Topic: Attraction Experiments
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Sun 04/20/08 02:35 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/20/08 02:36 PM
The Law of Attraction necessitates that experience(s) in this life are self-created and/or manifested by our own belief, thoughts, and feelings as we exist in this little self during this lifetime.

It also claims that there is no judgemental aspects, and that the universe provides that which we focus on most without judgement. In addition to these claims, it also states that we have a higher-self which exists independantly of our little-selves, and it is claimed that this higher-self decides things like how we will die, and our general life circumstances at our birth, based upon what the higher-self determines to be of need for little-self to learn.

To clarify something for Creative:

The Law of Attraction is an existing law and it does not state that there is a higher-self which exists independently of our little-selves.

That is NOT part of the Law of Attraction. That is part of my personal Model of reality.

The higher self portion of my model of reality was brought into the discussion only in the effort to answer questions posed as to how I personally would explain how certain things work.

So please do not combined the Law of Attraction with my personal model of reality. When you get into that, it is a separate subject and slides closer to my personal model, and is not to be attached to the Law of Attraction as it stands.


Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/20/08 02:41 PM

eating popcorn and watching the show

The real show is over here,...


creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/20/08 02:44 PM

The Law of Attraction works!!!

Your reality model does not...


I just did not think you needed to keep believing that I was the one who did not understand what was being said...

Focused thought brings about that which is thought about, within possibility.

Possibility is determined by other things... beyond our control.

Law of Attraction has no intended purpose... it just is!

Are we on the same page yet?

no photo
Sun 04/20/08 02:59 PM
It is completely unreasonable to think that any intelligent form of life such as the higher-self would choose to be born defective or die a horrific death... Why?

This subject does not really have anything to do with the Law of Attraction except that your questions have lead down the path into my personal model of reality.

When it comes to that, you can simply call it my "religion."

But all experiences in this earth plane include all experiences that can be imagined, good and bad, life and death and to eat and be eaten.

All experiences. You will feel pain and joy to the deepest levels possible on each side.

Imagine a light being who knew absolutely NOTHING about these things and just zoomed around the ether playing silly games with no purpose, desire or creative abilities.

Now imagine he/it came to this galaxy and learned of the galaxy game and spend who know how long experiencing what it was like to be and live in this galaxy as all manner of life forms until he hears about the earth game and the human forms available to experience life and emotions and that is the most dangerous and exciting game of all.

In order to play the earth game he agrees to all the rules. It is a game of EXPERIENCE. He will be put through the tests. He will experience all that he needs to get through the game and he will be transformed.

It takes tremendous courage to do the earth game. Many beings will not do it. There are many beings who have not done it and never will do it.

But this is my personal model of reality and it is not to be considered part of the existing Law of Attraction.


Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/20/08 03:05 PM
and it is claimed that this higher-self decides things like how we will die, and our general life circumstances at our birth, based upon what the higher-self determines to be of need for little-self to learn.

Just to voice my own thoughts on this. I don’t necessarily agree with the idea that a higher-self is setting things up for the little-self to learn lessons.

I believe in reincarnation, but not with the idea that we are all learning to become superior beings. I had mentioned that scenario in context with JB’s suggesting that such a scenario might be the case.

The Law of Attraction, in and of itself does not necessarily imply any pre-planned purpose. If you must give a purpose in life, the purpose could simply be for the ride the pure enjoyment of having experienced a physical world with other things to interact with.

Reincarnation would still be in effect, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be a continual growth thing from a lesser state to a greater state. Or, even if it is like that, that doesn’t automatically imply that the higher-self is preplanning it or controlling. That’s where karma comes in. (it’s all put on auto pilot). No preplanning necessary. The wake of your own actions controls your future.

There really no need for a personified higher-self. There is only one self. Or maybe to put that another way,… if there is a higher-self (a single God if you will), that single God put everything into motion for everyone via the law of attraction. In other words, the God (or higher-self) doesn’t need to baby-sit individuals because it’s all built into the law of attraction.

This is why the law of attraction exists. (for the same reason the law of gravity exists), to make the universe behave the way it does.

Just my thought. :wink:

Again, I’m not really supporting this belief in detail, but I think your arguments against it being logically feasible just aren’t very strong.

I think you’re just shooting at clay pigeons hoping to hit something. laugh

But that's always good to do. bigsmile

no photo
Sun 04/20/08 03:07 PM


The Law of Attraction works!!!

Your reality model does not...


The Law of Attraction works.

Like I have said before, I am not starting a new religion.

My model of reality is loosely held as an idea until new information is discovered to clarify and adjust all the pieces I have thus far. I don't intend to defend it or debate about it.

I just did not think you needed to keep believing that I was the one who did not understand what was being said...

Focused thought brings about that which is thought about, within possibility.

Possibility is determined by other things... beyond our control.

Law of Attraction has no intended purpose... it just is!

Are we on the same page yet?

Pretty close. You are right the Law of Attraction is just a law. It is not a thinking center or a creator. It can have no intentions.


Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/20/08 03:13 PM
Like I have said before, I am not starting a new religion.

Oh pooh! frown

And you almost had me converted too! drinker

Then I would have been stuck being religionless!!! laugh

creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/20/08 03:14 PM
I am aware of the differences. My wording was a poor reflection of my understanding of those differences.


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Sun 04/20/08 03:48 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/20/08 03:48 PM
I would now like to continue posting a few attraction experiments.

For Abra, my model of a "higher self" is not "God" but that it is my true self that sends life streams to incarnate in the earth game for experience.

It is connected to a higher self above that, and that higher self is connected to yet another... on and on. This is a huge and infinite chain of selves that make up the body of the highest self... God.

These higher selves (us) are not the only forms of existence in this body of God. There are others who are quite different from us, but I don't want to get into that.


creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/20/08 03:54 PM
The pure attraction stuff is cool, and many of your earlier expressions were kinda neat to think about...

I look forward to reading more of the examples...


sowwy for the interruption...blushing

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/20/08 03:59 PM
ummmmmm fried humming birdbigsmile

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Sun 04/20/08 05:08 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/20/08 05:27 PM
Attraction Experiment #7

"You already have what you need."


Everything you need to create what you want is provided for you in this reality. It is already here. All you have to do is place your order for it and it will come.

Unless or course you cancel or change your order.

The smallest of things will be provided to you once you are living your life on purpose and acting with intention.

Here are a few examples of small things that came into my reality once I stated that I needed them and once I intended to have them.

Upon my arrival to Springfield, I set up my art studio and living area in the old store building which was full of a lot of old stuff. Most of the antiques had been sold at garage sales so all that was left was mostly dusty junk and old books.

I started to make some money by refinishing old furniture for people and I came to a point where I needed tools. One day I simply said this out loud. “I need some tools.” I intended to find a way to buy them if need be. I was intent on acquiring the tools I needed.

My inner voice told me to look around. I went to a large showcase that had a lot of small drawers in it and started opening them. Inside were the all tools I needed.

This kind of thing happened at least two or three times a week. I needed it, and it was there.

There was one thing that did not come when I looked for it. I had a swing arm lamp and I needed a portable stand for it so I could move it around.

I looked and looked and I could not find anything that would work as a lamp stand. I waited for it to arrive by the strange Law of Attraction but it was not forth-coming.

The need for this lamp stand kept coming up time after time until I decided that I would just have to buy one by ordering it from a catalog.

I had no money and I knew it would cost $70.00. I did not know how I was going to get that money, but I decided to take the first step anyway and wait for the Universe to provide the way to get the money.

I found the catalog, and I tore out the order page and filled it in. I put it in an envelope ready to mail whenever the money arrived. I had no sooner done that when I heard my Dad call my name.

I went outside to see what he wanted. He was in the garage. He said this: “Jeannie, do you have any use for this or shall I just throw it out?”

I went in to see what he was talking about and he held a wooden lamp stand with a circler base. It had been gutted and had a hole in the top of it. The hole was the perfect size for my swing arm lamp.

The lamp stand had been here all along. Why had I not found it earlier? I thought about that. Did I not look hard enough? Was I not intent on finding the lamp stand I needed?

That was it! I had forgotten about intention. I had gotten so used to receiving what I needed on a regular basis, that this time I had not intended to take any other steps to get the lamp stand.

In addition to that, I remembered thinking that I could not buy one because I did not have the money for one and I did not know where I would get the money for it. I had lost faith. I had just been waiting for the universe to deliver.

It was not until I decided to buy the lamp stand and I actually took action by finding the catalog and filling out the order form that my lamp stand was handed to me. It had been here all along.

Intention was the missing ingredient, along with faith. When intention was added, I took action, with faith that the money to pay for the lamp would follow. I had not done this sooner because I had no faith that I would get the money.

I jumped for joy when I saw the lamp stand and thanked the prime source and the universe for bringing it to me.

Faith, Intention, Gratitude, Action. All part of the creative techniques.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/20/08 05:29 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Sun 04/20/08 05:32 PM
laugh laugh laugh

Reminder to self:

Be careful when crossthreading. The spirits may follow you! bigsmile


Never mind. laugh

Reminder to self:

Don't try to talk on the phone, make dinner, play with the cat, and post on the Internet at the same time. smokin

no photo
Sun 04/20/08 06:36 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/20/08 06:41 PM
"The Creative Techniques"

Although I have been calling this “The Law of Attraction,” before that I always called this method of living deliberately “the creative techniques.”

The Creative techniques are not just for attracting material things you want. It is about designing your life. It is a fun thing to practice and an interesting experiment.

"Designing a Day"

If you could imagine successfully creating a particular experience exactly how far do you think you could take this design and could you provide all the needed elements?

In preparing to paint a picture I first get a vague impression of what I want on the canvas, the mood, the composition and the size; but the most important element is the message. What is the message?

The message of a picture is one that expresses a feeling without words. The best paintings I have ever done were paintings that I could see clearly in my mind before they were finished and paintings that expressed some kind of feeling.

If you want to design your life, you should start by designing one day.
If that is too much work, start smaller. Design an hour. It does not have to be a complicated scene, just something that you would enjoy.

What we have available to us in this reality is the perception of linear time and the illusion of space and our movement through it.

Add six senses and we can perceive the things in this thought universe that have been created by ourselves and others. We can feel, hear, see, smell, taste and sense vibrations of others.

Take one hour out of your day and design it. Imagine what will happen, what you will do, how it will feel. Prepare for it, make room for it. Write a story about it. Live it over in your mind, change it around.

Then when you believe you are ready, pick the hour of your choice and create that experience.

As you spend your hour, be aware of all the things you sense and feel. Revisit you visual picture of the hour. Be aware of any people or living things you interact with. Do all the things you imagined you would do in that hour.

It could be a leisurely walk on the beach, a bubble bath, a candlelight dinner with a friend. Creating an experience is really a good way to start practicing the creative techniques.

A poor man may think money is what he wants, but a rich man on his death bed usually just wants more time.

Do you have some time? Spend it well. Design it well.

Now I have an hour I've been dieing to spend in a hot tub.
Later friends!


creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/20/08 07:37 PM
As a result of not wanting to be thought of as just a dream-squisher, I want to post this statement.

Jeannie, your clever writing style and ability to connect to one's interest while maintaining a little suspense is wonderful. I enjoy your perspective while reading your different experiments, and the feelings created by this type of sharing bring forth positive thought.

Understand that the linear arse within me takes little or nothing personally, and also does not mean anything personally either. My P.R. skills leave little to be desired at times, and I am aware of this.

I enjoy your positive perspective.

Enjoy your relaxation in the hot-tub!!!


no photo
Sun 04/20/08 08:17 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart:

Thanks for stepping into my world. Keep those cards and letters coming in!


creativesoul's photo
Sun 04/20/08 08:38 PM

no photo
Sun 04/20/08 08:40 PM


That's my favorite face. ---->huh

no photo
Sun 04/20/08 09:24 PM
"You Cannot Fake a Positive Attitude"

Ordinary Attraction Techniques

One day I was feeling quite joyful and positive and I had to run an errand at the local grocery store. I was in sloppy clothes, no makeup and by no means did I look very attractive.

Yet I noticed everywhere I went people where so very friendly to me, it was as if everyone was in a good mood. I even struck up a conversation with a man I had never met and I am sure he wanted to ask me out, because he asked me if I was married.

This is not a normal experience for me. Usually I am preoccupied with myself and the task at hand and I zoom through the store without talking to or being noticed by anyone.

The difference that day was a positive attitude.

Techniques for success these days always seem to have some kind of visualization or meditation exercise involved in them.

The movie “The Secret” seemed to imply a magical or mysterious force at work and I think a lot of people just dismissed it and went on with their lives not giving it a second thought.

But over and over you will continue to hear that the secret to success has nothing to do with what you do or who you are or how much money you spend or how much hard work you put into something.

Wallace D. Wattles, author of “The Science of Getting Rich” says that you must do things in “a certain way.” So what is this “certain way?”

It has to do with the way you think and feel. It has very little to do with what you actually do, and everything to do with how you do it.

Attitude is everything. A positive loving, grateful, cheerful attitude will attract the same thing back to you. Why is this?

Because like attracts like.

People who are positive, loving, grateful, cheerful and happy are people who will attract love, money, success and happiness into their personal reality.

If you attract these type of people to you, they will bring with them, their personal reality and a new circle of positive people will open up to you with new opportunities and new possibilities.

A simple change in attitude will attract successful positive people and new opportunities into your life. Not only that, a positive mental attitude will effect people you come into contact with in a positive way.

One of the first powerful secrets in the law of Attraction is to change your attitude.

You can do this by using your power of will to direct your thoughts and your attention towards more positive things. If you have a problem doing this, then begin by doing something that makes you feel good.

You should make a special effort to do something that you really enjoy doing. Get happy.

Feel and generate the vibration of love and gratitude for just one small thing and get familiar with how that feels an what that does for you in that moment. Keep track of how you feel about what you are doing.

One final note here is that you cannot fake a positive attitude. Superficially you might fool some people, but you will not fool the vibration at work which is the Law of Attraction.


no photo
Sun 04/20/08 09:38 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/20/08 09:39 PM

As a result of not wanting to be thought of as just a dream-squisher, I want to post this statement.

Jeannie, your clever writing style and ability to connect to one's interest while maintaining a little suspense is wonderful. I enjoy your perspective while reading your different experiments, and the feelings created by this type of sharing bring forth positive thought.

Understand that the linear arse within me takes little or nothing personally, and also does not mean anything personally either. My P.R. skills leave little to be desired at times, and I am aware of this.

I enjoy your positive perspective.

Enjoy your relaxation in the hot-tub!!!


Your challenging questions are actually quite a help to me, and everyone's input is of great value to this project I am working on.

I would like others to post questions and comments and even some of their own attraction techniques or experiments. That would be very interesting.