Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Tue 01/28/20 07:50 PM
I was just glad that the hillside didn't catch on fire and burn another 80,000 acres of California, and that nobody on the ground was hit and killed. To me if you fly in a helicopter you know you are putting your life at risk especially when the weather is bad, they just had that crash in Hawaii a couple months ago. Its like when people bring wild animals in their house and get attacked, or those who climb mountains and get lost or injured and then expect others to feel sorry for them.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 01/28/20 07:40 PM

Diabetes,2 is increasing in the US.

llinois is the second state to cap payout for
diabetic medication insulin to $100 yr.

This is a good thing for people, who can't hardly afford their medication.

USA Medical and pharmacies are bankrupting some people.

Most people with type2 diabetes can control it thru diet and life style and there is also other medications to help control it. People with type1 need insulin, but people unwilling to do things about type2 diabetes are driving up demand and price, and yes the pharmaceutical companies do abuse the system, but you can't really blame them for not wanting to make drugs they are not going to make money off from, that money is needed to make new drugs to help other problems. Anyone can buy the a monitor to check there sugar level on a regular basis for less than $30. If people would start monitoring their own health early on perhaps we could control many more health concerns. What concerns me most about the big drug companies is the targeting of people to make them believe they need all these drugs, and such things as old people with ED
should be covered to get Viagra or whatever else to have sex, to me there is a reason why nature has made this happen and if they want to have sex they should pay for their own medication and not have it paid for by the government or insurance that others pay for.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/05/20 02:16 PM

or..... civil war breaking out here next year laugh ... Putin, Russia and Trump, massive piece-o-schitt coward bully white power groups from U.S. and other countries around the world, Covert and meet in the wilds of Canada to team up to infiltrate U.S. and move south over U.S. to commit and enforce martial law and start extermination of gosh knows what.... then China and North Korea send nukes in when pre-occupied. nuclear winter............

Then giant gummy bears come alive inherit the earth. I know this, because I... and only I, am in charge of all the gummy animals.... think about this when you bite into one of us. devil

I wasn't aware that Jessie Ventura was posting in this forum til now. Not sure that Canada is going to let these people in their country, its also assuming the wall between the US hasn't been completed by that time. Can somebody explain why China would wipe out their biggest customer? Or why they wouldn't have enough money to do anything they want? After all clearly they make their own money and make up what its worth, plus they have 4 times the number of people in the United States so if they really wanted to do something they could. It may seem we are close to a civil war but how many people are truly going to go out and do something about it? The thing about civil wars is it involves the up rising group, the military, the general public, and often times outside things such as foreign militaries. Once everything is wiped out nobody cares if the gummy bears or whatever else takes over. People say they don't believe the media but yet they still seem to be brain washed by them and others. There is more propaganda out there then there has ever been before.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/05/20 08:50 AM

When it comes to war spending I know how men think, they don't really. cause the brain get's all hotted up.

The general feeling is let US police the World so that we don't run into nuclear disaster - and the allies are okay with this.

Sales pitch is: US Defense Budget $ 1 Trillion justified for nuclear deterrent.

We have world leaders - women in US, UK and they seem to toe the same line

Except that Germany's Merkel seems to have a different view

So to Mingle ladies, what are your views?

Views could cover -----

Is with $ 1 Trillion budget, US running for total World Oil / Economy Control?

any other spending justification?

like rest of world, viewed as Nazis + Viet-congs - figuratively

The Figures for reference

US Budget for Defense Spending: $ 1 trillion ($ 989 Billion, Oct 2019 to Sept 2020)

Off this, US Space Force = $ 100 Billion

NASA spending is outside of these

In 2015 it was around $ 600 Billion ($ 598.5 Billion) and progressively increased


2 hostile countries, Russia + China = $ 350 Billion

China, $ 250 Billion (estimate)
Russia, $ 100 Billion (estimate - since econpmy is broke)

Point is, aside from Russia, half of Chinese budget is spent against India, etc.)

So effective Chinese deterrent against US is $ 125 Billion)

Rest of World don't count = $ 500 Billion

( India $ 70 Billion, Europe $350 against Russia and so on)

Guys are welcome to comment but let's hear the ladies first, yeah ?

The United States only has about 4.5% of the worlds population, it is ranked 3rd behind China and India. But you must also look at the size of the United States. If Africa would join just a few countries into one then they could easily pass the United States in population. The reason the United States is the Super power that it is is because of its innovation. The United States has been the major player in everything from inventing, manufacturing, to farming. If it wasn't for things developed in the US most of the world would be starving, that is if there was even still a world to live in. If things hadn't played out the way they did who knows we may have fought WW2 to the bitter end. From current things from your cell phone to the internet largely invented in the United States. Europe has developed somethings, but for the most part it took the US to make them successful. Clearly other places such as Germany are capable of creating new things, and even the Russians were able to beat the US in the space race. But for the most part knowledge from the US has been stolen in order for other countries to develop things. The United States are forced into being the world power because its the only country that has the money and knowledge to keep things developing, and the US has to protect these assets even if it is very expensive to do so. Life would have been much better if such things as the internet would not have become global, but it has and now we have to deal with it. Many things the US does is for their best interest, but many others are just to make other areas a better place. So I really don't see the US as being as selfish as many view them as being.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/05/20 08:23 AM

Yes boys, you will be drafted to fight and die on the battlefield. It use to be men in the United States and her Territories fought to defend their families, friends, nabors and hoes. Nowadays you'll have to fight for the Matriarchy. That's because the progressives/feminists are the ones calling the shots. But that's okay because women will be incharge.

According to Google there's more men under the age of 40 then women since most of aborted child were girls. So, being drafted will kill off the extra boys giving those left a better shot at finding a wife. By the time all the hippies, bippies and yuppies in position of authority finally drop dead they will have changed the government into an arthurian socialist fascist/commie state. Who knows? You might be apart of making the global state as well.

:sunglasses: I'm 4f so don't have to worry.

First off there is 6 million more women in the United States then there are men. Maybe you are thinking of China or India where they have limits on the number of children people are having so many choose to have a boy instead of a girl. If or when the US has another draft it is likely that would include women because everybody knows we need equal rights and we can't discriminate. The next war will be highly technical with the use of drones and remote weapons along with a lot of computer hacking so kill offs like past wars are very unlikely. Will a civil war occur? Will North Korea nuke somebody? Will China start something to take over the world? Its too early to tell, and too early to know how far it will go, will it end all humans on earth? Then it doesn't matter because all the men and women will be dead and nobody will need to find a spouse. There are also ways to reproduce without being married or husband and wife. Maybe it would just evolve in being more lesbian couples? The world was supposed to end many times in the past and as far as I know that hasn't happened yet so it is very bold to make such predictions at this time.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 12/03/19 07:06 PM

Greed is what keeps capitalism from working it's best. And because people are greedy, every economic system will have be effected. If not for greed, every ecoomic system would work perfectly, in theory, in my opinion.

Thank you for your reply.
Can you explain how greed keeps capitalism from working its best?

Capitalists claim totally opposite of what you claim. They say that greed actually is the one that makes people work under a capitalist system. They claim without greed humans cannot work enough and they will be lazy and whole planet would fail.

I'm interested to know how greed keeps capitalism from working its best, then? Greed is a bait used by bourgeois to make men work their best. When in fact, studies proves that a human works best only when he works for his passion and the work he loves doing. That is his/her best shot. Greed proves to make men lose their lives working off whole days without happiness. Some even quit their jobs and get to depression out of overworking for greed. In the end a perfect man finds happiness only in the labor(job) he loves.

My colleague has a well paying job. He gets all facilities and he manages to be upper middle class. He works 10 hours a day and gets extra amount of pay for his work. In just one year, he feels isolated he doesn't get enough sleep. He has no time for family. He has no time for himself. His whole life is workaholic. That's the image of a greedy man in capitalist society.

Your colleague has choices, he can put a bullet in his head, he can go find another job, he can start his own business, or he can lay around n do nothing and be a burden on society. What one considers a workaholic may not be the same as someone else. Maybe he doesn't have what it takes to be upper middle class and should settle for just regular middle class. That's where the "greed" part starts to take effect. Anyone who has the hustle and wants to be their own boss or even have people work for them they can with enough effort. My saying has always been the best way to make money is have someone else do it for you. Greed is what drives people therefore greed is good even if that greed is just to do a little better than your neighbor.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/24/19 05:08 PM

Have they discontinued the Politics forum? I have not seen a post for a while.

Everybody is too busy watching the impeachment hearingsfrustrated

dust4fun's photo
Wed 11/20/19 04:49 PM

if t wasn't for bill she would be no one g bye Hillary go and retireyawnyawn yawn yawn yawn

Well if it wasn't for Hillary then Bill would have never gotten to where he has either, but the next one coming up in that klan is their daughter, hopefully she fails early and gets out of politics.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 11/20/19 04:43 PM

Trump the insane egomaniac.
Blind man driving too fast in the wrong lane

Well the blind man still found the keys to the car and well on his joy ride somehow managed to do something because my wages are up, my taxes are down, my health insurance is going down $90 a month next year ( probably doesn't mean much to all the freeloaders getting free or reduced healthcare). Energy cost haven't skyrocketed, and food prices are reasonable. Also we are sending a message to China they can't just do anything they want, even thou they have already stolen all of our intellectual property and everyone's personal information.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/17/19 06:29 PM

some people, many people in fact, many many tremendous people are saying..
he is the most successful flim-flam man the world has ever known...indifferent

Um, I think Jesus Christ has already filled that roll. He has millions of followers and even the calender is based off him. Its clearly the biggest scam the world has ever come across, some illegitimate child born in a barn who claims he is the son of God and to this day many still believe that?

is this what is known as conflating ??? just asking for a friend...
the subject of the thread is Trump NOT Jesus and what you think of him...

btw, people put butter on a roll and then eat it...
actors play a role in entertainment venues..

I like the way you post what others feel, but I'd rather know what YOUR view on things are. For these many "tremendous" people to think Trump is the GOAT flim-flam man the world has ever known make me believe by "tremendous" you mean tremendously stupid unless Trump manages to destroy the entire planet there have been many, many people who have had major impacts with their scams. Besides Jesus, I would put Hitler as a top player as changing the world, and there have been many, many more that have scammed their way into doing things that have had a big impact on the world, far beyond what Trump will ever accomplish.

BTW, on a roll, like a ball, and at some point that ball will come to a stoprofl Must be a regional thing:wink:

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/17/19 04:03 PM

some people, many people in fact, many many tremendous people are saying..
he is the most successful flim-flam man the world has ever known...indifferent

Um, I think Jesus Christ has already filled that roll. He has millions of followers and even the calender is based off him. Its clearly the biggest scam the world has ever come across, some illegitimate child born in a barn who claims he is the son of God and to this day many still believe that?

dust4fun's photo
Tue 11/05/19 05:15 PM

Do you think Hillary Clinton will run again ?

Not sure what you are talking about. Did something happen to her legs? Or are you talking about running from the law?

dust4fun's photo
Fri 10/25/19 06:19 PM

In essence, she is right.
If over-population is affecting climate (might be?) then decreasing or changing the population trend (might be?) key to stabilizing the climate.

"Eating Babies" is a twisted way to put it tho...LOL

Well if she truly wanted to change her carbon footprint she would kill herself. But yes, in a twisted way eating babies would help, we wouldn't eat old people cuz they have already done their polluting, and besides they would most likely be pretty tough, as to where babies would be nice and tender and less likely to transmit diseases, not to mention they are relatively easy (and fun) to reproduce.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 10/25/19 05:48 PM

trumps unclimbable wall

you walk and find a wall
you can go around it , over it , under it , or through it

That is why Trump wants to add a Moat with vicious crocodiles and man eating Piranhas along the wall!!! The problem is once we stop them from crossing at the southern boarder they will just take a boat and come ashore on our many miles of coast line, or like many illegals just get a visa and over stay it.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 10/25/19 05:41 PM

The wall is a stupid idea because Mexican's are great at digging tunnels. Why waste billions on a wall when you can give people better health care or a better education for the next generation?

Well if that's the case its even more stupid not to build a wall cuz we are paying to educate those people along with providing them with health care and putting more stress on our systems, not to mention all of them we have to provide room n board for in our prisons. We are already sending many jobs to Mexico, but much of the problem is actually from Central America.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 09/11/19 05:15 PM

It was all planned years before the tragedy,by the enemies of the American people and the human beings in general.
Watch this video if you are interested in finding out the truth.

The "truth"? or just more brainwashing by people with an agenda? The only way we would ever come close to peace on earth is to do away with all religion. The stories that have been created throughout time that there is a "God" and only one "God" and that you should fallow that, and only that for some kinda of "internal happiness". Are people still this stupid and gullible in this day and age? You bet they are, still believing the cults that call themselves a "Religion" to gather strengths in numbers and force their views on others. Once people believed the world was flat, but by now most are smart enough to know it round, however they still believe these stories that have been created thru time, and they believe somehow it gives them "special powers". Its time to do away with religion and live our lives while we are here, instead of living our lives for death, or whatever imaginary place we believe is afterwards. Til you can come to this realisation you are not allowed to judge what others believe in their religions as you are just as guilty for your own beliefs.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/07/19 04:19 PM

but semantics aside. I always think treating people humanely is the LEAST we can do as human beings

Last week six Latino pastors from Texas visited a number of these "concentration camps". They were shocked to find that the conditions were nothing like what the national media has reported.

During the Clinton and Obama administrations the boarders needed to be protected. Why all of a sudden the change in attitude?

Because American's voted Trump in and Hillary out. The are trying to manipulate the voting population by bringing in millions of illegal people and tell them to vote democratic. Stuffing the ballot box.

there isnt a change in attitude. There are people saying we are already protecting borders and additional money on a wall is not needed or useful, nor is treating families inhumanely.

there are people recognizing that coming to seek refuge is NOT the same as illegal immigration and people should stop being demonized and criminalized for attempting to do so.

There are plenty of other places that they could seek refuge. Or they could stay and fight to change the area they come from, but it seems that freeloading is the easiest route that so many take. And I'm often more offended by "legal" immigrants, who is dumb enough to think its a good idea to take in people from Somalia? Just by relocating people doesn't magically make them better people. Scum is scum no matter where its located.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 05/24/19 08:05 PM
Maybe Mingle should try something similar? But it would be pretty sad when we found out there are fewer than 1000 members that are real people and have been active in the last few months!

dust4fun's photo
Thu 05/23/19 06:09 PM
Blame it on the Russians! I'm sure there was some hacking going on and some kind of collusion somewhere. Maybe some USA Democrates can get to the bottom of this!

dust4fun's photo
Wed 05/22/19 05:38 PM

A woman has full rights to control her body during the reproduction act until the child is conceived.

Once the child is conceived it exists in the placenta and the woman's body acts as a cocoon.

The child is tied to but not part of her body and she has no moral right to murder that new life.

Since abortion became legal this nation has murdered over 60,000,000 babies. May God have mercy on our nation.

Hmm, 60million, that would work out to about 1million every year and there is about 4million babies born each year in the United States. So you are saying 1 in 5 babies are aborted or 20%? So apparently there are not that many people having abortions so we should just do away with it, or I should say make it illegal again because we know that will stop everybody just like prohibition stoped everyone from drinking.
So we probably shouldn't remove cancer from bodies anymore either because its just "Gods Way" and we certainly wouldn't want to interfere with that. A woman having a child affects her life very much for 19 years and even beyond. The embryo can not keep growing outside the woman's body so is it really "life" at that point? Clearly at 7 or 8 months things get much more complex because the fetus most likely could live outside the women's body and except for the most extreme conditions I don't believe an abortion at that point would be acceptable. People who receive any type of public assistance clearly can not take care of themselves, or they are scamming the system, so if they can't take care of themselves clearly they are not able to take care of a child. People should take precautions when having sex, or don't have sex if you are unable to do it safely. However people do make mistakes, or other unforseen factors occur and the woman and possible child to be should not be dramatically punished for the rest of their lives if the woman believes that is how things will work out.