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Topic: Obama creates other Jobs
willing2's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:24 AM
Puts the Abortionists back to work.

Obama to Reverse Bush Stem Cell Policy

President Barack Obama is ending former President George W. Bush's limits on using federal dollars for embryonic stem cell research, with advisers calling the move a clear signal that science — not political ideology — will guide the administration.

wiley's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:26 AM
Awesome. Don't really see a downside.

willing2's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:27 AM

Awesome. Don't really see a downside.

Wonder then, why are there so many anti-abortionists teed off?

wiley's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:34 AM
Edited by wiley on Mon 03/09/09 08:39 AM
Well when you spend tons of money lobbying to prevent stem cell research and then Obama comes along and torpedoes that, you'd be teed off too.

The embryos used for the research typically are donated by couples who wound up creating more than they needed during fertility treatments and would otherwise be thrown away. Each embryo can yield one stem-cell line, which can continue replicating indefinitely.

The debate has never been about the legality of stem-cell research, which is legal in the U.S. At issue is whether the science qualifies for federal funding.

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:42 AM
First of all it is stem cell research. Not TRANSPLANT research. Embryonic stem cells are useless to you and me medically because of genetic rejection.

The idea is to further understanding of stem cells for curing a host of conditions including Diabetes!

Secondly if a pregnancy has to be terminated it is better the sacrifice not go to waste.

This research could lead to us being able to clone individual organs for transplant eliminating rejection therapy totally and massively shortening recovery time for the patient. In turn this will eliminate the need for organ donors and organ theft which is not urban legend.

Granted this does not absolve Obama of his many mistakes that he has done early on! The ultra Right was opposed to this like the Ultra Left. Pro Lifers are a pack of sniveling a**holes who have no clue to the benefits of this research. Also Roe vs. Wade was decided on and now a unhappy minority wishes to find any reason to overturn the decision and make work for Dr. Coat Hangar again!

Also people put FAR too much value on human life over the quality of life. Abortion is an necessary evil to prevent us from over running ourselves with offspring. At least we can find a virtue in a diabolic act.

Now I ask all of you out there, would abortion be necessary if we were in better control of ourselves?

I personally fell abortion is necessary in the case of incest, rape, medical necessity ie. to spare the mother's life, or the child is genetically defective ie. Down's Syndrome, Trisomy, and etc.. There also is something to be said about terminating a pregnancy because of financial pressures that would be incurred to an unplanned pregnancy. Yes I did go there! Money drives everything on our lives unfortunately!

Stem cell research is very necessary for us all! Ignoring it through intellectual ignorance is such a travesty for scientific understanding.

Personally I also feel that prisoners with life sentences SHOULD be used for medical experimentation! They lost their rights stepping on others by committing grievous crime against other people and why not make them useful to society rather than a burden on it?

Oh, that makes me comparable to Hitler suddenly. He was using Jews against their will and our current medical science benefited from his research after the fact! Waste not want not... Right? At least I want to use criminals who deserve to suffer!

Oh well, just MOO I guess...

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:47 AM
IMO I don't see a problem

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:49 AM
Stem cell research does NOT promote abortions!!!!!!!!!!

wiley's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:50 AM

Stem cell research does NOT promote abortions!!!!!!!!!!

No it doesn't. Contrary to what the anti-abortionists will tell you.

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:50 AM
I donated my baby's umbilical cord to help other children and if wasn't needed, it was for stem cell research.

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:52 AM
Edited by Winx on Mon 03/09/09 08:52 AM

The embryos used for the research typically are donated by couples who wound up creating more than they needed during fertility treatments and would otherwise be thrown away. Each embryo can yield one stem-cell line, which can continue replicating indefinitely.


no photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:53 AM
There's nothing anyone can do to soothe pro-lifers. And, I understand how they feel. I am NOT pro-abortion. But, I refuse to involve myself with what women feel they need to do for themselves for whatever reason. The only time I get particularly judgmental is when a woman consistently chooses abortion as a means of birth control.

I THINK the fears with stem cell research is the future and how far humans will go with regard to discounting embryos, and women selling their's for profit, getting pregnant for money, destroying without regard to the new life that could have survived, the monstrosities that COULD ensue up the road, etc.

But, with regard to miscarriages and abortions, if it's happening anyway, I agree that if there's something positive that can happen from such a negative situation, it's pro-life of an already-born humanity.

willing2's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:54 AM
I just posted what was in the news.
States, anti-abortionists furious.
Why would they care?
Doesn't it make abortion easier to obtain?
Help me understand.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:55 AM
I am all for helping the living have a better life.

I also fully support liberal couples having abortions.

wiley's photo
Mon 03/09/09 08:56 AM

I just posted what was in the news.
States, anti-abortionists furious.
Why would they care?
Doesn't it make abortion easier to obtain?
Help me understand.

No. But if they lose ground on this, they will more than likely lose ground on abortions too. Since they've been constantly trying to tie the two together for years.

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:08 AM

I just posted what was in the news.
States, anti-abortionists furious.
Why would they care?
Doesn't it make abortion easier to obtain?
Help me understand.


It's not even about abortion. I don't understand why people think it is about abortion.

franshade's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:09 AM

I just posted what was in the news.
States, anti-abortionists furious.
Why would they care?
Doesn't it make abortion easier to obtain?
Help me understand.

What does stem-cell research have to do with abortion? How does it promote abortion?

Read comment from Winx: she donated her child's umbilical cord after giving birth for research, no abortion there.

wiley's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:10 AM

I just posted what was in the news.
States, anti-abortionists furious.
Why would they care?
Doesn't it make abortion easier to obtain?
Help me understand.

What does stem-cell research have to do with abortion? How does it promote abortion?

Read comment from Winx: she donated her child's umbilical cord after giving birth for research, no abortion there.

The anti-abortion people are the only ones attempting to tie the two together. Its Politics.

franshade's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:12 AM
gotcha - thanks Wiley, thought I missed out on some info.


no photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:15 AM

I just posted what was in the news.
States, anti-abortionists furious.
Why would they care?
Doesn't it make abortion easier to obtain?
Help me understand.

Do people honestly believe that abortions are not easy to obtain? They're legal, for goodness sake, any medical doctor can perform one.

2nd, when stem cell research was illegal, the incidence of abortion did not go down. I don't understand why people would think the opposite. When a woman is pregnant with an unwanted child, the last thing on her mind is stem cell research. It's not like people get pregnant just so they can have an abortion so they can donate the stem cells.

Geez, people need to get a life and think logically. Oh, but wait, if people thought logically, half the arguments would fly out the window as they almost always appeal to people's baser natures. flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:15 AM
Edited by Winx on Mon 03/09/09 09:17 AM

I just posted what was in the news.
States, anti-abortionists furious.
Why would they care?
Doesn't it make abortion easier to obtain?
Help me understand.

What does stem-cell research have to do with abortion? How does it promote abortion?

Read comment from Winx: she donated her child's umbilical cord after giving birth for research, no abortion there.

This tell more about it. They sent a doctor to the hospital where I was delivering my baby. It was quite impressive.

More research.drinker

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