Topic: I officially HATE cops | |
well said txsgal
you aren't going to make me sto frisking people that come in here though, are ya? ![]() |
well said txsgal you aren't going to make me sto frisking people that come in here though, are ya? ![]() Shshhsh now heck I might help you that could be fun heheheh ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
well said txsgal you aren't going to make me sto frisking people that come in here though, are ya? ![]() Shshhsh now heck I might help you that could be fun heheheh ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hope you brought the hand cuffs....mine are being used lol |
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well said txsgal you aren't going to make me sto frisking people that come in here though, are ya? ![]() Shshhsh now heck I might help you that could be fun heheheh ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hope you brought the hand cuffs....mine are being used lol Handcuffs girl I'm from Texas have ROPE WILL TRAVEL hehe ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
well said txsgal you aren't going to make me sto frisking people that come in here though, are ya? ![]() Shshhsh now heck I might help you that could be fun heheheh ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hope you brought the hand cuffs....mine are being used lol Handcuffs girl I'm from Texas have ROPE WILL TRAVEL hehe ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i'm from texas too silly...but this is a cop thread....HELLO MCFLY ![]() |
Sshshshs and your point what do the cops use when they run out of cuffs but ties lmao check out there trunks lmao
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Mon 04/07/08 01:58 PM
When I was very young, I was on a date with cop. He handcuffed me to a park bench. I was so skinny that I got out of them.
I did say it happened when I was very young. ![]() |
My my okay we know she was very upset and truthfully the way the person on the other line did not handle things professionally. So sure we can all understand how she felt. Yes not all Police Officers handle things this way. One we really don't know if it was an Officer or a Civilian handling the call. Myself I have the highest respect for Police Men & Women as well as Firemen. Don't you all think that this one has been hammered into the ground just a bit much? Regardless in what Profession there will be good ones and bad ones. We all get upset at times and need to vent. But.... sometimes we have to overlook the way things get worded. Yes I will admit it could have been worded totally different and we would have all taken it different. But.. it was not and we took it the way we wanted to. Now sit back take a deep breath we have all said our opinion no reason in bashing our opinions into the ground. Let this one cool off a bit I assure you she did not mean it the way most of us might have taken it. ![]() ![]() Sigh.......... ![]() |
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Fri 04/11/08 06:24 AM
Okay, this is Elsas boyfriend responding here. I didn't bother to read past page 3 or 4 because nobody seems to get what happened.
Everybody was saying that they shouldn't have been parked illegally, etc. and at the very least that seems to have been cleared up. But now people are placing blame on the VICTIMS for leaving things in THEIR CAR? It's a sad world where people blame the VICTIMS OF A CRIME FOR LEAVING THEIR OWN BELONGINGS IN A LOCKED CAR. "I guess she learned a valuable lesson about leaving important information in her car." Was the gist of what somebody said... Are you ****ing serious? I hope somebody breaks into your house and steals all your sentimentally and monetarily valuable things, so we can say "I guess you learned a lesson about leaving important things in your house. Keep them in a safe at the bank." And then we can reiterate when the bank gets robbed. Seriously, most of you people disgust me. As for them being a taxi to the police station. That's fine, maybe they can't have anybody come pick them up, but at least show up to the scene to FILE A REPORT? No, they said they were too busy. However, on the 15 MINUTE DRIVE (How long of a walk would that be?) we saw TWO cops on the side of the road. Doing what? Sitting there. Absolutely nothing. But hey, they couldn't come to the scene of A CRIME and file a report. Then when they get to the station, they talk about how it was reported towed (AFTER IT GOT STOLEN AND ILLEGALLY PARKED BY THE CRIMINALS), and how if it was stolen there should have been a report filed at the scene... The scene that the cops wouldn't come to so they could FILE a report. Everybody's jumping down Elsa's throat, and you're all misconstruing everything. The victims are at fault for leaving their items in a locked vehicle. You've got to be ****ing kidding me. Edit: And to all of you taking a **** about the thread title saying "My sons a cop blah blah". READ THE FIRST SENTENCE SHE WROTE IN THE TOPIC. "At least Providence cops." Quit crying and read. |
But now people are placing blame on the VICTIMS for leaving things in THEIR CAR? It's a sad world where people blame the VICTIMS OF A CRIME FOR LEAVING THEIR OWN BELONGINGS IN A LOCKED CAR. YES. sort of... My friend had his Landrover window busted out in downtown Cleveland on night after a Cav's game, my car was parked DIRECTLY next to his... He left his GPS system in the window. Mine was in my glove box. My car was fine... His got broken into. Should anyone steal...HELL NO. But you leave valuables out in your car... and look what happens. HE WILL TELL YOU THE SAME THING... kinda like a DUH moment for him. I am sorry that whomever got their car stolen. I had a car stolen too once.....lBECAUSE I LEFT MY WINDOW DOWN ALL NIGHT IN AKRON. That was my DUH moment. Maybe she was upset when she told the story, so it came across in the wrong way. And for everyone who says there are good cops and bad cops....EVEN THE BAD ONES ARE PUTTING THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE FOR YOU..... Think about that one huh? |
They were rude and spoke to us as if it was our fault. It was a horrible experience. I was furious and still am.
Unfortunately a lot of police officers do seem to cop an attitude (no pun intended). Like you say, they often treat victim like as if they are the criminals. The other thing they do is never apologize when the append the wrong person! Twice I was arrested for crimes I had absolutely nothing to do with whatsoever. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. In both cases the cops finally realized they had the wrong man, but instead of apologizing they acted like I was still the guilty party and I was lucky to be set free. WTF??? Once they view you as a criminal I guess they can’t see past that initial impression. Hells bells, when they arrest the wrong person the least they can do is be apologetic about it after they discover THEIR mistake! We certainly need police. But some of them could learn a little better manners when it comes to dealing with victims and wrongly accused people. Wrong place wront time? Shouldnt be in the wrong place as I see it Apologetic for what? They dont know you, either way...You should feel lucky to be set free. If you were not in the wrong?...Take it and simply leave without expecting an apology.... Okay, I just finished reading the rest of this thread, and on page seven Jim, you said this. "You should feel lucky to be set free." My hands are literally shaking with anger. You've got be kidding me? He/She was arrest for a crime they DIDN'T COMMIT and should "feel lucky to be set free"? You're either a troll or an astronomical moron. That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. "Lucky to be set free" for a crime they didn't commit. Garbage. |
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Fri 04/11/08 06:35 AM
YES. sort of... My friend had his Landrover window busted out in downtown Cleveland on night after a Cav's game, my car was parked DIRECTLY next to his... He left his GPS system in the window. Mine was in my glove box. My car was fine... His got broken into. Should anyone steal...HELL NO. But you leave valuables out in your car... and look what happens. HE WILL TELL YOU THE SAME THING... kinda like a DUH moment for him. I am sorry that whomever got their car stolen. I had a car stolen too once.....lBECAUSE I LEFT MY WINDOW DOWN ALL NIGHT IN AKRON. That was my DUH moment. Maybe she was upset when she told the story, so it came across in the wrong way. And for everyone who says there are good cops and bad cops....EVEN THE BAD ONES ARE PUTTING THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE FOR YOU..... Think about that one huh? Completely different situation. They TARGETED your friends car because they SAW the valuable. They also TARGETED YOUR CAR because you left your window down. These were random acts, where all valuables were out of sight. Both you and your friends thefts were due to advertising. Edit: Also, for your comment about "even the bad ones are putting their lives on the line". That's fine and dandy, but you chose the profession, so don't act like a ****. |
But I have a question -- why would anyone leave their social security card, birth certificate, phone and debit card in their car? I was thinking same thing.... |
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Fri 04/11/08 06:42 AM
But I have a question -- why would anyone leave their social security card, birth certificate, phone and debit card in their car? I was thinking same thing.... Because they keep their SS card, and debit card in their wallet. Their birth certificate was probably in a folder somewhere because they had used it at one point and just forgotten to take it out, and as for the phone, who doesn't leave theirs in their car? As for as why the wallet and phone were in the car and not taken with them, because they were going to a club, and they didn't want their (irony here) stuff stolen or dropped in the club. Edit: Also, once again people are trying to make it seem like the victims are at fault or "should know better". If you want to play it like that, then the next time a female gets raped while drunk we should all just say "She should know better to not be around people she can't trust, especially drunk". Doesn't make much sense either, does it? |
YES. sort of... My friend had his Landrover window busted out in downtown Cleveland on night after a Cav's game, my car was parked DIRECTLY next to his... He left his GPS system in the window. Mine was in my glove box. My car was fine... His got broken into. Should anyone steal...HELL NO. But you leave valuables out in your car... and look what happens. HE WILL TELL YOU THE SAME THING... kinda like a DUH moment for him. I am sorry that whomever got their car stolen. I had a car stolen too once.....lBECAUSE I LEFT MY WINDOW DOWN ALL NIGHT IN AKRON. That was my DUH moment. Maybe she was upset when she told the story, so it came across in the wrong way. And for everyone who says there are good cops and bad cops....EVEN THE BAD ONES ARE PUTTING THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE FOR YOU..... Think about that one huh? Completely different situation. They TARGETED your friends car because they SAW the valuable. They also TARGETED YOUR CAR because you left your window down. These were random acts, where all valuables were out of sight. Both you and your friends thefts were due to advertising. Edit: Also, for your comment about "even the bad ones are putting their lives on the line". That's fine and dandy, but you chose the profession, so don't act like a ****. I fully agree with you, both of those times we were at some sort of fault. My brother is a cop and his quote is "If you are a fireman and someones house burns to the ground, the people say thank you sir, you did everything you could. As a cop you are to blame for not catching the bad guy." I understand the upset and inconvienience of getting a car stolen.... To that I am truly sorry for you. However, cops are not the justice system, they are the enforcers of the law. Not a judge or jury. It is a shame that the car was stolen, but the anger was misplaced.... be angry at the theif for putting them in the situation, not the cops for enforcing the laws. Until you are a cop or know one...don't judge. They have a hard job. Until they know for certain the facts of the matter, all they have to go on is what is presented to them...and I am willing to bet a ton of money, if the person went in there with an attitude... that is why they got the hassel... |
worked with them and have known many, most cops are arrogant sucks
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YES. sort of... My friend had his Landrover window busted out in downtown Cleveland on night after a Cav's game, my car was parked DIRECTLY next to his... He left his GPS system in the window. Mine was in my glove box. My car was fine... His got broken into. Should anyone steal...HELL NO. But you leave valuables out in your car... and look what happens. HE WILL TELL YOU THE SAME THING... kinda like a DUH moment for him. I am sorry that whomever got their car stolen. I had a car stolen too once.....lBECAUSE I LEFT MY WINDOW DOWN ALL NIGHT IN AKRON. That was my DUH moment. Maybe she was upset when she told the story, so it came across in the wrong way. And for everyone who says there are good cops and bad cops....EVEN THE BAD ONES ARE PUTTING THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE FOR YOU..... Think about that one huh? Completely different situation. They TARGETED your friends car because they SAW the valuable. They also TARGETED YOUR CAR because you left your window down. These were random acts, where all valuables were out of sight. Both you and your friends thefts were due to advertising. Edit: Also, for your comment about "even the bad ones are putting their lives on the line". That's fine and dandy, but you chose the profession, so don't act like a ****. I fully agree with you, both of those times we were at some sort of fault. My brother is a cop and his quote is "If you are a fireman and someones house burns to the ground, the people say thank you sir, you did everything you could. As a cop you are to blame for not catching the bad guy." I understand the upset and inconvienience of getting a car stolen.... To that I am truly sorry for you. However, cops are not the justice system, they are the enforcers of the law. Not a judge or jury. It is a shame that the car was stolen, but the anger was misplaced.... be angry at the theif for putting them in the situation, not the cops for enforcing the laws. Until you are a cop or know one...don't judge. They have a hard job. Until they know for certain the facts of the matter, all they have to go on is what is presented to them...and I am willing to bet a ton of money, if the person went in there with an attitude... that is why they got the hassel... Yes, it is a shame that the car was stolen, and she wasn't mad at the cops because of that. She was mad at the cops because the way the dispatcher treated her friends. 2 of them had cars broken into, and until we arrived, they were the only 2 that had called. So everybody saying "well 15 people called blah blah" make sure you open your eyes and read. The reason she called the third time is because there was nothing being done, and when the dispatcher told her to put the victim on the phone, she went to hand it to him and the dispatcher hung up. That's why she's angry with the police. It was the way they handled the situation. |
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Fri 04/11/08 06:58 AM
COPS. they used to be PEACE officers.... now they are LAW ENFORCEMENT officers. They arnt there to help anymore as much as to look for dirt. In thier defense, i can say that they do deal with scum all day, and sooner or later they can start to think that we are all "up to something".
In my opinion, based on personal observation, the people who like cops and think of them as honerable are usually the same ones who have never dealt with them. |