Topic: I officially HATE cops | |
Edited by
Fri 04/11/08 08:07 AM
"Yes, and you are proving yours right now."
By showing that most responses to a vent post were both useless, and rude? I've only stated and argued facts with you in this topic. You've only proven the validity of my points by ignoring them and throwing around insults and personal attacks. |
Well if your serious about it you can talk to the IA, or sprout up a civil case.
Personally I'm not very involved in this situation. I only came in here because people starting misconstruing everything and attacking her.
Judgement of a service person is a way things are changed regardless of life experience. The actions or lack of, are accountable by the people hired to up hold the law they have guidelines for said situation.remember when calling to take a deep breath have the situation written down so your prepared when trying to convey the situation these things may help you and the officers process and take action. r next
"Yes, and you are proving yours right now." By showing that most responses to a vent post were both useless, and rude? I've only stated and argued facts with you in this topic. You've only proven the validity of my points by ignoring them and throwing around insults and personal attacks. Show me where I have insulted or personally attacked anyone on this thread? I have stated my opinion only...If you view that as a personal attack it is no wonder you think the cops did their job "wrong" and got treated like you did.... If you think you are a great debater... I suggest you read a few books on the subject.... |
Well generally there is nothing that can be done about the issue, cops have different protocols for different areas. Usually if a cop has enough complaints from civilians the IA (Internal Affairs) will start an investigation into the officer's actions. However they also make it quite apparent they are investigating said officer, so usually it is better to go with a civil case but even with a civil case one would need a lot of evidence for the case to see court...that and most cops will just say something along the lines of "it was my professional opinion that *insert reason here*". An uphill battle, just talk to the commanding officer/deputy/sheriff/commissioner. Always take the argument to the next level not to the court.
As with most situations we are only hearing one side of the story. The perception of the OP is her reality and regardless of anyone's opinions she is entitled to her feelings.
My advice is to contact the public relations officer and find out where the situation broke down; were there unrealistic expectation? With this information the situation can possibly be turned from a perceived bad experience to a learning opportunity. |
Edited by
Fri 04/11/08 08:20 AM
"Yes, and you are proving yours right now." By showing that most responses to a vent post were both useless, and rude? I've only stated and argued facts with you in this topic. You've only proven the validity of my points by ignoring them and throwing around insults and personal attacks. Show me where I have insulted or personally attacked anyone on this thread? I have stated my opinion only...If you view that as a personal attack it is no wonder you think the cops did their job "wrong" and got treated like you did.... "And a 20 year old girl has the life experience to deem that they were doing their job "wrong"? again, don't call the cops...they don't do their job right..." Personal attack based on age and/or life experience. You don't know me. "Yes, and you are proving yours right now." Another attack. No facts or argument at all. Just a jab. If you think you are a great debater... I suggest you read a few books on the subject....
Also another thing that was taken and twisted. I wasn't even talking to you when I made that statement. I also find it almost humorous (read: ALMOST) that most people in this thread can't conceive that in this ONE case, in this ONE city, this ONE time that the department could have POSSIBLY handled the situation incorrectly. If you truly believe that cops are infallible than you are naive. |
Well generally there is nothing that can be done about the issue, cops have different protocols for different areas. Usually if a cop has enough complaints from civilians the IA (Internal Affairs) will start an investigation into the officer's actions. However they also make it quite apparent they are investigating said officer, so usually it is better to go with a civil case but even with a civil case one would need a lot of evidence for the case to see court...that and most cops will just say something along the lines of "it was my professional opinion that *insert reason here*". An uphill battle, just talk to the commanding officer/deputy/sheriff/commissioner. Always take the argument to the next level not to the court. Official IA report "He was rude to me, my car was found illegally parked, and they acted like I did it" |
"Yes, and you are proving yours right now." By showing that most responses to a vent post were both useless, and rude? I've only stated and argued facts with you in this topic. You've only proven the validity of my points by ignoring them and throwing around insults and personal attacks. Show me where I have insulted or personally attacked anyone on this thread? I have stated my opinion only...If you view that as a personal attack it is no wonder you think the cops did their job "wrong" and got treated like you did.... "And a 20 year old girl has the life experience to deem that they were doing their job "wrong"? again, don't call the cops...they don't do their job right..." Personal attack based on age and/or life experience. You don't know me. "Yes, and you are proving yours right now." Another attack. No facts or argument at all. Just a jab. If you think you are a great debater... I suggest you read a few books on the subject....
Also another thing that was taken and twisted. I wasn't even talking to you when I made that statement. I also find it almost humorous (read: ALMOST) that most people in this thread can't conceive that in this ONE case, in this ONE city, this ONE time that the department could have POSSIBLY handled the situation incorrectly. If you truly believe that cops are infallible than you are naive. If you think those were attacks...well Goddess bless you... This is where you are not listening though.... I never said that it didn't happen or that they were right in what you conceive as being rude...all I am saying is look at the other side of the coin.... I know how a 20 year old girl thinks... I was one for a whole year one time...... |
Official IA report "He was rude to me, my car was found illegally parked, and they acted like I did it" Disregarded the broken window and missing items. And never mind hanging up on somebody during a call. I know how a 20 year old girl thinks... I was one for a whole year one time...... Your patronizing me. If that's not an attack I don't know what is. Treating somebody like a child only makes you look like one. You're trying to downplay my argument based on age because you can't argue with me point vs point. |
Take it from me, it is difficult if not impossible to actually fight the law and win. It can be done but personally given the circumstances, I wouldn't put much into it. Again though if they are serious tell them too talk to the superior officer.
Official IA report "He was rude to me, my car was found illegally parked, and they acted like I did it" Disregarded the broken window and missing items. And never mind hanging up on somebody during a call. I know how a 20 year old girl thinks... I was one for a whole year one time...... Your patronizing me. If that's not an attack I don't know what is. Treating somebody like a child only makes you look like one. You're trying to downplay my argument based on age because you can't argue with me point vs point. You are correct. I cannot argue with you point by point, because you don't have one. I'm done with this, thank you for entertaining me today. |
My point was that she posted here to vent and you all acted like the victims were the criminals. I can't wait until you get mistreated by the cops so we can all tell you to shove it since they are never wrong.
Also, for somebody who bases a lot on age, being only 34 doesn't say much. Good day. |
I saw that there were 12 pages dedicated to this and so I figured that world peace had been solved and decided to read, to be a witness to a historical event. Oh, good grief!
You had a bad experience with a police dept. No one detained you or suspended your civil rights. No one let slip the police dogs of war. I think that you have made a huge issue out of what I'm sure was an annoying situation but nothing more than an annoying one. In the time you've spent here, you could have inked a book to your local officials calmly explaining your situation and asking them to take a look. The issue here isn't that you had a bad experience it was the vitriolic title to your post. No, cops aren't perfect (and no one here has suggested otherwise) but your situation wasn't a life threatening situation and it could be that they had a number of calls that night. But then again, I'm just guessing. Good luck to you but perspective is helpful in situations like this. -Drew |
I agree. Her title may have been a bit passionate. Everybody was attacking her friends for leaving things like a phone in the car pretty much saying they deserved to get their stuff stolen.
All I was doing here is telling them that their logic was immensely flawed, and then I get told about how my age makes my argument invalid. |
I agree. Her title may have been a bit passionate. Everybody was attacking her friends for leaving things like a phone in the car pretty much saying they deserved to get their stuff stolen. All I was doing here is telling them that their logic was immensely flawed, and then I get told about how my age makes my argument invalid. OK, first, I don't know Lily anymore than I know you but that is not what she said. Her point (and I'm sure she'll correct me if I'm wrong here) was that age sometimes makes perspective difficult as in what seems like a huge deal at one age doesn't as we get older. -Drew |
My whole reason for posting in this thread wasn't to attack the police officers at all. It had nothing to do with that.
I posted here because people were basically saying that they deserved to get their **** stolen, for leaving it in the car. Lily included. |
I can see where things get confusing about the car being stolen and then hauled off. But, it is my experience that people just don't leave their phones and important papers such as birth certificate, not to mention social security cards in the car! One knows in this day that we do not carry our ss cards with us anymore. Identity theft is rampant. They just gave them lots of ammo.
I would get my ss number changed soon. Birth certificate....done deal. Too late for that if the towing service did not enventory it. Luck to them. Kat |
Salemite: Sarcasm and smart ass remarks only make you look immature. I may only be 19 and she may only be 20, but everything I've written in this topic shows I debate a lot more intelligently than you.
I see no debating. I see no awe-inspiringly intelligently written material. I do see a great deal of whining over a relatively inconsequential act. Go Go Uber Debater. |