Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 01:36 PM

I kind of understand the premise regarding war crimes.. but disagree. If anyone is accountable it should be the international intelligence community and the members of Bushes staff that interpret it. The Administration does not create intelligence.. They respond to it.

Need I remind you of what Libby was sentenced for, and who pardoned that sentence?

gardenforge's photo
Sun 04/13/08 01:49 PM
Here we go again SSDD get a life MM.


no photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:04 PM
Edited by rambill79 on Sun 04/13/08 02:04 PM
madman, here you go comparing Bush to the Nazis again. The Nazis tried to exterminate an entire race, and destroyed Europe and great portions of Russia in the process. To compare Bush trying to eliminate a murdering dictator who gassed his own people, ect., to the nazis is absurd to the ninth degree. Have we forgotton the torture chambers? the mass graves? cmon, comerade madman, its time to look at this in perspective.

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:09 PM

Need I remind you of what Libby was sentenced for, and who pardoned that sentence?

Nope.. you do not. Yet how exactly does that pertain to the topic?

Valerie Plame Wilson was an intelligence officer who was allegedly focused on the nuclear proliferation of Iran. She was used as a pawn in retaliation to a New York Times article about how the intelligence reports regarding Iraq trying to obtain uranium from Niger was the alleged crime. Plame-Wilson was not a covert agent. Outing an intelligence officer that is not actually under cover? Is what exactly?
Libby was a pawn as well..
Bush was completely within his legal parameters to pardon Libby. Like it or not.

If you ask me? The whole thing was a genuine example of many things.. one of which is the constant in fighting between the two parties in our Government.. Another? The struggles between the CIA and our Administration. Lastly? The power struggle within the Administration.

All things worth discussion and action..However, apparently... I don't make the same connections as you the subject at hand.

Drew07_2's photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:22 PM
I watched Zeitgeist, movie linked on this page and while I found Part I dealing with religion to be very well done and interesting the slippery slope in to 9-11 being an inside job is just too much. Not too much as in (gee, I can't handle the truth) but too much as in (wow, please make sure to keep the meds coming--the little blue pill seems to work really nicely.)

Conspiracies make us feel better--and they are always on the scale of the tragedy. From Lee Harvey Oswald (it just couldn't be one guy who took away our President) to 9-11 (there just CAN'T be factions of Islamic extremists who hate you just for being you) it is really about the same.

But a more obvious test (at least as it relates to 9-11) is why such conspiracies seem always to be drawn along political lines. Why didn't the 1993 bombing of the WTC prompt a film like Zeitgeist? Power was in place then, the same culprits (men of Middle East decent) were blamed, and lives were lost. Why? Because Bill Clinton was in the White House in 1993. Political conspiracy theorists talk about opening our eyes to truth about not hiding our heads in the sand and then go on to ignore the 1993 attacks completely. Why is it an inside job when it's GWB in the White House and not when Bill Clinton is in the White House?

For the answer you need not look far--just far enough to gaze down political lines. During Zeitgeist it was Rudy G, the VP and GWB who were quoted using the word "terrorist" over and over. Why not any clips of Democrats back in 93 who were saying the same things?

The truth here doesn't require a film. The men who attacked the WTC in 1993 did not succeed in taking down the towers. They learned and on September 11, 2001 they fixed that mistake. Had the election gone differently, had Al Gore been in office that morning I submit that the towers would have indeed fallen but that he would not have been blamed. No one would have suggested Al Gore responsible because he wouldn't have been. Conspiracies make us feel better--they give us a nation to be pissed off at and they give some people reason go off about War Crime prosecution. But only if you are a Republican.

Anyway, interesting film, at least the first part.


warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:28 PM
It's not hard to make the Nazi connection with Dubyah. It is, after all in his family history.
Just take a look at some of the things he's done, starting with thinly veiled anti-Constitution PDD's and EO's. They're eavesdropping on everyone, He's pushing hard to get his RealId, which is supposed to have an RFID chip in it. How long, from the passing of this, to the first time one of us hears "Got your Papers?" I know, I know, it's not papers, it's a bit of plastic, overlayed with a magnetic strip and a tracker chip stuck inside of it, with a clear plastic protective coating, but the malice behind it is the same.

How many millions of lives have been destroyed because of Bush Co. Policies? I don't just mean Muslim ones, which Neoconservatives seem to see as less than human, but in Nations all around the world?
Need I remind you that our Government too, has it's secret prisons or that they hired Markus Wolf, former head of the Stasi to "help" with homeland security, and While you're talking about Comrades, nothing sounds more Socialist than a department named Homeland Security, just saying it makes me want to drink vodka.

Leaving all the Bush family nazi/Globalist history to one side, ask yourselves who is going to pay back the hundreds and hundreds of Billions of dollars that this Administration keeps borrowing from Japan, Saudi and China? Last I checked we were beyond broke. Unless of course you count the Fed printing more unbacked dollars to hand out to save their member banks and consolidate more of this Nation into the hands of the few.
Hmmm... Multinational Corporate banking institutes, who have the power to create,bolster, destroy and manipulate our currency holding hands with our Federal Government...
Fascism= A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
Other elements of fascism include:

Powerful idea of nationalism
Powerful executive control in government
Lower human rights outlook
Military reigns supreme
Corporations wield great power
Idea that National Security is at great risk to some threat, internal or external
Identifying of enemies/scapegoats that unifies citizens in Patriotism
Mass media controlled by State and Corporations
Fixed elections
Rampant corruption
Unlimited power held by police force
Honest opinions, how many of these fit our current situation? Leave the left/right pandering at the door and be honest.

madisonman's photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:31 PM


I kind of understand the premise regarding war crimes.. but disagree. If anyone is accountable it should be the international intelligence community and the members of Bushes staff that interpret it. The Administration does not create intelligence.. They respond to it.

Need I remind you of what Libby was sentenced for, and who pardoned that sentence?
The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six months before the 2003 US-led invasion but was ignored by a White House intent on ousting Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said, according to CBS.

Drew07_2's photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:39 PM

It's not hard to make the Nazi connection with Dubyah. It is, after all in his family history.
Just take a look at some of the things he's done, starting with thinly veiled anti-Constitution PDD's and EO's. They're eavesdropping on everyone, He's pushing hard to get his RealId, which is supposed to have an RFID chip in it. How long, from the passing of this, to the first time one of us hears "Got your Papers?" I know, I know, it's not papers, it's a bit of plastic, overlayed with a magnetic strip and a tracker chip stuck inside of it, with a clear plastic protective coating, but the malice behind it is the same.

How many millions of lives have been destroyed because of Bush Co. Policies? I don't just mean Muslim ones, which Neoconservatives seem to see as less than human, but in Nations all around the world?
Need I remind you that our Government too, has it's secret prisons or that they hired Markus Wolf, former head of the Stasi to "help" with homeland security, and While you're talking about Comrades, nothing sounds more Socialist than a department named Homeland Security, just saying it makes me want to drink vodka.

Leaving all the Bush family nazi/Globalist history to one side, ask yourselves who is going to pay back the hundreds and hundreds of Billions of dollars that this Administration keeps borrowing from Japan, Saudi and China? Last I checked we were beyond broke. Unless of course you count the Fed printing more unbacked dollars to hand out to save their member banks and consolidate more of this Nation into the hands of the few.
Hmmm... Multinational Corporate banking institutes, who have the power to create,bolster, destroy and manipulate our currency holding hands with our Federal Government...
Fascism= A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
Other elements of fascism include:

Powerful idea of nationalism
Powerful executive control in government
Lower human rights outlook
Military reigns supreme
Corporations wield great power
Idea that National Security is at great risk to some threat, internal or external
Identifying of enemies/scapegoats that unifies citizens in Patriotism
Mass media controlled by State and Corporations
Fixed elections
Rampant corruption
Unlimited power held by police force
Honest opinions, how many of these fit our current situation? Leave the left/right pandering at the door and be honest.

Riiiight--and yet Democratically controlled Congress just sits back and lets him do this--no one draws up impeachment papers? Comparing Bush to the Nazi's is actually not a new line--it was actually more popular a few years ago, but I suppose it will still do to some extent. The problem with it is that it just makes people turn off the channel. Do you think that in Nazi Germany you could have bashed Hitler's policies, even for a moment? You've read your history--go back and look at what happened to people who even dared to speak out against the Reich. Now, if you suddenly disappear and the official story doesn't sound right--I'll be the first to hire Alex Jones to look in to it. Until then, when the coffee is too strong don't be surprised when people look for something to cut it.


no photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:43 PM

It's not hard to make the Nazi connection with Dubyah. It is, after all in his family history.
Just take a look at some of the things he's done, starting with thinly veiled anti-Constitution PDD's and EO's. They're eavesdropping on everyone, He's pushing hard to get his RealId, which is supposed to have an RFID chip in it. How long, from the passing of this, to the first time one of us hears "Got your Papers?" I know, I know, it's not papers, it's a bit of plastic, overlayed with a magnetic strip and a tracker chip stuck inside of it, with a clear plastic protective coating, but the malice behind it is the same.

How many millions of lives have been destroyed because of Bush Co. Policies? I don't just mean Muslim ones, which Neoconservatives seem to see as less than human, but in Nations all around the world?
Need I remind you that our Government too, has it's secret prisons or that they hired Markus Wolf, former head of the Stasi to "help" with homeland security, and While you're talking about Comrades, nothing sounds more Socialist than a department named Homeland Security, just saying it makes me want to drink vodka.

Leaving all the Bush family nazi/Globalist history to one side, ask yourselves who is going to pay back the hundreds and hundreds of Billions of dollars that this Administration keeps borrowing from Japan, Saudi and China? Last I checked we were beyond broke. Unless of course you count the Fed printing more unbacked dollars to hand out to save their member banks and consolidate more of this Nation into the hands of the few.
Hmmm... Multinational Corporate banking institutes, who have the power to create,bolster, destroy and manipulate our currency holding hands with our Federal Government...
Fascism= A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
Other elements of fascism include:

Powerful idea of nationalism
Powerful executive control in government
Lower human rights outlook
Military reigns supreme
Corporations wield great power
Idea that National Security is at great risk to some threat, internal or external
Identifying of enemies/scapegoats that unifies citizens in Patriotism
Mass media controlled by State and Corporations
Fixed elections
Rampant corruption
Unlimited power held by police force
Honest opinions, how many of these fit our current situation? Leave the left/right pandering at the door and be honest.

...someone forgot thier meds today.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:47 PM

The Prosecution has presented a formidable Indictment against the Defendant, George Walker Bush, President of the United States and Commander -in-Chief of US military forces for serious crimes ; waging a war of aggression on Afghanistan, war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Afghan people, against prisoners of war ; and the use of radioactive depleted uranium weapons of mass destruction , against the people of Afghanistan ; with serious fall out effects on the military personnel of the United States ,UK and other forces deployed ; and on countries, in and around the region .

where can i join the lawsuit?
is that a class action?
let me know if they need an extra signature.

Lindyy's photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:48 PM
Has anyone, other than myself, heard of an obsessive, compulsive, neurotic disorder?

frown frown

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:51 PM

The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six months before the 2003 US-led invasion but was ignored by a White House intent on ousting Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said, according to CBS.

Yup.. and the article also said..
'A 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, to which the CIA was a major contributor, concluded that prewar Iraq had an active nuclear program and a huge stockpile of unconventional weapons.'

Doesn't this kinda strike you as strange? Especially when in the same body of writing with this paragraph...

'But Drumheller, co-author of a forthcoming book entitled On the Brink: How the White House Has Compromised American Intelligence, rejects the notion of an intelligence failure.'

To give completely diametrically opposed statements within 9 months, on the same subject? Sounds like an intelligence failure happened somewhere... Don't ya think?

Lindyy's photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:54 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Sun 04/13/08 03:03 PM

where can i join the lawsuit?
is that a class action?
let me know if they need an extra signature.

Get an attorney whose expertise is in class action law suits. You cannot simply 'add' your signature, and you had better be able to prove damages to your personal being.

But, before that, someone has to file a complaint and again, the complaint must prove damages to the personal being.

Oh, and the Judge who handles class action cases must approve the case to be in compliance with the Rules of Court for such cases.

And, expect it to take several years, that is IF you can get an attorney to take the case.laugh laugh

yawn yawn yawn yawn


no photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:55 PM

Has anyone, other than myself, heard of an obsessive, compulsive, neurotic disorder?

frown frown

Nope.. some of us are familiar with it from a third person point of view.. Far less intimately as you or madman might be.. which I am left to assume might be a first person point of view.

Lindyy's photo
Sun 04/13/08 02:57 PM

Has anyone, other than myself, heard of an obsessive, compulsive, neurotic disorder?

frown frown

Nope.. some of us are familiar with it from a third person point of view.. Far less intimately as you or madman might be.. which I am left to assume might be a first person point of view.

Care to elaborate?


warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:01 PM

It's not hard to make the Nazi connection with Dubyah. It is, after all in his family history.
Just take a look at some of the things he's done, starting with thinly veiled anti-Constitution PDD's and EO's. They're eavesdropping on everyone, He's pushing hard to get his RealId, which is supposed to have an RFID chip in it. How long, from the passing of this, to the first time one of us hears "Got your Papers?" I know, I know, it's not papers, it's a bit of plastic, overlayed with a magnetic strip and a tracker chip stuck inside of it, with a clear plastic protective coating, but the malice behind it is the same.

How many millions of lives have been destroyed because of Bush Co. Policies? I don't just mean Muslim ones, which Neoconservatives seem to see as less than human, but in Nations all around the world?
Need I remind you that our Government too, has it's secret prisons or that they hired Markus Wolf, former head of the Stasi to "help" with homeland security, and While you're talking about Comrades, nothing sounds more Socialist than a department named Homeland Security, just saying it makes me want to drink vodka.

Leaving all the Bush family nazi/Globalist history to one side, ask yourselves who is going to pay back the hundreds and hundreds of Billions of dollars that this Administration keeps borrowing from Japan, Saudi and China? Last I checked we were beyond broke. Unless of course you count the Fed printing more unbacked dollars to hand out to save their member banks and consolidate more of this Nation into the hands of the few.
Hmmm... Multinational Corporate banking institutes, who have the power to create,bolster, destroy and manipulate our currency holding hands with our Federal Government...
Fascism= A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
Other elements of fascism include:

Powerful idea of nationalism
Powerful executive control in government
Lower human rights outlook
Military reigns supreme
Corporations wield great power
Idea that National Security is at great risk to some threat, internal or external
Identifying of enemies/scapegoats that unifies citizens in Patriotism
Mass media controlled by State and Corporations
Fixed elections
Rampant corruption
Unlimited power held by police force
Honest opinions, how many of these fit our current situation? Leave the left/right pandering at the door and be honest.

Riiiight--and yet Democratically controlled Congress just sits back and lets him do this--no one draws up impeachment papers? Comparing Bush to the Nazi's is actually not a new line--it was actually more popular a few years ago, but I suppose it will still do to some extent. The problem with it is that it just makes people turn off the channel. Do you think that in Nazi Germany you could have bashed Hitler's policies, even for a moment? You've read your history--go back and look at what happened to people who even dared to speak out against the Reich. Now, if you suddenly disappear and the official story doesn't sound right--I'll be the first to hire Alex Jones to look in to it. Until then, when the coffee is too strong don't be surprised when people look for something to cut it.


A( You didn't answer my question.
B( I never said Bush was Hitler, I'm of the opinion that he's leading us into full fledged fascism and his Granddaddy was bankrolling Hitler,so it's in his family history.

As it stands I think we're already in a soft version of Fascism anyway. People are constantly being harassed when they speak out against what they percieve as wrong, You can't even protest in the open anymore, now it's "free speech zones". Our freedoms aren't gone, but they sure are under attack. From the 4th amendment to the 1st amendment to the 2nd amendment. Everytime I turn around I see an out of Control Executive having their way with a weak, pathetic Legislative.
You want to make it about left and right, with the comment about Democratic controlled Congress, but I would venture out into the realm of they are just as bad, in their own little Communist style. That's how I look at the majority of them anymore, not Republican and Democrat, but Fascists and Communists and until the duopoly stops acting like them, that's how I am going to view them.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:03 PM

The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six months before the 2003 US-led invasion but was ignored by a White House intent on ousting Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said, according to CBS.

Yup.. and the article also said..
'A 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, to which the CIA was a major contributor, concluded that prewar Iraq had an active nuclear program and a huge stockpile of unconventional weapons.'

Doesn't this kinda strike you as strange? Especially when in the same body of writing with this paragraph...

'But Drumheller, co-author of a forthcoming book entitled On the Brink: How the White House Has Compromised American Intelligence, rejects the notion of an intelligence failure.'

To give completely diametrically opposed statements within 9 months, on the same subject? Sounds like an intelligence failure happened somewhere... Don't ya think?

Let's see,
If I close my eyes real tight
stomp my left foot while spinning on my right foot and chant Bush doesnt lie, Bush doesnt lie,,,,

Nope still dont believe it!noway noway noway

madisonman's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:04 PM

The Prosecution has presented a formidable Indictment against the Defendant, George Walker Bush, President of the United States and Commander -in-Chief of US military forces for serious crimes ; waging a war of aggression on Afghanistan, war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Afghan people, against prisoners of war ; and the use of radioactive depleted uranium weapons of mass destruction , against the people of Afghanistan ; with serious fall out effects on the military personnel of the United States ,UK and other forces deployed ; and on countries, in and around the region .

where can i join the lawsuit?
is that a class action?
let me know if they need an extra signature.

warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:05 PM
As for the line about taking meds go. If thats all the creative thought that you're capable of, I suggest you go debate who's going to win the next American Idol.

Another piece of advice: Don't throw rocks at the guy who's holding a machine gun, Metaphorically speaking.

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:13 PM

Care to elaborate?


Only in.. You and Madman have more in common then the both of you would care to believe or admit. Just from opposing sides of the spectrum.