Topic: US World Dominion - Total and Instant by 2024
jaish's photo
Sat 01/04/20 06:35 AM

When it comes to war spending I know how men think, they don't really. cause the brain get's all hotted up.

The general feeling is let US police the World so that we don't run into nuclear disaster - and the allies are okay with this.

Sales pitch is: US Defense Budget $ 1 Trillion justified for nuclear deterrent.

We have world leaders - women in US, UK and they seem to toe the same line

Except that Germany's Merkel seems to have a different view

So to Mingle ladies, what are your views?

Views could cover -----

Is with $ 1 Trillion budget, US running for total World Oil / Economy Control?

any other spending justification?

like rest of world, viewed as Nazis + Viet-congs - figuratively

The Figures for reference

US Budget for Defense Spending: $ 1 trillion ($ 989 Billion, Oct 2019 to Sept 2020)

Off this, US Space Force = $ 100 Billion

NASA spending is outside of these

In 2015 it was around $ 600 Billion ($ 598.5 Billion) and progressively increased


2 hostile countries, Russia + China = $ 350 Billion

China, $ 250 Billion (estimate)
Russia, $ 100 Billion (estimate - since econpmy is broke)

Point is, aside from Russia, half of Chinese budget is spent against India, etc.)

So effective Chinese deterrent against US is $ 125 Billion)

Rest of World don't count = $ 500 Billion

( India $ 70 Billion, Europe $350 against Russia and so on)

Guys are welcome to comment but let's hear the ladies first, yeah ?

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/04/20 09:16 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 01/04/20 09:18 AM
I think it is usually faulty logic to only look at dollar to dollar comparisons when we speak about budgets of countries around the world, because of the different populations. Some countries that have fewer people should be expected to have a smaller budget than countries with more people. Some countries will have less expenditure for military because they are smaller and some will have more because they are bigger. Some countries will spend more on healthcare because of their cultural lifestyles, and some will spend less .. etc...

As far as military spending specifically I feel mere war spending could reflect a run to controlling things and also could reflect a run to avoid others attempting to control the US.

I would be more concerned with actual aggressive military actions against innocents than mere spending on military. That would make me feel a country is making a run towards world control(of any type).

John's photo
Sat 01/04/20 10:52 AM
America was a great idea. but like the uk the reactionary right wing press have encouraged people to vote for parties that do not have thiers best interests at heart. you can have more cause those with less want some. never mind that those in power have thiers hands out all the time. the latest extrajudicial killing shows the disregard that the population in general is held. the world becomes a bot more dangerous and the military budget goes up and up.

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 01/04/20 11:45 AM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Sat 01/04/20 12:33 PM
That is a huge question.
Is oil the only motivation for the military budget?
No. Terrorism and protection too.
Observing the USA in world politics actually rattles me, especially now that General Qasem Soleimani was targeted and assassinated by the USA.

Their global interference, their military 'might' and 'rights' are aggressive in the guise of peace.
I feel like I am watching a poorly played game of chess...

jaish's photo
Sun 01/05/20 05:51 AM
Edited by jaish on Sun 01/05/20 05:53 AM

Some very insightful observations on a very hard topic.

Seems inevitable, even if not by 2024.

A bit sad though,

America was a great idea ...

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/05/20 08:50 AM

When it comes to war spending I know how men think, they don't really. cause the brain get's all hotted up.

The general feeling is let US police the World so that we don't run into nuclear disaster - and the allies are okay with this.

Sales pitch is: US Defense Budget $ 1 Trillion justified for nuclear deterrent.

We have world leaders - women in US, UK and they seem to toe the same line

Except that Germany's Merkel seems to have a different view

So to Mingle ladies, what are your views?

Views could cover -----

Is with $ 1 Trillion budget, US running for total World Oil / Economy Control?

any other spending justification?

like rest of world, viewed as Nazis + Viet-congs - figuratively

The Figures for reference

US Budget for Defense Spending: $ 1 trillion ($ 989 Billion, Oct 2019 to Sept 2020)

Off this, US Space Force = $ 100 Billion

NASA spending is outside of these

In 2015 it was around $ 600 Billion ($ 598.5 Billion) and progressively increased


2 hostile countries, Russia + China = $ 350 Billion

China, $ 250 Billion (estimate)
Russia, $ 100 Billion (estimate - since econpmy is broke)

Point is, aside from Russia, half of Chinese budget is spent against India, etc.)

So effective Chinese deterrent against US is $ 125 Billion)

Rest of World don't count = $ 500 Billion

( India $ 70 Billion, Europe $350 against Russia and so on)

Guys are welcome to comment but let's hear the ladies first, yeah ?

The United States only has about 4.5% of the worlds population, it is ranked 3rd behind China and India. But you must also look at the size of the United States. If Africa would join just a few countries into one then they could easily pass the United States in population. The reason the United States is the Super power that it is is because of its innovation. The United States has been the major player in everything from inventing, manufacturing, to farming. If it wasn't for things developed in the US most of the world would be starving, that is if there was even still a world to live in. If things hadn't played out the way they did who knows we may have fought WW2 to the bitter end. From current things from your cell phone to the internet largely invented in the United States. Europe has developed somethings, but for the most part it took the US to make them successful. Clearly other places such as Germany are capable of creating new things, and even the Russians were able to beat the US in the space race. But for the most part knowledge from the US has been stolen in order for other countries to develop things. The United States are forced into being the world power because its the only country that has the money and knowledge to keep things developing, and the US has to protect these assets even if it is very expensive to do so. Life would have been much better if such things as the internet would not have become global, but it has and now we have to deal with it. Many things the US does is for their best interest, but many others are just to make other areas a better place. So I really don't see the US as being as selfish as many view them as being.

darkowl1's photo
Sun 01/05/20 10:57 AM
or..... civil war breaking out here next year laugh ... Putin, Russia and Trump, massive piece-o-schitt coward bully white power groups from U.S. and other countries around the world, Covert and meet in the wilds of Canada to team up to infiltrate U.S. and move south over U.S. to commit and enforce martial law and start extermination of gosh knows what.... then China and North Korea send nukes in when pre-occupied. nuclear winter............

Then giant gummy bears come alive inherit the earth. I know this, because I... and only I, am in charge of all the gummy animals.... think about this when you bite into one of us. devil

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 01/05/20 11:17 AM

or..... civil war breaking out here next year laugh ... Putin, Russia and Trump, massive piece-o-schitt coward bully white power groups from U.S. and other countries around the world, Covert and meet in the wilds of Canada to team up to infiltrate U.S. and move south over U.S. to commit and enforce martial law and start extermination of gosh knows what.... then China and North Korea send nukes in when pre-occupied. nuclear winter............

Then giant gummy bears come alive inherit the earth. I know this, because I... and only I, am in charge of all the gummy animals.... think about this when you bite into one of us. devil

You ought to start a revolution. Gummy bears would stick to the nuclear missile codes and the world would be a happier place. :upside_down:

darkowl1's photo
Sun 01/05/20 11:29 AM
I don't play video games, but that might be a good one... oh, and the gummy bears are HHHUUGE!!!! drinker flowerforyou

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/05/20 02:16 PM

or..... civil war breaking out here next year laugh ... Putin, Russia and Trump, massive piece-o-schitt coward bully white power groups from U.S. and other countries around the world, Covert and meet in the wilds of Canada to team up to infiltrate U.S. and move south over U.S. to commit and enforce martial law and start extermination of gosh knows what.... then China and North Korea send nukes in when pre-occupied. nuclear winter............

Then giant gummy bears come alive inherit the earth. I know this, because I... and only I, am in charge of all the gummy animals.... think about this when you bite into one of us. devil

I wasn't aware that Jessie Ventura was posting in this forum til now. Not sure that Canada is going to let these people in their country, its also assuming the wall between the US hasn't been completed by that time. Can somebody explain why China would wipe out their biggest customer? Or why they wouldn't have enough money to do anything they want? After all clearly they make their own money and make up what its worth, plus they have 4 times the number of people in the United States so if they really wanted to do something they could. It may seem we are close to a civil war but how many people are truly going to go out and do something about it? The thing about civil wars is it involves the up rising group, the military, the general public, and often times outside things such as foreign militaries. Once everything is wiped out nobody cares if the gummy bears or whatever else takes over. People say they don't believe the media but yet they still seem to be brain washed by them and others. There is more propaganda out there then there has ever been before.

Ladywind7's photo
Sun 01/05/20 02:36 PM

or..... civil war breaking out here next year laugh ... Putin, Russia and Trump, massive piece-o-schitt coward bully white power groups from U.S. and other countries around the world, Covert and meet in the wilds of Canada to team up to infiltrate U.S. and move south over U.S. to commit and enforce martial law and start extermination of gosh knows what.... then China and North Korea send nukes in when pre-occupied. nuclear winter............

Then giant gummy bears come alive inherit the earth. I know this, because I... and only I, am in charge of all the gummy animals.... think about this when you bite into one of us. devil

I wasn't aware that Jessie Ventura was posting in this forum til now. Not sure that Canada is going to let these people in their country, its also assuming the wall between the US hasn't been completed by that time. Can somebody explain why China would wipe out their biggest customer? Or why they wouldn't have enough money to do anything they want? After all clearly they make their own money and make up what its worth, plus they have 4 times the number of people in the United States so if they really wanted to do something they could. It may seem we are close to a civil war but how many people are truly going to go out and do something about it? The thing about civil wars is it involves the up rising group, the military, the general public, and often times outside things such as foreign militaries. Once everything is wiped out nobody cares if the gummy bears or whatever else takes over. People say they don't believe the media but yet they still seem to be brain washed by them and others. There is more propaganda out there then there has ever been before.

Jessie Ventura :smiley: I am sure Darkowl would be flattered.
In these forums, we try to have a little fun. Yes, we can be serious, but we like to play a little too.
Nobody means offence :smiley: