Topic: Attraction Experiments
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Sat 04/19/08 10:48 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/19/08 10:51 AM
Attraction Experiment # 5

"Doing it yourself,"

I had a project I wanted to complete and for about a year I pictured it in my mind and visualized it, and imagined what I would do exactly to complete the project.

It was my tarot card reading room. I wanted it built in the corner of my studio.

But like Abracadabra says, it was not going to build itself. With all of my planning, and visualizing, and desire for the room I knew it would not build itself.

But over the course of the year I had all the details figured out and all the things I needed to build the room. I just had no energy and not much motivation to commit myself to a large project.

But my intent was there, my desire wast there, my plan was there. I just had no energy or enough time to get it done. Or so I thought.

So after seeing how my apartment was coming together slowly, I decided that I would just work a little bit on the project a day. I decided that everyday I would do one or two things towards getting it done. That was my plan.

But this is what actually happened.

I started to work on the room one day, and just kept going. I could not stop myself. Like the energizer bunny possessed, I worked until my body ached all over and the energy just kept coming, pushing my tired old body to its limits. I thought of nothing else.

It was like I was watching myself do it. It was like a force had taken over my body and was using it to get it done and it would not let me stop. It was untapped energy I did not know I had.

The vision was there, the materials was there, the plan was there, and all that was left was the means. I was the means. Something took over and drove me to finish that room in one day.

It was the greatest feeling ever. It was simply amazing.

Now I really need to try that again, and get my house cleaned.


no photo
Sat 04/19/08 10:49 AM

Tell that to the Walmart employees

Why? They will find out soon enough. laugh laugh :laugh

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/19/08 11:02 AM

I really appreciate the power of motivation, which is why it was on the top of my prior list...

The use of the terms negative and positive require judgement to determine which is which, if there is source.

The claim that there is no judgement invokes no morality compass... no positive... no negative... it just is...

What one focuses on most will birth an equal amount of that which has been focused on.

Motivation is the key... as James just acknowledged... :wink:

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Sat 04/19/08 12:20 PM
Motivation is the key... as James just acknowledged..

Motivation is part of the formula.

But I would hesitate to name any single ingredient as the "key" that unlocks the door to successful manifestation or creation.

Creativity involves ideas. Ideas are the seed, and they are useless if there is no motivation or vision, or intention, or energy to follow through after power of will makes a decision to act with purpose and intention.


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Sat 04/19/08 12:37 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/19/08 12:50 PM
The use of the terms negative and positive require judgment to determine which is which, if there is source.

The judgment comes from the thinking center Itself and is made according to what it desires to have or manifest. The judgment does not come from formless substance that provides the material.

Put simply, judgment comes from you and me, as we are thinking centers. We judge according to what we prefer and according to what we learn or decide to like.

Anything that keeps our goal or our desire from coming to us (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions, etc.) is deemed "negative" as it is a force that repels rather than attracts what we want.

We have only to learn what kind of things repel and what kind of things attract and we will always have success in manifesting the things that we desire or need.

We also must learn to use our will to direct our thoughts and feelings from thoughts that repel (deemed negative) to thoughts that attract (deemed positive) what we truly want.

The claim that there is no judgement invokes no morality compass... no positive... no negative... it just is...

The "morality compass" is created by the thinking centers, (people) not by the prime source (God) and not by the Law of Attraction which is an automatic law / compass.

Only a thinking center (a conscious thinking individual) can judge and decide. (This would include other beings besides humans.)

What one focuses on most will birth an equal amount of that which has been focused on.

I am not clear on the above statement.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/19/08 12:52 PM
I find your explanations in line with your reasoning...


The last statement simply confirms what you believe, from a purely philosophical standpoint.

One finds that which they seek out.

Do you understand that I do not disagree with the notion of what the law of attraction provides as proof...

only the substance of the reasoning behind it...

One can attract... one cannot repel...

Careful what you think... what you seek... what you feel... what you believe... it is that which you will find.

No thing better is possible without motivation to act and feel...

No thing is contingient upon gratitude, the notion itself is not a necessity.

I find no unknown mystical substance nor formula for success...

I find good thinking brings about good change...

Motivation is the common denominator...

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Sat 04/19/08 01:01 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/19/08 01:51 PM

One can attract... one cannot repel...

Careful what you think... what you seek... what you feel... what you believe... it is that which you will find.

This is very true. We truly only attract things. But we ask for things that we do not want, by thinking about them. (Worry) and we manifest and attract what we don't want because we pay more attention to that than to what we do want.

Do we repel?

It seems so, but it is simply a failure to attract the thing we want to attract so it just does not come into our experience.

So if you have conflicting thoughts, the one that you manifest is the one that gets the most attention.


no photo
Sat 04/19/08 02:05 PM
I find no unknown mystical substance nor formula for success...

Perhaps it is because you do not seek it. bigsmile

What is mystical? Mystery? Magic?

I find no mystery or magic in any of this. I find it to be a pure and exacting law or an advanced infinite science, but please don't make the mistake of thinking that I believe I have all the answers.

I know I don't.

But I will continue to consider every conceivable possibility and reason for everything felt and observed from my perspective.

And I will continue to juggle ideas, impressions, science, belief, observation, theories, and information to the best of my unscientific and limited mind.

My intention and desire is to continue to learn to manifest and create purposely rather than by default.


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Sat 04/19/08 02:49 PM
No thing is contingient upon gratitude, the notion itself is not a necessity.

How do you know this?

Gratitude is simply a feeling which is related to Love and appreciation.

Are love and appreciation necessary to live? Probably not. Are they necessary to live happily? I think they probably are.

Are love and good positive feelings attractive or would you be more attracted to a person who was hateful, depressed and grumpy?

Are things effected by feelings? I don't know. Are circumstances effected by feelings, Yes, most definitely.

What I do is try things and see what works and record the results. These experiments will be put into a book for people who are interested in them.

I am not trying to convince the skeptics. I am simply offering the information. If nothing else, some of them are interesting stories.


Dragoness's photo
Sat 04/19/08 03:02 PM
I found your theory here interesting but would like to put a twist to it. How do you know you are not having a premonition of something to come instead of the power of attraction?

Now, I do believe in the power of our own self talk and self desires, etc.... being manifested because we are putting out the signals to have it happen, are looking for it to happen, etc..... Some of that is the preconcieved idea that it is what we want and therefore we begin to think on that subject more than before, that is why we see more things that remind us of this desire.

Just a few thoughts.

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Sat 04/19/08 03:17 PM

Jeannie...I don't doubt at all what you shared here about the law of attraction. Heck yea it works.

I agree also with the results that can come also with the power of positive thinking, confidence, attitude..yes... ALL these will bring positive results.

We have also channeling,reiki, aculpunture, chakra ,balancing alignment, wholistic healing, natural healers other words, there are many ways to channel energies and gain results.

But are any of these channeling of positive energy sources , giving GLORY to God the Creator....or... are they just giving glory to the energy source ...or to the creation.....or to something else besides God?:heart::heart::heart:

There is nothing else besides "God" in the pantheist view. The Law of Attraction is a scientific quantum law which is moved and powered by thinking centers who are connected to the prime source.. God. flowerforyou

P.S. The "giving glory to God the Creator" is the gratitude part of the formula. This is necessary for the formula to be successful. Having Gratitude is a necessary ingredient. The gratitude is to whatever you imagine prime source to be. (God)

Actually, the Bible was the first book that explained quantum physics.

" Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen".

Remember Jeannie, what I shared in an earlier post, about the atom and the electrons?

God is the CREATOR of all things..... and God is in all things...BUT NOT all things Are God.

Big Difference.....

God is the Creator of All Creation......but the Creation is NOT God.flowerforyou

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Sat 04/19/08 03:31 PM

Jeannie...I don't doubt at all what you shared here about the law of attraction. Heck yea it works.

I agree also with the results that can come also with the power of positive thinking, confidence, attitude..yes... ALL these will bring positive results.

We have also channeling,reiki, aculpunture, chakra ,balancing alignment, wholistic healing, natural healers other words, there are many ways to channel energies and gain results.

But are any of these channeling of positive energy sources , giving GLORY to God the Creator....or... are they just giving glory to the energy source ...or to the creation.....or to something else besides God?:heart::heart::heart:

There is nothing else besides "God" in the pantheist view. The Law of Attraction is a scientific quantum law which is moved and powered by thinking centers who are connected to the prime source.. God. flowerforyou

P.S. The "giving glory to God the Creator" is the gratitude part of the formula. This is necessary for the formula to be successful. Having Gratitude is a necessary ingredient. The gratitude is to whatever you imagine prime source to be. (God)

Actually, the Bible was the first book that explained quantum physics.

" Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen".

Remember Jeannie, what I shared in an earlier post, about the atom and the electrons?

God is the CREATOR of all things..... and God is in all things...BUT NOT all things Are God.

Big Difference.....

God is the Creator of All Creation......but the Creation is NOT God.flowerforyou

I do understand that concept, but in a different way.

no photo
Sat 04/19/08 03:48 PM

I found your theory here interesting but would like to put a twist to it. How do you know you are not having a premonition of something to come instead of the power of attraction?

Thank you for this question. I have asked this same question to myself a number of times.

I believe the difference is the choice of roads we take within the intricate pattern of our lives.

If you wanted to go to New York how would you get there? There are many different roads to New York and they could all get you there, but you decide which road you take and that decision will change your experiences along the way, but you will still arrive in New York if that is your chosen final destination.

In the place you are now, you probably can see options or probabilities for your life. You may see one or two or many more than that. The options or probabilities are the different paths of your life.

The energy of the present moment is taking you somewhere and you can see it in your mind's eye if you concentrate or imagine it.

I can see it in the tarot cards also, or other signs along the way. But if it has not come to pass yet, it may be possible to change it by changing your attitude and attention.

There are other options and other paths, but you have to see them. You will follow the one that you are on ~~or the one that you place most of your attention on usually. Sometimes it is hard to divert your attention to another path and another future.

I have a method of looking down several future paths and detecting feed back from them. One of them will stand out stronger than another one. The strongest one usually will win, unless you can change something. It sometimes requires a major change in direction, thought or attitude.


no photo
Sat 04/19/08 04:11 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/19/08 04:20 PM
MorningSong writes:

God is the Creator of All Creation......but the Creation is NOT God.

God is the CREATOR of all things..... and God is in all things...BUT NOT all things Are God.

I will tell you why I agree (and understand) with this concept.

(To understand what I am saying you may need to remove it from your current concept of an exterior God with a personality or a body ~~such as Jesus had a body.)

I understand this concept because of what I believe about myself.

I am not my body, but I am in here somewhere. I am in my body.
There is a self inside my body that says, "Here I am." But that self is NOT MY BODY.

In the same respect, the created universe is not GOD but it is more like the BODY OF GOD. ~But it is not the "I AM" that is God.

So both my own "I am" and God's "I AM" is a point of awareness that has no shape, form or substance.

It just is, and It manifests things.


no photo
Sat 04/19/08 07:25 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/19/08 07:25 PM
Attraction Experiment #6

"Attracting Money"

The concept of "money" is a little different than the concept of "wealth." Money has very little value in a debt driven society except to pay debts. Sure you can buy things with money, but when you want things, you should visualize the thing you want, not the money to buy it with. But sometimes you do need money to pay debts.

I usually don’t ask for money when I am practicing the Law of Attraction because money is not really a valuable thing, other than for the payment of debts.

It is what money can buy that people want, so it is the new car, or the independent lifestyle, or other things that mean wealth and that you seek to attract, and that is usually what you visualize when you are trying to attract things.

But this time I simply needed money to pay a large bill.

I had gotten this huge bill from the I.R.S one day and it was for a year that I did not did not file or pay some taxes. There were penalties involved. Rather than battle the I.R.S. who are a bunch of crooks in my opinion, I just decided I would pay them off and be done with it.

But I did not have the money and I did not have a regular paying job.

So what I did was simply ask the universe (prime source) for the money or the means by which I could get the money to pay this bill.

In my mind I decided (or agreed) that I would do whatever was necessary (within the law of course) to earn the money, but I asked for the opportunity to present itself to me as soon as possible.

I did not take any action other than that request and I did not go out looking for a job, although I intended on doing it the following week.

But within three days of this “prayer” I received a phone call. It was from a woman I had done some housework for that year. She was in a nursing home and she wanted to know if I would come and get her out and take her home and stay with her.

She said that she had to have 24 hour care in order for them to release her. She said I would be well paid. I did not hesitate to answer “Yes” to the offer.

I worked for her for three months and earned enough money to pay the large debt and then she went back into the hospital and my job ended.

The process in this experiment was this:

I needed the cash, and asked for it.
I intended to take steps to get it by looking for a job.
I intended to say yes to the first suitable opportunity that presented itself.
I said yes to the first offer that came to me, earned the money and paid the debt.


creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/19/08 07:46 PM
How do I know that no thing is contingient upon gratitude?

Simple really, when you think about it...

Is everybody grateful?

Are there exceptions to the Law of Attraction?

no photo
Sat 04/19/08 08:30 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Sat 04/19/08 09:06 PM
Jeannie.... there are certain laws at work in the universe...that can work for anyone if applied correctly....
but ....still....who are you putting your faith in..
is it in the laws that operate...including the law of the One who Made it all.......

Jeannie....Do you know why God wants us to come to Him?
BeCause God knows that is the only way man can be whole and fulfilled in his soul.

Until then, there is an emptiness in man's soul...that he tries to fill with different things in life..but nothing ever works for long to fil that void......cause , regardless if man realzes this or not, what man really seeks is restoration back with the Father, ...and that can only come by way of accepting Jesus....who is the ONLY WAY to the Father,btw.

Jesus said ..."no man can come to the Father but by me".

Notice Jesus did NOT say RELIGION...He said thru Him.

See.....God also longs for restored fellowship with us,His creation.....and that is why God seeks us....and longs for us to be reunited with Him.......and not because God is trying to "Lord" it over's siply because God KNOWS there is somethng in the spirit of every man, that HUNGERS to be united back with God.
But man himself doesn't even realize this, that the hunger in him, is his spirit crying out to be united back with the Father.

And until man actually does accept Jesus, that emptines in man's soul will remain....until man finally realizes that nothing will be able to fill the void but God.

Cause when Jesus comes in, and man becomes born again, man THEN becomes COMPLETE again.

Because there is a hunger to get back to God, is why man has all these different religions did this, in his hungry attempt and search to fill that empty void inside....but religion can never fill the Void..only God can (btw, God is about relationship, not turned God into a religion...that was NOT God's intent when He sent Jesus.
Christianity is about Relationship..not religion !!!

So Jeannie.....yes... these laws of nature, laws of atraction , laws of physics, laws of gravity, laws of the universe are all at work.....regardless....and they do work...but that still does not discount the fact that God is God..and all these other sources and laws at work in the universe, cannot replace that void in man.

And that void, btw, will eventualy surface in man.....again and again and agin..til fulfilled by God Himself..thru Christ Jesus.

Man deep down in his soul and spirit, needs that connection back with God.

Sure these other things work for awhile......but there is stil going to be a time in every man's life..when he is going to realize nothing is working to fill that void for long..and that is when he/she eventually comes to God.

In fact..every man will eventually come to God one way or another.......God even said in His Word....that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord.

It may not be in earth time..but everyone will realize one day, that God is Who He says He Is.....and God thru Christ Jesus, is the ONLY One and the ONLY way, for us to be made whole again..and restored back to God.

No one else can do this.....nothing esle can..but God thru Christ Jesus.:heart::heart::heart:

God just wants us to have joy and peace and a life more abundant and total fulfilfilment and wholeness....that's all...and God misses Is creation, folks......and al we have to do to get back wit the Father is by way of Jesus...and whwen yuo do accept Jesus
You will be so gad you did...cause you will feel like you've finally come home..flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 04/19/08 09:31 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 04/19/08 09:34 PM

This thread is about the Law of Attraction and some of my experiences and experiments with it.

It is not about the belief in Jesus or what you believe about being "born again." It is not about your belief or your religion, and I am not trying to convert you or anyone.

So Jeannie.....yes... these laws of nature, laws of attraction , laws of physics, laws of gravity, laws of the universe are all at work.....regardless....and they do work...but that still does not discount the fact that God is God..and all these other sources and laws at work in the universe, cannot replace that void in man.

I am not trying to "discount" God or any of your ideas or beliefs about God. That is your religion, not mine.

I am only telling these true stories of my experiences in my study and observations that relate to the Law of Attraction in our universe for people who are interested.

This is not a religion and I don't intend to start a new religion or debate about an old religion.

.... there are certain laws at work in the universe...that can work for anyone if applied correctly....
but ....still....who are you putting your faith in..
is it in the laws that operate...including the law of attraction...or the one who Made it all.......

What should it matter "who" or "what" I put my faith in? What should it matter what my personal concept if "God" is?

That is not what this thread is about.

You pretend to know what God wants or knows and you think you have the answers and you believe it is some personality named Jesus.

That is your belief, not mine. (Honestly I see no logic in the story of a sacrificial lamb purchasing mankind with his blood.)

If and when I can see the logic and reasoning behind that I will reconsider the information, but before I do that I would have to have some proof that these stories are actually a true account of what happened and I doubt if that is going to happen.

You have a wonderful and pure heart. Follow your faith. flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 04/19/08 09:32 PM

How do I know that no thing is contingient upon gratitude?

Simple really, when you think about it...

Is everybody grateful?

Probably not all the time, so what?

Are there exceptions to the Law of Attraction?

In my opinion, NO.


creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/19/08 10:01 PM
One need not be grateful for what is in their life to continue...

Valid point, no?

Gratitude means nothing without judgement...