Edited by
Fri 05/16/08 10:41 AM
Communication is the key....From a very very young age start.....and then it's just becomes a habit.....My 16 year old daughter went through's part of growing up...hormones are running rampant and they just don't know what to do with it. I have also learned to listen to their language...because as much as we all know that we were there also...It is still different for them then it was for us.
I also have had to get chest to chest. I am 5"5 she is 6" so I have had to do this a few times to show her who is boss. When she get mouthy or's a no go and she will suffer the consequences of her actions. It is very very very very important to be consistant....But also very important to have respect from your kids. If you want respect you must also give it.... So I would say Communication Consistant And done with love.....never anger. |
I have a 13 yr old boy...good luck. Because in our world there is no doctor phil or murray. If there was birth control for boys i would put him on it. I can only stop him from destroying another childs life. No birth control for boys though. You can try to stop and show her luv, but we are on a up hill battle. Either put her on birth control (not the pill or patch) or end up grandma.
I HAVE A 13 YR OLD GIRL THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL. SHE HAS BEEN SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL SEVERAL TIMES THIS YEAR, BEEN LOCKED UP IN JUVY OVERNIGHT, AND CONSTANTLY CUSSES ME AND HER MAMAW OUT. I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING I KNOW OF TO GET HER TO GET CONTROL OF HER ACTIONS. SHE IS CURRENTLY ON MEDICATION FOR HER ANGER ISSUES AND SHE IS ON PROBATION. WHAT CAN A SINGLE MOTHER OF 3 DO? I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON IN HER MIND. SHE WONT TALK TO ME AND I AM DEVASTATED ABOUT ALL THIS. I DONT WANT HER BROTHERS TO END UP LIKE THE WAY SHE IS RIGHT NOW. I TELL MY SONS NOT TO ACT LIKE THEIR SISTER BUT HER TWIN BROTHER IS STARTING TO ACT OUT. I CAUGHT HIM SMOKING CIGS YESTERDAY AND I REALLY BLEW A FUSE THEN. CAN ANYONE GIVE ME SOME SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT I SHOULD DO? I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. These issues are most of the time dealt with therapy sessions. There are many places that they will take you on and subject to your ability to pay wil charge a fee but the agreements are that normally if you miss 2 sessions they will dismiss you. Bear that in mind As for the issues the anger may be about a missing parent who possibly left abruptly never to return or death of a parent which causes the anxiety. It may also be due to ADHT which needs expeert for diagnosys. So 1st step seek counceling and then try to make sure it is not HDT or ADHT im sorry but all that add adhd abde efgh is all horse crap. adhd is a kid raised by a parent who spoils their kid and lets them get away with way to much, beat her ass, ull see what happens Writes note to self - Never, ever let this man around my child. ![]() He gives new meaning to their motto "to serve and protect", not to mention is an embarrassment to the older, wiser,and more experienced police officers out there. |
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when there is anything amiss with the children look at and treat the parents... in this case ..... i honestly think it's too late too little too late.... what has happened here has been developing for years . it's not an over night thing...she finally reached the end of her latin, your girl. when enough hypocrisy is blasted in their faces...what do you expect ??? rebellion . wtf are you talking about? jmo ![]() |
when there is anything amiss with the children look at and treat the parents... in this case ..... i honestly think it's too late too little too late.... what has happened here has been developing for years . it's not an over night thing...she finally reached the end of her latin, your girl. when enough hypocrisy is blasted in their faces...what do you expect ??? rebellion . wtf are you talking about? jmo ![]() I can't belive someone would say the above. I have seen far far worse come out of rebellion then this.....for shame whoever wrote the above.....And the prayer warrior is on get ready mom........will not cease until your baby is well......and remember mom to help that the cycle stops with her..... |
like seriously, people have to bash me and call me ignorant? i explained my point, i feel a spanking could help a child. and i really dont believe in adhd or add because its a recent thing...noone really had it when i went to school which was only 6 years disrespect to anyone or anything its simply my point of veiw. no disrespect to anyone.
like seriously, people have to bash me and call me ignorant? i explained my point, i feel a spanking could help a child. and i really dont believe in adhd or add because its a recent thing...noone really had it when i went to school which was only 6 years disrespect to anyone or anything its simply my point of veiw. no disrespect to anyone. I am having a similar problem with my child. If you had said to me what you said to this struggling mom, I would have cried my eyes out; and it would not have helped me. You have to think about what you are saying to people. These are real people with feelings and fears, etc. on the end of these posts. That was her very first post, and she was reaching out. Try to be a little softer in your delivery. ![]() |
i will appoligize again. i was very very abrasive and mean. and it was typed in a very harsh manor. again i am sorry. i should have rephrased every single thing i wrote in this post. it just really upsets me about kids like that, especially after losing my sister. and especially seeing it be a struggling young mother. again i am sorry
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i will appoligize again. i was very very abrasive and mean. and it was typed in a very harsh manor. again i am sorry. i should have rephrased every single thing i wrote in this post. it just really upsets me about kids like that, especially after losing my sister. and especially seeing it be a struggling young mother. again i am sorry ![]() you live and you learn. I have mellowed a lot in my time here. |
like seriously, people have to bash me and call me ignorant? i explained my point, i feel a spanking could help a child. and i really dont believe in adhd or add because its a recent thing...noone really had it when i went to school which was only 6 years disrespect to anyone or anything its simply my point of veiw. no disrespect to anyone. Bull. People had it 6 yrs. ago. They had it alot longer than that. They just didn't advertise it to you. It's not something that people brag about, you know. I know people in their late 30's that have been taking meds for it since they were kids. Please educate yourself on this issue. You work with the public. ADHD and ADD are documented in medical books as being legitimate diagnoses. Check the DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual book. It contains diagnosis and symptoms. Doctors use this book. The fact that there are medicines designed specifically and only for ADD and ADHD should at least give you some clue to their being a legitimate disorder. |
when there is anything amiss with the children look at and treat the parents... in this case ..... i honestly think it's too late too little too late.... what has happened here has been developing for years . it's not an over night thing...she finally reached the end of her latin, your girl. when enough hypocrisy is blasted in their faces...what do you expect ??? rebellion . wtf are you talking about? jmo ![]() I can't belive someone would say the above. I have seen far far worse come out of rebellion then this.....for shame whoever wrote the above.....And the prayer warrior is on get ready mom........will not cease until your baby is well......and remember mom to help that the cycle stops with her..... but you can believe people will suggest to violence to deal with this??!! i just re-read the whole comments are mild in light of the cops and marines in here.... Americaman...was more articulate in stating what i have also said...that the problem started long ago and something shifted on a deep level. something drover her from what she always believed was safe and she wants to find it ALL out for herself. what does that action say? to me it says i have no more respect for your opinion , rule, standard. I HAVE A 14 yr old daughter! and a 24 yr old son and a 35 yr old daughter...i've done this puberty thing 3 times in completely different environments and 10 years apart means even the drugs are different as well...luckily my kids are all cool and responsible and conscious...but there was a moment that lasted 4 years when i wondered about my son. he got involved with a girl...his first love and she became his authority on life and EVERYTHING... i told him they could do their little dance but not under my roof...i almost emotionally lost my son to her... but luckily where we live we don't have the same level crime or hard drug use.... all i can say is look into most likely know when you two started to drift apart... the hypocrisy i mentioned is all around you and her...have you looked at society lately ?? at how people treat each much selfrespect do you have...what kind of example are you for her? does she look up to you? is she proud of you? i am the example for my kids...i am responsible...not their friends not the the end of the day it is my example my upbringing that will give them the values and strength to live by those values matter who or what interferes...the fact that i walk the walk says most of it to them. i practice what i preach and i don't exploit my kids by having them live up to MY expectations... i have never used violence and i wholeheartedly am against it on all integrity and honesty...the same building blocks for any relationship oh yea and humour...gotta have a strong sense of before ya'all bash me for my ideas .... remember i am allowed my opinion and my evidence lives in 3 amazing human beings ![]() |
Communication is the key....From a very very young age start.....and then it's just becomes a habit.....My 16 year old daughter went through's part of growing up...hormones are running rampant and they just don't know what to do with it. I have also learned to listen to their language...because as much as we all know that we were there also...It is still different for them then it was for us. I also have had to get chest to chest. I am 5"5 she is 6" so I have had to do this a few times to show her who is boss. When she get mouthy or's a no go and she will suffer the consequences of her actions. It is very very very very important to be consistant....But also very important to have respect from your kids. If you want respect you must also give it.... So I would say Communication Consistant And done with love.....never anger. |
Communication is the key....From a very very young age start.....and then it's just becomes a habit.....My 16 year old daughter went through's part of growing up...hormones are running rampant and they just don't know what to do with it. I have also learned to listen to their language...because as much as we all know that we were there also...It is still different for them then it was for us. I also have had to get chest to chest. I am 5"5 she is 6" so I have had to do this a few times to show her who is boss. When she get mouthy or's a no go and she will suffer the consequences of her actions. It is very very very very important to be consistant....But also very important to have respect from your kids. If you want respect you must also give it.... So I would say Communication Consistant And done with love.....never anger. I disagree. A child is NEVER a lost cause. There is always hope. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 05/17/08 11:00 AM
Communication is the key....From a very very young age start.....and then it's just becomes a habit.....My 16 year old daughter went through's part of growing up...hormones are running rampant and they just don't know what to do with it. I have also learned to listen to their language...because as much as we all know that we were there also...It is still different for them then it was for us. I also have had to get chest to chest. I am 5"5 she is 6" so I have had to do this a few times to show her who is boss. When she get mouthy or's a no go and she will suffer the consequences of her actions. It is very very very very important to be consistant....But also very important to have respect from your kids. If you want respect you must also give it.... So I would say Communication Consistant And done with love.....never anger. I disagree. A child is NEVER a lost cause. There is always hope. ![]() no one is ever a lost cause. her process just has changed, and as with any 'dis-ease' that has come to a certain level, prevention is no longer an issue, healing is what needs to happen and all parties must be willing to take the medicine this facilitates in a number of ways, i personally treat the mother first. she is the source, she has capacity. when the mother is in balance and given tools and education and guidance and support, her energy shifts and is efficient in reaching her children, and real healing transforms the relationship for everyone.... it's not about laying blame on anyone...this is human life, live unplugged and we have to learn how to deal with it and the things i read sometimes in here , the aggressiveness and completely disrespectful attitude towards the spirit of the child, i hesitate to post at all because i guess this seems too hard. but we as mothers know very well what we go through, so isn't it about time we took the power back? armed with our true instincts and our own developed sustainable communities? with education and information and our 'mothers' skills and quit relying on indoctrinations, and systems, and EXPLORED the 'truth' with our children? as they are waking up to this crazy messed up world that we have offered them? and when there are actual chemical issues involved, wouldn't it be important to investigate and be sure that homeopathic or natural alternatives were useless before giving strong pharmaceuticals (that have a slew of side effects)???....when you are confident and comfortable with your decision you offer a stable platform for growth, and a dicipline allows more freedom.... i am not against traditional western medicine, i am just also aware of other methods, many roads to rome, so whatever is chosen, at the end of the day, MOM, is the one, the first voice...take care of her and the children will heal. ![]() |
no one is ever a lost cause. her process just has changed, and as with any 'dis-ease' that has come to a certain level, prevention is no longer an issue, healing is what needs to happen and all parties must be willing to take the medicine
this facilitates in a number of ways, i personally treat the mother first. she is the source, she has capacity. when the mother is in balance and given tools and education and guidance and support, her energy shifts and is efficient in reaching her children, and real healing transforms the relationship for everyone.... it's not about laying blame on anyone...this is human life, live unplugged and we have to learn how to deal with it and the things i read sometimes in here , the aggressiveness and completely disrespectful attitude towards the spirit of the child, i hesitate to post at all because i guess this seems too hard. but we as mothers know very well what we go through, so isn't it about time we took the power back? armed with our true instincts and our own developed sustainable communities? with education and information and our 'mothers' skills and quit relying on indoctrinations, and systems, and EXPLORED the 'truth' with our children? as they are waking up to this crazy messed up world that we have offered them? and when there are actual chemical issues involved, wouldn't it be important to investigate and be sure that homeopathic or natural alternatives were useless before giving strong pharmaceuticals (that have a slew of side effects)???....when you are confident and comfortable with your decision you offer a stable platform for growth, and a dicipline allows more freedom.... i am not against traditional western medicine, i am just also aware of other methods, many roads to rome, so whatever is chosen, at the end of the day, MOM, is the one, the first voice...take care of her and the children will heal. ![]() As a single mom, I would hesitate to say that the root of the child's problem lies solely in the mother. I think the father's involvement or lack thereof has a significant effect on the behavior of a teen-aged girl. My daughter was furious at her father when she was 13; she sought validation from males in the only way a 13 year old girl can. Her rage and consequent path of self-destruction surely had some root in his abandonment of her. I am tired of hearing mom being blamed for everything. |
I am a Social Worker myself and it sounds like you have been doing everything you can. I wished I knew of something else to advise you to do. My daughter has a nine year old that back talks us both too and has hit and tries to hit us and she is worried about the effect it will have on her other sons which are twin boys, 8 months old. I know she can really sympathisize with you more than me. I am here to support her and currently we all live together but I was married to her Daddy all the time she was growing up and didn't divorce until she was almost 21.
no one is ever a lost cause. her process just has changed, and as with any 'dis-ease' that has come to a certain level, prevention is no longer an issue, healing is what needs to happen and all parties must be willing to take the medicine
this facilitates in a number of ways, i personally treat the mother first. she is the source, she has capacity. when the mother is in balance and given tools and education and guidance and support, her energy shifts and is efficient in reaching her children, and real healing transforms the relationship for everyone.... it's not about laying blame on anyone...this is human life, live unplugged and we have to learn how to deal with it and the things i read sometimes in here , the aggressiveness and completely disrespectful attitude towards the spirit of the child, i hesitate to post at all because i guess this seems too hard. but we as mothers know very well what we go through, so isn't it about time we took the power back? armed with our true instincts and our own developed sustainable communities? with education and information and our 'mothers' skills and quit relying on indoctrinations, and systems, and EXPLORED the 'truth' with our children? as they are waking up to this crazy messed up world that we have offered them? and when there are actual chemical issues involved, wouldn't it be important to investigate and be sure that homeopathic or natural alternatives were useless before giving strong pharmaceuticals (that have a slew of side effects)???....when you are confident and comfortable with your decision you offer a stable platform for growth, and a dicipline allows more freedom.... i am not against traditional western medicine, i am just also aware of other methods, many roads to rome, so whatever is chosen, at the end of the day, MOM, is the one, the first voice...take care of her and the children will heal. ![]() As a single mom, I would hesitate to say that the root of the child's problem lies solely in the mother. I think the father's involvement or lack thereof has a significant effect on the behavior of a teen-aged girl. My daughter was furious at her father when she was 13; she sought validation from males in the only way a 13 year old girl can. Her rage and consequent path of self-destruction surely had some root in his abandonment of her. I am tired of hearing mom being blamed for everything. I agree, Hiker. There is only so much that a mother can do. There are so many outside influences. Including the personality and any chemical imbalances of the child. I hope your baby is doing better. ![]() |
your 32....she is 13.....your HER MOTHER. fix the problem the old fashion way. beat her bratty little butt and lock her in her room. seriously if people have kids, KNOW HOW TO RAISE THEM. take a little responsability and take charge, dont take crap from a friggin THIRTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD! seriously, if i breathed the wrong way when i was younger my mom wuld go foot to ass on me, then id have to wait in my room for my dad who would then also correct me. kids get away with so much bull**** because parents are SOFT and forget all the high priced couseling and drs and meds and ****, a nice helping of foot to ass will be more then enough medication |
your 32....she is 13.....your HER MOTHER. fix the problem the old fashion way. beat her bratty little butt and lock her in her room. seriously if people have kids, KNOW HOW TO RAISE THEM. take a little responsability and take charge, dont take crap from a friggin THIRTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD! seriously, if i breathed the wrong way when i was younger my mom wuld go foot to ass on me, then id have to wait in my room for my dad who would then also correct me. kids get away with so much bull**** because parents are SOFT and forget all the high priced couseling and drs and meds and ****, a nice helping of foot to ass will be more then enough medication You know nothing about this woman or her child. Perhaps you should refrain from commenting if you do not have anything helpful to say. |