Community > Posts By > think2deep

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:29 PM

Thing is; it is child porn if the pic is of someone under the age of 18. Period. Now being done by another 14 or 15 year old is questionable to me. I mean really.....Really?? Teenagers are idiots...they have no brains. They don't.
That is akin to pressing rape charges or sexual pred violations to a teenager who had willing sex with another female teenager. Something need fixing. There are kids that will now and forever have a felony sex charge for something they did willingly with a girl of the same age, but because she was underage....he pays.

Tasering kids!!? WTF!? This can't be good.

not that i think there might have not been a better way....but if you read the was because the child had a piece of glass and threatened himself and others. another was because a teenager was running from the police and heading out into busy traffic.

not the ones in the videos i posted. sorry

the ones in the articles (from credible sites) did.....sorry

credible sites, now you are attacking the validity of the vids.

not all things on youtube are posted with the whole story. most are only clips

if it's on youtube it has to be true

these are local news stories believe it or not, doesn't make squat to me.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:25 PM
of course their could have been better ways, the boy was lying on his back after falling from an overpass, his back broken and broken off heel and i'm sure quite a few bruises and such, yet these cops tased him 19 times.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:17 PM

I've now watched the movie twice, from the link I provided. I truly think that as long as you're not dealing with someone who has closed themselves down to any alternative way of thinking, no other options for viewing the world except their own, that The Obama Deception is going to go a long way towards getting people to stand up for themselves again, educating themselves again, learning how to be independant from a government who seems to see the People, not as individuals, but as a cash cow to be milked and sent off to slaughter.

war, the sad part about it is that people are far too gone to do any good. we can blow the whistle till we are blue in the face. obama could stand there, tell the american people exactly what the hidden agenda is without any sugar coating and only a big smile and the people will still not believe it. just like how they make all of the side effects of these new drugs sound like their nothing to worry about. even if it means suicidal thoughts or death. obama could just tell them that slavery of the american people is a good thing and they will follow him right on through, just like jim jones' cool aid.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:12 PM

it's nothing new, they were already convicting 2nd graders of felonies for drawing soldiers shooting or blowing each other up. they've been tazering elementary kids, law enforcement will find ways to make up for the money lost in the economy one way or another, trust that. they are already starting to charge people a huge fee for the cops just showing up at an accident here in florida. they have already raised speeding fines to ungodly levels. they have to find new sources of revenue, why not the teen agers. oh yeah, they passed a deal here in my town where the police force charges the parents an hourly fee when the on campus truancy cop goes looking for their kids. it's averaging around $300 per parent.

did you even read about the tasering??? and raising fines for speeders???? then don't speed. it is a danger anyway and maybe after high tickets they might think twice. and here....the parents could get a ticket for too many truancies from a if a cop has to go find the child to baby-sit...why not charge

i'm going to take the parents advocacy on this one. if the parents are both working trying to make it and their kid doesn't tell them that they are going to skip school and does. should the parent's lives be wrecked even more because now they have to pay a whole weeks paycheck to the friggin cops? last i knew, cops get their paychecks already for putting on that uniform and performing what they are told to do. for some reason people forget about that. what about the single mom who loves her children to death and has 4 of them, but only works at burger king for 36 hours a week, not even full time. one of her kids decides to skip school that day and now momma has to pay 300 to 500 dollars. where does that make sense? if it does make sense to anyone on this forum, i feel truly sorry for your lack of compassion.

the schools let the parents know. most of the time there has to be a certain number of truancies before anything is done.

guess what.... i'm a single mom and work. and i would let my child know that if i got a call from school there will be consequences. i also look after my nephew as well.

don't talk about my lack of compassion. i know full well what it is like to be a single mom with a teenager.

most states it's not for one skipped day.

you are the WRONG person to lecture me. i have been there done that. my son doesn't skip because he knows he will be in trouble. my nephew is different

you have assumed that it is for multiple truancy. you know what happens when you assume. the news just showed where parents were surprised by the fee. this isn't for multiple truancies, this is for every single one of them even the first one. my god

LOOK....i assumed NOTHING. i stated how most of the states work. MOST states don't do much for 1 skipped day. MOST schools call about a child absent that has not been called in. MOST parents do NOT know what their kids are doing....but when they find out....they have a responsibility to act on it. THAT'S A PARENTS JOB. A PARENTS JOB IS TO TEACH AND SUPPORT THEIR CHILDREN SO THEY CAN BE PRODUCTIVE ADULTS.

this isn't a state fine, this is something that a ridiculous truancy officer here in lakeland came up with all on his own and the commissioners passed it. no one had a say in it.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:05 PM

Thing is; it is child porn if the pic is of someone under the age of 18. Period. Now being done by another 14 or 15 year old is questionable to me. I mean really.....Really?? Teenagers are idiots...they have no brains. They don't.
That is akin to pressing rape charges or sexual pred violations to a teenager who had willing sex with another female teenager. Something need fixing. There are kids that will now and forever have a felony sex charge for something they did willingly with a girl of the same age, but because she was underage....he pays.

Tasering kids!!? WTF!? This can't be good.

not that i think there might have not been a better way....but if you read the was because the child had a piece of glass and threatened himself and others. another was because a teenager was running from the police and heading out into busy traffic.

not the ones in the videos i posted. sorry

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:04 PM
and that's great that you just happen to be lucky enough to have a handle on your children. not everyone is that lucky.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:03 PM

it's nothing new, they were already convicting 2nd graders of felonies for drawing soldiers shooting or blowing each other up. they've been tazering elementary kids, law enforcement will find ways to make up for the money lost in the economy one way or another, trust that. they are already starting to charge people a huge fee for the cops just showing up at an accident here in florida. they have already raised speeding fines to ungodly levels. they have to find new sources of revenue, why not the teen agers. oh yeah, they passed a deal here in my town where the police force charges the parents an hourly fee when the on campus truancy cop goes looking for their kids. it's averaging around $300 per parent.

did you even read about the tasering??? and raising fines for speeders???? then don't speed. it is a danger anyway and maybe after high tickets they might think twice. and here....the parents could get a ticket for too many truancies from a if a cop has to go find the child to baby-sit...why not charge

i'm going to take the parents advocacy on this one. if the parents are both working trying to make it and their kid doesn't tell them that they are going to skip school and does. should the parent's lives be wrecked even more because now they have to pay a whole weeks paycheck to the friggin cops? last i knew, cops get their paychecks already for putting on that uniform and performing what they are told to do. for some reason people forget about that. what about the single mom who loves her children to death and has 4 of them, but only works at burger king for 36 hours a week, not even full time. one of her kids decides to skip school that day and now momma has to pay 300 to 500 dollars. where does that make sense? if it does make sense to anyone on this forum, i feel truly sorry for your lack of compassion.

the schools let the parents know. most of the time there has to be a certain number of truancies before anything is done.

guess what.... i'm a single mom and work. and i would let my child know that if i got a call from school there will be consequences. i also look after my nephew as well.

don't talk about my lack of compassion. i know full well what it is like to be a single mom with a teenager.

most states it's not for one skipped day.

i have been there done that. my son doesn't skip because he knows he will be in trouble. my nephew is different

you have assumed that it is for multiple truancy. you know what happens when you assume. the news just showed where parents were surprised by the fee. this isn't for multiple truancies, this is for every single one of them even the first one. my god

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 06:00 PM

a couple of taser vids cops tasering children

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:48 PM

Moving people from one area to another area inside the same space during a robbery is Kidnapping?????

Not only is the sex offender registery getting very confused, but legal definitions are getting very confused.....

this statement is very true and calls for an excerpt of the protocols.

"We must arm ourselves with all the weapons which our opponents might employ against us. We must search out in the very finest shades of expression and the knotty points of the lexicon of law justification for those cases where we shall have to pronounce judgments that might appear abnormally audacious and unjust, for it is important that these resolutions should be set forth in expressions that shall seem to be the most exalted moral principles cast into legal form."

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:41 PM

wow lulu. kinda sad though that kids are sending pictures of themselves like that though.

of course it is...but it's also natural. when we were kids, it was flashing. or dirty letters. copped feels behind the oak tree...hormonal, primal, natural.

most of us make some decisions during that tumultuous time that we'd rather not remember too well...and maybe there should be some consequences, but i'm thinking "no" to the idea of them being a sex-offender.

we need to catch up to the digital age.

you're right, lulu, the teenage time is supposed to be the time when you try your wings and learn what you can and can't do. what you do at this time in your life shouldn't effect you in such a negative way for the rest of your life.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:39 PM

it's nothing new, they were already convicting 2nd graders of felonies for drawing soldiers shooting or blowing each other up. they've been tazering elementary kids, law enforcement will find ways to make up for the money lost in the economy one way or another, trust that. they are already starting to charge people a huge fee for the cops just showing up at an accident here in florida. they have already raised speeding fines to ungodly levels. they have to find new sources of revenue, why not the teen agers. oh yeah, they passed a deal here in my town where the police force charges the parents an hourly fee when the on campus truancy cop goes looking for their kids. it's averaging around $300 per parent.

did you even read about the tasering??? and raising fines for speeders???? then don't speed. it is a danger anyway and maybe after high tickets they might think twice. and here....the parents could get a ticket for too many truancies from a if a cop has to go find the child to baby-sit...why not charge

i'm going to take the parents advocacy on this one. if the parents are both working trying to make it and their kid doesn't tell them that they are going to skip school and does. should the parent's lives be wrecked even more because now they have to pay a whole weeks paycheck to the friggin cops? last i knew, cops get their paychecks already for putting on that uniform and performing what they are told to do. for some reason people forget about that. what about the single mom who loves her children to death and has 4 of them, but only works at burger king for 36 hours a week, not even full time. one of her kids decides to skip school that day and now momma has to pay 300 to 500 dollars. where does that make sense? if it does make sense to anyone on this forum, i feel truly sorry for your lack of compassion.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:26 PM
personally i think these idiots shouldn't charge kids with sex offence. that's just stupid, but we will let them do it.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:24 PM
it's nothing new, they were already convicting 2nd graders of felonies for drawing soldiers shooting or blowing each other up. they've been tazering elementary kids, law enforcement will find ways to make up for the money lost in the economy one way or another, trust that. they are already starting to charge people a huge fee for the cops just showing up at an accident here in florida. they have already raised speeding fines to ungodly levels. they have to find new sources of revenue, why not the teen agers. oh yeah, they passed a deal here in my town where the police force charges the parents an hourly fee when the on campus truancy cop goes looking for their kids. it's averaging around $300 per parent.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:15 PM

hey i just learned something today, life isn't fair! waaahhh

Don't feel bad t2d! We can't all be quick learners. :laughing:

i did forget to put the disclaimer that lets the reader know that it is sarcasm for those who don't read between the lines especially good.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:09 PM

I must have missed all the other threads

cause I can't make any sense out of this one

lol, i don't think this one was designed to make much sense quiet.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:08 PM

please don't get me banned from this forum tonight boo. i'm still getting over this damn flu and i would easily take it way too far at the moment.

The only one that can get you banned is yourself.

Just a thought.

i know, but i wouldn't do it if not provoked. no provocation = no reason to be banned.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:07 PM

hmmm, i wonder what their reasoning for doing it is? whoever thought it up must be a good person because there is no bad people in the legislature.

(this is sarcasm of course for those that don't read between the lines)

ask the people in charge in GA

you ask em

OMG... i was responding to your post. it isn't in every you would have to research the reasons for it

have you ever heard the term "gun shy" well that would explain the position i'm in at this very second. i don't trust one single comment that certain posters on here post. i must operate under the belief that every comment made by these certain people is going to have negative intentions behind them.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 05:02 PM
please don't get me banned from this forum tonight boo. i'm still getting over this damn flu and i would easily take it way too far at the moment.

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:57 PM

after how many threads of this...youare just now asking questions?

yeah, i didn't follow the others

think2deep's photo
Mon 03/16/09 04:52 PM

frustrated slaphead

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