Topic: Taking back Hawaii!!! | |
i will give you my dad who died in the military taught me that i have for my son. he is free to be what he wants. there are still people that believe in america without politics involved. take the politicians out on all sides and my son is free to choose what he wants to be. he wants to get his degreee to become a cop. if he wants to join the service...he was brought up to do it because he feels it's what he needs to do. he is free to believe as he wants to and vote. people don't realize that when they complain about whoever is in office...the people put them all there. we are free to discuss things like this. we are free to protest as long as it's peaceful. people like Dr Martin Luther King and even the KKK (which I don't agree with) are free to what they believe as long as it's peaceful. people can protest to try to make changes if they feel something is wrong. My son has those rights.
those are just some of the very few things. they are not up for debate. those are what I believe in and NO ONE can take that away from me |
i will give you my dad who died in the military taught me that i have for my son. he is free to be what he wants. there are still people that believe in america without politics involved. take the politicians out on all sides and my son is free to choose what he wants to be. he wants to get his degreee to become a cop. if he wants to join the service...he was brought up to do it because he feels it's what he needs to do. he is free to believe as he wants to and vote. people don't realize that when they complain about whoever is in office...the people put them all there. we are free to discuss things like this. we are free to protest as long as it's peaceful. people like Dr Martin Luther King and even the KKK (which I don't agree with) are free to what they believe as long as it's peaceful. people can protest to try to make changes if they feel something is wrong. My son has those rights. those are just some of the very few things. they are not up for debate. those are what I believe in and NO ONE can take that away from me OK and thank you. I will not attempt to debate your beliefs. I am glad you have them and that hope. ![]() |
I wish I could be proud too but I can't be. I'm so tired of the welfare sytem, the court system and taxes are strangling me! I grew up in the 70's and we protested! Sometimes it worked other times it didnt, but everyone so apathetic these days that if we tried to protest ...well it would be like that old poster "What if we gave a war and nobody came?" I jsut want that freedom again to be what I want not what is EXPECTED AND DEMANDED of me by my government! I AM A HUMAN BEING TREAT ME LIKE ONE! ![]() ![]() ![]() You are absolutely right! Remember the phrase... "United we stand..divided we fall!" Our own government and the "power that be (the money that runs things) keeps our nation divided, has never truly attempted to fix our edcation system (because lower IQs ask less questions and are easier to lead) and what was once a great nation is about to fall. And as you clearly said, and I and many other well knowns )like Glenn Beck) have directly said..the American people have done this to themselves (pointing out you saying Americans are apathetic..which is TOTALLY TRUE!) My cousin put up a post in another thread about "self sufficientcy". he made a good illustration at the end of his last post.. I think was last post, may not be now. But its was how a town came together and everyone worked together for a common cause and goal. And when everyone pitched in, a monumental task was reduces to an extremely simple solution. I applaud your stand! Now bottle it, sell it and lets get the rest of America off thier asses so we can take our country back! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I wish I could bottle and GIVE the stuff away! I went to New Orleans after Katrina just to help nothing else, I felt that I had to help my fellow Americans. While there I was screamed at to go home, I had to stay in a tent at a strip mall cos all the government people had what few rooms were available, and it was a ****ed up situation. Dang bottle of Jim Beam was doulbe the price, it was $9.00 just to take a shower! What the hell! I went home totally disillusioned with it all! I was just trying to help! |
ty. that's why i said to find your own. people need to own up to the fact that the people elected everyone into office on all sides.
my beliefs are my beliefs. you can try to argue because you don't agree but then that makes them your beliefs. i won't argue what someone feels or believes because that is based on opinion...facts are facts but if they want to go...then let them |
Hell our "president" wasnt elected by popular vote! He stole the presidency! And we all let him!
ty. that's why i said to find your own. people need to own up to the fact that the people elected everyone into office on all sides. my beliefs are my beliefs. you can try to argue because you don't agree but then that makes them your beliefs. i won't argue what someone feels or believes because that is based on opinion...facts are facts but if they want to go...then let them OK, hold on a sec. I'm not going to debate your beliefs..but you are a bit nieve when it comes to what is really going on in some aspects..especially the "election" parts. Those are documented, bought and paid for. Thats not to debate..thats just a fact that should be cleared up. ![]() |
can I get an AMEN!
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I wish I could bottle and GIVE the stuff away! I went to New Orleans after Katrina just to help nothing else, I felt that I had to help my fellow Americans. While there I was screamed at to go home, I had to stay in a tent at a strip mall cos all the government people had what few rooms were available, and it was a ****ed up situation. Dang bottle of Jim Beam was doulbe the price, it was $9.00 just to take a shower! What the hell! I went home totally disillusioned with it all! I was just trying to help! Oh yes..and lets not forget about the government "hand outs" where people were buying big screen TV's and $1500 PURSES too. yeh..what a JOKE! Must have went heavy on that Jim Beam!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
why can't you be what you want???? the government doesn't dictate who i am as long as i'm not committing crimes. regardless of what you think of bush or the people in congress that did nothing are right ...the PEOPLE should own up
are you telling me the people in congress weren't voted in by the people???? how is it naive to expect people to do their jobs (regardless of dem or rep) and if the people don't like something to do something about it? |
Hell our "president" wasnt elected by popular vote! He stole the presidency! And we all let him! Exactly! All people have to do is a LITTLE MATH!! Last figure i heard, this was middle of April (no I am NOT picking on any specific candidate..I HATE them ALL..but this is a good illistration for anyone who wants to THINK and do a LITLLE MATH) Obama had raised over $41 MILLION dollars in just the first part of April for his campaign to run. Now the totals are like $200 MILLION + for EACH candidates campaign thus far. Now..$200 MILLION dollars + spent for a position that pays $250K ( ONE MILLION dollars) for 4 years (and great bennies,,but still) THINK!!! DOES THIS ADD UP!!?? ANY BELLS GOING OFF!!?? Who is this world would spend $200 MILLION + dollars for a postiton that pays ONE MILLION!!!?? The answer.. NO ONE FOLKS!!! These are PUPPETS!! BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY BIG BUSINESS WHO RUNS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!! They are ALL BOUGHT AND PAID FOR!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() It's a NO BRAINER! ![]() ![]() |
why can't you be what you want???? the government doesn't dictate who i am as long as i'm not committing crimes. regardless of what you think of bush or the people in congress that did nothing are right ...the PEOPLE should own up are you telling me the people in congress weren't voted in by the people???? how is it naive to expect people to do their jobs (regardless of dem or rep) and if the people don't like something to do something about it? Hell I cant really be me due to the fact that I work my ass off to pay taxes, gas and food prices.Whats left at the end of the week? If I could be me. I work to live the life I want, not live to work and nothing else! |
In fact right now I am working overtime every week just to make ends meet and I'm a freakin nurse that makes good money. Now how is that right?????????
i struggle too...but i'm me. i may not be able to take vacations or buy alot of things...but i can still be me and enjoy my family and friends at home
but like i's just my belief. and no one can take it away from me...carry on |
why can't you be what you want???? the government doesn't dictate who i am as long as i'm not committing crimes. regardless of what you think of bush or the people in congress that did nothing are right ...the PEOPLE should own up are you telling me the people in congress weren't voted in by the people???? how is it naive to expect people to do their jobs (regardless of dem or rep) and if the people don't like something to do something about it? No, I must clarify I do not mean any harm in my statement..just simple fact. No, your congress men and women are also BOUGHT AND PAID FOR! basically ALL "career politicians are..just a FACT. You being nieve is NOT a bad thing! I actually envy that! I WISH I could be! But when you know whats really going on, you can never go back to that and nieve is lost forever. Thats why i di not wish to try to go into any details with your beliefs..I wanted them to stay just as they are. You are entitled to them. I did not argue or debate them. i just said thank you for giving those and that was it. But when you made the claim that we (the people) actually elected this fools in Washington..well thats just not accurate. They are placed there mostly by the special interests. those very few that actually get there by a people vote, usually do not last long, unless they are willing to conform to "the system". I know this one from first hand expereince working closely with a Congressman who stepped down because he would not "play the game" and had threats even against his family. So had to clear that portion up. But do not wish to debate your beliefs..they are yours and you are entitled to them. ![]() |
ROFLMAO..Oh now I see! You are talking "presidents"??? I forgot, you like a "political debate"..right??
Are you illiterate? I said precedent. Although I will not attempt to research from a "legal" standpoint, there will be a common sense role to play here.
No, because it would be common sense to a Chinese person in the mainland to kill everyone in Tibet. There has to be an actual offense which you have yet to list, but I will continue to respond to your inane points. Just as I was telling Fanta regarding the "illegal immigrants". They came and are here illegally correct? Therefore, by simple sense, they have committed a "crime". in a "legal" standpoint, they are in fact criminals because they have committed an "illegal act". Correct?? Of course.
Illegal in what context? There is nothing in U.S. law to suggest that there is a "proper" way to annex any territory. So again, I ask, where is the legal precedent here? More importantly, where is the POLITICAL precedent? Last time I checked, Hawaiians are not being thrown into ovens. Now the proper thing to do, is return them across the border from which they came. Correct?? Of course.
Except they already reside within the country they came from. Again, it is CLEAR, and even ADMITTED, the United States committed an ILLEGAL act.
Again, I'm waiting for some evidence of this. Contrary to popular belief, posting something on the internet because you are upset does not make it true. So there does not need to be "presidents" for something that is COMMON SENSE! Thats like saying "what president do you have saying that if you stick your hand in a fire, you'll get burned". Do you REALLY need such explination??? Or would COMMON SENSE dictate.."you put your hand in the fire you;re gonna get burned!!!".
No wonder you hate the United States. You don't even have a sense of what our justice system is comprised of, since you essentially just bashed the concept of precedent, when in fact, THERE WOULD BE NO UNITED STATES WITHOUT THAT LEGAL TRADITION. You need to pick up a book. It's NOT a complex situation and in this case it's actually very easy, since even the United States admits to doing this ILLEGAL act. So no president needed by any means. Illegal act committed, illegal act admitted. CASE CLOSED!
![]() ![]() Isn't "case closed" on a debate point usually indicative of a false cause? Oh wait, no, sorry, it's just what people do when they can't back up what they say. Again, I'll wait for your reasons other than "I HATE THE USA" blah, blah, blah. |
lol ty hun. i appreciate what you said and how you are responding. but i can tell you...because of things that happened in my life...i'm a very strong woman. i don' agree with politicians and i know it's money. but i still believe in what my dad fought for and it he didn't fight for politicians. he fought for the people and his family. that is what i believe. i do believe people can make a difference and change things. look at what Dr Martin Luther King did. sometimes it takes awhile. i know this. i'm ALOT tougher than what people give me credit for. i don't see everything as roses. i know the evils in the world but i believe in fighting against them to make things better for my son and his future children. i don't believe in sitting back and complaining and not even trying. not saying you are.
do you know why i believe what i do??? i have been through hell and back in my life and won. most people wouldn't have the outlook i do. i choose to have this outlook but also know the evils. i choose to fight for what i believe in because it's worth it to me. i don't play scapegoating. i can own up to my part in life. if something gets screwed to fix it. things don't change over night but nothing will change by doing nothing |
Edited by
Sat 05/03/08 11:15 AM
No, because it would be common sense to a Chinese person in the mainland to kill everyone in Tibet. There has to be an actual offense which you have yet to list, but I will continue to respond to your inane points. Illegal in what context? There is nothing in U.S. law to suggest that there is a "proper" way to annex any territory. So again, I ask, where is the legal precedent here? More importantly, where is the POLITICAL precedent? Last time I checked, Hawaiians are not being thrown into ovens. Except they already reside within the country they came from. Again, I'm waiting for some evidence of this. Contrary to popular belief, posting something on the internet because you are upset does not make it true. No wonder you hate the United States. You don't even have a sense of what our justice system is comprised of, since you essentially just bashed the concept of precedent, when in fact, THERE WOULD BE NO UNITED STATES WITHOUT THAT LEGAL TRADITION. You need to pick up a book. Isn't "case closed" on a debate point usually indicative of a false cause? Oh wait, no, sorry, it's just what people do when they can't back up what they say. Again, I'll wait for your reasons other than "I HATE THE USA" blah, blah, blah. You put up some of the most pathetic arguements I have ever seen. You know nothing of the "legal system" (which by the way is so I see where you get your foundation..and is COMMON KNOWLEDGE to anyone with a half of a thinking brain. So go put your hand into a fire..or better yet, go sit on train tracks where a train is coming at 100 mph. Sit there..look to see if there is precedence that shows you should get off the track. Hell, I'll stack all the law books you want right there on the tracks for you, so you'll have everything to look through! So you just search to your widdle hearts content..that is until the train splatters what little brains you have. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So where's the precedence for that??? There is none! And since you need precedence to rule your life..go sit on the train will be doing the world a favor! You may even set a new presedence!! "Don;t sit on train tracks when train is coming"..that way all your kind will might help your own kind!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
lol ty hun. i appreciate what you said and how you are responding. but i can tell you...because of things that happened in my life...i'm a very strong woman. i don' agree with politicians and i know it's money. but i still believe in what my dad fought for and it he didn't fight for politicians. he fought for the people and his family. that is what i believe. i do believe people can make a difference and change things. look at what Dr Martin Luther King did. sometimes it takes awhile. i know this. i'm ALOT tougher than what people give me credit for. i don't see everything as roses. i know the evils in the world but i believe in fighting against them to make things better for my son and his future children. i don't believe in sitting back and complaining and not even trying. not saying you are. do you know why i believe what i do??? i have been through hell and back in my life and won. most people wouldn't have the outlook i do. i choose to have this outlook but also know the evils. i choose to fight for what i believe in because it's worth it to me. i don't play scapegoating. i can own up to my part in life. if something gets screwed to fix it. things don't change over night but nothing will change by doing nothing I do agree with you on your points and beliefs. I want to clearly say your father was a good AMERICAN and I know he or any other service man or woman do NOT do thier duty for politicians...they do it for AMERICA and the PEOPLE. I honor and respect that FULLY! And that was a time when it was about AMERICA. But those times have changed. the American people have let the government/bg business dictate thier every move now. We are loosing American lives for OIL as we speak! And that tears me apart! A soldier should be able to die with HONOR and DIGNITY..NOT for other peoples PROFIT! So I do understand what you speak of..those were times long ago, when I too use to be PROUD to be an American. ![]() |
AdventurousOne...I do understand what you are saying...i really do. I have had too much in my life and I am at the point (because I have kicked ass in my life) to stand up for what I believe. the problem is people these days don't stand up and even try. even one small thing could become something big. but if you sit around and only complain...nothing will get done right? even if all i do is raise my son to be proud of himself and be what he wants to be...I did a good job. nothing happens over night. look at the civil right movement.
I do still think this is a great country despite politicians from all sides. the people need to stand up more. think back to our past....a few people made big changes. hope this gives you some hope...despite politicians. one man (president) matter what party he/she is...doesn't rule the country. the people elected into congress have been sitting around doing nothing (certainy not what they were elected for). the people need to stand up to this. |
You put up some of the most pathetic arguements I have ever seen. You know nothing of the "legal system" (which by the way is so I see where you get your foundation..and is COMMON KNOWLEDGE to anyone with a half of a thinking brain.
The legal system is not inept so much as the people in it are. Again, you are quick to say I don't know anything, but again, you neither know me or my educational background, so it would be best not to make yourself look like an ass more than you already have. Then again, I don't count on people who base their politics on emotional hate-filled outbursts to really follow my line of thought. So go put your hand into a fire..or better yet, go sit on train tracks where a train is coming at 100 mph. Sit there..look to see if there is precedence that shows you should get off the track. Hell, I'll stack all the law books you want right there on the tracks for you, so you'll have everything to look through! So you just search to your widdle hearts content..that is until the train splatters what little brains you have.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Are you threatening me here? While I personally don't care, I don't think JSH would condone that on their property. So where's the precedence for that??? There is none! And since you need precedence to rule your life..go sit on the train will be doing the world a favor! You may even set a new precedence!! "Don;t sit on train tracks when train is coming"..that way all your kind will might help your own kind!!!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Last time I checked, asking for some evidence to back up outlandish claims and political posturing was not the equivalent of sitting on railroad tracks, but I guess I'm not ignorant enough to understand analogy. While I have asked you over and over again to justify yourself in this thread, you have continually done nothing but called me names and are now an advocate of me dying. All in the same thread. Very nice. Now I'm still waiting for solid defense of your argument other than petty insults and all-American whining. |