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Wed 04/16/08 07:46 AM
???????why would we surrender when we are winning????

mnhiker's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:11 AM
Edited by mnhiker on Wed 04/16/08 08:11 AM

???????why would we surrender when we are winning????

There is no 'we'.

It's the Iraqi people who need to win the war for their own sakes.

It's not OUR country, it's theirs.

Winning the Iraq War is not a victory for the United States, it's a victory for the Iraqi people!

Are THEY winning? I suppose that depends on who you ask!

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:16 AM
Edited by Jistme on Wed 04/16/08 08:20 AM
linddy.. There is no need to educate me on the hysteria that comprises the Christian Coalition. I am pretty well versed. I am aware that the PTL club was dissolved. Yet the players still went on. The Bakers and Falwell certainly used their influence as a vehicle for personal, professional and political gain... right up till the wheels fell off. The same thing happened with 'The Moral Majority' Movement.

I find it somewhat peculiar that first you indicate that the coalition has no interest in theocracy with this:

The Christian Coalition, of which I am a member, believes that the Church should NOT run the government and the government should NOT run the Church. BUT, it definitely believes that God should NOT be taken out of the lives and decision making of our government and political leaders.

Then reference their site which in my opinion..clearly states that they are a lobby and force. What they fail to say
is that they have been an overwhelming influence on partisan politics by placing like minded people in places of power. Including Reagan, Bush sr. and Bush jr.

Not that there is anything inherently wrong about that... But, please.. If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck and floats... Lets call it a duck.

The movements have always proclaimed a doctrine of 'Family values'... With a specific meaning of the 'patriarchal family'. Where the husband works and the wife stays home. Too bad that most of the players have had many sordid occurrences caught along the way. Affairs and abuse of power being the least of them.

The other tenet's, two of which are clearly politically motivated are: Pro-life, Defense, and Israel.

The Christian Coalition, 700 club, PTL and Moral Majority are inexplicably tied. Always will be. You can try and change history all you want... But even a monkey can see the connections.

To say that the Christian Coalition comprises the majority of Christians, or even the majority of protestant Christians... is a bold statement. Then minimize the rest as lazy? Wow! I see that their arrogance has rubbed off on
you some! Personally? I find it insulting and alienating.

The Coalition is what is termed as Traditionalist. You seem to have forgotten the other categories of Christianity.
The different types and percentages of Christianity and other religions represented in the United States are listed

Evangelical Protestant 26.3% of total
Comprised of:

Traditionalist Evangelical 12.6%
Centrist Evangelical 10.8%
Modernist Evangelical 2.9%

Mainline Protestant 16.0%
Comprised of:

Traditionalist Mainline 4.3%
Centrist Mainline 7.0%
Modernist Mainline 4.7%

Latino Protestants 2.8%
Black Protestants 9.6%

Catholic 17.5%
Traditionalist Catholic 4.4%
Centrist Catholic 8.1%
Modernist Catholic 5.0%

Latino Catholic 4.5%
Other Christian 2.7%
Other Faiths 2.7%
Jewish 1.9%
Unaffiliated 16,0%
Unaffiliated Believers 5.3%
Secular 7.5%
Atheist, Agnostic 3.2%

*Source: Fourth National Survey of Religion and Politics, Bliss Institute University
of Akron, March-May 2004

Given this information.. It is clear that Traditionalist Evangelicals are not the majority. No matter how you slice it. To say that Traditionalist Evangelicals speak for all Christianity or all Protestant Christianity.. probably makes you feel secure... It is a false security though.

The power is not in the numbers. The power is in the fund raising and ability to throw money around. The power is in the media machine.
The power is in the placement of people in places of power, and using that influence. Or actively pursuing a theistic governing body. In the corporate world? You would be a monopoly. In the gang world? You would be a Mafia.

Hey.. We can't blame you...
It would be out of character for the Christian Coalition to say and do the same thing...

Hypocrisy and doublespeak are how you get things done!

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:33 AM

???????why would we surrender when we are winning????

That being my point!

Along with - the Iraq leadership **really** wants us there!

madisonman's photo
Fri 04/25/08 07:06 PM

???????why would we surrender when we are winning????
what in the heck did we win? funny how we are all much worse off than we were 8 short years ago, if this is winning we cant take another victory

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/25/08 07:21 PM
I still wish I knew how the evil Bush and his minions could do all of this while the democrats (who are the majority in congress by 3) sat around and did nothing but pick their noses

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/25/08 07:24 PM

I still wish I knew how the evil Bush and his minions could do all of this while the democrats (who are the majority in congress by 3) sat around and did nothing but pick their noses

I told you how once.....flowerforyou

madisonman's photo
Fri 04/25/08 07:25 PM
well the dems did not start it that is certain they are doing little to stop it as well but I dont think they wish to be labled as not supporting the troops blah blah. who can be proud of pelosi anyhow ? Iam not but again she didnt sell the lies she just believed them

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/25/08 07:30 PM
Damn Democratsgrumble grumble

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/25/08 07:47 PM
well...seems to me that Bush and his minions really didn't have absolute authority. maybe the democrats need to vote in people that will grow a spine or stop being lazy

fanta...i think i won that debate if you remember lol

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/25/08 08:00 PM

well...seems to me that Bush and his minions really didn't have absolute authority. maybe the democrats need to vote in people that will grow a spine or stop being lazy

fanta...i think i won that debate if you remember lol

noway noway laugh

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