Community > Posts By > think2deep

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:23 PM
i'm going to write this on a post once every day so that no one forgets that i'm predicting this.

obama is going to fail.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:21 PM

Wow a 'black' 'female' '''conservative''' doesn't like Obama or his policies. Wow!!


Man, I don't remember if the losers last time B$tched this much.. It's a part of life, win some lose some. But it's not like all the condesending remarks are going to change the fact that Obama is our president, right or wrong.

There's twits on both sides of the isle, and always will be. Someone will always be the winner and someone the loser, not sure how all this liberal attacking is going to really make you feel better, but if it makes ya happy I will jump out and let you have at it until it wears ya out. slaphead waving

Complacency kills. Look at the boat you are in. If you think rolling overt and accepting bad service is the answer then you get what you pay for.

Freedom is not free!

Freedom is not free?

How bumperstickerish of you.

You found a black woman that spoke out against Obama and then you parade her around like it's some kind of weird victory.

His aproval raiting is 61% higher than Bush Clinton and Reagan at this time.

Bush has damn near destroyed this country and you cant seem to wait to help destroy whats left.

Good Job.

so what if his approval rating is 61% of who ever they asked? are you trying to impress someone with a poll? if you are, or if you are impressed by it yourself, then you need to ask yourself exactly when was it that you were asked by these people. i wasn't asked anything by them. find out who was, bet you can't.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:19 PM
how many of you have dated a black person? i have. if you haven't then tell me why you haven't, it's not like there isn't plenty around to choose from. tell me you're real reasons for not doing it. bet none of ya will tell.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:05 PM
reference for the above article

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:04 PM
JERUSALEM – Following the 9/11 attacks, President Obama's nominee for a top intelligence post advocated that to effectively combat terrorism, the U.S. government should implement a national identity system, "so we better know who is who."

In testimony before the 9/11 commission, Charles "Chas" Freeman, the U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, also recommended conducting the war on terrorism primary as a law enforcement effort.

Freeman is slated to head the U.S. National Intelligence Council, or NIC, a crucial component of the U.S. intelligence apparatus. The NIC serves as the center for midterm and long-term strategic thinking within the American intelligence community. It provides intelligence briefs for Obama and key U.S. agencies and produces reports that help determine American policy on crucial issues, such as Iran's nuclear program.

The declassified portions of Freeman's statements before the 9/11 commission were partially rehashed this week by Jerusalem-based researcher Ashley Rindsberg, a blogger for the Huffington Post website.

Intelligence pick wants national ID
Urges creation of federal system 'so we can better know who is who'
Posted: March 10, 2009
1:24 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Charles "Chas" Freeman
JERUSALEM – Following the 9/11 attacks, President Obama's nominee for a top intelligence post advocated that to effectively combat terrorism, the U.S. government should implement a national identity system, "so we better know who is who."

In testimony before the 9/11 commission, Charles "Chas" Freeman, the U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, also recommended conducting the war on terrorism primary as a law enforcement effort.

Freeman is slated to head the U.S. National Intelligence Council, or NIC, a crucial component of the U.S. intelligence apparatus. The NIC serves as the center for midterm and long-term strategic thinking within the American intelligence community. It provides intelligence briefs for Obama and key U.S. agencies and produces reports that help determine American policy on crucial issues, such as Iran's nuclear program.

The declassified portions of Freeman's statements before the 9/11 commission were partially rehashed this week by Jerusalem-based researcher Ashley Rindsberg, a blogger for the Huffington Post website.

(Story continues below)

Click Here

Freeman gave the commission three recommendations for better fighting Islamic terrorism:

* "First, the U.S. government should improve the visa system. More names to the forms should be added in order to distinguish among the many 'Abdullah bin Mohammads.' Technical means should also be used to cut the wait."

* "Second, the United States should implement a national identity system, so we better know who is who."

* Third, the war on terrorism should be seen primarily as a law enforcement and intelligence war, not as a military one."

Freeman has recently come under fire for his documented ties to foreign governments, including receiving funds from the Saudi government and his service on the advisory board of a Chinese-government-owned oil company widely seen as conducting business deals meant to expand the communist nation's influence worldwide. One of the Chinese company's recent attempts to purchase a large U.S. oil firm drew bipartisan congressional opposition amid fears the deal would harm American national security interests. Violating U.S. sanctions?

Since 2004, Freeman has been on the international advisory board of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC.

Ma Bing, an analyst for CNOOC's investor relations department confirmed to WND that Freeman is still on the board. He said Freeman's role is to "provide the (company) management with strategic advice on world events and macro issues that may impact our development."

In 2006, CNOOC, with Freeman on its advisory board, signed a memorandum of understanding with the state-owned National Iranian Oil Company to develop Iran's North Pars gas field in a contract with Tehran reportedly worth $16 billion. The deal was stalled for two years after the U.S. State and Treasury Departments vowed to scrutinize the transaction to see if it violates either international or U.S. sanctions against Iran.

In December, the Iranian oil company announced it finalized the development plan with CNOOC. The two companies are currently negotiating the price of the contract.

Mohammad Ali Emadi, director of the Iranian firm's research and development team, said the terms of the agreement may be finalized "in less than one month," paving the way for the multibillion-dollar deal to be made public.

Emadi said the agreement with CNOOC would last for at least 25 years.

A spokesman for the State Department told WND the U.S. government will look into the deal after it is concluded to determine if it violates American sanctions. The Treasury Department in the past acted swiftly against international firms said to violate the sanctions.

"Such deals suggest to the Iranian government it is business as usual despite Iran's continued pursuit of nuclear capabilities and its failure to cooperate with the IAEA," State Department spokeswoman Laura Tischler added in comments to WND.

Freeman did not return WND requests for comment left with a media representative at the Middle East Policy Council, where he serves as director.

Last week, a bipartisan group of American congressmen called for a review of alleged financial ties between Freeman and the Saudi government. His Middle East Policy Council, a Washington-based, Saudi-backed nonprofit, received tens of thousands of dollars a year from Osama bin Laden family and hundreds of thousands more from other Saudi donors.

Expanding Chinese influence

The Iran deal may not be the only controversy tying Freeman to the Chinese government.

WND reported that in 2005, CNOOC made a staggering, all-cash $18.5 billion offer to buy the American oil company Unocal, topping an earlier bid by ChevronTexaco. Immediately, lawmakers and many policy experts, including a broad array of Democrats and Republicans in Congress, mounted a major opposition campaign to the bid, urging the Bush administration to have the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. determine how the deal would affect national security.

"This takeover is part of a Chinese strategy to move very aggressively into acquiring natural resource assets all over the world to fuel China's continued growth, because China is relatively resource-poor," Alan Tonelson, a research fellow with the U.S. Business and Industry Council, told reporters in 2005. "It's also part of a Chinese campaign to move, again, very aggressively into the American economy."

There was concern the deal would give China a major foothold in the U.S. economy and would also boost Chinese influence and political clout worldwide, particularly in Asia, where Unocal maintained major holdings in Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh.

"The acquisition would significantly help China achieve its goal of dominating the entire (Asian) region," John J. Tkacik Jr. wrote in a 2005 article in Capitalism Magazine.

Rep. Donald Manzullo, R-Ill., similarly warned the acquisition would give China an economic "leg up" in Asia.

Scores of media reports in major news outlets quoted congressmen worrying the CNOOC deal would give the Chinese an energy bargaining chip during U.S. negotiations seeking a tougher line against North Korea's nuclear program.

CNOOC, the third largest Chinese oil company, focuses on the exploitation, exploration and development of crude oil and natural gas offshore of China. Seventy-five percent of the company's shares are owned by the government of the People's Republic of China.

Human rights violations

Arakan Oil Watch, a human rights organization, issued a report accusing CNOOC last October of human rights abuses and land theft in an oil prospecting venture in Burma. The accusations came less than a month after the U.S.-based EarthRights International expressed concern about China's increasing grip on Burma's natural resources, including through CNOOC's ventures.

The accusations against CNOOC, with Freeman on its board, ranged from land seizure to wanton pollution of rice fields and water systems with oil waste.

"Observers note that the actions by CNOOC are similar to the methods still used throughout rural China when entrepreneurs in cahoots with Communist Party officials want to pursue a development against local peoples' wishes. They simply steamroller opposition," read a report in Irrawaddy, an independent news magazine based in Thailand.

Freeman has a long history of involvement with China. He was the principal American interpreter during President Nixon's historic visit to Beijing in 1972 and was a member of the advance team that opened the U.S. Liaison Office in Beijing in 1973. From 1979 to 1981, Freeman directed Chinese Affairs at the State Department. From that point until 1984, he served as chargé and deputy chief of mission at the American embassy in Beijing.

Freeman is the co-founder of the U.S.-China Policy Foundation, which, according to its website, promotes a greater understanding between American and Chinese policymakers, researchers and government officials. Among the missions of the foundation is to organize the development of China studies in U.S. institutions of higher education.

Freeman has been widely quoted in the media supporting Chinese policies and even penned a piece praising communist Chinese leader Mao Zedong.

The Weekly Standard recently obtained an e-mail Freeman posted to a list serve rapping the Chinese government for not immediately breaking up the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

He wrote: "I find the dominant view in China about this very plausible, i.e., that the truly unforgivable mistake of the Chinese authorities was the failure to intervene on a timely basis to nip the demonstrations in the bud, rather than – as would have been both wise and efficacious – to intervene with force when all other measures had failed to restore domestic tranquility to Beijing and other major urban centers in China."

Saudi Arabia, bin Laden family ties

As WND reported, Freeman served as president of the Middle East Policy Council, a Washington-based Saudi backed nonprofit that received tens of thousands of dollars a year from the bin Laden family and hundreds of thousands more from other Saudi donors.

As chairman of Projects International Inc., a company that develops worldwide business deals, Freeman declared in an Associated Press interview just after the 9/11 attacks he was still "discussing proposals with the Binladen Group – and that won't change."

The Binladen Group is a multinational construction conglomerate and holding company for the assets owned by the bin Laden family. It was founded in 1950 by Sheik Mohammed bin Laden, father of the terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.

Freeman told the AP that companies that have "had very long and profitable relationships are now running for public relations cover."

He said bin Laden remains "a very honored name" in the Saudi kingdom.

In a separate interview Sept. 28, 2001, Freeman told the Wall Street Journal he spoke at the time to two of Osama bin Laden's brothers following the mega terrorist attacks. He said they told him the FBI had been "remarkably sensitive, tactful and protective" of the family during the current crisis.

Freeman maintained to the Journal that the bin Laden family company was closely aligned with American interests and that the group was part of the "establishment that Osama's trying to overthrow."

Osama bin Laden worked briefly in his family business and is reported to have inherited as much as $50 million from his father in cash and stock. The Saudi Binladen Group has invested in the Carlyle Group, a global private equity investment firm to which former President George H. W. Bush served as adviser. Former President George W. Bush sat on the board.

'Anti-Israel' views

Blogs and Israeli news media websites have been highlighting recent comments Freeman made that are perceived as heavily critical of Israel.

He told the Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs in 2007 that Israeli policy is generating anti-American sentiment while the Jewish state "no longer even pretends to seek peace with the Palestinians; it strives instead to pacify them."

"American identification with Israeli policy has also become total. Those in the region and beyond it who detest Israeli behavior, which is to say almost everyone, now naturally extend their loathing to Americans," he claimed.

Freeman lauded Hamas as "is the only democratically-elected government in the Arab world and claimed the terrorist group "is showing that if we offer it nothing but unreasoning hostility and condemnation, it will only stiffen its position and seek allies among our enemies. In both cases, we forfeit our influence for no gain."

An investigative article by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in 2005 exposed how Freeman's Middle East Policy Council was peddling to American schools a wildly inaccurate, anti-Israel, Saudi-funded textbook.

His council joined with California-based Arab World and Islamic Resources in selling to U.S. schools the "Arab World Studies Notebook." The JTA found the book described Jerusalem as unequivocally "Arab," characterized Jewish residence in the holy city as "settlement"; labeled the "question of Jewish lobbying" against "the whole question of defining American interests and concerns"; and suggested the Quran "synthesizes and perfects earlier revelations."

"Freeman is a strident critic of Israel and a textbook case of the old-line Arabism that afflicted American diplomacy at the time the state of Israel was born," Steve Rosen, a former top official of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, wrote on his "Obama Mideast Monitor" blog hosted by the Middle East Forum.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 03:07 PM
the site is one i put up to help promote the video, right now it is in book form and selling like hotcakes with cpa's.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 03:06 PM

I think Obama must know the secret location of a forest of money trees.

yep, it's called the federal reserve.

and dontcha think the federal reserve is pretty drained right now??

nope, there is a video that you should listen to to find out how the federal reserve makes money out of thin air it's called 'creature from jekyll' island here is the link . you can't get drained if all you have to do is print the money or type in some numbers on your keyboard from thin air.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 03:00 PM

is it too much to ask that one sacrifice something of himself to better himself?

why does it always have to be sacrifice though? everyone has gotten into this mindset. it pisses me off that i have to pay $20,000 to pay off my student loan. it shouldn't cost that much. now, my field has been taken out by these stinking companies like rca and phillips that makes throwaway electronics. no need for the technician anymore. what the **** am i supposed to do about my degree now?

I ran into that same problem. I took a couple extra classes and changed over to photonics (electro-optics) There is ALWAYS a demand for photonics, hardly anyone goes into the field

are you an engineer or a technician? and which field of photonics are you in, because that sounds ultra interesting to me if there are openings for that field.

oops i see which field you're in lol. i was drinking a couple of beers earlier trying to help a friend of mine try to get his gmc suv up on the most crappiest car dolly i've ever seen lol.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 02:58 PM

is it too much to ask that one sacrifice something of himself to better himself?

why does it always have to be sacrifice though? everyone has gotten into this mindset. it pisses me off that i have to pay $20,000 to pay off my student loan. it shouldn't cost that much. now, my field has been taken out by these stinking companies like rca and phillips that makes throwaway electronics. no need for the technician anymore. what the **** am i supposed to do about my degree now?

I ran into that same problem. I took a couple extra classes and changed over to photonics (electro-optics) There is ALWAYS a demand for photonics, hardly anyone goes into the field

are you an engineer or a technician? and which field of photonics are you in, because that sounds ultra interesting to me if there are openings for that field.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 02:55 PM

is it too much to ask that one sacrifice something of himself to better himself?

why does it always have to be sacrifice though? everyone has gotten into this mindset. it pisses me off that i have to pay $20,000 to pay off my student loan. it shouldn't cost that much. now, my field has been taken out by these stinking companies like rca and phillips that makes throwaway electronics. no need for the technician anymore. what the **** am i supposed to do about my degree now?

beacuse, dude, nothing comes without some sweat, a few tears and, if you're lucky, only a little blood. sacrifice. personal sacrifice for your own good. not human sacrifice for the "greater good".. I thought we got over that when we stopped throwing people into volcanoes..

you don't get 6pack abs w/o doing thousands of situps..

you can't win a race without running hundreds and hundreds of miles before race day..

you can't just show up and play if you didn't come to practice.

get it?

you can't be the starting shortstop for the boston red sox without fielding millions and millions of groundballs and endless practice drills..

how people have gotten away from THAT ^^ mentality befuddles me and might go a long long way towards explaining the state of things today..

you don't think that my 2 years in there getting a 4.o was sweat enough especially when i had to memorize the math because i dropped out of high school in the 10th grade? i busted my arse harder than anyone there because they at least knew the math for the formulas already!!!!! don't tell me that i owe more sweat by paying them goddamn ****ers more money than it was worth!!!!!! that's wrong!!!!

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 02:52 PM
boo, i'm not either party, but i can clearly see on the video that the republicans were arguing that there should be more regulations involved and the democrats were basically calling them chicken littles.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 02:38 PM
is it too much to ask that one sacrifice something of himself to better himself?

why does it always have to be sacrifice though? everyone has gotten into this mindset. it pisses me off that i have to pay $20,000 to pay off my student loan. it shouldn't cost that much. now, my field has been taken out by these stinking companies like rca and phillips that makes throwaway electronics. no need for the technician anymore. what the **** am i supposed to do about my degree now?

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 02:32 PM

omg!!!! those videos show all of the democrats back then pushing the community reinvestment act and telling the rest of congress that freddie mac and fannie mae didn't need regulation. their basically saying they saw no possibility of any problems in the future. the republicans are actually trying to at least have them regulated and the dems are getting really upset about it. i guess we now know that the democrats were very shortsighted on this one. this crisis was caused because of the community reinvestment act which after watching these vids i now know for sure was the baby of the dems. they can't blame anyone but themselves on this one.

and all this time I thought it was all George Bush's fault

george bush just tried to throw money at it, i guess when you're rich like his family is, throwing money at problems usually

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 02:29 PM
i know why their there and i know what they are, but until someone with more clout than i have comes out and says it to the population, i'll be stuck here gritting my teeth.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 02:21 PM

augh.......i can't watch youtube on here. i rebuilt my computer and somethings are still out of wack

rose, are you using enternet explorer or firefox? here are the links to what you need to download and install to watch the movies.

you'll see the green menu on the right, on the top of this green menu is the download button, click it and a window will pop up, click to run the program. or click to save file, remember where it is saved to and double click the file once you have found it's containing folder and let it install.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 02:13 PM
yep, i knew something of it but i haven't seen the vids before.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 12:53 PM

this is what the rfid chip that they are already using right now looks like

this is what the ones on the packages of the products you buy right now look like. (these are made by hitachi)

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 12:47 PM

I think Obama must know the secret location of a forest of money trees.

yep, it's called the federal reserve.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 12:42 PM
omg!!!! those videos show all of the democrats back then pushing the community reinvestment act and telling the rest of congress that freddie mac and fannie mae didn't need regulation. their basically saying they saw no possibility of any problems in the future. the republicans are actually trying to at least have them regulated and the dems are getting really upset about it. i guess we now know that the democrats were very shortsighted on this one. this crisis was caused because of the community reinvestment act which after watching these vids i now know for sure was the baby of the dems. they can't blame anyone but themselves on this one.

think2deep's photo
Tue 03/10/09 12:08 PM

personally i think for a guy thats only been in office forty something days i think he's doing the best he can...things will get worse NO DOUBT but i have to say these problems were brought on by bush and others.
but nonetheless Obama will bear the brunt of condemnation,while the real rats scurry away to their nest with the large amounts of money the stole.
but obama is in the limelight,i only dare to think how much worse how much faster these things wouldve happened,personally i dont see anything else he can do,sure some say give us the money ,but lets face it a couple of thousand dollars would only generate small purchases and not be enough to do much bank loans
and after the money is gone then what,no houses or cars wouldve been purchased no big ticket items and lets face it hard to generate an economy on bags full of penny candy.
the only bad thing about this is you have to trust people with money that they couldnt be trusted with in the first place.
one of my problems is..since we did lend our money to all these companies how come there wasnt any interest charge ..after all they wouldve charged us one..
but i think one of the major problems in this whole thing was the LACK OF OVERSIGHT during the bush years including that of the any of these people know what theyre doing,
or do they just sit in an office occupying space..with as many people out of work i'm sure we could find someone better...jmo

The problems we no face were not brought on by BUSH... These problems stem from our failure to deal with the truth of the recessions in the 70's.

* the greed of (charge,use,buy,throw-away,charge) with everyone expecting a free lunch.

*People thinking houses and cars are intitlements instead of something you work for, hand down, and maintain.

There were enough people on all sides of the asle that stepped up and warned that it can not be blamed on one party...

Kinda hard to listen when you are busy lining up your next big steal.

FACE THE FACTS... Members of both parties did not oversight cause that would have shown their hands in the cookie jar.

all the bailouts in the world can't fix this... And they know it... This is simply a blanket to hide what was done.

Who cares which thief started the run... time to minimise the damage(and money ain't going to do it).

it goes back further than the 70's history is being repeated because no one chooses to keep giving themselves an even dose of history with the dose of reality and future that is facing them now.