7 Quotes from Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” In a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble in December, 19, 1939, Sanger exposited her vision for the “Negro Project,” a freshly launched collaboration between the American Birth Control League and Sanger’s Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. The letter echoes the eugenic ideologies still visible within the corporate vein of Planned Parenthood today. “I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan.” In 1926, Sanger spoke at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1926 in Silver Lake, New Jersey. Following the invitation, Sanger describes her elation after receiving multiple speaking requests from white supremacy groups. She writes of the experience on page 366 of her book, An Autobiography: I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan … I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses … I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak … In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered. “They are…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ’spawning… human beings who never should have been born.” In “Pivot of Civilization,” Sanger penned her thoughts regarding immigrants, the poor, and the error of philanthropy. Sanger’s ideology of racial and social hygiene bleeds through her writings on breeding an ideal human race: They are…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ’spawning… human beings who never should have been born. Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease…Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks [of people] that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant. “Birth control is nothing more or less than…weeding out the unfit.” Sanger famously coined the term “birth control” with the intention of eliminating the reproduction of human beings who were considered “less fit.” In her writings from “Morality and Birth Control” and “Birth Control and the New Race,” the Planned Parenthood founder noted that the chief aim of the practice of birth control is to produce a “cleaner race.” Sanger’s vision for birth control was to prevent the birth of individuals whom she believed were unfit for mankind: “Human beings who never should have been born at all.” In “The Pivot of Civilization” and “A Plan for Peace,” Sanger describes the eugenic value of eliminating persons – minorities, the sick, and the disabled – through sterilization or segregation “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world.” In an 1957 interview with journalist Mike Wallace, Sanger advocated that the greatest evil is a family that chooses to bring children into the world. Sanger, who advocated for a system requiring every American family to submit a request to the government to have a child, told America Weekly in 1934 that it has “become necessary to establish a system of BIRTH PERMITS” “But for my view, I believe that there should be no more babies.” In a 1947 interview that surfaced via the British Pathe, Sanger described her desire for women in the developed world to cease completely from reproduction. When asked by the reporter whether this would be impractical to ask women who desire children, but would no longer be able to conceive in 10 years, Sanger said, “I should think instead of being impractical, it is really very practical and intelligent and humane.” These are the very words of a racist. The Democrat/Socialist/Fascists wish to continue her vision of eugenics. But they won't defend innocent babies...for love of blood money. . People have to be reminded we have not always lived in a perfect world like we do today. Civilization has evolved over time and continues to change. We have been told that we should only have one sex partner at a time, there is even some laws pertaining to this, however there are still many out there cheating on others, or in relationships where people know this is going on. My point is society has come up with this rule, not nature, many people fallow this rule, but many don't. So if enough people are led to believe a certain race is inferior this too will become part of our civilized thinking. If you would have posted these quotes back in 1940 many would have thought different then they do in 2019. She later said that all women in the developed world should not have children, that would have only caused more of her unwanted people, and fewer of her wanted people. It is against the law to neglect a child, however if the government does step in it is rare that the parent is ever prosecuted even if the child is removed from the home. Many people hate planned parenthood because they are one of the few places where you can get a safe abortions. However there goal is to stop people before they get pregnant and go looking for an abortion, they also control the spread of STDs. Its clear you are not going to keep people from having sex, but if you can teach them to do it responsibly as Planned Parenthoods goal is it will make society better as a whole. |
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Sun 02/24/19 05:56 AM
some posts were pretty long so I am not sure if someone mentioned this or not...but even though China is crowded, they actually decided to limit population years ago by saying families could only have one child. Then, in November 2013, following the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, China announced the decision to relax the one-child policy. Under the new policy, families can have two children if one parent, rather than both parents, was an only child http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/population-by-country/ You are so right Tom we are even more screwed than we think. For the most part it is poor, lazy, uneducated people who are doing the majority of breeding even more poor, lazy, uneducated people while educated people with living wages are actually not even replacing themselves. If you look at China that had a one child per couple law which has now been changed to two child limit they are expected go into a decline in population in the near future that will hurt their economy and government. Mean while the middle east and Africa is having birth rates that are out of control. What is disturbing is Tom may have been right about nature correcting things, but the United States stepped in and interfered. If nothing had been done in Africa with things like AIDS, Ebola, and the lack of food the global population would be much better off. And if USA would have left the middle east alone the war there probably would have taken out more people, or ISIS or Alcida would have taken over and then we could have went in and wiped them off the map. India also has a population growth that is out of control, while you may say India has smart people think of how many times your call has been forwarded to a call center in India where someone pretends to have an American name, yet you can't understand them, and they can't solve the problem you are calling about (don't pretend you haven't been there!). Even here in the USA it the uneducated, lazy people living in poverty that are F'n like rabbits and having boat loads of children. So next time you say "I swear people are getting dumber, and more lazy" you are probably on to something. If that isn't bad enough then we are also legalizing weed only adding to the dumb and lazy population. Not sure why we can't get poor people to use birth control, maybe just because they are lazy? |
This could be done by cutting birth rates
Lots of people think birthrates are the possible fix. I don't see it that way. Consider this: World-wide all mating is limited to 1 child per man-woman mating. If there are 7 billion of us that is 3.5 billion men and 3.5 billion women that would have 1.75 billion children. This immediately brings the population to 8.75 billion people. At 10 billion, one child per couple means 12.5 billion in population. Even at 1 child per couple, it is a runaway population explosion. Not sure if its your math skills that sucks, or your just don't understand the concept of time. If I have one child I have replaced myself by half (it take 2 people to make a child) and if I have 2 children, that will replace me when I'm dead. The fact that generations are created in between is not relevant. In the long run it all works out, just a matter of waiting for enough people to die to stabilize it. Here in the United States many people are actually waiting longer to have children which means there will be less generations alive at any one time. Also people are trending towards having fewer children here in the United States, much of our growth is immigants. The thinking of many researchers is that 100 years of age is all the body is capable, a few live lo longer but overall they would have to come up with some really radical solutions to extend life much longer than 100. We also have people die from sickness, accidents, and other causes at a much earlier age. So while your 78 year life expectancy may sneak up a little, it will only cause a slight swing in population that would level out over time. So if on average everybody had just 2 children the population would level out over time. Clearly we are unable to force people not to have more than 2 children, but if we could then we could learn what we need to do long term to support the planet with 10 million people. |
Just in case your not winding me up. I could not fit the whole title into the box, thus it was continued, underneath. So it should read The strange connection between endless rants about American politics and unwanted celibacy I mean it really is quite bizarre, I came to this site, in the hope of finding a date. I have had no luck whatsoever. Should I ever get a 1 on the little envelope message. I already know that its a nudge from somebody in Hawaii. I have to click on it, then click on their profile, which I don't want to do. Just to make the 1, go away, in some lame hope, that the next time it is a 1, that it could actually be, a potential date. I fuc$¥€∆π hate politics, yet I am drawn to the forums, through a mixture of complete boredom and hope, and am thus, then drawn into all manner of rants, this being 1, I suppose, in some bizzare and futile bid to get somebody else to somehow have an epiphany, and all of a sudden have a diametrically opposed view, to the 1 which they currently foster. I mean for the love of God, why? Some people, will always love Trump. Some people, will always hate him Neither is likely to agree, or somehow change their mind. This then ultimately descends into sniping, even if some rationale points are made. I mean I'm sorry, I know I'm going on a bit. But am I the only 1, who finds this completely ridiculous and a waste of time and energy. And I can already hear a voice say, well you don't have to be here, do you, if you don't like it, go somewhere else. But quit whining. And I have to accept, that they do have a point. Am I mad? Banging my head against a brick wall? Or am I living in hope, that perhaps, this may change? Right now, I honestly do not know But there are lord knows, how many subjects, we could discuss. Yet the same topics, which you could count on 1 hand, are rehashed, over, and over, and over again. Are we in a black hole? I don't mind annoying people, read that how you may, other wise I certainly would not be on here. |
There are only 328 million people in the United States, and we only gain about 2 million a year. The US has plenty of land and resources to continue for a very long time if we do things right. But we better get going on that boarder wall because the longer we put it off the and the worse things get, the more people that will move into our country. Back in the 1800s we relied a lot on whale oil, by the late 1800s we had almost wiped out all the whales except the ones the were really hard to get. Fortunately we discovered petroleum, and electricity wasn't far behind. Then came natural gas, nuclear, solar. Not to mention we've been using water power and wind power for hundreds of years. Power is not a problem for a very, very long time. There has been many times we have almost lost all of our crops, but we have always found ways to combat that. Our biggest problem now is all are crops are Mono crops, we only use things that we have genetically altered, if something goes wrong we could be screwed, however there are many edible species of plans, we may just have to adjust to them. If we would not have genetically altered our crops we would be having an extremely difficult time feeding everyone in the world. Our food prices are currently extreamly low due to technologies, even though people still tend to complain about it. If the population does get wiped out in the next couple hundred years it will probably be from disease, or the hole in the ozone layer creating an environment that is too hot for us to live with, or nuclear enialation or something similar that some nut case comes up with that we currently don't know about. The odds of a meteor or volcanic eruptions taking us out would be like winning the lottery because they usually only happen every hundred million years or so. In other words all you have to fear is fear its self, somethings are best left alone. Have you ever stopped and thought about how big is space? And where does it end? You will never know the answer, so just leave it be.
Well it seems like a trend for people to become LGBTQ now days, maybe we could make that mandatory for everyone, no more heterosexuals allowed, no more pregnancy, no more births, no more people. These gay's are way ahead of us on this whole thing!
Well I did mention in a thread not that long ago that humans could cut their carbon footprint in half, all we have to do is get rid of half the population. Half now or all will be wiped out later, take your pick. This could be done by cutting birth rates, natural selection, or any number of other ways. Sooner or later nature will do it for us. The US economy depends on an increase in people to keep it going. That's why the government gives tax credits for children, and continues to take in immigrants. Thing is we are all just a speck in time so we are only concerned about the here and now, chances are we all will be long gone by the time things get wiped out, of coarse it could be an asteroid or volcano tomorrow that wipes us out, but we ain't go'n do much bout that now are we?
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Wed 02/20/19 04:56 PM
A big part of they problem is the American diet and what it has done to our bodies. It used to be 8oz was a serving of milk, juice, or pop. Now its 20oz or more. I go to fast food with guys n they get a combo meal plus a sandwich or more, but then the are in the bathroom a half hour later. Their body doesn't process it because its been adjusted to poor eating habits. In many parts of the world families only make $5 a day and somehow they survive. And if you must go over the $5 a day at least the government gave you a good start. I did not include the taxes you saved on the $6000 write off you got on those dependents, so there is even more money you should be putting toward your children instead of yourself. I also did not include the 43% of children in the US that get free or reduced price lunches at school. It all adds up if you learn how to shop and cook. I'm not targeting MS, I am saying everyone can benefit about smart shopping and eating.
Why don't we make things fare and do away with income tax and have every living human in the US pay $5000 a year. Then every one would be equal, because that's what people want right? To be treated equal? Oh that's right they are greedy and jealous and want to take from the rich and not pay their share. @dust4fun... my comment pertained to this ^^^ statement you made about doing away with income tax entirely... i have no idea what you're talking about when you quoted me with your reply ??? maybe you should read it again and reply towards what you said.... or just ignore it I think you did understand but just couldn't wrap your head around it. Everything else we pay for is not based on percentage so why is our taxes? Or why isn't everything else that we pay for based on percentage just like our taxes are? Should I pay 10 cents a gallon for gas while the poor person gets 2cents in there pocket for every gallon they put in, and the rich guy is paying $12 a gallon for the gas he gets? That is how the current tax system is set up. If you can't figure that out then I can't help you, and nobody else will be able to either. Income tax is not based on what we USE, its based on how much we make. So why can't that be changed to a USE base tax instead of a INCOME based tax. Like a gas tax is based on the amount you USE, they assume the more gas you use the more harm to the road you do. |
Why don't we make things fare and do away with income tax and have every living human in the US pay $5000 a year. Then every one would be equal, because that's what people want right? To be treated equal? Oh that's right they are greedy and jealous and want to take from the rich and not pay their share. pure genius right here ^^ a married father of 4 tax bill $ 30,000 5k for each kid = 20,000 5k for stay at home mom = 5,000 5k for himself = 5,000 he makes 60,000 per year as a plumber a single individual no dependents tax bill $ 5,000 5k for himself he makes 140,000 per year as a hedge fund manager Class, can anyone tell me the percentage of income each taxpayer has to pay ?? raise your hand please And lets break it down to percentages of services used too then? So you paid 3% of what the hedge fund manager so your only allowed to drive on 3% of the road, and if you call the police there is only a 3% chance they will show up. Next time your at the store try saying I make less than that person so I'm not going to pay the same for this as they are. We could start by having the rich and poor pay the same prevent, that would be a huge tax break for the rich and only a slight increase for the poor, and it would be more equal, however some of the new Democratic candidates for president are already talking about going after 60% to 70% of rich peoples yearly income, highly outrageous. For those getting child tax credits and have poor money management skills and plan on running out and buying a new iphone and flat screen should readjust their priorities. $2000 a year is $166 a month, or just over $5 a day. That is plenty to feed a child, and if they can't do that the need to go to the store and buy some "REAL GROCERYS" and LEARN HOW TO COOK!!! Often times poverty is closely related to bad money management. did you seriously just say 5 dollars a day is 'plenty' to feed a child? Have you ever had children of your own? My point exactly! I can figure out plenty of ways to feed a child for less than $5 a day, and yet you are clueless on figuring that out. I can feed a family of 4 for $10 a day and that includes 3 meals and a snack plus beverages. Its really not as hard as people make it out to be. |
Why don't we make things fare and do away with income tax and have every living human in the US pay $5000 a year. Then every one would be equal, because that's what people want right? To be treated equal? Oh that's right they are greedy and jealous and want to take from the rich and not pay their share. pure genius right here ^^ a married father of 4 tax bill $ 30,000 5k for each kid = 20,000 5k for stay at home mom = 5,000 5k for himself = 5,000 he makes 60,000 per year as a plumber a single individual no dependents tax bill $ 5,000 5k for himself he makes 140,000 per year as a hedge fund manager Class, can anyone tell me the percentage of income each taxpayer has to pay ?? raise your hand please And lets break it down to percentages of services used too then? So you paid 3% of what the hedge fund manager so your only allowed to drive on 3% of the road, and if you call the police there is only a 3% chance they will show up. Next time your at the store try saying I make less than that person so I'm not going to pay the same for this as they are. We could start by having the rich and poor pay the same prevent, that would be a huge tax break for the rich and only a slight increase for the poor, and it would be more equal, however some of the new Democratic candidates for president are already talking about going after 60% to 70% of rich peoples yearly income, highly outrageous. For those getting child tax credits and have poor money management skills and plan on running out and buying a new iphone and flat screen should readjust their priorities. $2000 a year is $166 a month, or just over $5 a day. That is plenty to feed a child, and if they can't do that the need to go to the store and buy some "REAL GROCERYS" and LEARN HOW TO COOK!!! Often times poverty is closely related to bad money management. |
Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter "Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown. The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car. The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law". http://www.yahoo.com/news/average-tax-refunds-down-8-054836423.html It's hard for me to believe that some people didn't see this coming almost 3 years ago. This is what tax breaks for the upper 1% get us. If the morons would look at how much tax they paid in last year compared to the year before out of their pay checks they would understand. The tax cut took less money out every pay check, clearly they blew thru that money they were getting and no they are disappointed because they already spent it. I'm sure people are not considering the increase in the child tax credit either. It went from $1000 to $2000 per child under 17, and now you can get $500 for any other dependents. Yes that is correct, the government gives you $34,000 for having a child besides paying for there k-12 education which is about another $150,000. So these poor families with 6 kids that claim they can't afford to feed their kids get a lot more than they ever appreciate. Why don't we make things fare and do away with income tax and have every living human in the US pay $5000 a year. Then every one would be equal, because that's what people want right? To be treated equal? Oh that's right they are greedy and jealous and want to take from the rich and not pay their share. |
I find your comment comparing people who are deeply concerned about the flood of criminals coming into our country illegally with anti abolitionists who would have returned slaves to their owners to be extremely offensive, racist and uncalled for and if I was a moderator here you would be chastised immediately! misdirection, ridicule, humiliation...that's the only tools the Open Border Society has since neither truth nor fact is in their corner. Basically they are blasting Trump for the exact same thing they supported when it was Obama or Hillary proposing it. Yeah, the hypocrisy is astounding isn't it? What gets me is that none of their arguments hold water and yet they still cling to their illogical, irrational beliefs, mantras and narratives. I'd say the brainwashing of America was nearly complete about the time Trump took office and began revealing the truth. I've been here on and off for years and as you can see I have never really participated in any of the forums. Do the moderators ever jump in when people start hurling racist insinuations Etc? Well there would be far fewer blacks in this country if it wasn't for slavery, and therefore many of these people who like to bring up slavery would actually not even exist if it weren't for slavery. However if you consider the pay and living conditions of some of these illegal emigrants it isn't all that better than some of the slaves. Honestly the illegal emigrants probably cost the US less than the legal ones that live in poverty and receive money from programs and assistance. Clearly there is a wide range of people here illegally, while a small portion commit violent crimes, others petty crimes, it comes down to ALL of them are guilty of a crime just by being here illegally. That doesn't mean I still don't enjoy the fruit and vegetables they pick, enjoy the food they cook for me at restaurants, or their skills doing landscaping and roofing. The problem is we can't have the best of both worlds. |
Politics and Fear Tactics
The only thing we have to Fear is Fear its self.
Apple and Google are being pressed to remove an app that lets men track their wives and daughters in Saudi Arabia. Available to download for free, Absher allows Saudi citizens and residents to access a host of services including getting a passport, a birth certificate or paying traffic violations. The app also lets men in Saudi Arabia specify when and where to adult women under their "guardianship", including wives and unmarried daughters, are allowed to travel. An SMS feature sends a message to the male guardian when their wives and unmarried daughters use their passport at a border crossing or the immigration counters at an airport. This example is from Aljazeera News. I'm a little confused why these men would let their wives and daughters have cell phones and passports in the first place If its all about control. |
The estimate is there is 11 million illegal ( or undocumented for the liberals) immigrants in the US. That is more people than many of the states. Why can't they just put a bounty out for them and let the general population round them up. I would think $2k to $3k each would be a fair price, and it would save the tax payers billions in the long run. We could probably even up the bounty more if they are brought in dead instead of alive. We all know the government is terrible at handling money, so why not give the private sector the opportunity to solve the problem?
Here's a solution that will cut the worlds greenhouse gases in half, get rid of half the people in the world. You may say that's a little extreme, but at the rate we are going we can eliminate half now or lose all later.
We used to dam rivers to collect the energy, but don't try that now because the environmentalists don't want to mess with the fish habitat so they want to remove all dams and repair it back to how it was. The windmills and solar farms are screwing up the migratory paths of birds so we can't do that. Nuclear is by far the best bet if done right, so we got to store some waste for a few million years, but due to some stupid accidents we can't do that any more. Every time someone comes up with something there is always someone there to shut it down, or regulations to stop it from happening. So until someone finds the magic bullet nothing will be resolved, certainly not in the next 10 years, it takes longer than that just to clear the paperwork.
Here's what a tariff does: it makes the thing it's attached to, more expensive in the country applying the tariff. It doesn't do anything else at all. That's why they don't get used more than they do, and why the results when they are used, aren't always what people hope for. If the reason why an American company is having it's products made overseas is because the American buyers can't afford them otherwise, putting a tariff on the overseas-made product won't cause it to be made here. Because the change in PRICE, doesn't cause a change in the CUSTOMER PURCHASING POWER. Putting a tariff on raw materials doesn't always do what we might like, either. As with the finished product tariffs, a raw materials tariff causes the products made from those materials to cost more to sell here. If the market here won't tolerate a price rise, a tariff such as that will cause an end to local manufacture, rather than causing local raw materials to become more marketable. A tariff is a tax so lets say you buy something from China for $1.00 that the US put a 25% tariff on. China would now charge you $1.25 and send the $0.25 to the US government or they may raise the price a little more to deal other things. So you probably can't get the same product made in the US for $1.25 you may be able to get it from another country that isn't required to pay a tariff for a competitive price. So tariffs could put money in the government's pocket, it could also just change where products come from, or it could start a trade war where other country's react with their own tariffs, so any number of things could play out with these new tariffs. Most likely anyway it plays out will not be in the best interest of consumers. |
Serena's bad sportsmanship
All thou Serena clearly brought her daughter up in the tantrum to provoke sympathy for herself, I believe the press is really the ones to blame for this fiasco in to trying to make her appear as a hero and roll model furthering womens, mothers, and blacks lives, its the typical ratings and attention move to make them look as if they support and encourage these values, unfortunately they did it as she was making a fool of herself. To me it appeared to maybe be roid rage, clearly her strength has played a big part of her dominance, and the tennis world is willing to do whatever it takes to be relevant.