Topic: Attraction Experiments
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Tue 04/22/08 01:04 PM


I have no problem with honesty, is there any other value which is more important?

It is not a matter of right or wrong. I do not normally use those terms, for good reason. It is a matter of why you have came to those conclusions and still maintain their validity within your own reasoning.

In this last post you claimed that you were going to take my word for it, yet you continued to lay it all out, while still looking for some form of confirmation that what you had said was valid.

I would never attempt to deny the validity your expressed impressions. Of course you have those. Of course you have those as a result of our exchanges. Of course you have the right to feel as you do. This does not make them an accurate reflection of what is within me. Because I know this is true, then it only follows that they must be a reflection of what is within you, in some way, shape, or form.

It is not for me to assess why.

I'm sure the impression comes directly from my own experiences.
I may see myself in you. If so, I have to ask myself why? Why do I see myself in you? Some hidden part of myself perhaps is what I have seen.

I take your word for it that I have seen incorrectly, and I will trust you on that, but that does not change the fact that I did see it. So I will have to assume that I have seen a reflection of myself, and not you at all.

(However I have never been inclined to put my fist through a wall, its much too painful. laugh I don't like pain.)

I do enjoy the challenge of argument. And perhaps I am not as "laid back" as I think I am.


creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:18 PM

What one expresses is a reflection of that which one knows, whether it be from them, or familiar to them. Somehow those agreements were made which subconsciously justify one's perception. Truly knowing one's self will only help one to see the world with unobstructed vision, and lessen the liklihood of attributing that which is within us to another, by default.

It is a lifetime.

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:22 PM


What one expresses is a reflection of that which one knows, whether it be from them, or familiar to them. Somehow those agreements were made which subconsciously justify one's perception. Truly knowing one's self will only help one to see the world with unobstructed vision, and lessen the liklihood of attributing that which is within us to another, by default.

It is a lifetime.

I fear I may have discovered yet another personality inside of me that I have not seen before. It's getting pretty crowded in here. smokin

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/23/08 11:54 AM
flowerforyou Im studying The Urantia. flowerforyou Pretty interesting JeannieBeanflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 04/23/08 12:07 PM
Yes, that book is huge. I have not even touched the surface of it yet, and I probably won't study all of it, but it's interesting to peek at now and then.

This is my theory of the motive and agenda of the Urantia Book.
When the world becomes a one world government, this book will replace the Bible as the One world religion.

It goes into detail about the life of Christ, the Lucifer rebellion, Adam and Eve, how the worlds were created and how they are managed etc.


MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/23/08 12:49 PM
flowerforyou JeannieBean--Are you familiar with the Urantia Foundation ?flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 04/23/08 12:55 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 04/23/08 12:57 PM

flowerforyou JeannieBean--Are you familiar with the Urantia Foundation ?flowerforyou

No, I avoid foundations, corporations, cults, institutions, clubs, secret societies, UFO seminars, etc.

flowerforyou smokin

P.S. and religions.
P.S.S. and associations, non-profit corporations ...

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/23/08 01:21 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Wed 04/23/08 01:21 PM
flowerforyou The Urantia is interesting. flowerforyou I'm going to print it out and read itflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 04/23/08 01:25 PM

flowerforyou The Urantia is interesting. flowerforyou I'm going to print it out and read itflowerforyou

That will certainly take a while.
Is it in a single format that will print well without having to do each webpage?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/23/08 03:51 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Wed 04/23/08 03:51 PM

flowerforyou The Urantia is interesting. flowerforyou I'm going to print it out and read itflowerforyou

That will certainly take a while.
Is it in a single format that will print well without having to do each webpage?

flowerforyou yep.flowerforyouIm gonna do a chapter at a timeflowerforyou It'll make excellent research materialflowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 04/23/08 05:31 PM
Well I happen to think that the power of either positive or just thinking something can for sure make it happen.....Example.....I was at a charity event......And I kept telling the gals at the table that the prada gift basket is mine......They all laughed and when they started to do the basket...I just kept saying oh yea that prada bag is so mine......well guess what it was and when they called my name the gals at my table jaws dropped and they just kept staring at me....Like how did you know........Postivie thinking....and I have done this over and over throughout my whole life.

Another example I will have a certain person on my heart and if it happens for more then a fleeting moment that person always calls me........

no photo
Wed 04/23/08 06:19 PM
Great story Feralcat.

Here is another one about saying it and then it happened.

My second husband was a good creator when it came to positive thinking and intention. He was in need of some money one night and he sometimes makes money playing poker, or pool or from a client as he was a private investigator.

One night he stated out loud to me, "I'm going to go out and find some money."

Well of course he was thinking he would go out and find a way to make some money. But that is not what he actually said.

This is what happened.

He went out to one of his favorite bars and as he was walking down the sidewalk he saw on the sidewalk three neat stacks of bills. It was money.

He said they looked like someone had placed them there on purpose as they were neat and all in a row. He looked around to see if this was some sort of trap or trick or candid camera stunt. He saw nothing.

He picked up the money and put it in his pocket. He want inside the bar expecting to be surprised by the joksters, but there was no one in there. He went to the men's room and counted the money in private. It was about $350.00 dollars.

He did go out and "find some money." He called that " Extreme positive thinking."


MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:12 AM
A possible path to immortality, JeannieBeanflowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:38 AM
That is I have one other way of looking at things......It's says in the bible do good and it always comes back 10-fold.....I was in charge of a fundraiser at church to build a church, orphanage and water well in a small village in India.....when the pastor from India came and spoke...The Lord spoke to me loud and clear......the well is up to I know me and if I think about it I won't do it....I don't like right then and there wrote a check for $1,000........Then 4 days later I received a check in the mail for some investments for $2, yea it came back 10-fold......

Thanks for this thread JB really cool one.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/24/08 10:29 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Thu 04/24/08 10:29 AM
flowerforyou Anybody familiar with Discordianism ?flowerforyou Or the Principia Discordia ?flowerforyou

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Thu 04/24/08 10:34 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 04/24/08 10:36 AM

A possible path to immortality, JeannieBeanflowerforyou

I am looking at a new "technology" that is quite different than this idea and claims to be able to stop aging and expand awareness in strictly a biological but mostly spiritual method.

I by no means understand it or totally believe in it, nor have I gotten completely committed to it because the skeptic inside of me is saying that it's way too unbelievable.

BUT it does hint at being connected to the idea that we live in a multi-dimensional holographic type reality that is a projection from a two dimensional surface.

There is another technology that expands consciousness that is entirely unrelated to the one mentioned above that is the Hemi-sync technology used by the Monroe Institute.

Yet another technology that miles mentioned is all about certain drugs that can open and expand consciousness.

I think that humans can reach the singularity via an expansion of consciousness and that the nano-technology and the robotics will also come to pass but will be surpassed by the seemingly "magic" powers that an expansion of consciousness will give to humans.

Other non-human life forms (galaxy beings or aliens) will follow the robotic, nano-tech methods, and some humans (who do not discover the consciousness method) will also.

It will be another case of two systems trying to reach the ultimate oneness of God in two different ways. One with physical 3-dimensional space-time mind technology and the other with multidimensional consciousness and thought technology.

(Once again, the believers and the non-believers with two different technologies.)

I can't believe I just wrote this. smokin


no photo
Thu 04/24/08 10:46 AM

flowerforyou Anybody familiar with Discordianism ?flowerforyou Or the Principia Discordia ?flowerforyou

I had never heard of it before, but I do see the necessity of chaos. Order can get quite tedious and boring and even controlling and nerve racking when taken to the extreme, one would become an obsessive compulsive.

Discordianism is a modern religion centered on the idea that chaos is as important as order.

The Galaxy beings strive for perfect order and they want everything to be the same. Imagine a neighborhood where every house looked exactly alike, people were expected to put their trash out in a certain place and certain time, rules rules, rules, everywhere.

Remember the series "Get Smart?" The two opposing factions in that show were named "Control" vs "Chaos"

Chaos is painted as "Evil" and "Control" was painted as Good.

I think a balance of both is necessary for expansion and creativity.


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/26/08 12:56 PM
flowerforyou Do you believe in The Urantia JeannieBean?flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 04/26/08 01:18 PM

flowerforyou Do you believe in The Urantia JeannieBean?flowerforyou

I am somewhat considering the information. All information is valid in some respects, and there is probably a reason for this book or an agenda behind it. I have not studied it at great length, I have only skimmed the surface.

I don't know what I believe about it. I will consider it for eternity.flowerforyou


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/26/08 08:59 PM
flowerforyou Do you have any opinions on Atlantis ?flowerforyou