negate my views, wouldn’t I have absolute authority to question your own?

You do not know me, or I you. You have no right to imply you have any understanding of what my life experience entails. You do not know what pain I have endured, or the joys. You, my friend, have made sure you have jumped from your own aircraft with a closed parachute. I just hope you wake up before you splatter. Good luck with that.

If you really want understanding you have to understand what God's word says. If you are going to resist it you will never be able to agree with it...for the sake of the experience in KNOWING it actually works. Your own posts reveal your resistance to God by the way you slander & twist His words.

It doesn't matter that I know you or not. You jumped into the fray with much arrogance toward those you don't know & I was just having fun with it. If you're gonna dish it out be able to take it.

I know! I know! You don't do anything wrong...it's always the other guy...Right? LOL LOL

I seek to have a better understanding of the bible and the information found within. You seem to feel it is inappropriate for anyone to question these scriptures. I have not been arrogant. I have simply brought these issues to light (or a few of them) as many others have as well. You continue to attempt to belittle, name call, throw tantrums and in your egotistical nonsensical ramblings, have us all believe that you have some level of profound connection with god. All I see is a bitter person who likes to put others down. You may correct me if I’m wrong.

Once again, you do not know me. You have no right to presume that you do.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:25 AM
the fundamentalist and the atheist struggle at its best. wonderful way to start a saturday morning.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:27 AM

the fundamentalist and the atheist struggle at its best. wonderful way to start a saturday morning.

I am not an atheist. Good try though.:wink:

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