Community > Posts By > think2deep

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 12:05 PM

Ah, Did I step on some Liberal toes here???

i think before long some of the people on this forum will feel their toes hurt and start crying.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:01 AM
i don't see why not, but then again, babies aren't born with teeth lol.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:00 AM
it doesn't require but one post for me to explain it. here it is:

if you wanna know why, just read their leader's speeches at the U.N.. i've read em and they don't hold back as to the answer. every one of them have said that it's not the american people they dislike, it's the dual american/israeli citizens that are running our government. these people call themselves zionists. the evangel christians have even taken on the name of christian zionists. achmendinijad, putin, chavez and many more leaders have said they don't trust these zionists and if we didn't have these people ruling us, we would still be loved and respected around the world.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:48 AM
i like it!! there are still some smart people out there, i just have to keep remembering that.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:19 AM


There are alot of questions to be answered. Hopefully the investigative group that you showed on a thread can get to the bottom of it.

I sure hope so, even though there have been groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 that have far more credibility to me, because what they're doing to based on science. The political leaders site is important, because hopefully they can use their clout to kick the door open on this subject.

I firmly believe that no hijackers could have defeated our air defense system without help. When golfer Payne Stewart died, his plane had went off course and they had jets scrambled and on him within 10-20 minutes. Where were the Jets on 9/11? Especially after the first plane hit?

I could just keep this up all day, so i should stop!

I've learned a lot about it from you, War.

Now thats what I like to hear! :tongue:

Everything I post in here is about educating. I have my opinions and I promise I'm not afraid to post them, but I genuinely fear that a day is coming where I'm not going to have the ability to do this type of educational dissent.

i'm glad you ladies have found someone you will believe.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:14 AM

i'm not threatened by your lack of knowledge on the subject. because that's what it is.

Then it should be pretty easy to move on to another subject... right?

no, because i'm still being entertained by this one. i don't try to give any information anymore, it's not worth my time. but just arguing with them is just plain entertainment because all that will be accomplished with them is arguing about how arrogant i am lol. there is no substance to their methods, they just hate me and want to see me fall no matter what. because they are such sweethearts lol.

seriously..move on with your life. i don't hate you at all and never have. remember i defended you before (even though i didn't agree) i even apologized for hijacking the putin thread because it was getting to heated in there. that isn't someone that wants you to fall or hates you. you came at me first because i dared to disagee with you.

You do hate me, just admit it. when i even stop to say anything , it is just for entertainment purposes. i could sit here for hours and give you the information i have on the subject that would probably at the least make you realize that something is wrong with the official 9/11 story. i can give you credible sources, but to me it is wasted . therefor the only thing you get from me is laughter and entertainment. i'm sorry if that is unacceptable to you but it is acceptable to me. the funny part is that you guys think that you are getting under my skin. you're not. if someone truly wants to know what i know about the subject, then i will tell them and not feel i've wasted my time. explaining all that i know on the subject of 9/11 would fill up this whole forum. you guys wouldn't appreciate any info i tell you anyways because even if a well known architect has done his homework and shares it with people and i shared that info with you, you would automatically put it down because the info came through me. that would be a waste of my time. so yes i'm entertained and i will not waste my time giving you information anymore.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:00 AM


There are alot of questions to be answered. Hopefully the investigative group that you showed on a thread can get to the bottom of it.

I sure hope so, even though there have been groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 that have far more credibility to me, because what they're doing to based on science. The political leaders site is important, because hopefully they can use their clout to kick the door open on this subject.

I firmly believe that no hijackers could have defeated our air defense system without help. When golfer Payne Stewart died, his plane had went off course and they had jets scrambled and on him within 10-20 minutes. Where were the Jets on 9/11? Especially after the first plane hit?

I could just keep this up all day, so i should stop!

war, i stopped with these two long ago. you can answer there questions and they will still have the same question afterward lol.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:52 AM

T2...i do know about you from your emails back when i tried to defend your beliefs whether i agreed or not. until you blamed me for other peoples posts just because i had the nerve to disagree with your theory.

i actually look at many theories....and not decide on just one until i feel that it is right

theories for 9/11:
1. US cover up - whether someone in power in the US had an agenda or they were covering up a mistake
2. the ones responsible for crashing the planes may have had someone in the Pentagon to let them know about the drill
3. it could be a weird coincidence.

YES i look at these and any other theory....i don't jump on a band wagon just because the leaders so it's true or because of someone's opinion

how far have you researched? you just leave yourself staying in the questioning mode. i dont.

i have said before that i'm out of the loop. i do have other things to do. you seem threatened by anyone asking questions to get different opinions of what the posters IN HERE (NOT ON ANOTHER SITE) have to think

just because i don't jump at one theory doesn't mean i don't research or ask questions or use my brain.

i'm not threatened by your lack of knowledge on the subject. because that's what it is. i'm just defending my right to post my opinion on this ****ing thread.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:48 AM

T2...i do know about you from your emails back when i tried to defend your beliefs whether i agreed or not. until you blamed me for other peoples posts just because i had the nerve to disagree with your theory.

i actually look at many theories....and not decide on just one until i feel that it is right

theories for 9/11:
1. US cover up - whether someone in power in the US had an agenda or they were covering up a mistake
2. the ones responsible for crashing the planes may have had someone in the Pentagon to let them know about the drill
3. it could be a weird coincidence.

YES i look at these and any other theory....i don't jump on a band wagon just because the leaders so it's true or because of someone's opinion

how far have you researched? you just leave yourself staying in the questioning mode. i dont.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:47 AM


There are alot of questions to be answered. Hopefully the investigative group that you showed on a thread can get to the bottom of it.

if you don't see anything wrong based on your own knowledge of physics and psycholgy, then you won't research it any further. on the other hand if you see holes in the story, your first thoughts are that something is awry. so then you dig in and find out why the story isn't adding up. when an official story doesn't make sense, i automatically believe that someone is holding back or covering up. but you guys think that that is paranoia. i have questions i will get answers, not just sit on a forum and pose more questions.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:37 AM

you guys just don't even understand how hard i'm laughing right now. i'm talking to a real kagney and lacey detective group. thank you so much for the early morning giggles.

enjoy it

rose, i have researched this to a point of wanting to just fall down. i have gathered so much info on it. at what point am i not to keep questioning it? you don't realize how much evidence is mounting out there. thats why you aren't quick to jump to a theory. war and i have already been through yours and winxs thought process. that ended long ago for me. once you start seeing the puzzles come together then it starts gettin easier to believe that something is amiss. so at that point you get way farther then you two's little 'alternate theories'

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:32 AM
you guys just don't even understand how hard i'm laughing right now. i'm talking to a real kagney and lacey detective group. thank you so much for the early morning giggles.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:30 AM
you ladies should start your own snopes LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:29 AM

are you guys reading it or did you read a couple lines and figure there was nothing to it.

We're doing more then reading. We're investigating different resources and talking about it.

Hmm...maybe this is the problem....we're not just looking at your information. We're looking at more. We needed more information.

Btw, your source is gone.

LMAO!!!!! copy paste the link at the bottom of the first page. my source is not gone. that shows me your level of researching LMAO!@!!!!!!!!!!

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:26 AM

simply put...i asked questions and gave other theories to think about. does this threaten you somehow T2?

I like questions and other theories.bigsmile

It gives me more to think about.

EXACTLY. i like to form my opinion with a reputable source. whether i agree or disagree.

screw sources. you have to have a bit more knowledge than just reading sources. you will never understand. i promise you that.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:25 AM

you ladies can believe what you want, you will not convince us that have actually studied that situation that there isn't more to it period, our beliefs on this is more than just an "i think" situation.
we are smart enough to know. and i just happen to know that you ladies haven't even looked into it.

You don't happen to know anything about me.:wink:

i could tell you more than what you want people on this forum to know about you.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:24 AM

you ladies can believe what you want, you will not convince us that have actually studied that situation that there isn't more to it period, our beliefs on this is more than just an "i think" situation.
we are smart enough to know. and i just happen to know that you ladies haven't even looked into it.

you happen to know all about everyone huh? i offered what i said as another alternative. but i also choose not to use sources such as blogs to form my opinions

i don't use just blogs to form my opinion. maybe if you actually saw me in research, you would have a different feeling about my research. just another alternate opinion i'm throwing out there to ya.

laugh ummm ok. just as you don't know what others do either

yeah, i do know what they do. because, believe me, i dig through the pro and con sites. i've already seen the sites that they try to show me. they just look at a site that tells them it's a conpiracy theory and they look no further than that.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:23 AM

simply put...i asked questions and gave other theories to think about. does this threaten you somehow T2?

it's called, been there done that line of questioning. i don't know how to take you step by step through all the things i have thought, figured out, and researched more so that you can see. you are way too far away from me. just realize that you're not the only one that comes up with your alternative thoughts, i'm not so stupid as to not bring those into the equation first. then i will go through and find out the answers to my questions.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:19 AM

you ladies can believe what you want, you will not convince us that have actually studied that situation that there isn't more to it period, our beliefs on this is more than just an "i think" situation.
we are smart enough to know. and i just happen to know that you ladies haven't even looked into it.

you happen to know all about everyone huh? i offered what i said as another alternative. but i also choose not to use sources such as blogs to form my opinions

i don't use just blogs to form my opinion. maybe if you actually saw me in research, you would have a different feeling about my research. just another alternate opinion i'm throwing out there to ya.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:18 AM
most of your time has been sitting here on the forum telling people that they don't know what they are talking about and thinking that you are providing alternate ideas that no one else has thought about. sorry, but you guys' thoughts have already been thought by us at some point in time but we actually went and found out about what was happening instead of staying in a perpetual state of wondering silly things.