JeremyWeed's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:14 PM
Bush's grndpa Prescott Bush actually helped fund Nazi Germany.

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:19 PM

Let's see,
If I close my eyes real tight
stomp my left foot while spinning on my right foot and chant Bush doesnt lie, Bush doesnt lie,,,,

Nope still dont believe it!noway noway noway

Neither do I... But really.. Criminally? Doesn't our current situation and getting out of it as best we can...deserve this countries attention? Rather then playing the f@cking blame game?

If this nation can be controlled by one elected that length and depth? You would think that needs fixing..long before we start building gallows for war criminals.

madisonman's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:20 PM

Bush's grndpa Prescott Bush actually helped fund Nazi Germany.
Yes he did.

Lindyy's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:28 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Sun 04/13/08 03:39 PM

Care to elaborate?


Only in.. You and Madman have more in common then the both of you would care to believe or admit. Just from opposing sides of the spectrum.

Hmmmmmm. Very interesting.Could it be because I generally think opposite of your positions and you perhaps find that too abrasive to be able to comprehend?

That is fine. But these constant, constant, constant threads that go over and over and over the same topic, yet you still participate in them and think your views are justifiable.

I, on the other hand, am soooooo tired of the same that it leaves little, if any, opportunity to enhance one's intelligence.

I sit to the Right, madman sits to the left. Does that mean only the centrist is correct?

AND, my dear, I never mentioned names, I only asked if anyone other than myself heard of the disorder. YOU put into play names.


Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:37 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 04/13/08 03:37 PM

Let's see,
If I close my eyes real tight
stomp my left foot while spinning on my right foot and chant Bush doesnt lie, Bush doesnt lie,,,,

Nope still dont believe it!noway noway noway

Neither do I... But really.. Criminally? Doesn't our current situation and getting out of it as best we can...deserve this countries attention? Rather then playing the f@cking blame game?

If this nation can be controlled by one elected that length and depth? You would think that needs fixing..long before we start building gallows for war criminals.

I think impeachment at this time is ridiculous, yes!

And I agree the current situation does deserve much needed attention, but
when Bush is out of office he needs to be arrested and tried for everything he has done!
Otherwise, this kind of leadership will snowball into far worse examples of Gov secrecy and abuse of our military might!

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:46 PM

Hmmmmmm. Very interesting.Could it be because I generally think opposite of your positions and you perhaps find that too abrasive to be able to comprehend?

That is fine. But these constant, constant, constant threads that go over and over and over the same topic, yet you still participate in them and think your views are justifiable.

I, on the other hand, am soooooo tired of the same that it leaves little, if any, opportunity to enhance one's intelligence.

I sit to the Right, madman sits to the left. Does that mean only the centrist is correct?


Nope.. you missed my point entirely.

That's OK.. You generally do.

Both of you tend to hold dear, things that have little to do with the real world. Him.. Any left wing conspiracy theory.. You? Anything the PTL Moral Majority preaches.. Which is mostly.. 'Do as I say..not as I do.'

Both of you instantly sign on to anything here that is written, true or not.. If it agrees with your point of view. Equally, vehemently try to discredit what does not agree with your point of view. Which causes a guy like me to think niether of you could care less what the truth really is.

Both of you speak in absolutes... The extreme left is perfect.. and the extreme right is equally perfect. Most of us know different.

Both are quick to attack folks on a personal level when they are simply disagreeing with you.. and when they return the favor you both play the victim.

Both of you hold every thing, everyone, other then yourselves accountable for your behavior.

Hopefully that clears it up for you.. I doubt it.. But I tried.:smile:

madisonman's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:46 PM

Let's see,
If I close my eyes real tight
stomp my left foot while spinning on my right foot and chant Bush doesnt lie, Bush doesnt lie,,,,

Nope still dont believe it!noway noway noway

Neither do I... But really.. Criminally? Doesn't our current situation and getting out of it as best we can...deserve this countries attention? Rather then playing the f@cking blame game?

If this nation can be controlled by one elected that length and depth? You would think that needs fixing..long before we start building gallows for war criminals.

I think impeachment at this time is ridiculous, yes!

And I agree the current situation does deserve much needed attention, but
when Bush is out of office he needs to be arrested and tried for everything he has done!
Otherwise, this kind of leadership will snowball into far worse examples of Gov secrecy and abuse of our military might!
He needs to be hunted down like a dog and pay for what he has done to this countrydrinker

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:48 PM

Let's see,
If I close my eyes real tight
stomp my left foot while spinning on my right foot and chant Bush doesnt lie, Bush doesnt lie,,,,

Nope still dont believe it!noway noway noway

Neither do I... But really.. Criminally? Doesn't our current situation and getting out of it as best we can...deserve this countries attention? Rather then playing the f@cking blame game?

If this nation can be controlled by one elected that length and depth? You would think that needs fixing..long before we start building gallows for war criminals.

I think impeachment at this time is ridiculous, yes!

And I agree the current situation does deserve much needed attention, but
when Bush is out of office he needs to be arrested and tried for everything he has done!
Otherwise, this kind of leadership will snowball into far worse examples of Gov secrecy and abuse of our military might!
He needs to be hunted down like a dog and pay for what he has done to this countrydrinker

drinker agreed, won't happen though. when has anyone associated with him even been held accountable?

warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:50 PM
Scooter Libby... laugh

agate763's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:50 PM


I kind of understand the premise regarding war crimes.. but disagree. If anyone is accountable it should be the international intelligence community and the members of Bushes staff that interpret it. The Administration does not create intelligence.. They respond to it.

If the President is accountable? Then so are all the Senators and Representatives that came to the same conclusion after reviewing the same information..
You folks seem to forget that the President, while Commander and Chief.. cannot bring us to war on his own. If he could? We would be a dictatorship.

As far as holding him entirely accountable for the economic dire straights we may be facing... That does not take into account other global occurrences, such as the BRIC's treaty.. The European Union... and the purpose driven effort to drive down the value of the dollar.

If he is solely responsible for that? Then we may as well throw in the global warming fiasco too.

As deficient as our Government can be at times.. The system we have in place does not allow one man to have as much power as you folks are attributing to him.

Having said all that.. I am no fan of Bush... but blaming him for all our ills? Will not bring us any closer to solving our problems.

Remember "The buck stops here."? In the end the big boss has the final say.

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:51 PM

when Bush is out of office he needs to be arrested and tried for everything he has done!
Otherwise, this kind of leadership will snowball into far worse examples of Gov secrecy and abuse of our military might!

Right, wrong, indifferent... He and his Cabinet have acted within the rights of office. If you want to prevent that from happening again? Change the rules.

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:58 PM

Remember "The buck stops here."? In the end the big boss has the final say.

Very simplistically put...
In a Dictatorship.. Yes.. In a Democracy or Republic? No... It doesn't work that way.

warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:58 PM
Edited by warmachine on Sun 04/13/08 03:59 PM
That's the problem, this administration has been changing the rules since 9/11. The rules that would have applied have been trash canned for a new system of the Executive is always right and anyone who speaks out against that is providing comfort to terrorists.
Has any other president in history, had more instances of invoking Executive privelege or National Security to keep their deeds in the dark, than the current one?

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 04:00 PM
Someone also needs to tell other countries that these agreements and treaties that Bush is signing here in his waning days in office will not necessarily be worth their weight in paper when hes gone!

One such agreement is the military declaration of principles between Malaki and Bush which will keep approx 50,000 US troops in Iraq for years to come. This agreement is questioned for its legality, and Bush claims its an executive agreement not requiring the US Senate's authorization.

Bush thinks that he can trap the country into an agreement that will continue his legacy long after he leaves office. Someone needs to tell the world that this wont go!

warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 04:01 PM
How about the one where, if we fall under a national emergency, Canadian Troops have the authority to police American streets.

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 04:03 PM

Has any other president in history, had more instances of invoking Executive privelege or National Security to keep their deeds in the dark, than the current one?
Ummm.. Yup! You think it is bad now? Go take a look at what was done in our past.

It isn't all that hard to research.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 04:03 PM

How about the one where, if we fall under a national emergency, Canadian Troops have the authority to police American streets.

laugh laugh laugh

Fuk that!!!
No Offense Canada!!

Dragoness's photo
Sun 04/13/08 04:03 PM


I kind of understand the premise regarding war crimes.. but disagree. If anyone is accountable it should be the international intelligence community and the members of Bushes staff that interpret it. The Administration does not create intelligence.. They respond to it.

If the President is accountable? Then so are all the Senators and Representatives that came to the same conclusion after reviewing the same information..
You folks seem to forget that the President, while Commander and Chief.. cannot bring us to war on his own. If he could? We would be a dictatorship.

As far as holding him entirely accountable for the economic dire straights we may be facing... That does not take into account other global occurrences, such as the BRIC's treaty.. The European Union... and the purpose driven effort to drive down the value of the dollar.

If he is solely responsible for that? Then we may as well throw in the global warming fiasco too.

As deficient as our Government can be at times.. The system we have in place does not allow one man to have as much power as you folks are attributing to him.

Having said all that.. I am no fan of Bush... but blaming him for all our ills? Will not bring us any closer to solving our problems.

Jist, all of that would be valid if Saddam had struck us in the first place. We knew all about Saddam for a long long time before 9/11. Bin laden strikes us and suddenly out of the blue Saddam becomes "a threat to us". It was bull from get, used to get the people to support a personal agenda.noway huh

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/13/08 04:11 PM

Scooter Libby... laugh

Dont forget the top cop!!

warmachine's photo
Sun 04/13/08 04:11 PM

Has any other president in history, had more instances of invoking Executive privelege or National Security to keep their deeds in the dark, than the current one?
Ummm.. Yup! You think it is bad now? Go take a look at what was done in our past.

It isn't all that hard to research.

I'm not debating that there have been some bad things in our history, but we should be using that to learn from our mistakes, not using it to justify more evil.