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Topic: I officially HATE cops
Jim519's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:14 AM
Edited by Jim519 on Mon 04/07/08 11:15 AM

:angry: :angry: WELL, Gee, I guess I should wait til you have children, so then I can write about HOW I hate THEM!
My SON'S a COP!grumble grumble

Hates Sooooo Easy to do, try THIS WORD, "LOVE", its harder to
SEE,FEEL,And to BELIEVE. But let a COP save YOUR life and you
will THEN find yourself THINKING,,,,you love him, his ACTIONS.

I don't really hate cops. And I specified that I hated PROVIDENCE cops. Because we seemed to be on a roll with having jerks talk to us all night.

My cousins a cop. I don't hate him.

Then maybe you should think before you type!

THe OP says! "I HATE COPS"

Maybe you should have said..."Wow, I just had a really bad experience because my friends car was stolen which she left her phone and important papers in and I had to run down to the station with her to help her becasue of all this and it was an inconvience because of that"

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:14 AM
i think we hit the cop worshipers section of the forums O_o

elsathebloody's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:15 AM
How do you delete topics? Can you?

Because everyone is being mean.
My friend's car was STOLEN.
I was appalled at how rudely the cop treated me. He could have explained himself, he could have said he needed my friend to speak with him instead of hanging up on me.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:15 AM

i think we hit the cop worshipers section of the forums O_o

there are good and bad in EVERY profession.

Winx's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:15 AM

This makes no sense, sorry but it doesnt...

1: It's not the Police Departments responsibility to get you to the Station..They are not a Taxi

2:..They are right..you cant and shouldnt call, only the owner of the vehicle

Sounds like it was illegally parked

THis sounds routine...No need to HATE all Cops...You may need one one day

I'm not saying they should bring us to the station, but they didn't let us make a report even over the phone.

And they were RUDE to us. My friends phones were stolen, what were they supposed to do? they didn't have to be rude. We were in a panic and they didn't help at all.

And it wasn't illegally parked. It was STOLEN. There was glass shattered all over the place and it was towed from somewhere else, not from where they originally parked.

Why do they have to come to you? Either way the car is not there? It shouldnt be done over the phone anyway...

Your friends shouldnt have left their phones in the car, Panic over what? No one was holding you at gunpoint! Evaluate the scene of panic here...

A lot of people dont realize that the Cops ARE doing other jobs at that moment to protect society! What is more important? THe fact that you just need to go down and file a report? Or some crack addict that is holding is child and the mother of the child hostage by a knife ot their throat!

Get over it!

When my car was stolen, the report was filed on the phone.

A week later the police called me to tell me that they found the car and they were towing it to the city junkyard for cars.

Everything was taken care of over the phone.

Jill298's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:16 AM

Sorry, but have to go with the Police Dept. The way
it sounds, it was illegally parked and did what they
had to do. Tow it. Next time make sure you and your
friends park in a legal spot next time or arrive early
enough to get one.sad

IT WASN'T ILLEGALLY PARKED. It was STOLEN. Whoever STOLE it illegally parked it.
u didn't make it very clear that it was stolen THEN illegally parked...

franshade's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:16 AM

How do you delete topics? Can you?

Because everyone is being mean.
My friend's car was STOLEN.
I was appalled at how rudely the cop treated me. He could have explained himself, he could have said he needed my friend to speak with him instead of hanging up on me.

True Elsa, that sounds terribly rude, but just brush it off, not all cops are the same JMO :smile:

elsathebloody's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:16 AM

At least Providence cops.

My friend's car was stolen this weekend. They went to a club right after the second Funny Girl performance and they took two cars. One of my friends cars was stolen and the other was broken into (probably not stolen because they don't know how to drive a standard.

They took all of my friends important papers like social security card, birth certificate, all of their phones, debit cards etc.

They found my friends car somewhere and towed it. God knows what kind of condition it's in right now. ><

That night, me and my boyfriend when to go get them. The police were jerks to us. My friends called them once before I got there to pick them up and they said they had to go to the police station. Except how could they get there if their CAR was STOLEN?! And when I got there I called the police again. They got angry at me for calling for my friend and said that my friend was the one who was supposed to call and he HUNG UP ON ME! So my friend called a THIRD time. They finally listened, we filed a report and me and my boyfriend drove them to the station.

At the station they told us that it wasn't reported stolen, it was just towed, when we reported it stolen TEN MINUTES earlier and tried to report it for half an hour.

They were rude and spoke to us as if it was our fault. It was a horrible experience. I was furious and still am.

Hopefully my friend reports how horribly we were treated to some lieutenant cop or something.

Question: Why would anyone care all that important stuff in their car in the first place, that's what really doesn't make sense. I think they sort of set themselves up for the loss.

Even if they didn't have important stuff in the car.


Should she not carry her CAR with her either? THAT's important. But it was still stolen

That's ALL I am saying.

Elsa you say the car was stolen and not towed away? There would have been a police report if it was stolen (logical) jmo

Oh my God.

It was stolen.

Then abandoned.

Then towed.

All the while we tried to report it to the police and they wouldn't let us.

Jim519's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:16 AM

i think we hit the cop worshipers section of the forums O_o


Seriosuly bro....Try "respect"

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:17 AM

i think we hit the cop worshipers section of the forums O_o

there are good and bad in EVERY profession.

But i think in this side of the forums cops can do no wrong. Its almost scary O_o

Jill298's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:17 AM

i think we hit the cop worshipers section of the forums O_o


Seriosuly bro....Try "respect"

Jill298's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:18 AM

i think we hit the cop worshipers section of the forums O_o

there are good and bad in EVERY profession.

But i think in this side of the forums cops can do no wrong. Its almost scary O_o
thats not true... EVERYONE can do wrong, no one is saying cops are perfect.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:18 AM
ok...I come from a long line of cops. I have many friends on the force. i know many in the Iron Pigs and Law Dogs (bikers).

there are good and bad everywhere. the desk cop doesn't need to be rude....and from working at the police station...alot of times...it's not a cop actually answering the phones. i know many cops with the God complex and many that do their jobs without the complex.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:18 AM
Well in the first place whenever you make a report over the phone you should always ask for a case number and ID of the person you filed it with. That way you have proof that it was filed.

Second I will never understand why anyone would leave that type of info in a vehicle.

Second of all no one can make a report for a third person.

Also I'm sure that tempers were flared up and I can almost bet that ya'll were not totally nice to them either within the calls.

They are human too and can only go on the info in hand.

As far as the vehicle being towed from another spot that is what they are suppose to have done with any vehicle they find that has been broke into and no one around.

I'm not saying that they were right for we all make mistakes at times and things could have maybe been handled different. But then sure they have there side of the story too.

Lily0923's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:19 AM
Well I am glad that your friend found his car....

But let's look at it this way.

How many burglaries, rapes, robberies, drunken a-holes did they have to take in that night.

So they were treated rudly, because all the facts of the matter were not known..

How about this, if (Goddess forbid) anything violent happens to you... Remember this when you call for help...YOU HATE COPS...

So call someone else huh?

elsathebloody's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:19 AM

i think we hit the cop worshipers section of the forums O_o

there are good and bad in EVERY profession.

But i think in this side of the forums cops can do no wrong. Its almost scary O_o

Yeah. Everyone thinks cops are perfect.

They're definitely NOT.

Not all cops are bad. But not all are good.

franshade's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:19 AM

At least Providence cops.

My friend's car was stolen this weekend. They went to a club right after the second Funny Girl performance and they took two cars. One of my friends cars was stolen and the other was broken into (probably not stolen because they don't know how to drive a standard.

They took all of my friends important papers like social security card, birth certificate, all of their phones, debit cards etc.

They found my friends car somewhere and towed it. God knows what kind of condition it's in right now. ><

That night, me and my boyfriend when to go get them. The police were jerks to us. My friends called them once before I got there to pick them up and they said they had to go to the police station. Except how could they get there if their CAR was STOLEN?! And when I got there I called the police again. They got angry at me for calling for my friend and said that my friend was the one who was supposed to call and he HUNG UP ON ME! So my friend called a THIRD time. They finally listened, we filed a report and me and my boyfriend drove them to the station.

At the station they told us that it wasn't reported stolen, it was just towed, when we reported it stolen TEN MINUTES earlier and tried to report it for half an hour.

They were rude and spoke to us as if it was our fault. It was a horrible experience. I was furious and still am.

Hopefully my friend reports how horribly we were treated to some lieutenant cop or something.

Question: Why would anyone care all that important stuff in their car in the first place, that's what really doesn't make sense. I think they sort of set themselves up for the loss.

Even if they didn't have important stuff in the car.


Should she not carry her CAR with her either? THAT's important. But it was still stolen

That's ALL I am saying.

Elsa you say the car was stolen and not towed away? There would have been a police report if it was stolen (logical) jmo

Oh my God.

It was stolen.

Then abandoned.

Then towed.

All the while we tried to report it to the police and they wouldn't let us.

Understand now, guess read and others opinions had more of an impact (sorry) but as you are not the owner/registered driver of the vehicle I doubt they would take any info. For example, I call Providence police w/ur vehicle info and report it stolen - can't follow


Twitch's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:19 AM

How do you delete topics? Can you?

Because everyone is being mean.
My friend's car was STOLEN.
I was appalled at how rudely the cop treated me. He could have explained himself, he could have said he needed my friend to speak with him instead of hanging up on me.

Sweetie I don't think anyone's being mean intentionally; they are sharing their experience first hand on what it's like being a relative or significant other of a cop. They deal with murders, rape, child abuse. I don't mean this the way it sounds but Car theft or towed is low on the priority list for them.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:20 AM

i think we hit the cop worshipers section of the forums O_o

there are good and bad in EVERY profession.

But i think in this side of the forums cops can do no wrong. Its almost scary O_o

have you not read ANY of my posts...i don't think ANYONE has said that

Jill298's photo
Mon 04/07/08 11:21 AM
cops usually react to how you are treating them... when you talked to them, how was your attitude?

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