Community > Posts By > Goatherding

Goatherding's photo
Fri 05/28/10 10:26 AM
It started out sunny so I cut the grass.Now the clouds are building up so it'll rain directly.Welcome to Florida!

Goatherding's photo
Wed 05/26/10 05:01 AM
The last time I checked I wasn't at war with women.True,there are obvious differences but a little give & take works wonders.

Goatherding's photo
Fri 05/21/10 11:18 AM
I don't spend hours on end on the net so if the power goes out I don't lose any sleep over it.Usually I read my mail,cruise a few sites & then go about my bussiness.

Goatherding's photo
Fri 05/21/10 11:09 AM
My birthday is shortly after New Year's so it typical to hear"Here's your Christmas & birthday present".What stuff I got on my birthday was slim pickings because everyone was broke from the holidays.After a while I realized that I couldn't do anything about it & decided to take it in stride-I figured I was better off looking at it that way.

Goatherding's photo
Thu 05/20/10 05:42 AM
I did the ant burning thing too.Since my mother taught in the same school I went to I was a model prisoner there.Some times,when the Saturday night paper truck was late us paperboys would get into some mischief.One time we put a frozen cat in the back window of a car.

Goatherding's photo
Tue 05/18/10 06:36 AM
My 67 Goat works for me.

Goatherding's photo
Mon 05/17/10 05:34 PM
Sharing the aroma of a good curry & the content feeling after eating it with a woman I care about.
The exeration of a hard launch with my car.
Seeing a bunny on the lawn either early in the morning or right at dusk.
Watching the ibis & egrets hunt for a meal.
The pastels in the sky right at sunset in south Florida.

Goatherding's photo
Sun 05/16/10 04:34 AM
My parents are long gone but they instilled in me the concept of standing on my own 2 feet early in my life-that's a good thing because my oldest & closest friends are many miles away.

Goatherding's photo
Sat 05/15/10 04:58 PM
If I run into a woman who spends more time drooling over my car than me I politely go my way.

Goatherding's photo
Fri 05/14/10 01:06 PM
Woke up on the right side of the sod.
Watched the shuttle lift off(but a big cloud prevented me from seeing it from the front yard-oh well!).
Got a call from my engine builder & the Goat is coming home tomorrow.
Waxed the daily driver.
Heard from a bud from down south

Goatherding's photo
Thu 05/13/10 08:12 PM
32" waist 170#'s

Goatherding's photo
Thu 05/13/10 05:51 AM
My memory isn't good enough to remember who I lied to & what I said so I stick to the truth.

Goatherding's photo
Tue 05/11/10 04:56 AM
It would be a good idea for you to cool your jets! A good friend of mine refers to a long distance relationship as "Geographically ugly". There's been a few women I've found quite charming but they're on the other side of the country so I regrettfully pass them by because long distance almost always is doomed to failure.

Goatherding's photo
Sat 04/24/10 10:27 AM
Don't poke yourself in the eye with a sharp stick.

Goatherding's photo
Mon 04/19/10 06:00 AM
The Detroit I knew is long gone.No more downtown Hudson's,Vernor's is long gone,& a host of other things have become just lore.Thank goodness for fond memories!

Goatherding's photo
Sun 04/18/10 05:08 PM
I don't go out of my way to offend anyone but if I do"oh well!".The bottom line is that you can't please every one so it's up to them to get over it.

Goatherding's photo
Sun 04/18/10 11:39 AM
I'm an uncureable romantic.

Goatherding's photo
Sun 04/18/10 11:37 AM
If my life didn't have such a track record for being so surreal I'd be upset.

Goatherding's photo
Sun 04/18/10 06:57 AM
In the 50's-Beaver Cleaver look
In the 60's-Wore bell bottoms until they became fashionable
In the 70's-Anti disco look
In the 80's & 90's-Worked long hours thus a blue collar look
Present time-Florida casual,jeans & t-shirt,get gussied up when the situation merits it.

Goatherding's photo
Sat 04/17/10 06:50 AM
"Thank you for being you".