Topic: NO Contradictions in the Bible .....
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Fri 06/27/08 04:56 AM

NO Contradictions in the Bible .....

contradictions can be better identified through hypocrisy ... that way it can not be disputed as being a contradiction ..and one of those contradictions in the bible is "thou shalt not kill" ..that is truely a contradiction since it apparent that God himself doesn't follow his own laws

And there is also an eye for an eye....and no matter what God did what God had to do....not only for his people but for the world as a whole.....And I think you need to understand all 613 of the laws before you claim contradiction.

but "feralcatlady" I didn't say that God killed..I said that God asked the angels and/or Moses to kill .....since God law's is thou shalt not kill then that makes God a hypocrite

I'm not claiming contradiction because believer's will always try and dispute it...I'm claiming that God committed hypocrisy and with that it becomes indisputable's no way around it that God's word is not absolute


Does the bible say "thou shall not kill", or "thou shall not murder"?

well "Eljay" I'm pretty sure the people Moses was in the process of killing was pondering that question

either way to murder someone you have to kill them and to kill them you have to murder them ..."Eljay" you should be ashame of yourself for saying that ...but it was funny

so let's face it my fellow believers ...."thou shalt not kill" is a contradiction and hypocrisy

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 06/27/08 06:24 AM
Edited by feralcatlady on Fri 06/27/08 06:33 AM


Now I understand why you feel that you can win any Christian argument. laugh laugh

You bombard the other person with so much preachery based on an unestablished premises that you loose them after the first statement. Then their eyes glaze over and their brains turn to stone if they try to read it. laugh laugh

ANSWER: If Redy is going to become a mormon I just wanted her to have all the facts.......It is a long read yes....but actually a very good one.....And at least something different rather then the same dribble drabble we hear from JB laugh laugh

ll this demonstrates is that you are not even on the same page as the other person. There is not even an actual conversation taking place. There is no common ground. You simply have your belief and you state it as a fact and forget any argument or conversation about any of it. You have no intention of listening or even communicating.

ANSWER: Your so full of usual.....I answer what is out....but nice use of taking what I say and twisting it to fit what you need......drinker

Then at

the end of your so-called argument you say: NEXT

(As if you won something or proved something.)

I gave him his evidence.......and once again because it was wait great evidence....he as all of you do ***** foot around and say...whaaa whaaa I don't want to play typical.

Delusion is all that is. You don't even know how to present an argument. (I am not saying that I do, because I suck at it myself, but you really suck at it. laugh laugh )

You your conversations are basically reduced to two people saying this:

I gave evidence to disprove his 70 AD crap...thats all I need and again your opinion as to whether it sucked or not....I guess imo your knight in shining armor failed miserably...

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 07:56 AM

well "Eljay" I'm pretty sure the people Moses was in the process of killing was pondering that question

either way to murder someone you have to kill them and to kill them you have to murder them ..."Eljay" you should be ashame of yourself for saying that ...but it was funny

so let's face it my fellow believers ...."thou shalt not kill" is a contradiction and hypocrisy

Murder is always killing, but killing is not always murder.

tribo's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:24 AM
As i've stated before Erasmus was correct in saying ""the war of word's will only end in blow's"" I have no wish to continue raising or objecting to issue's here, we are all of the mind's we are at this time, nothing will change that. guy's continue to be what and who you are - i wish you all well, no humor, just sincerity. If i knew you all personally, we would then much understand each other better and may even be good friend's in life, but this is just a forum, not the be all or end all, of or for any of us. i'll be around but not here any more. even dropping in is not possible without being tempted to respond to something, so carry on as you wish. i apologize to anyone i've offended and or angered or hurt in any way - may your lifes be filled with joy, the joy of your choice.

sincerely tribo

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:27 AM

As i've stated before Erasmus was correct in saying ""the war of word's will only end in blow's"" I have no wish to continue raising or objecting to issue's here, we are all of the mind's we are at this time, nothing will change that. guy's continue to be what and who you are - i wish you all well, no humor, just sincerity. If i knew you all personally, we would then much understand each other better and may even be good friend's in life, but this is just a forum, not the be all or end all, of or for any of us. i'll be around but not here any more. even dropping in is not possible without being tempted to respond to something, so carry on as you wish. i apologize to anyone i've offended and or angered or hurt in any way - may your lifes be filled with joy, the joy of your choice.

sincerely tribo

tears tears tears

You will be missed Tribo!!!

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 06/27/08 08:53 AM

As i've stated before Erasmus was correct in saying ""the war of word's will only end in blow's"" I have no wish to continue raising or objecting to issue's here, we are all of the mind's we are at this time, nothing will change that. guy's continue to be what and who you are - i wish you all well, no humor, just sincerity. If i knew you all personally, we would then much understand each other better and may even be good friend's in life, but this is just a forum, not the be all or end all, of or for any of us. i'll be around but not here any more. even dropping in is not possible without being tempted to respond to something, so carry on as you wish. i apologize to anyone i've offended and or angered or hurt in any way - may your lifes be filled with joy, the joy of your choice.

sincerely tribo

I am strong in my beliefs Tribo but this in no way means that I wont miss or enjoy you opinions....I will.....I wish you nothing but the best......

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:56 AM

strong's - matt jesus says do not kill - that is greek translation of the exact word - fon yoo o - 5407 - not 5406 or 5408 etc.. if it was then they would have used one or the other -it means what the word means!! And if it has more than one meaning, then it's stating it can be taken any of those way's not just as "murder"!! it say's it can mean murder, to be a murder, "kill""!!, do murder, slay!! in otherwords jesus is saying any form of life taking - not just murder or premeditated acts of life taking. if you can't see this, then the whole point of discussing this is useless and senseless.

That is completely untrue. Most words have multiple defintions, but when they are used only one is applicable.

In Exodus 20:13, the word is "ratsach". When you look at "ratsach" as it is used throughout the Bible, you see that it means "premeditated killing". Not completely murder, but certainly not killing. In Exodus 20:13, all you get is the single word "ratsach" in the imperfect tense, which means incomplete. So Exodus 20:13 means "Don't perform a premeditated killing". The closest single word in the English language is "murder". So when Jesus quoted the 6th Commandment, the word "phoneuo" would most closely be translated as "murder". The point that the commandment and Jesus were both speaking of is hate; deciding "I'm going to kill soandso". If a life is in danger, there is no commandment against using force to protect it and Jesus specifically commanded his followers to carry swords. Killing on the battlefield is also not covered by the 6th commandment as it's not inspired by personal hate against the person, it's a life or death situation.

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:13 AM

strong's - matt jesus says do not kill - that is greek translation of the exact word - fon yoo o - 5407 - not 5406 or 5408 etc.. if it was then they would have used one or the other -it means what the word means!! And if it has more than one meaning, then it's stating it can be taken any of those way's not just as "murder"!! it say's it can mean murder, to be a murder, "kill""!!, do murder, slay!! in otherwords jesus is saying any form of life taking - not just murder or premeditated acts of life taking. if you can't see this, then the whole point of discussing this is useless and senseless.

That is completely untrue. Most words have multiple defintions, but when they are used only one is applicable.

In Exodus 20:13, the word is "ratsach". When you look at "ratsach" as it is used throughout the Bible, you see that it means "premeditated killing". Not completely murder, but certainly not killing. In Exodus 20:13, all you get is the single word "ratsach" in the imperfect tense, which means incomplete. So Exodus 20:13 means "Don't perform a premeditated killing". The closest single word in the English language is "murder". So when Jesus quoted the 6th Commandment, the word "phoneuo" would most closely be translated as "murder". The point that the commandment and Jesus were both speaking of is hate; deciding "I'm going to kill soandso". If a life is in danger, there is no commandment against using force to protect it and Jesus specifically commanded his followers to carry swords. Killing on the battlefield is also not covered by the 6th commandment as it's not inspired by personal hate against the person, it's a life or death situation.

Good job spider.....

Unique2468's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:29 AM

Jim Jones called himself a Christian, as did Applegate. Eventually their actions did not show their claims to be valid.

Technically that would go for atleast 8 popes. I'll agree with you on this though. My grandfather was probly the only person i ever felt followed the bible. He never preached, nor tried to convert. His faith was firm beyond belief. He was accepting, and loving, and lived by the each his own. Whenever i asked why he wasn't like grandma, who tried to convert the world, he would simply say that jesus never tried to convert anyone. He was just himself, and spoke how he felt. People choose to believe him because they felt it in there hearts.

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:35 AM

Jim Jones called himself a Christian, as did Applegate. Eventually their actions did not show their claims to be valid.

Technically that would go for atleast 8 popes. I'll agree with you on this though. My grandfather was probly the only person i ever felt followed the bible. He never preached, nor tried to convert. His faith was firm beyond belief. He was accepting, and loving, and lived by the each his own. Whenever i asked why he wasn't like grandma, who tried to convert the world, he would simply say that jesus never tried to convert anyone. He was just himself, and spoke how he felt. People choose to believe him because they felt it in there hearts.

100% Agree Unique......

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:36 AM

Jim Jones called himself a Christian, as did Applegate. Eventually their actions did not show their claims to be valid.

Technically that would go for atleast 8 popes. I'll agree with you on this though. My grandfather was probly the only person i ever felt followed the bible. He never preached, nor tried to convert. His faith was firm beyond belief. He was accepting, and loving, and lived by the each his own. Whenever i asked why he wasn't like grandma, who tried to convert the world, he would simply say that jesus never tried to convert anyone. He was just himself, and spoke how he felt. People choose to believe him because they felt it in there hearts.

Thank you for posting that.

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:38 AM

NO Contradictions in the Bible .....

contradictions can be better identified through hypocrisy ... that way it can not be disputed as being a contradiction ..and one of those contradictions in the bible is "thou shalt not kill" ..that is truely a contradiction since it apparent that God himself doesn't follow his own laws

And there is also an eye for an eye....and no matter what God did what God had to do....not only for his people but for the world as a whole.....And I think you need to understand all 613 of the laws before you claim contradiction.

but "feralcatlady" I didn't say that God killed..I said that God asked the angels and/or Moses to kill .....since God law's is thou shalt not kill then that makes God a hypocrite

I'm not claiming contradiction because believer's will always try and dispute it...I'm claiming that God committed hypocrisy and with that it becomes indisputable's no way around it that God's word is not absolute


Does the bible say "thou shall not kill", or "thou shall not murder"?

well "Eljay" I'm pretty sure the people Moses was in the process of killing was pondering that question

either way to murder someone you have to kill them and to kill them you have to murder them ..."Eljay" you should be ashame of yourself for saying that ...but it was funny

so let's face it my fellow believers ...."thou shalt not kill" is a contradiction and hypocrisy

The people you are refering to with Moses had no idea what the question was - it didn't apply to them. You can be sure that it was on their heart to kill Moses first - with a vengence.

But come on Funches - aren't you intelligent enough to know the difference between killing and murdering? Do you need this explained to you?

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:41 AM
Edited by Eljay on Fri 06/27/08 11:42 AM

Jim Jones called himself a Christian, as did Applegate. Eventually their actions did not show their claims to be valid.

Technically that would go for atleast 8 popes. I'll agree with you on this though. My grandfather was probly the only person i ever felt followed the bible. He never preached, nor tried to convert. His faith was firm beyond belief. He was accepting, and loving, and lived by the each his own. Whenever i asked why he wasn't like grandma, who tried to convert the world, he would simply say that jesus never tried to convert anyone. He was just himself, and spoke how he felt. People choose to believe him because they felt it in there hearts.

8 Popes! Try about 3/4's of them. But I rarely consider the actions of Catholicism to be representative of "Chistianity".

Unique2468's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:43 AM

strong's - matt jesus says do not kill - that is greek translation of the exact word - fon yoo o - 5407 - not 5406 or 5408 etc.. if it was then they would have used one or the other -it means what the word means!! And if it has more than one meaning, then it's stating it can be taken any of those way's not just as "murder"!! it say's it can mean murder, to be a murder, "kill""!!, do murder, slay!! in otherwords jesus is saying any form of life taking - not just murder or premeditated acts of life taking. if you can't see this, then the whole point of discussing this is useless and senseless.

That is completely untrue. Most words have multiple defintions, but when they are used only one is applicable.

In Exodus 20:13, the word is "ratsach". When you look at "ratsach" as it is used throughout the Bible, you see that it means "premeditated killing". Not completely murder, but certainly not killing. In Exodus 20:13, all you get is the single word "ratsach" in the imperfect tense, which means incomplete. So Exodus 20:13 means "Don't perform a premeditated killing". The closest single word in the English language is "murder". So when Jesus quoted the 6th Commandment, the word "phoneuo" would most closely be translated as "murder". The point that the commandment and Jesus were both speaking of is hate; deciding "I'm going to kill soandso". If a life is in danger, there is no commandment against using force to protect it and Jesus specifically commanded his followers to carry swords. Killing on the battlefield is also not covered by the 6th commandment as it's not inspired by personal hate against the person, it's a life or death situation.

Most battles are premeditated. When you sign up for the military, you go in knowing you will most likely kill someone. Just because you have a uniform, and its goverment sanctioned doesn't make it any less murder.

to claim self defence, or to protect someone or something, you can't attack first. There is a huge difference between defending your house from an attacker, and going to someone elses house and attacking first saying 'they threatened me'.

What about the concentration camps? I dont think the nazi's there hated the jews. Was that ok then? I would like to think god would hold accountable for all those deaths.

Unique2468's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:48 AM

Jim Jones called himself a Christian, as did Applegate. Eventually their actions did not show their claims to be valid.

Technically that would go for atleast 8 popes. I'll agree with you on this though. My grandfather was probly the only person i ever felt followed the bible. He never preached, nor tried to convert. His faith was firm beyond belief. He was accepting, and loving, and lived by the each his own. Whenever i asked why he wasn't like grandma, who tried to convert the world, he would simply say that jesus never tried to convert anyone. He was just himself, and spoke how he felt. People choose to believe him because they felt it in there hearts.

8 Popes! Try about 3/4's of them. But I rarely consider the actions of Catholicism to be representative of "Chistianity".

Yea i hear that. I usually view religion (the group claiming to be of a specific belief) and spirituality (each persons blief) as seperate.

Though a question. If you don't consider the popes actions representing christianity, how can you believe in the bible as representing christianity. I mean there are tons of popes in it. Or is there a specific time peroid that cuts off were you believe in it?

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 12:03 PM

well "Eljay" I'm pretty sure the people Moses was in the process of killing was pondering that question

either way to murder someone you have to kill them and to kill them you have to murder them ..."Eljay" you should be ashame of yourself for saying that ...but it was funny

so let's face it my fellow believers ...."thou shalt not kill" is a contradiction and hypocrisy

Murder is always killing, but killing is not always murder. time you kill someone I'm pretty sure they wouldn't think you are murdering them

sorry but no matter how you try to spin it you can't do one without committing the other

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 12:05 PM

well "Eljay" I'm pretty sure the people Moses was in the process of killing was pondering that question

either way to murder someone you have to kill them and to kill them you have to murder them ..."Eljay" you should be ashame of yourself for saying that ...but it was funny

so let's face it my fellow believers ...."thou shalt not kill" is a contradiction and hypocrisy

Murder is always killing, but killing is not always murder. time you kill someone I'm pretty sure they wouldn't think you are murdering them

sorry but no matter how you try to spin it you can't do one without committing the other

It is not murder to kill someone who is trying to kill you. Say a man with a gun breaks into your house and you shoot him first, that's not murder. If you think it is, you are confused as to what murder is.

Eljay's photo
Fri 06/27/08 12:06 PM

Jim Jones called himself a Christian, as did Applegate. Eventually their actions did not show their claims to be valid.

Technically that would go for atleast 8 popes. I'll agree with you on this though. My grandfather was probly the only person i ever felt followed the bible. He never preached, nor tried to convert. His faith was firm beyond belief. He was accepting, and loving, and lived by the each his own. Whenever i asked why he wasn't like grandma, who tried to convert the world, he would simply say that jesus never tried to convert anyone. He was just himself, and spoke how he felt. People choose to believe him because they felt it in there hearts.

8 Popes! Try about 3/4's of them. But I rarely consider the actions of Catholicism to be representative of "Chistianity".

Yea i hear that. I usually view religion (the group claiming to be of a specific belief) and spirituality (each persons blief) as seperate.

Though a question. If you don't consider the popes actions representing christianity, how can you believe in the bible as representing christianity. I mean there are tons of popes in it. Or is there a specific time peroid that cuts off were you believe in it?

There are no Popes in the bible. Anyone who has been assigned that title in Catholicism from the original disciples - had it done so post-humously.

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 12:11 PM

Most battles are premeditated. When you sign up for the military, you go in knowing you will most likely kill someone. Just because you have a uniform, and its goverment sanctioned doesn't make it any less murder.

to claim self defence, or to protect someone or something, you can't attack first. There is a huge difference between defending your house from an attacker, and going to someone elses house and attacking first saying 'they threatened me'.

What about the concentration camps? I dont think the nazi's there hated the jews. Was that ok then? I would like to think god would hold accountable for all those deaths.

The only way one country can enforce it's will onto another is through war. Without war, would there be any Jews left? Hitler's plan was to wipe out all of the Jews in the Middle East once he was done with Europe. Construction was begun on death camps in the Middle East while WWII was ongoing. War can rightly be used to protect the lives of more people than the war will kill. Wars of conquest and aggression probably do lead to violations of the various commandments.

The concentration camps are clearly covered by many of the laws given to the Israelites. Anyone who kidnaps a person in order to harm or enslave the victim must be put to death, for instance. That would cover anyone who helped hold a kidnapped person against his/her will.

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 12:13 PM

But come on Funches - aren't you intelligent enough to know the difference between killing and murdering? Do you need this explained to you?

so when God told moses to kill ..he expected Moses to kill without murdering anyone? ...see how silly that sounds

"Eljay" you're funny...