Topic: NO Contradictions in the Bible ..... | |
Zionism is a threat to the entire peace of the world. Even the religion denies your Christ and spits on your faith. I don't understand why Evangelic Christians send their sons to die for them.
JB TRIBO: because they are under the belief of dispensational teaching that jesus was talking about them returning there and this would be a great sign of the end times fastly approaching. Modern evangelical thinking on end times event's is built upon faulty foundation's of scofield/darbyist inappropriate decernment of prophecy. this was not the thinking of the church before them. and instead of finding literature that is not dispensational.evangelical in view that rages against a milennial and preterist view they look to author's who are trying like hell to hold there belief system and wtitings to still be valid - lindsey has already become a false prophet in saying that jesus would return in 1988, then changed it agian while otherssuch as benny hinn say he was wrong and hae pushed it up to 2048 - 100 yrs. there all wrong the more right view and correct escatology and rightly divided prophetic understanding is in preterism, but they as the pharasee's are blinded to it as in jesus day, they are lost without knowing why. sad |
Even the religion denies your Christ and spits on your faith. I don't understand why Evangelic Christians send their sons to die for them. That's a lie, Jews and Christians have a great deal in common. I haven't met a single Jew who "spits" upon my faith. And why would you be concerned about who "spits" upon my faith? It certainly doesn't stop you from doing so and you don't repremand anyone else who does it. No, it's anti-semitism that drives your "concern" at Christianity being "spit" upon. Don't toss that anti-semitism propaganda bull at me. That is a Zionist tactic to stomp out anyone who apposes their dirty politics and their terrorist tactics. The actual Jewish religion does not believe in Jesus. To them, he is a false Messiah. To them, he is a liar. If they pretend to be your ally and pretend to have a lot "in common" with you then you are being fooled. Also most of the Zionist Jews are not Semites at all. They are descendants of another race entirely whose ancestors converted to Judaism many years ago for political reasons. Semite Jews are darker skinned and look more like the Arabs that they persecute. They have you trained and brainwashed to fight their battles that is plain to see. Oh well, you will one day know the truth. ![]() |
Even the religion denies your Christ and spits on your faith. I don't understand why Evangelic Christians send their sons to die for them. That's a lie, Jews and Christians have a great deal in common. I haven't met a single Jew who "spits" upon my faith. And why would you be concerned about who "spits" upon my faith? It certainly doesn't stop you from doing so and you don't repremand anyone else who does it. No, it's anti-semitism that drives your "concern" at Christianity being "spit" upon. Don't toss that anti-semitism propaganda bull at me. That is a Zionist tactic to stomp out anyone who apposes their dirty politics and their terrorist tactics. The actual Jewish religion does not believe in Jesus. To them, he is a false Messiah. To them, he is a liar. If they pretend to be your ally and pretend to have a lot "in common" with you then you are being fooled. Also most of the Zionist Jews are not Semites at all. They are descendants of another race entirely whose ancestors converted to Judaism many years ago for political reasons. Semite Jews are darker skinned and look more like the Arabs that they persecute. They have you trained and brainwashed to fight their battles that is plain to see. Oh well, you will one day know the truth. ![]() If your mother was a Jew or you converted to Judaism, you are a Jew. Jew has never meant race, it's a system of belief. You appear to be an anti-semite or more appropriately, a Jew hater. It's unfortunate that you can't discuss these issues in a more detached manner, instead of insisting on conspiracies and the evil nature of the Jew. |
If your mother was a Jew or you converted to Judaism, you are a Jew. Jew has never meant race, it's a system of belief. You appear to be an anti-semite or more appropriately, a Jew hater. It's unfortunate that you can't discuss these issues in a more detached manner, instead of insisting on conspiracies and the evil nature of the Jew.
You are not listening. All Jews are not Zionist. Zionism is a political movement with an agenda. It is NOT A RELIGION. IT IS NOT A RACE. Many Zionist are even atheists. Zionism is not a religion or a race. Get that through your thick brain washed head Spider. If you call me a "Jew hater" one more time I will report you to the moderators. I am not a Jew hater. I am against the policy and politics of Zionism. JB |
If your mother was a Jew or you converted to Judaism, you are a Jew. Jew has never meant race, it's a system of belief. You appear to be an anti-semite or more appropriately, a Jew hater. It's unfortunate that you can't discuss these issues in a more detached manner, instead of insisting on conspiracies and the evil nature of the Jew.
You are not listening. All Jews are not Zionist. Zionism is a political movement with an agenda. It is NOT A RELIGION. IT IS NOT A RACE. Many Zionist are even atheists. Zionism is not a religion or a race. Get that through your thick brain washed head Spider. If you call me a "Jew hater" one more time I will report you to the moderators. I am not a Jew hater. I am against the policy and politics of Zionism. JB JB, Zionism is very much a part of Judaism. Some zionists are atheist or Christian, but most are Jews. Statements like "If they pretend to be your ally and pretend to have a lot "in common" with you then you are being fooled." don't make you sound like a Jew-lover, does it? Jews are fooling me? There was a very nice Jewish man from New York on here and we got along perfectly well. I don't believe he was "fooling" me. |
Love thy neighbor? Nope... for Joshua it was kill them all and take the promised land. And the war for the promised land IS STILL GOING ON!! STOP THAT WAR! STOP SUPPORTING ZIONISM! What do you think the war in Iraq is all about? What do you thing the tension with Iran is all about? Its about Israel and that stupid idea about the stupid promised land. And many Christians are supporting that idea like they believe it. JB Excuse me while I put on my political hat.... I'm glad JB that you're showing what a bigot you really are. It's ok for terrorists to hold oil over everyone's head because of their backward irrational hate for Jews???? You need to get your head out of your "you know what" & rethink these DUMB remarks! Quikstepper That you don't know the difference between Zionism and the Jewish religion or the Jewish people shows who is making the dumb remarks. There is a very large organization of Jews who are venomously opposed to Zionism. Zionism is a political movement, and it is involved in terrorism all over the world. I have nothing whatever against the Jewish religion or the Jewish people. I appose Zionism. I appose the state of Israel as much as I appose the slaughter of people by Joshua for the so called "Promised land." Zionism is the root of terrorism in this world. To accuse someone of being a "bigot" because they appose a political agenda and the terrorism behind it is an old trick. That is because people don't know the difference between Zionism and the Jewish religion or the Jewish people. Most Zionist are not religious at all. They are war mongers. Get educated for a change please. JB SAYS WHO? Someone like yourself who travels the universe in her mind???? DUH!!! You know nothing of things like national security, or the difference between terrorists & "innocent" civilians. are a prime example of what freedom without responsiblity is. GROW UP! |
JB, Zionism is very much a part of Judaism. Some zionists are atheist or Christian, but most are Jews. Statements like "If they pretend to be your ally and pretend to have a lot "in common" with you then you are being fooled." don't make you sound like a Jew-lover, does it? Jews are fooling me? There was a very nice Jewish man from New York on here and we got along perfectly well. I don't believe he was "fooling" me. If you don't understand that I am talking about ZIONISM and not JEWS, then Spider, I don't want to talk to you about this anymore. Too many people think like you do and they think that Zionism is the Jewish people or the Jewish religion. It is not. It is a cruel political agenda to control the entire area and expand the boarders of Israel to include the temple mount. That is only part of the agenda. Zionism today is not a religion. It is a political agenda. Jewish people themselves are split on the agenda of Zionism. There are many prominent religious Jews who are completely against the political agenda of Zionism. Being against Zionism is not being anti-semitic because if it were, they you would be calling many Jewish people anti-semitic which is ridiculous. It is political. I am against Zionism and I will state that I am against it without fear of being called "Jew hater" or "anti-semitic" because I know better. I am also against communism, and dictatorships, bullies, monarchies, and terrorism. I am against power hungry war mongering governments. Israel is one of those governments. Why do you think there are so many Jews who refuse to go there? Why do you think there are Jews against Zionism? JB |
Edited by
Mon 06/30/08 03:02 PM
Even the religion denies your Christ and spits on your faith. I don't understand why Evangelic Christians send their sons to die for them. That's a lie, Jews and Christians have a great deal in common. I haven't met a single Jew who "spits" upon my faith. And why would you be concerned about who "spits" upon my faith? It certainly doesn't stop you from doing so and you don't repremand anyone else who does it. No, it's anti-semitism that drives your "concern" at Christianity being "spit" upon. Don't toss that anti-semitism propaganda bull at me. That is a Zionist tactic to stomp out anyone who apposes their dirty politics and their terrorist tactics. The actual Jewish religion does not believe in Jesus. To them, he is a false Messiah. To them, he is a liar. If they pretend to be your ally and pretend to have a lot "in common" with you then you are being fooled. Also most of the Zionist Jews are not Semites at all. They are descendants of another race entirely whose ancestors converted to Judaism many years ago for political reasons. Semite Jews are darker skinned and look more like the Arabs that they persecute. They have you trained and brainwashed to fight their battles that is plain to see. Oh well, you will one day know the truth. ![]() If your mother was a Jew or you converted to Judaism, you are a Jew. Jew has never meant race, it's a system of belief. You appear to be an anti-semite or more appropriately, a Jew hater. It's unfortunate that you can't discuss these issues in a more detached manner, instead of insisting on conspiracies and the evil nature of the Jew. EXACTLY...another troll rears her UGLY head. What dumb notions people come up with... You know what? I'll take American Imperialism & Zionism over terrorism ANY DAY!!!!!!! |
SAYS WHO? Someone like yourself who travels the universe in her mind???? DUH!!! You know nothing of things like national security, or the difference between terrorists & "innocent" civilians. are a prime example of what freedom without responsiblity is. GROW UP! You grow up. You don't know the slightest thing about me and what I know or how I know it. Until you get an education I'm not going to bother talking to you anymore. |
Even the religion denies your Christ and spits on your faith. I don't understand why Evangelic Christians send their sons to die for them. That's a lie, Jews and Christians have a great deal in common. I haven't met a single Jew who "spits" upon my faith. And why would you be concerned about who "spits" upon my faith? It certainly doesn't stop you from doing so and you don't repremand anyone else who does it. No, it's anti-semitism that drives your "concern" at Christianity being "spit" upon. Don't toss that anti-semitism propaganda bull at me. That is a Zionist tactic to stomp out anyone who apposes their dirty politics and their terrorist tactics. The actual Jewish religion does not believe in Jesus. To them, he is a false Messiah. To them, he is a liar. If they pretend to be your ally and pretend to have a lot "in common" with you then you are being fooled. Also most of the Zionist Jews are not Semites at all. They are descendants of another race entirely whose ancestors converted to Judaism many years ago for political reasons. Semite Jews are darker skinned and look more like the Arabs that they persecute. They have you trained and brainwashed to fight their battles that is plain to see. Oh well, you will one day know the truth. ![]() Your statements are anti semetic. I don't support the war for the 'holy land' at all, though your clearly stating that people who believe in jewdism can't be your allys because your so differnt. The only substantial difference in judism and christianity is that jews don't believe jesus was gods kid. That doesn't mean they think jesus was a phoney, or a false profit. Many jews i've talked to believe he was a profit, just not the son of god. Lets not forget, jesus was a freakin jew. I'm not sure how you can make the claim that christians have nothing in common with the jews, or anyone else. It's not an original religion. They have stolen all there traditions from other religions, they have stole the basic structure of there beliefs from the jews. They have done this as a tactic so that they can merge other religions into theres. If you want, i will be happy to list some, though it might take pages. If nothing else, answer this. Do the jews believe in the 10 commandments? Who's book where they in first? It pisses me off to hear someone as smart as you basicly say 'can't trust the jews'. What pisses me off more is that your using the reason 'because we are so differn't'. Isn't that litterly the basis for any type of anti sematism, raceism, and hate? |
Edited by
Mon 06/30/08 03:18 PM
It pisses me off to hear someone as smart as you basicly say 'can't trust the jews'. What pisses me off more is that your using the reason 'because we are so differn't'. Isn't that litterly the basis for any type of anti sematism, raceism, and hate?
My beef is not with Jews. It is with Zionism. Period. Zionism is a political agenda. As for the religion, Judaism, I like it better than Christianity and I certainly don't hate Christians or Jews. I don't hate people of the Jewish faith either. "Semitic" is about a certain bloodline of people. "Semitic" is not Judaism. There are Jews who are not Semitic. This is where people get real confused. There are Jews who are not Zionists. There are Jews who appose Zionism. Get these things clear and then we can have a discussion. JB |
GROW UP! You grow up. ummm.... guy's don't be so childish btw, definition of zionism from wikipedia... Zionism is an international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine (Hebrew: Eretz Yisra'el, “the Land of Israel”), and continues primarily as support for the modern state of Israel.[1] It would make sense that the majority of zionists are jewish. |
btw, definition of zionism from wikipedia... Zionism is an international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine (Hebrew: Eretz Yisra'el, “the Land of Israel”), and continues primarily as support for the modern state of Israel.[1] It would make sense that the majority of zionists are jewish. Thank you. Zionism is a political movement. Period. Not all Jews are in favor of that movement. Not all Zionists are even Jewish. JB |
It pisses me off to hear someone as smart as you basicly say 'can't trust the jews'. What pisses me off more is that your using the reason 'because we are so differn't'. Isn't that litterly the basis for any type of anti sematism, raceism, and hate?
My beef is not with Jews. It is with Zionism. Period. Zionism is a political agenda. As for the religion, Judaism, I like it better than Christianity and I certainly don't hate Christians or Jews. I don't hate people of the Jewish faith either. "Semitic" is about a certain bloodline of people. "Semitic" is not Judaism. There are Jews who are not Semitic. This is where people get real confused. There are Jews who are not Zionists. There are Jews who appose Zionism. Get these things clear and then we can have a discussion. JB i agree, though what you wrote didnt convery that very well. You might want to edit where you said jew and replace it with zionists, because it seems you where saying all jews and that you thought they where the same thing. Atleast thats how i read it. |
Jews don't believe at all in the New Testament....And this lil lady will always Love the Jewish people...they are God's chosen people.
And stop picking on JB she is a wonderful human being.....She might think different then you....But that nonetheless makes her any less then anyone...It doesn't....I never agree with her...But I adore her as a human being, and as a woman. |
Jews don't believe at all in the New Testament....And this lil lady will always Love the Jewish people...they are God's chosen people. And stop picking on JB she is a wonderful human being.....She might think different then you....But that nonetheless makes her any less then anyone...It doesn't....I never agree with her...But I adore her as a human being, and as a woman. oh i wasn't picking on her. I was defending those lovely and cuddly jew people, because she said 'you can't trust jews'. though apparently she ment zionists, which i still don't agree with, but all's good. |
Jews don't believe at all in the New Testament....And this lil lady will always Love the Jewish people...they are God's chosen people. And stop picking on JB she is a wonderful human being.....She might think different then you....But that nonetheless makes her any less then anyone...It doesn't....I never agree with her...But I adore her as a human being, and as a woman. oh i wasn't picking on her. I was defending those lovely and cuddly jew people, because she said 'you can't trust jews'. though apparently she ment zionists, which i still don't agree with, but all's good. No you picking on her sweet unique...... I wish people would stop putting labels on other people...and just get to know the person....... |
i agree, though what you wrote didnt convery that very well. You might want to edit where you said jew and replace it with zionists, because it seems you where saying all jews and that you thought they where the same thing. Atleast thats how i read it. When discussing the Jewish religion, I am not correct in saying that they do not believe that Jesus is the messiah? If he is not the messiah, then someone lied. There is nothing wrong with being respectful of other's beliefs and the Jewish people are that, and for a good reason. But I am not anti-semitic. That is a term used by Zionists to flame and attack anyone who speaks out against their agenda. ******************************* Now I have heard several variations about the man who was eventually called Jesus. One from a secret society who says that the man, Joshua ben Panthera lived to the age of 65, had many children and was finally stoned to death. There is a group of people who have kept track of all of his descendants. He had been married twice. ******************************* Jesus according to some: Yeshu ben Pantera was a man, a Jewish healer with amazing powers, and he was killed, stoned to death along with his five disciples by Jewish religious authorities all by themselves, no Romans involved whatsoever. Yeshu was then hung on a tree as per Jewish Law, which Paul refers to in Gal 3:13. The real story of Jesus is the story of Yeshu ben Pantera and Miriam ben Stada his mother Miriam the hairdresser who adulterous affair with Joseph ben Pantera, a Roman mercenary, produced Yeshu who learned magic arts in Egypt and "led many astray" according to the Talmud where one can find this information so carefully hidden away from Gentile eyes. ****************************** JB |
Jews don't believe at all in the New Testament....And this lil lady will always Love the Jewish people...they are God's chosen people. lot's of isrealites believe in the new tastament including jesus. many have accepted christ and are now christian's. if they dont there lost. simple - your christ equal's redemption - dont believe and be banished. as to your other statement: And stop picking on JB she is a wonderful human being.....She might think different then you....But that nonetheless makes her any less then anyone...It doesn't....I never agree with her...But I adore her as a human being, and as a woman. I for one, like picking on jellybean, and i have the right to do so if i want ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm the only one who has the answer's to all thing's! that is because i am the high priest of the flying sphegetti monster!! til you learn truth as it should be know by the word of "spheghett" you know nothing!! ![]() finally - you should not adore human being's that is against god's law's!! secondly you should not adore women - that is also unlawful!! hmmmmmm??? but if your going to can we make it a 3some?? i'll bring the cheese!! ![]() |
Jews don't believe at all in the New Testament....And this lil lady will always Love the Jewish people...they are God's chosen people. lot's of isrealites believe in the new tastament including jesus. many have accepted christ and are now christian's. if they dont there lost. simple - your christ equal's redemption - dont believe and be banished. as to your other statement: And stop picking on JB she is a wonderful human being.....She might think different then you....But that nonetheless makes her any less then anyone...It doesn't....I never agree with her...But I adore her as a human being, and as a woman. I for one, like picking on jellybean, and i have the right to do so if i want ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm the only one who has the answer's to all thing's! that is because i am the high priest of the flying sphegetti monster!! til you learn truth as it should be know by the word of "spheghett" you know nothing!! ![]() finally - you should not adore human being's that is against god's law's!! secondly you should not adore women - that is also unlawful!! hmmmmmm??? but if your going to can we make it a 3some?? i'll bring the cheese!! ![]() joke ladies - joke ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |