Community > Posts By > think2deep

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:49 PM
bumping it up to see if there are any intelligent comments on it. i'm filtering the dumb comments lol.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:47 PM

ok...this makes NO sense to me.
regardless of if the person you voted for is in office....why want them to fail???? that would hurts the people. why gloat over it??? if the leaders fail....we the people will feel it.

Yes,, Rose, if our President fails, the whole country fails.flowerforyou

if your president is successful with what he's trying to do right now the whole country fails too.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:40 PM

t2....are you really this thick?

no, you are.

resorting to the i'm rubber, you're glue theory?

yeah, so? it makes as much sense as anything else.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:36 PM

as i have said in many posts....during bush and obama and many others before....there is good and bad everywhere. The president doesn't have absolute power. congress has their hands in it too

well, if that's the case, why do you think that obama has such power?

because of president can do it all. there is congress and the people.

tell me in detail how he is going to fix america. you can't do it, you're just another one of those that are mesmorized by his speech that's it. you have to be able to tell me these things if you want to be looked at seriously by me in a debate. people can just sit there and throw positive or negative buzzwards all day but it doesn't get them closer. in fact people that just keep throwing buzzwards do it because they can't get into the detail of the debate.

I swear t2d, your such an arrogant P$ick. If I said something similar and in that way to you you would be livid. Stop telling others that they are memorizing Obama's speeches, you know darn well they aren't doing that, your just doing that condescending crap you always do. No one can debate with you, the almighty t2d...


mesmerize or memorize

mesmerized lol. they did think i said memorize didn't they? lol

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:35 PM

t2....are you really this thick?

no, you are.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:30 PM

as i have said in many posts....during bush and obama and many others before....there is good and bad everywhere. The president doesn't have absolute power. congress has their hands in it too

well, if that's the case, why do you think that obama has such power?

because of president can do it all. there is congress and the people.

tell me in detail how he is going to fix america. you can't do it, you're just another one of those that are mesmorized by his speech that's it. you have to be able to tell me these things if you want to be looked at seriously by me in a debate. people can just sit there and throw positive or negative buzzwards all day but it doesn't get them closer. in fact people that just keep throwing buzzwards do it because they can't get into the detail of the debate.

I swear t2d, your such an arrogant P$ick. If I said something similar and in that way to you you would be livid. Stop telling others that they are memorizing Obama's speeches, you know darn well they aren't doing that, your just doing that condescending crap you always do. No one can debate with you, the almighty t2d...

i'm glad you see that lol.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:29 PM

I can't believe you guys keep falling for this op's act..

maybe the little sister trick will work.. if we all ignore this drive-by posting habit of his, maybe he'll give it up eventually..

Drive by.....?

Oh yeah a rushism, You people realy can not think for yourselves can you?


rush is always saying drive by media.

So it's just another person worshiping at the altar of rush and just regergitating whatever he says.

who do you worship sigmond?

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:23 PM

T2....I DIDN'T VOTE FOR THE GUY!!!! I can't tell you how but that has nothing to do with wishing he would fail to say nanny nanny boo boo i told you so.


if he was about to bring the chinese military here to the US to come pillage and rape and do what ever they wanted, would you not want him to fail? or would you think that it hurt the US if we wanted him to fail?

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:21 PM

boo, i'm not either party, but i can clearly see on the video that the republicans were arguing that there should be more regulations involved and the democrats were basically calling them chicken littles.

I clearly see that you have much more of a problem with one party, and as I have said before the more you bash that party the more they will simply bash back and what does that solve. Nothing, so ever day I come here to seem my on line friends and in hopes that people will be in a better state of mind, but all I see is hopelessness. I just hate seeing the American people who brag about strength and dignity and courage, yet all I see is whining. I hate to hear myself whine, but when I hear so many doing it I just get exhausted by it.

I live in a poor county, and when I go into town I see people going about their business and getting ready for spring, and I think to myself what is all this whining about, it's not happening here and we are all feeling the pinch in living costs. But we are making the best of it, not griping, it doesnt solve anything.

when the hell has telling what is proven on the goddamn video bashing?

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:19 PM

as i have said in many posts....during bush and obama and many others before....there is good and bad everywhere. The president doesn't have absolute power. congress has their hands in it too

well, if that's the case, why do you think that obama has such power?

because of president can do it all. there is congress and the people.

tell me in detail how he is going to fix america. you can't do it, you're just another one of those that are mesmorized by his speech that's it. you have to be able to tell me these things if you want to be looked at seriously by me in a debate. people can just sit there and throw positive or negative buzzwards all day but it doesn't get them closer. in fact people that just keep throwing buzzwards do it because they can't get into the detail of the debate.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:14 PM

so other races that don't date outside their race (for whatever reason) are racists too????

i'm sure you have your own criteria of what you are attracted too. and anything else outside are just as guilty by your logic

you only mentioned one race in your claim though.

do you think that other races aren't racist??????????

if you do, then you got some things to learn.

laugh that was a question to YOU. yes racism is NOT exclusive to only one race

but you chose to use only ONE race. AND three are many other factors that you left out

oh well, why are you so worried about me? you damn sure gotta jump on whatever i say though. you guys won't let me have an opinion without stomping it down to the ground.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:11 PM

as i have said in many posts....during bush and obama and many others before....there is good and bad everywhere. The president doesn't have absolute power. congress has their hands in it too

well, if that's the case, why do you think that obama has such power?

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:10 PM

boo, i'm not either party, but i can clearly see on the video that the republicans were arguing that there should be more regulations involved and the democrats were basically calling them chicken littles.

as I recall Bush sent the Treasury Secretary to Congress three times to warn of a crash and recession if they didnt start regulating the industry and Franks and Dodd pooh poohed him and wouldnt listen

so are we saying it's all the democrats, ever last one of them is responsible for degregulation? No republicans ever wanted deregulation? Bush did every thing possible to stop what was happening, right? I spent all my time listening to both republicans and democrats for years, there are idiots on both sides but all we can do is find fault with one side or the other.

Guess I am just getting really tired of the level pessimism and the hope for failure. I won't entertain failure and I wish others wouldnt either, but oh well. I blame both sides, always did, the republicans and the democrats. I am so sick of them lashing out at eachother while we sit around waiting for them to clean up their mess.

barney franks has been behind every bad idea that has come across the pike.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:07 PM

so other races that don't date outside their race (for whatever reason) are racists too????

i'm sure you have your own criteria of what you are attracted too. and anything else outside are just as guilty by your logic

you only mentioned one race in your claim though.

do you think that other races aren't racist??????????

if you do, then you got some things to learn.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:56 PM

T2.....have you dated all the races in the world???? no. so why not?

no i haven't that's only because there hasn't been enough different races cross my path or believe me, i would've.

as far as dating a man, nope i'm a malephobic. i've dated bisexual women and have a very good friend of mine that is a gay woman. i would date her if she would let me, but, you can pretty much figure that one out.

Then you are a Homophobe and a bigot, when useing your logic.

And until you have crazy man sex then you will always be a bigot.

Now do you see where your logic breaks down?

no, break it down for me please, i'm slow when it comes to someone inferring something by just posting words.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:52 PM

T2.....have you dated all the races in the world???? no. so why not?

no i haven't that's only because there hasn't been enough different races cross my path or believe me, i would've.

as far as dating a man, nope i'm a malephobic. i've dated bisexual women and have a very good friend of mine that is a gay woman. i would date her if she would let me, but, you can pretty much figure that one out.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:47 PM
i think that everyone wants to see america do good, i don't see either side of congress or the executive branch wanting america to do good. if they did, then america would be doing good. one thing you guys have to think about though is the fact that this community reinvestment act didn't cause the gobal crisis. remember, our country wasn't even the first to go down. there is other forces at work here but we only see the situation in our own country. this is a global problem and really too coincidental that all of the countries have been feeling the same thing. for all of you that think that we did cause it with the CRA let me ask you to tell me which countries had the CRA too? it wasn't done on accident people. trust that.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:36 PM

i'm going to write this on a post once every day so that no one forgets that i'm predicting this.

obama is going to fail.

And when he doesn't fail, will you go back and clean up the mess you made with so many posts?

(koff koff)...ummm, excuse me...but he would be welcomed to post in any of my forum topics that he chooses! Now, you boy's play nice! drinker


think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:31 PM
nope, i already know he is. just like i knew my friend's suv was going to keep coming off the car dolly today. they kept getting pissed at me because i told them it was going to happen and they kept saying "how do you know are you psychic or something?" i never told them why, i just kept laughing, but if they would have looked at how they were doing it instead of arguing with me, they would've seen the same thing i did. lmao

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:28 PM

how many of you have dated a black person? i have. if you haven't then tell me why you haven't, it's not like there isn't plenty around to choose from. tell me you're real reasons for not doing it. bet none of ya will tell.

what does this have to do with anything? if someone has never dated outside their race doesn't mean they are racist. many black people don't date outside their race either. it's all in what you are attracted too

just as someone who prefers the same sex....doesn't mean they are against the opposite sex

it does mean you are racist. it means that you are willing to fight for their rights but you wouldn't date one because they are different from you.