Community > Posts By > Goatherding
It started out sunny so I cut the grass.Now the clouds are building up so it'll rain directly.Welcome to Florida!
The last time I checked I wasn't at war with women.True,there are obvious differences but a little give & take works wonders.
web addiction
I don't spend hours on end on the net so if the power goes out I don't lose any sleep over it.Usually I read my mail,cruise a few sites & then go about my bussiness.
My birthday is shortly after New Year's so it typical to hear"Here's your Christmas & birthday present".What stuff I got on my birthday was slim pickings because everyone was broke from the holidays.After a while I realized that I couldn't do anything about it & decided to take it in stride-I figured I was better off looking at it that way.
I did the ant burning thing too.Since my mother taught in the same school I went to I was a model prisoner there.Some times,when the Saturday night paper truck was late us paperboys would get into some mischief.One time we put a frozen cat in the back window of a car.
My 67 Goat works for me.
Favorite Things
Sharing the aroma of a good curry & the content feeling after eating it with a woman I care about.
The exeration of a hard launch with my car. Seeing a bunny on the lawn either early in the morning or right at dusk. Watching the ibis & egrets hunt for a meal. The pastels in the sky right at sunset in south Florida. |
My parents are long gone but they instilled in me the concept of standing on my own 2 feet early in my life-that's a good thing because my oldest & closest friends are many miles away.
If I run into a woman who spends more time drooling over my car than me I politely go my way.
Woke up on the right side of the sod.
Watched the shuttle lift off(but a big cloud prevented me from seeing it from the front yard-oh well!). Got a call from my engine builder & the Goat is coming home tomorrow. Waxed the daily driver. Heard from a bud from down south |
How much do you...
32" waist 170#'s
How often do you ...
My memory isn't good enough to remember who I lied to & what I said so I stick to the truth.
how will everything works?
It would be a good idea for you to cool your jets! A good friend of mine refers to a long distance relationship as "Geographically ugly". There's been a few women I've found quite charming but they're on the other side of the country so I regrettfully pass them by because long distance almost always is doomed to failure.
Odd sayings...
Don't poke yourself in the eye with a sharp stick.
Michigan Memories
The Detroit I knew is long gone.No more downtown Hudson's,Vernor's is long gone,& a host of other things have become just lore.Thank goodness for fond memories!
OMG..Am I Being Offensive
I don't go out of my way to offend anyone but if I do"oh well!".The bottom line is that you can't please every one so it's up to them to get over it.
I'm an uncureable romantic.
ever have one of those days
If my life didn't have such a track record for being so surreal I'd be upset.
What's your 'Style'?
In the 50's-Beaver Cleaver look
In the 60's-Wore bell bottoms until they became fashionable In the 70's-Anti disco look In the 80's & 90's-Worked long hours thus a blue collar look Present time-Florida casual,jeans & t-shirt,get gussied up when the situation merits it. |
"Thank you for being you".