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Topic: Throw down
feralcatlady's photo
Sat 08/09/08 09:57 AM

The Pagans have kind of a different take on that whole "tree of knowledge incident". Their feeling is that story was very deliberately put in there to discredit woman and a much older faith. It does kind of make sense in a way. It was Eve that took fruit from the tree and tempted Adam with the knowledge. It would have been Eve naturally because she would have had no fear of the garden as it had always been her place prior to god being on the scene and being intimidating and scaring folks. The tale of the "serpent speaking to Eve" would have also been an attempt at discrediting the older earth based religion as the snake had been known as a symbol of the Goddess in many cultures. Pre-dynastic Egyptian queens were found mummified with snakes wrapped around their necks. So the best way to disvalue something is to associate it with evil or the devil. There ya go. Snakes are bad and so is Eve. I don’t know how true that is but an interesting take on it for certain.

So far off......not even responding

read it people...take a class understand it....before you put this blah blah blah.

Feral, the scripture is for everyone. You can analyze it to death and interpret it to mean just about anything. Everyone has a right to their own interpretation of it. It is for everybody, not just for Christianity. There are other religions who use the Bible. Why do you insist that only you have it right?


Read the bible with an open mind and you can see the parables. It was never a book meant to be taken literally. It is stories with possible lessons to learn in them. If you do not go to the bible believing it is the "word of god" then you can get it's true meaning.


The Bible is the infallible, inspired, inherent Word of the Living God. I believe each and every word from Genesis to Revelation, cover to cover. It is the owners manual for human beings.

Now don't believe it......fine....but it is not another Essops Fables...

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:00 AM

The Pagans have kind of a different take on that whole "tree of knowledge incident". Their feeling is that story was very deliberately put in there to discredit woman and a much older faith. It does kind of make sense in a way. It was Eve that took fruit from the tree and tempted Adam with the knowledge. It would have been Eve naturally because she would have had no fear of the garden as it had always been her place prior to god being on the scene and being intimidating and scaring folks. The tale of the "serpent speaking to Eve" would have also been an attempt at discrediting the older earth based religion as the snake had been known as a symbol of the Goddess in many cultures. Pre-dynastic Egyptian queens were found mummified with snakes wrapped around their necks. So the best way to disvalue something is to associate it with evil or the devil. There ya go. Snakes are bad and so is Eve. I don’t know how true that is but an interesting take on it for certain.

So far off......not even responding

read it people...take a class understand it....before you put this blah blah blah.

Feral, the scripture is for everyone. You can analyze it to death and interpret it to mean just about anything. Everyone has a right to their own interpretation of it. It is for everybody, not just for Christianity. There are other religions who use the Bible. Why do you insist that only you have it right?


Read the bible with an open mind and you can see the parables. It was never a book meant to be taken literally. It is stories with possible lessons to learn in them. If you do not go to the bible believing it is the "word of god" then you can get it's true meaning.

I do read it with an open mind. I not only see parables and myths, I see agendas.


I too. The creating of the story to make women less holy than men is probably from the men of old fearing women. They were befuddled by the creation of life in women and their abilities to heal. This caused fear in them, fear of the loss of the power position, so they create a story of the women that makes her gullible, pliable to evils plan, this way men will always consider women evil at some level or capable of evil and they will never fully trust them. There is more stories of this calabre in the bible also. And in Greek mythology there are stories placing the evil with the woman ie Pandora's Box.

Absolutely, Dragon. I also agree with JB that the bible is not just a lot of convoluted tales but it does have quite the agenda. I was actually being kind in that respect. If you want us to really get into just how intense the anti-female stance was, we can open that Pandora’s Box also.

no photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:07 AM
Feral, the scripture is for everyone. You can analyze it to death and interpret it to mean just about anything. Everyone has a right to their own interpretation of it. It is for everybody, not just for Christianity. There are other religions who use the Bible. Why do you insist that only you have it right?


No they do not JB......

So are you saying that everyone DOES NOT have the right to interpret scripture for themselves? What gives you that idea?

It says what it means and means what it says...

..There is that phrase again.... boy I bet your mom or someone must have told you that a million times, you can't seem to get it out of your head.

..and you CANNOT interpret it to follow what you think is the truth......I have no rights either....but I sure as heck don't read and study the Bible to fit my needs....I study to learn God's word....and I live by God's word...and as long as people keep the film over there eyes and the wax in their ears...they will never get it....and it clearly states this in the Bible....Parable of the seed in Matthew if you would like to see for yourself.

And there is a difference between interpreting say the Virgin birth and saying it just is not so......or didn't happen....that is not an accurate way to interpret the Word of God.
Edited by feralcatlady on Sat 08/09/08 09:54 AM

Opinions. And I will defend your right to have those opinions with my life Feral. Because if you can have those opinions then that means I am intitled to have mine. drinker

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:07 AM
Dragoness.....I will say this again for the at least 100th time.....I am a Christian yes.....for fellowship with others that believe that Christ died for us. For the fellowship of being together, praying together, having babies together, getting through hard times (With GOD) together.....

My personal relationship with God, Christ, is just that.......

Everything that I say or do or write on these threads....Comes from my personal relationship with God, and Christ....

I copy and paste nothing......nothing..

And root in who's truths.....

I believe in the truths of God...and Christ......anything and everything other then that.......means nothing.....Now I will be the first one to teach about God, Christ and scripture.....as that is my purpose, from God...

I put it out there...what people do with it is entirely up to them. And I don't give a hoot about the likes of people who think they have all the answers...I am here for those truly seeking....and you can bet your bottom dollar I know the difference...

I believe because God has shown me and for no other reason....

wouldee's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:11 AM

Hi wouldee,bigsmile

Hi thereflowerforyou

I am not slaying dragons this morning.

I was commenting on the copy and pastes of brand that have been duplicating the same old disengenuous and arbitrary nature born of instilling riots. LOL

all one language, all different languages.
trees first, then man. Man first, then trees.
and the like, ad infinitum.

That garbage. Not genuine heartfelt dialoguing.

Hope you don't mind.

have a wonderful day.

Hope all is well and that you are feeling well.

I don't mind at all Wouldee. I am guilty as charged of the copy and paste. bigsmile

I thought I would give some of the Christians a bit of their own medicine. They use copy and paste a lot in their arguments on these threads from a certain web site designed for just that purpose.

Nice of you to notice and point it out as very shallow and "Not genuine heartfelt dialogging." It was, I agree. Now if you can convince you fellow Christians not to do it I will gladly cease such mindless activities.

flowerforyou waving :angel:


Hi JB.flowers waving


OK. your caveat is well taken.

But I don't believe I will be able to bear sway over other Christians behavior, either.:wink:

Oh my..........

conundrums and paradoxes.blushing

Oh, were it that good can come from evil.:laughing:


flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

no photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:13 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 08/09/08 10:23 AM

Feral, the scripture is for everyone. You can analyze it to death and interpret it to mean just about anything. Everyone has a right to their own interpretation of it. It is for everybody, not just for Christianity. There are other religions who use the Bible. Why do you insist that only you have it right?


Read the bible with an open mind and you can see the parables. It was never a book meant to be taken literally. It is stories with possible lessons to learn in them. If you do not go to the bible believing it is the "word of god" then you can get it's true meaning.

Feralcat said:


The Bible is the infallible, inspired, inherent Word of the Living God. I believe each and every word from Genesis to Revelation, cover to cover. It is the owners manual for human beings.

Now don't believe it......fine....but it is not another Essops Fables...


And I will forever defend your right to have them and voice them even if the Bible forbids women to speak their mind. Keep doing it Feralcat!! Forget what the Bible says and means.

Now you might want to ask forgiveness for voicing your opinion. After all, you are a woman and the Bible forbids women to preach and voice their opinions.


feralcatlady's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:14 AM

Feral wrote:

It say what it means and means what it says....

You use that phrase a lot Feral. Is that what your parents used to tell you?

In the above case if you are talking about the Bible, your statement is irrational because the Bible is not a conscious being and cannot say what it means or mean what it says. It is a collection of books written by so-called inspired humans who plagiarized myths of old and left out all the details of the life of Jesus Christ.

If you want details of the Life of Jesus try reading the Urantia Book. It was written by an other-worldly being and it will probably be the book that will replace the Bible if Christianity is to survive the next two hundred years.


actually no my parents were athiest,

And yes it can......but see you a perfect example of the covering will not let you see nor hear no understand.
And after all this time I would of thought you would remember why I am who I am.....and what led me there....

I know in detail all of Jesus Christ......and through many different religions and scriptures....again you know nothing of where I have been or what I have learned or how. And the Bible has been here for over 2000 years and is the most read book on the planet and is not going anywhere.

Now I have answered every question put forth from where I left off.....so I am done......have a blessed day all.

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:16 AM

Fair enough Eljay. I do appreciate your politeness and that you at least listen to these contradictions. That’s all I ask of any of the Christians or non Christians who support your views. Many here have and some (we all know the couple I’m referring to) blatantly do not. They name call, become overly emotional, can not formulate arguments and essentially refuse to even listen and remain locked behind the stone walls of their own egotism. I’m not sure god would have intended that outlook toward his fellow man (and woman) whether they want to claim he did or not.

FERAL: Is this saying that others have not listen to the contradictions? I think not!!!!And oh oh saying many here have and some (we all know the couple I am referring to) And the rest of that paragraph. Oh that is so nice Krisma......your showing your true colors and honestly should practice what you preach.

Also, Eljay, I have never once featured myself as an expert on any particular subject. That is your assessment of me for whatever reason. All I have done here is looked at the bible (primarily only KJV) and pointed out contradictions, inconsistencies and discrepancies. I STILL will disagree with you that these are somehow "perceived". The folks here who do not see these problems as you do, could say that we are in fact asking you to argue directly (verbatim) from the actual text that is written and it is you who insists on a lot of "well what they meant to say is..." That doesn’t go over real well in the scientific community. You should hopefully understand this as a professor.

FERAL: And you can't just read what bits and points are making your point Krisma....It has to be read and studied in it's entirety.....I took me a year just to study Genesis......as well as all the books that long....especially Romans....and you honestly think you can get it just by glancing.,......doesn't work that way.

I feel that the bible was written by human beings and nothing supernatural occurred. I also believe it is a lot of storytelling (some at its finest). I have never stated differently. I also mentioned that I feel it’s quite plausible that the bible was not intended to be taken literally. It is probably based in symbolism and metaphor.

FERAL: No again this is your choice....And believe me on this point Krisma.....It applies as inspired of God then, now and for all time.......It was written to guide man....and is not in any way shape or form another essop fables.

You keep throwing this "expended exegesis" in my face like I am not interpreting this information correctly. We went over this probably at least 15 times and I rebutted your argument each and every. I ask you to interpret from the actual context of Leviticus. Look at what they are saying. I am not relying on well, maybe they meant this or maybe they meant that. That sir, is my point. I do not mean “sir” here in a bad or disrespectful way but that is how we commonly addressed male scientists and professors of physics.

FERAL: I did this over and over again.....so I have to say to myself...What is the point....you don't want to learn.....you want to argue.

Who gave you the role of teacher anyway? Is that handed down by your god also? Superiority is a *****noway

My Lord did.....and you can look at it anyway you wish...it has no bearing on me what so ever.......God spoke I listen......to him only....And has nothing to do with ego or superiority....but hey if you want to think that....again you choice.

no photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:21 AM

Feral wrote:

It say what it means and means what it says....

You use that phrase a lot Feral. Is that what your parents used to tell you?

actually no my parents were athiest,

Even atheists parents have been known to use the phrase:

"I say what I mean and I mean what I say!"

This is a phrase I have heard you use over and over and over Feral, and I am thinking it must have come from someone saying it to you over and over.


Abracadabra's photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:28 AM

If there was ever a time when God wanted women to be subservient to men and to never speak out in public on important matters of religion and ethics, then why would God have changed his stance on this?

Also, if this is what God wants from humans on earth, why would he want anything different in heaven? Are we to believe that God will behave entirely differently in heaven?

If that's the case then how can we even know ahead of time what he will be expecting from us in heaven. Why should we be expected to commit to serve the will of a deity for all of eternity when we have no clue ahead of time what will be expected of us?

That would be like signing a blank check of morality. What do you do if you disagree with the moral values that God wants to instantiate? Can you be honest with this God without fear of reprisal? Would sharing your honest feelings with God be taboo if your honest feelings differ with his will? Would your honesty be considered rebellion?

In the Bible arranged marriages were commonplace. Daughters were sold by men as commodities. The richest men bought the most desirable women.

What if you go to heaven Feral and discover that God really is like the Bible says? God places you into the Holy Matrimony servitude of a man that you aren't thrilled with. And God tells you not so speak out against him, and to obey his ever word.

What if you genuinely don't like that situation? Do you get to complain? Evidently the women in Biblical times were not permitted to complain. They just did what they were told to do. For this is God's law. flowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:39 AM
It’s important to keep in mind here also that the bible was targeting half of humanity. All women. This was not just some willy nilly little grievance. He very deliberately set forth an agenda to suppress half of his creation (if you buy that). Someone a ways back said god was incapable of feeling fear. How do you explain this then?

wouldee's photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:44 AM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 08/09/08 11:50 AM

If there was ever a time when God wanted women to be subservient to men and to never speak out in public on important matters of religion and ethics, then why would God have changed his stance on this?

Also, if this is what God wants from humans on earth, why would he want anything different in heaven? Are we to believe that God will behave entirely differently in heaven?

If that's the case then how can we even know ahead of time what he will be expecting from us in heaven. Why should we be expected to commit to serve the will of a deity for all of eternity when we have no clue ahead of time what will be expected of us?

That would be like signing a blank check of morality. What do you do if you disagree with the moral values that God wants to instantiate? Can you be honest with this God without fear of reprisal? Would sharing your honest feelings with God be taboo if your honest feelings differ with his will? Would your honesty be considered rebellion?

In the Bible arranged marriages were commonplace. Daughters were sold by men as commodities. The richest men bought the most desirable women.

What if you go to heaven Feral and discover that God really is like the Bible says? God places you into the Holy Matrimony servitude of a man that you aren't thrilled with. And God tells you not so speak out against him, and to obey his ever word.

What if you genuinely don't like that situation? Do you get to complain? Evidently the women in Biblical times were not permitted to complain. They just did what they were told to do. For this is God's law. flowerforyou


I see the same inconsistency and yes, it does work to serve that there needs to be a better and clearly coherent understanding of just where women have any liberty at all given that certain glaring demands are hard to digest.

But there remains an even more glaring demand on all of mankind and one that is viewed mosttly as an obstinate call to surrender to defeat and find absolution for crimes committed by being born again and being born again only.

But then, such a charge is also called being called into a lively hope.

No problem.

If one is horrendous then all of the charges are horrendous and offensive, as found in scripture.

Being sifted as wheat by the millstone is also an intended metaphor, but so is the wheat also dormant until water is applied that it might sprout.

And even then, no assurance is given in metaphor, that the wheat will germinate and take in good ground.

So, it is not surprising that carpe diem is not also a caveat of that which calls to question the sum of its parts, the whole, or even the slightest molecule of anything.

If that makes no sense, I will attribute it to my ignorance of what you meant by 'INSTANTIATE'.

oops, I hear the Good Humor man coming for me.:banana:

At least I think it's the Good Humor man. He's got a white coat.rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Sat 08/09/08 11:54 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 08/09/08 11:56 AM

It’s important to keep in mind here also that the bible was targeting half of humanity. All women. This was not just some willy nilly little grievance. He very deliberately set forth an agenda to suppress half of his creation (if you buy that). Someone a ways back said god was incapable of feeling fear. How do you explain this then?

I have a good explanation for this. But it involves alien overlords. LOLlaugh laugh laugh

<Alien agenda>

The two sides to the coin are a male dominated religion and the worship of a male God and a female dominated religion and the worship of a female Goddess.

Christianity is the worship of a male God(s). Both the father and his son. Their symbol is the Oblique, which is a Phallic symbol. Women are suppressed. This is influenced by the cult of the red dragon, an alien group influenced by the old Draconian order who were once a male dominated society ruled by a King.

The worship of the Goddess is not the worship of the earth as you may think, it involves the worship of the female and female organs and reproduction. The symbol for this cult energy is the Dome which represents the womb. These cults are influenced by the current Draconian government and the white dragon. They are a female dominated society and ruled by a queen.

Both cults operate on the earth via various religions and secret societies.

The "rebellion" was the cult of the red dragon, the male dominated of Draconians against the cult of the white dragon, the female dominated society. Mind you, these are Draconian aliens who live and rule most of the Milky way galaxy.

Needless to say the white dragon Queen is really pissed. She claims to own the earth and wants it back.

These aliens live in a different dimension of a higher frequency but have learned to traverse through to ours.

</alien agenda>

wouldee's photo
Sat 08/09/08 12:00 PM

so, if the red and the white dragons merge and become one, then the pink dragon will be boss.

I don't like that.

It sounds so.........

feminine.laugh :wink:

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 12:34 PM
JB, it in fact makes more sense to me than some of the Christian mythology, yet I have to confess, I have not studied ANY of the extra terrestrial life form theories. I remember taking astronomy in college and learning about SETI which was pretty interesting, but aside from that, I’m ignorant to most all of this. I guess I would only hope, like most of us here, that if we are ever actually confronted on earth with a life form that is not human, it is passive and simply interested in us and would like to make contact. I worry about the "War of the Worlds" (that movie was on last night) type scenarios. Yikes. Some of it is a little frightening because it is unknown to the vast majority of us. Alien life that is.

no photo
Sat 08/09/08 12:44 PM
hello room

no photo
Sat 08/09/08 12:53 PM


so, if the red and the white dragons merge and become one, then the pink dragon will be boss.

I don't like that.

It sounds so.........

feminine.laugh :wink:

rofl rofl rofl rofl laugh laugh laugh laugh :banana: flowerforyou waving

no photo
Sat 08/09/08 01:00 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 08/09/08 01:05 PM

JB, it in fact makes more sense to me than some of the Christian mythology, yet I have to confess, I have not studied ANY of the extra terrestrial life form theories. I remember taking astronomy in college and learning about SETI which was pretty interesting, but aside from that, I’m ignorant to most all of this. I guess I would only hope, like most of us here, that if we are ever actually confronted on earth with a life form that is not human, it is passive and simply interested in us and would like to make contact. I worry about the "War of the Worlds" (that movie was on last night) type scenarios. Yikes. Some of it is a little frightening because it is unknown to the vast majority of us. Alien life that is.

In my quest to know what is going on behind the scenes, I followed every path I could find, and almost all of them lead to ... aliens. I decided I could not ignore this possibility any longer, so I delved into any and all information I could about them, good and bad.

There are those who swear that we are under their control, and feel that resistance is futile. (Just like on Star Trec)

And there are "cults" who worship them like Gods and swear they are here to help mankind. They call them our "Star Brothers."

And there are those who swear that they are here to harvest the earth and eat our children and make us into willing slaves.

(The latter of which I can see happening... willing slaves of the New World Order, one world government etc.)

After the one world government is installed and in complete control, the Draconian princess (probably pink in color) will come to rule the earth.


(P.S. The Pink Draconian Princess was Wouldee's idea, but I think its a good one. It can be told that it was from the merging of the red and the white dragons...but of course that will just be propaganda.bigsmile )

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 08/09/08 01:51 PM

Feral, the scripture is for everyone. You can analyze it to death and interpret it to mean just about anything. Everyone has a right to their own interpretation of it. It is for everybody, not just for Christianity. There are other religions who use the Bible. Why do you insist that only you have it right?


Read the bible with an open mind and you can see the parables. It was never a book meant to be taken literally. It is stories with possible lessons to learn in them. If you do not go to the bible believing it is the "word of god" then you can get it's true meaning.

Feralcat said:


The Bible is the infallible, inspired, inherent Word of the Living God. I believe each and every word from Genesis to Revelation, cover to cover. It is the owners manual for human beings.

Now don't believe it......fine....but it is not another Essops Fables...


And I will forever defend your right to have them and voice them even if the Bible forbids women to speak their mind. Keep doing it Feralcat!! Forget what the Bible says and means.

Now you might want to ask forgiveness for voicing your opinion. After all, you are a woman and the Bible forbids women to preach and voice their opinions.


Oh you people please get off your high horse....the bible does no such thing....Yes there were certain things women could not do as far as old law...but if you think this applies to today.....think again. And the Bible does not forbid women to preach and voice their opinion man oh man. You are talking to the queen of the women's libbers here.....Are things always fair in life no.....And if I see an injustice I do something about it. Open Bible churches doesn't allow women elders.....so do I whine and throw a tantrum......no I quietly behind the scenes get it changed.......No one has ever stopped this woman from doing anything she wanted to do.

so please give it a rest........

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/09/08 01:56 PM

Feral, the scripture is for everyone. You can analyze it to death and interpret it to mean just about anything. Everyone has a right to their own interpretation of it. It is for everybody, not just for Christianity. There are other religions who use the Bible. Why do you insist that only you have it right?


Read the bible with an open mind and you can see the parables. It was never a book meant to be taken literally. It is stories with possible lessons to learn in them. If you do not go to the bible believing it is the "word of god" then you can get it's true meaning.

Feralcat said:


The Bible is the infallible, inspired, inherent Word of the Living God. I believe each and every word from Genesis to Revelation, cover to cover. It is the owners manual for human beings.

Now don't believe it......fine....but it is not another Essops Fables...


And I will forever defend your right to have them and voice them even if the Bible forbids women to speak their mind. Keep doing it Feralcat!! Forget what the Bible says and means.

Now you might want to ask forgiveness for voicing your opinion. After all, you are a woman and the Bible forbids women to preach and voice their opinions.


Oh you people please get off your high horse....the bible does no such thing....Yes there were certain things women could not do as far as old law...but if you think this applies to today.....think again. And the Bible does not forbid women to preach and voice their opinion man oh man. You are talking to the queen of the women's libbers here.....Are things always fair in life no.....And if I see an injustice I do something about it. Open Bible churches doesn't allow women elders.....so do I whine and throw a tantrum......no I quietly behind the scenes get it changed.......No one has ever stopped this woman from doing anything she wanted to do.

so please give it a rest........

Thats great feral. Im speakig to you honestly. No jokes at your expense I promise. So Im asking you, why are "women elders" not allowed in "Open Bible Churches"? Do you mean now they cant participate in 2008 even?

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