Topic: Depression support - part 3
RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 09/19/08 10:30 PM
Happy birthday, Karen. I know what you mean about cave. The half day turned into a full day. I guess we lost the other male aide. I found out that many didn't like him for many different individual reasons. I didn't know one person could piss off so many different people in so many different ways.laugh I was really impressed.:smile: I guess he just didn't fit in. It happens I guess. I hope you had a great day. I got paid and glad I worked the extra hours last week.:smile:

AngieH79's photo
Sat 09/20/08 01:52 PM

I still haven't heard what will be become of the ranger, it is apparently still being discussed in Olympia, but in the mean time, my boss and his my boss' boss have both been re-assigned in the company happy We got to meet the new VP earlier this week and he will be hiring a new director ASAP. The new guy seems to have a really good head on his shoulders and he actually has a background in pools. So my job should become more manageable which will give the ranger less to yell about. My new assistant manager is working out wonderfully too.

I also have a counselling appointment next week so I can get some help wrapping my head arround everything.

Question for the ladies:

Do you find things harder to deal with during different times of the month? I'm wondering if I should ask my doctor about PPMD.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 09/21/08 09:56 AM
I suffered from PMDD for many years. The pill Yaz has been a life saver for me. The physical, emotional, and acne symptoms are gone.

creationsfire's photo
Mon 09/22/08 12:38 PM
ty ty.......

Amberdee29045's photo
Tue 09/23/08 11:34 AM

i'll be back on a regular basis soon y'all........i got a call last week saying that i was FINALLY approved for my disability.....woo!!!! i cried for nearly a half hour i was so happy!!!!!!!! other than that, doing ok......have an appointment with my therapist tomorrow....

finally i can get a place of my own......(without having to live with someone else!!!)

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 09/23/08 11:44 AM


i'll be back on a regular basis soon y'all........i got a call last week saying that i was FINALLY approved for my disability.....woo!!!! i cried for nearly a half hour i was so happy!!!!!!!! other than that, doing ok......have an appointment with my therapist tomorrow....

finally i can get a place of my own......(without having to live with someone else!!!)

Free at last. I am so happy for you, Amber. Great news.:smile:

creationsfire's photo
Tue 09/23/08 04:47 PM

AngieH79's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:54 PM
CONGRATS AMBER!!:thumbsup:

Marie55's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:19 AM
I met the guy on Saturday, turns out he was a major jerk, and a liar. He was a "moderate" beer drinker, had lied about this all along, didn't admit to it until after I was back home and we had talked about drinking the whole time we talked, he knew my history with my ex being violent and alcoholic. He must have been downing them pretty good while we were on the phone as he started to get a little mouthy too. He definitely let his "true" self show. What a waste of time. Wish I could find the "off switch" for the "jerk magnet" sign that is bright neon and flashing on my forehead. I sure do attract them. All the time he kept talking about how he was honest and wanted honesty and was not controlling. Even started telling me how he was going to control MY money, etc. I DON'T THINK SO!!!! Sorry for the rant, but damn, think I would learn one of these days.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:48 AM
Do you think he was just telling you what he thought you wanted to hear, Marie? Why bother, huh? I am beginning to see that as shallow and dishonest. I would rather you hate me for who I am than to like me for who I am not. Kind of cuts through all the bull****, huh?:smile: Lets just not like each other from the beginning and get it over with. Why waste each others' time? What you said makes me think of that song, "You are the magnet and I am the steal." I think some people have steal emotions.

I just put the back on the window shelf that I had made before. I found this interlocking flooring material from Fred's and it fit really well except for this inch gap at the top. I passed my TB test that we have to take yearly. I was worried. I got in touch with the tow place and they are going tow my van over to the garage. I worked out a deal with the mechanic and he is going to check it out real thoroughly. Said it will take some time since he has another job. I told him I wasn't in an early but afraid to drive it with it being unsafe to steer. It is a nice day out today. I am hoping I can get more overtime so I can pay off the repairs for the van.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:48 PM
Looks like I am going to have to make a move, too, Amber. Mom got an offer on the land and house I live in. Mom told me that she was sorry but she had to think of herself. I told her that I didn't blame her and was glad she got the offer on the property. I noticed a trailer for rent just across the street from where I live. I hate moving.

Marie55's photo
Wed 09/24/08 10:43 PM
Sorry to hear you are going to have to move Roy, that sucks. I hate moving myself. You have put a lot of work into the house too.

Yeah, the guy was a liar, just wish he could have been honest up front. Think I need someone to hit me in the head with a 2x4 to wake me up so I don't keep putting up with these players. Geezzz, some people never learn. I am too old for this garbage anymore.

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:44 PM
Well, Mom told me not to be in too big of a hurry. She told me look around and not to get something too expensive that I couldn't afford. She was upset with the tall grass in the yard and I told her that my lawnmower was broken. Then she said you have that weed eater. Later she called and said I could use her lawnmower. Then she said she had the riding mower but I couldn't haul that with my car. Then I said well my younger brother has his truck and trailer and he is good with the mower and that I would pay him. My younger brother is going to kill me.laugh One thing I learned about horse trading with my mom is that you can't con a con especially if they have had more experience with it than you. At one time I guess only men were good horse traders around here but there was woman's lib.laugh Besides that mom keep a lawyer on retainer. It doesn't even make good horse sense to argue with mom. It is like I lost before I even begun.laugh Made a new male friend at work. We are doing some wheeling and dealing. He has this big truck and offered to help me move. He needs a ride to work now that he knows where I am moving to with is close to him. All hell broke loose just before I left to go punch the time clock. One of the CNA females and the nurse was getting into it. The CNA is wanting to meet with the nurse when they are both off duty. Oh, man I couldn't wait to get out of there. I am glad I have trying to just keep to myself and not get caught up in the drama. That CNA got banned from our floor now. I am afraid it is going to get worse before it gets better. It is like the hand writing is on the wall. I hope everyone is having a good night.:smile:

creationsfire's photo
Fri 09/26/08 07:33 PM
Awwwwwwwwww, (((marie))), I am so sorry these guys are such jerks but you have to stop beating yourself up. I have no idea what goes through a guys brain anymore and I have sworn off them for God knows how long.

I refuse to deal with them in that way anymore. I always either get taken advantage of or kicked to the curb when they are through playing.

Like they just up and say Im tired of you. Im taking my ball and go home.


I have taken to wearing a small gold wedding band on my ring finger to ward off any unwanted behavior from the opposite sex. I have changed my profile and am just trying to get back into life again.

Very hard to do after what happened and what might still happen. Being manic has its perks and at first when i got like this this time, I thought kewl!

Now Im not so happy. Just hyper, cant sleep, spending money wrong, nightmares when i do sleep, anger issues and rude rude rude. This is not me. So I asked the Dr for something. Anything to help with this crap.

I hate thinking about being a zombie again, but i cant go around hurting others like ive been. She is going to start me on something called a alpha 2 something or other. Used for people with anger issues and high bloodpressure.

I am on beta blockers right now but i seem to have grown tolerant. More crap about school and book grants. Meds not going through my insurance and more crap on top of that.

I sure know how to fukc up my life when Im manic. And Im pretty responsible when im depressed but seems i always give up one for the other.

Be up and awake to my world and fukc up my life, or be depressed and suicidal and have a stable household for the most part. It doesnt make any sense to me..........nothing seems to anymore.

Marie55's photo
Fri 09/26/08 07:38 PM
Sounds like your mom can hold her own Roy. No reason your younger brother can't help with the yard, especially if you are offering to pay him. With your work schedule, seems to me he could help. I know I get burned out taking care of my dad, baby brother comes over maybe once every 6-8 weeks and takes him to breakfast to keep his "sainthood" in effect, but I am the one here every day, running his errands, going to the meetings at the nursing home, getting the calls from the home if he is acting out, buying his breakfast on Saturday and Sunday and fish & chips every Friday night. He has even been coming to my work for lunches every day during the week.frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

Your job sounds about like mine. Gotta stay under the radar like me (or at least I am trying) but I have an ex-manager trying to make my life hell. There are days, aren't there?? grumble :angry: explode explode

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Fri 09/26/08 07:42 PM
Karen - I wish things were going better for you. Dang, wish I could help. Hope the alpha drug helps, I know lots of people are on them. I know how much lack of sleep messes with your body too, so hope it all gets straightened out so you can sleep and get some rest and clear your mind some so you can think more clearly. Maybe the new drug will help with that, I sure hope so. I still think you are an amazing woman with all you deal with in your life. Hang in there and never let the jerks win, okay??? flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 09/26/08 09:44 PM
So true about the days, Marie. Tonight the aides were cutting up with the manic depressive nurse. She is fun to work with. The same aide who was wanting to get into a fist fight with the nurse last night was joking around with the one we had tonight. The difference is the nurse we had tonight was an aide for years before she became a LPN and the one last night came right out of college and is studying for her RN. With this one if we need help it okay to ask for it and we work as a team. With the other one it is sections and the Esprit De Corps really sucks because everyone is watching their back so they don't get a knife stuck in it. It is different I have found when you work with a nurse and when you work for a nurse. We had a good night, tonight.:smile:

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:29 PM
I had to hold my own tonight, Marie. I am glad the older nurse was there who was coming off shift. My coworker is trying to draw into the middle of a disagreement she has with a nurse coming on duty we have. The coworker called me a chicken. Okay, maybe I am a chicken but according to science so was Tyrannosaurus Rex.laugh

Marie55's photo
Tue 09/30/08 09:50 PM
Glad you held your ground Roy. Sometimes is smart to be the chicken and not get sucked into their fights. Just amazing what some people will do to try to get you in the middle of a fight.

I am dealing with my issue with my ex-manager at work, going through proper channels, through my supervisor, above board all the way. She is just nasty. She is treating me so badly that some of my coworkers at mad at her and getting upset for me. I told them it was okay, I was dealing with it, that they should stay out of it, don't need them getting in trouble because of the ex-manager having it out for me. Guess the wrongdoing is not all in my head, not if coworkers are ticked off over it. She is off this week, so will see what happens next week.

Have a good night.

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 09/30/08 10:05 PM
That is the way I felt, Marie. I didn't want to get into the middle of their fight. The older nurse didn't want to get drawn into it either. I try to get along with everybody but sometimes that is not always possible. I have to work there and sometimes I need overtime to help me make it through with the bills. I see you are caught in the crossfire, too and can see where I am coming from. I hope you have a good night, too.:smile: