Community > Posts By > think2deep

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:51 PM

hmmm, i wonder what their reasoning for doing it is? whoever thought it up must be a good person because there is no bad people in the legislature.

(this is sarcasm of course for those that don't read between the lines)

ask the people in charge in GA

you ask em

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:49 PM

if it was a miracle, wouldn't it have happened withOUT the spider bite? doesn't that kind of take the mystical out of play?

and yes, four threads is a bit excessive.

i find that the article was missing quite a bit of information, such as had the leg ever twitched before the spider bite? would this person even have enough medical knowledge to notice something like that?

the man was paralyzed from a motorcycle accident and couldn't feel anything before

he went to the doctor for the spider bite


no duh! the nurse noticed a twitch in this persons leg. if this person couldn't feel it, then how do we know that there were no other twitches before the spider bite happened? the nurse said that the nerves were only asleep, not dead. which means that if they would have diagnosed that back when it happened, this person would have been walking this whole time. elementary my dear watson.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:43 PM
hmmm, i wonder what their reasoning for doing it is? whoever thought it up must be a good person because there is no bad people in the legislature.

(this is sarcasm of course for those that don't read between the lines)

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:13 PM

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:12 PM
Edited by think2deep on Mon 03/16/09 04:12 PM
well, i'm sure glad their isn't anything sinister going on shocked i'm just going to blindly believe the nay sayers and click my heels together three times.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:10 PM

it's those evil zionist ticket agents

rofl That just struck me funny today..

go ahead, yuck it up, i just don't think it's funny when children get detained at an airport for being terrorists.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:07 PM

i would say that women flock to that thread title, but i won't say that since i'm finding out very quickly that there is a very small box you have to stay in on these forums in order to keep from getting your post pulled. people are too sensitive these days i guess. i noticed that if someone doesn't have an 'ism' they can fight against, they will find someone else's.

i would say that women flock to that thread title

Wait I am confused, wouldn't it be obvious that was wrong. You're here aintcha?

I'm finding out very quickly that there is a very small box you have to stay in on these forums in order to keep from getting your post pulled.

Isn't it amazing what lack of control we some times have, huh? I can relate, but I am personally grateful to have you to challenge my ability to stay within that box. I wouldn't bet real money on it of course...

people are too sensitive these days i guess.

We noticed! Good work, we appreciate the competition.

i noticed that if someone doesn't have an 'ism' they can fight against, they will find someone else's.

Gotta mirror handy?

You're too easy, today, T2D!! You feeling ok?
Thanks for giving me something to respond to, since there was no miracle to entertain me in this one.

all jibberish, but that's ok as long as you're proud of it.

:laughing: Proud might be too strong a word, more like tickled!

enjoy it while you can. i'm giving that one to you for free.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:07 PM

if it was a miracle, wouldn't it have happened withOUT the spider bite? doesn't that kind of take the mystical out of play?

and yes, four threads is a bit excessive.

i find that the article was missing quite a bit of information, such as had the leg ever twitched before the spider bite? would this person even have enough medical knowledge to notice something like that?

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:02 PM
hey i just learned something today, life isn't fair! waaahhh

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 03:56 PM

i would say that women flock to that thread title, but i won't say that since i'm finding out very quickly that there is a very small box you have to stay in on these forums in order to keep from getting your post pulled. people are too sensitive these days i guess. i noticed that if someone doesn't have an 'ism' they can fight against, they will find someone else's.

i would say that women flock to that thread title

Wait I am confused, wouldn't it be obvious that was wrong. You're here aintcha?

I'm finding out very quickly that there is a very small box you have to stay in on these forums in order to keep from getting your post pulled.

Isn't it amazing what lack of control we some times have, huh? I can relate, but I am personally grateful to have you to challenge my ability to stay within that box. I wouldn't bet real money on it of course...

people are too sensitive these days i guess.

We noticed! Good work, we appreciate the competition.

i noticed that if someone doesn't have an 'ism' they can fight against, they will find someone else's.

Gotta mirror handy?

You're too easy, today, T2D!! You feeling ok?
Thanks for giving me something to respond to, since there was no miracle to entertain me in this one.

all jibberish, but that's ok as long as you're proud of it.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 03:53 PM

it's those evil zionist ticket agents

no it's not. but it is evil zionist policie makers, you bet on that. by the way, do you even believe that there is a group called the zionists in our government?

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 03:31 PM

I'm thinking this is going pretty far overboard. What do they think? all children are like Stewie Griffon on Family Guy?

This is sad that they think kids are terrorists now...

right? when are people going to wake up and see that we are being duped? the problem is that not everyone gets to see everything that is happening at once. if everyone in america could sit down together and see a complete list of actual, factual policies, and their effects,of what's being pushed right under their noses, it would be a severe shock to most of them. you would hear things like this "oh my god, i didn't know they were doing that!!!". this list would take longer than most people could stand to look at it. people would actually be sick.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 03:26 PM

Five days.......... way to go Obama........and team! He may just save capitalism from itself

Think you had better check that one. The Dow was going up till about 2 pm then there was a big downturn and it finished down for today.

Too bad Obama let it fall so far before realizing that his comments were destroying confidence. Let me know when the Treasury Department is fully staffed and when Geitner releases the bank plan. Everyone who has to make business decisions is stuck twiddling their thumbs until Sir Geitner speaks.

speaking of the devil himself, Sir Geitner used to be the president of the federal reserve how does that hit ya?

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 03:20 PM

Frankly, in my opinion, it's a sucker play. What do you think is going to happen when those hundreds of billions of printed up dollars finally filters its way into the market?

Myanmar anyone?
Lets just hope it dont I do not wish to see bread lines and soup kitchens. I would rather see this house of cards stand than the alternative.

sometimes hopes and wishes are just thoughts to help soften the blow for when the reality actually kicks in hard.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 03:17 PM

what exactly would it take to prove that this is happening? i want to know.

please tell me. no one wants to tackle this one do they?

no takers for my question yet?

About 2 pints of hard liquor, some weed, and 1/2 pound of cocaine.
That should make one hallucinate enough to prove it.

laugh laugh laugh

I think that proves my point sufficiently enough.

yes it does. no doubts in my mind on that one.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 03:11 PM
Edited by think2deep on Mon 03/16/09 03:15 PM the market is being completly manipulated.

the price of the dollar is what worth a snickers bar today? and tmrw maybe half a snickers bar??

IF the people realized, I mean somebody important realized and spoke on behalf of the people.........

couldnt the federal reserve be overturned and all this stopped?
the fed governemnt is tied to the federal reserve though right?
everything is tied to the federal reserve. This is the root of evil and corruption.

explode explode explode

i jsut dont understand how people cant be more upset about all this. and demand that an actual audit be done.

we have no power. none at all. flowerforyou flowerforyou frustrated frustrated frustrated

couldnt the federal reserve be overturned and all this stopped?
the fed governemnt is tied to the federal reserve though right?
everything is tied to the federal reserve. This is the root of evil and corruption.

cat, john f kennedy did stop the federal reserve. he signed an executive order 11110 on June 4, 1963 to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are enormous.

to read more about this you can go here

he got shot on 22 November 1963. compare this to the date he stopped the federal reserve.

assassinated the federal reserve: June 4, 1963
date he got assassinated: november 22, 1963

that's a matter of 5 months.

this might not seem like anything yet but watch this.

after jfk's death, johnson came into office and stopped the issuance of the silver certificate. the federal reserve stayed in it's place and the federal reserve notes stayed in circulation.

and there has not been another president since then that would want to challenge the federal reserve. they tend to like living.:wink:

oh btw. that executive order is still in place and in effect, but no one has the guts to issue it again and enforce it.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 02:43 PM

what exactly would it take to prove that this is happening? i want to know.

please tell me. no one wants to tackle this one do they?

no takers for my question yet?

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 02:37 PM

what exactly would it take to prove that this is happening? i want to know.

please tell me. no one wants to tackle this one do they?

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 02:16 PM
this is happening to many children around the united states. some of the children are not so lucky as this one, the unlucky ones get harassed horribly. one mother was told that she couldn't even touch her 5 year old son because they had to verify that he wasn't a terrorist.

Edward Allen's reaction to being on the government's "no-fly" list should have been the tip-off that he is no terrorist. "I don't want to be on the list. I want to fly and see my grandma," the 4-year-old boy said, according to his mother.

Sijollie Allen and her son had trouble boarding planes last month because someone with the same name as Edward is on a government terrorist watch list.

"Is this a joke?" Allen recalled telling Continental Airlines agents Dec. 21 at Houston's Bush Intercontinental Airport. "You can tell he's not a terrorist."

She said it took several minutes of pleading and a phone call by the ticket agent to get on the plane to New York.

Allen, a Jamaican immigrant, said workers at La Guardia Airport were even more hard-nosed before their Dec. 26 flight home. She said a ticket agent told her: "You're lucky that we're letting you through instead of putting you through the other process."

The Transportation Security Administration's "no-fly" list was established immediately after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to prevent people who may have terrorist ties from boarding commercial flights.

"I know the government is trying to protect because of the terrorist attacks, but common sense should play a role in it," Allen said. "I don't think he should go through the trouble of being harassed and hindered."

TSA regional spokeswoman Carrie Harmon said the agency tells airlines not to deny boarding to children under 12 or select them for extra security checks even if their names match ones on the list.

"We do not require ID for children because there are no children on the list," Harmon said. "If it's a child, ticket agents have the authority to immediately de-select them."

Continental spokesman Dave Messing said Thursday that the airline would not discuss its security policies.

Other people with common names who have encountered "no-fly" list problems at airports include Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., and actor David Nelson from "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet." Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., has said he had to make several calls to federal officials before his name was separated from the one on the list.

here is the link telling about the 5 year old boy's horrifying experience.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 01:48 PM

what exactly would it take to prove that this is happening? i want to know.

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