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Topic: Minorities....
Tanzkity's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:17 PM

After Bill Clinton It's No wonder! But I'm Not Sure Half the Nations Budget goes to military to begin With. Govt. has too Many Welfare Programs to Support!

Your right support these politicians who dont give a damn about the people is ludicrous and we do need to stop funding oh I mean giving salaries to these elitists pricks............i feel you.........devil

Damn, talk about nasty.


You not like....................bigsmile

Lindyy's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:18 PM

I think Lindy is secretly Nancy Pelosi!!
:wink: laugh laugh

Ewwwwww, that one calls for major battle!


Lindyy's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:21 PM

flowerforyou I love you Lindyy and I hope you will find it in your heart to see the things we have in common instead of the differences. flowerforyou I respect you and I am interested in your opinions.flowerforyou

Admit it mirror.
You are Lindy arent you?

Funny Fanta, very funny.


adj4u's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:23 PM

In fact less than %20 goes to defense, over %50 goes to
Social Security
Retirement and Disability
Veterans Benefits
Family Support
These are direct payments to beneficiaries.

social security is an insurance program and it would be in the black if congress would quit stilling the money

federal insurance contribution act (fica which is the social security fund)

people need to quit using social security as a whipping board

it is an insurance MANDATED (do you remember mandated health care mentioned in the primary) [think about it]
so do not b!tch that people collect it

if you must b!tch do it about congress stealing your retirement fund if private industry does what congress does to social security it is a crime (why is it not a crime for the govt then)

adj4u's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:26 PM

flowerforyou They get more than enough alreadyflowerforyou

you feel the american military gets enough already

then maybe you should sign up

i will give the benefit of the doubt and assume you did not read the post

adj4u's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:31 PM

In fact less than %20 goes to defense, over %50 goes to
Social Security
Retirement and Disability
Veterans Benefits
Family Support
These are direct payments to beneficiaries.

not kwite


for bar graph not a lot seperating health and welfare and dept of defense

altho health and welfare is more

Lindyy's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:32 PM

Are u aware that there are 5 branches of the military not just the Army??? Secondly, I'm not black. Were these senators and congressmen ur quotin black? Race has nothing to do with this anyway. Ur tryin to tell me my reasons for joinin the military when u don't even know me. I was not forced in anyway to go speak to an Air Force recruiter. I did it completely on my own. I was a grown young woman with a mind of my own. No one held a gun to my head when I took the oath to defend and possibly give my life for this country. Have u been in the military? DId u grow up with military parents? Have u had any kind of experience with the military at all? Or are u goin by what u've read? Have u ever heard the expression don't believe everything u read in the papers????

The media are pro administration . We all know that . Also they are pro wars . My logic is from all the lies and propaganda that have been going on day after day , week after week , month after month and year after year .
When crazy men like Bush , Cheney , Rumesfeld , Wolfowitz and the rest of the gang come up with an injust war , any just human being must says no.
A man or a woman should have a conscience and not be like a robot : just programmed and pushed to action . So we have robots supported by robots and making them heros by killing those who can not defend themselves , the weakest and the poorest of the globe . SHAME is not an enough word .

You know, I would really like to know WHY you are so interested in the United States of America's government. Has me rather puzzled.


Lindyy's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:34 PM

In fact less than %20 goes to defense, over %50 goes to
Social Security
Retirement and Disability
Veterans Benefits
Family Support
These are direct payments to beneficiaries.

social security is an insurance program and it would be in the black if congress would quit stilling the money

federal insurance contribution act (fica which is the social security fund)

people need to quit using social security as a whipping board

it is an insurance MANDATED (do you remember mandated health care mentioned in the primary) [think about it]
so do not b!tch that people collect it

if you must b!tch do it about congress stealing your retirement fund if private industry does what congress does to social security it is a crime (why is it not a crime for the govt then)

Well, I'll be darned, you did not blame President Bush.


ReddBeans's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:42 PM
Hey Lindyy got to the thread titled "Military Poll" I gave the canuck alil what for. LOL

mnhiker's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:46 PM

flowerforyou I love you Lindyy and I hope you will find it in your heart to see the things we have in common instead of the differences. flowerforyou I respect you and I am interested in your opinions.flowerforyou

Admit it mirror.
You are Lindy arent you?


I think Lindy secretly wants to date a Democrat.

I would rather be dead, damned and rotting in hell.


laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:38 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Thu 07/03/08 03:54 AM
flowerforyou The only difference between me and some of you other people is that you folks put your pride before your god.flowerforyou I put nothing above mine.flowerforyou The way I see it, there is nothing else to be loyal to.flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:40 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Thu 07/03/08 03:53 AM

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 07/03/08 03:52 AM

laugh I need to quit hangin out in these political threads laugh

ohwell Im alienating just about everyone LOLlaugh

Keep seeking the truth, truthseeker!

'Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you
free.' (John 8:32)'
drinker bigsmile drinker

Lindyy's photo
Thu 07/03/08 06:53 AM

Hey Lindyy got to the thread titled "Military Poll" I gave the canuck alil what for. LOL

I just did. Thankyou!


adj4u's photo
Thu 07/03/08 07:21 AM

In fact less than %20 goes to defense, over %50 goes to
Social Security
Retirement and Disability
Veterans Benefits
Family Support
These are direct payments to beneficiaries.

social security is an insurance program and it would be in the black if congress would quit stilling the money

federal insurance contribution act (fica which is the social security fund)

people need to quit using social security as a whipping board

it is an insurance MANDATED (do you remember mandated health care mentioned in the primary) [think about it]
so do not b!tch that people collect it

if you must b!tch do it about congress stealing your retirement fund if private industry does what congress does to social security it is a crime (why is it not a crime for the govt then)

Well, I'll be darned, you did not blame President Bush.


the president does not say where the money goes

he asks congress to do it

and actually i voted for bush twice

but that does not mean i approve of everything he does

i thought then and still do think he was the best choice available

but i am not voting for mccain nor obama this time

i think i may write in ron paul and jim webb

two that actually care about ""the people""

and doing the right thing

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 07:30 AM

In fact less than %20 goes to defense, over %50 goes to
Social Security
Retirement and Disability
Veterans Benefits
Family Support
These are direct payments to beneficiaries.

social security is an insurance program and it would be in the black if congress would quit stilling the money

federal insurance contribution act (fica which is the social security fund)

people need to quit using social security as a whipping board

it is an insurance MANDATED (do you remember mandated health care mentioned in the primary) [think about it]
so do not b!tch that people collect it

if you must b!tch do it about congress stealing your retirement fund if private industry does what congress does to social security it is a crime (why is it not a crime for the govt then)

Well, I'll be darned, you did not blame President Bush.


the president does not say where the money goes

he asks congress to do it

and actually i voted for bush twice

but that does not mean i approve of everything he does

i thought then and still do think he was the best choice available

but i am not voting for mccain nor obama this time

i think i may write in ron paul and jim webb

two that actually care about ""the people""

and doing the right thing

You should visit the thread I started about Webb!drinker
Lindy loves the guy!
I think she might actually vote Democrat if Obama picks him as his VP!drinker

Chazster's photo
Thu 07/03/08 07:50 AM

flowerforyou The only difference between me and some of you other people is that you folks put your pride before your god.flowerforyou I put nothing above mine.flowerforyou The way I see it, there is nothing else to be loyal to.flowerforyou

So that means you are not loyal to your friends, family, or country.

Sure its important to be loyal to God, but there are other people its important to be loyal to as well.

Chazster's photo
Thu 07/03/08 07:53 AM

In fact less than %20 goes to defense, over %50 goes to
Social Security
Retirement and Disability
Veterans Benefits
Family Support
These are direct payments to beneficiaries.

social security is an insurance program and it would be in the black if congress would quit stilling the money

federal insurance contribution act (fica which is the social security fund)

people need to quit using social security as a whipping board

it is an insurance MANDATED (do you remember mandated health care mentioned in the primary) [think about it]
so do not b!tch that people collect it

if you must b!tch do it about congress stealing your retirement fund if private industry does what congress does to social security it is a crime (why is it not a crime for the govt then)

I also dislike social security. I wish it was optional. I would rather not put in and not collect personally. I doubt I will see it anyway.

Lord_Psycho's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:31 AM
I say they should stop the war in Iraq n bring themback n stop wastin our time. They steal from every1 everyday n they no it n they dont care about the war they care about the oil. thats wat the government cares about money thats it not the people!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:33 AM
Have you seen where the Kurds have been signing contracts with foreign oil companies behind the Iraqi governments back?

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