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Sat 07/25/15 05:44 PM
if something affects ones environment , it does become ones business. repeating my own belief because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD rudeness is legal in america , doesn't mean it isn't prickish to be rude, |
you should treat your lady like a queen, she should treat you like a king and you should both treat others like prince and princesses. heard that a long time ago.
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Sat 07/25/15 05:37 PM
if you live in a country that allows pride parades which I think all should, then you should mind your own business. at the end of the day Muslims hand out leaflets and have there own shows on tv promoting Islam so they need to find something else to moan about. you should follow the law of the land not your own. thats what I think anyway.
why why why
He is drawn by the smell. The sniff of opposing scent, meant to be buried or covered. You can move the litter anywhere. I have mine in a glass-covered, 2-story, solarium in the yard, with a cat door for access. |
why why why
dogs are truly gross lol the funny thing is he wants cuddles after and im like seriously
well i'm sure she will loan them to you for the next hour or so |
why why why
because dogs like to find buried treasures and the stoopid fool likes the tootsie rolls |
im watching tv with a cup of hot chocolate listening to my neighbours bed creak...id rather be in her shoes for an hour
why why why
does my dog keep digging up the cat litter tray and can I move it?
do they need to be so hard
Made you look lol...but really do relationships need to be hard work, are there relationships where the couple don't argue. Are there relationships where it's just fun and happy ?
Random things that annoy you
Men who think your easy because you have kids. Men who think they can call you pretty and you will give them your number. Men who think they are so good at lying they tell you all sorts of rubbish thinking you will fall for it. Men who try and get you to initiate dirty talk but they try and be cunning about it. Men who say this exact line...im not the same as other men, but after a couple of hours the truth comes out. All the men I have to block because of all the reasons above.
I will be back later...I don't like the bible I think peoples interpretations are dangerous and confusing. believing in a god is not what's wrong, its the books that people have written and still writing. if someone came to me and said im a Christian but I don't follow the book I just follow my heart then I could see myself on that sort of path but until then it looks like I follow my heart alone. :)
he was a vicar, he came up to me today at the school gates and said I have lovely children, (they are friends with his children) we talked for a bit then he started with the do I go to church, I told him no because I don't believe in god he didn't seem fazed he just smiled and said why. I then said do you really want to know and he said of course. I laughed a little and told him but one of the things I said was how can I follow a god (if he exists) that would allow people to preach hate about people who are gay. again he didn't seem fazed he just looked at me and said god is infallible he would not and will never create a person in his own image and get it wrong. everyone has a reason for being here from the baby that lived for 20 mins to the gay man who lives with his husband to the old woman who has lived a hundred years or more. he made no mistakes with these people. he also said he made no mistake with me. at this I had a couple of tears and then he went on to say he does not and will never preach hate, because that is not what god is about. I asked him (I don't know why) should I go to church?, and this is what he said, no two people should be unequally yoked, and what I mean by that is god does not want someone without hate in their heart to be with someone who has hate in their heart its that simple. he was a very interesting man and he is now a friend of mine. God doesn't hate homosexuals, he died so they could live ever more and everyone else as well. He detests that specific action, but for the person themselves God's already paid their debt if they accept his gift and turn away from their sinful ways. There is nothing sinful about wanting to be with someone, even the same gender. Not saying in a manner of "lusting" after them, but for the mere thought itself is not sinful per say. It's the physical action(s) done between the two that are sinful. And it's not even specifically the physical action between two of the same gender, it merely boils down to God only permits sex between two that are married. And God never sanctified marriage between two of the same gender. Regardless if some states in the USA and maybe across the world are recognizing same sex marriages either, God doesn't change. Nor did he instruct for such a change, so there is no proof that those marriages are even worth the paper they are written on. I'm guessing you're asking "if the church was selling stuff in the church for a new roof, would I go and buy something"? Absolutely not, the church is for worship. Not for money gain, even if that money is going to be used for the church itself. God has even told us about this Luke 19 45 And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought; 46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing(s) over and over and expecting a different result. Just because the "Christian" church down the road is doing it, doesn't make it right or any less of a sinful action. For God has warned us again such things. And "Christians" don't persecute nobody, gay or otherwise. For our Christ has told us "Judge not, less ye be judged. For what judgment we pass on them, will be measured back on us". Not worded exactly like that, but if needed will look the verse up for you. Not saying people don't do as mentioned. But a "Christian" would not. As again our "Christ" has told us to judge not. Please don't confuse people's actions with God's instructions, not always the same thing even if they claim it to be so. I can guarantee the scriptures don't say such a thing. And if it says a similar instance, it's being taken out of context. As Jews are God's chosen people. Eternal life was first given to the jews, the entire old testament/covenant is for the jews. Again, the only thing that has to do with Christians specifically is found in the new testament/covenant as that is where our "Christ" came into the picture. |
has anyone ever...
This is why being good and doing good things to help other people is amazing especially when it is done with pure intention. That is the core of Christian living. Love God and love your neighbor. Any one not trying to live that lifestyle is not trying to follow Christ. If you study the history of the Catholic and protestant religions, you will see they do not teach what is in the bible. Christ said this was going to happen. Thousands of religions acknowledging Christ is the messiah, teaching all about what he did, but not teaching his message. Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. There is but "God"... it's not about "religion"... But as God has told us "and will deceive many" Don't know, don't follow a religion. I follow my God's instructions the best I can. If you wish to call that my religion, so be it. But nobody can tell you their religion is the right one over yours or another's, simply won't work. So if you're asking if by me obeying and worshipping Jesus Christ over other "false Gods" then yes. One has to find God themselves. People can preach to you all day, but at the end, it's gonna be you that makes the choice on what you believe. I know not if the "Christian" faith is true or not. Again, I don't follow religion, I obey my God Jesus Christ. I don't call myself a "Christian". Yes in the world we have in it's nac for giving people titles I'm considered a Christian. But again, I don't obey or follow a religion. I obey and follow what my God has said on such things. I don't obey the preacher, just because he said something was wrong to do or that we were to do it necessarily. I obey my God the best of my ability to do as he says is right and stray from what he has informed us to be detestable to him. I don't go to church. God isn't in a building, know ye not that ye body is the temple of God and the Holy Spirit dwelleth within? Finding God, learning about God, and everything else about God can't be found in a church. It's a good place to study and worship as it's mainly for communing with other people. But God doesn't dwell in a man made building. One can't find God by just going to church, it's an every day walk to God and then walk with God. |
he was a vicar, he came up to me today at the school gates and said I have lovely children, (they are friends with his children) we talked for a bit then he started with the do I go to church, I told him no because I don't believe in god he didn't seem fazed he just smiled and said why. I then said do you really want to know and he said of course. I laughed a little and told him but one of the things I said was how can I follow a god (if he exists) that would allow people to preach hate about people who are gay. again he didn't seem fazed he just looked at me and said god is infallible he would not and will never create a person in his own image and get it wrong. everyone has a reason for being here from the baby that lived for 20 mins to the gay man who lives with his husband to the old woman who has lived a hundred years or more. he made no mistakes with these people. he also said he made no mistake with me. at this I had a couple of tears and then he went on to say he does not and will never preach hate, because that is not what god is about. I asked him (I don't know why) should I go to church?, and this is what he said, no two people should be unequally yoked, and what I mean by that is god does not want someone without hate in their heart to be with someone who has hate in their heart its that simple. he was a very interesting man and he is now a friend of mine. God doesn't hate homosexuals, he died so they could live ever more and everyone else as well. He detests that specific action, but for the person themselves God's already paid their debt if they accept his gift and turn away from their sinful ways. There is nothing sinful about wanting to be with someone, even the same gender. Not saying in a manner of "lusting" after them, but for the mere thought itself is not sinful per say. It's the physical action(s) done between the two that are sinful. And it's not even specifically the physical action between two of the same gender, it merely boils down to God only permits sex between two that are married. And God never sanctified marriage between two of the same gender. Regardless if some states in the USA and maybe across the world are recognizing same sex marriages either, God doesn't change. Nor did he instruct for such a change, so there is no proof that those marriages are even worth the paper they are written on. I'm guessing you're asking "if the church was selling stuff in the church for a new roof, would I go and buy something"? Absolutely not, the church is for worship. Not for money gain, even if that money is going to be used for the church itself. God has even told us about this Luke 19 45 And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought; 46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing(s) over and over and expecting a different result. Just because the "Christian" church down the road is doing it, doesn't make it right or any less of a sinful action. For God has warned us again such things. And "Christians" don't persecute nobody, gay or otherwise. For our Christ has told us "Judge not, less ye be judged. For what judgment we pass on them, will be measured back on us". Not worded exactly like that, but if needed will look the verse up for you. Not saying people don't do as mentioned. But a "Christian" would not. As again our "Christ" has told us to judge not. Please don't confuse people's actions with God's instructions, not always the same thing even if they claim it to be so. |
has anyone ever...
This is why being good and doing good things to help other people is amazing especially when it is done with pure intention. That is the core of Christian living. Love God and love your neighbor. Any one not trying to live that lifestyle is not trying to follow Christ. If you study the history of the Catholic and protestant religions, you will see they do not teach what is in the bible. Christ said this was going to happen. Thousands of religions acknowledging Christ is the messiah, teaching all about what he did, but not teaching his message. Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. There is but "God"... it's not about "religion"... But as God has told us "and will deceive many" Don't know, don't follow a religion. I follow my God's instructions the best I can. If you wish to call that my religion, so be it. But nobody can tell you their religion is the right one over yours or another's, simply won't work. So if you're asking if by me obeying and worshipping Jesus Christ over other "false Gods" then yes. One has to find God themselves. People can preach to you all day, but at the end, it's gonna be you that makes the choice on what you believe. I know not if the "Christian" faith is true or not. Again, I don't follow religion, I obey my God Jesus Christ. I don't call myself a "Christian". Yes in the world we have in it's nac for giving people titles I'm considered a Christian. But again, I don't obey or follow a religion. I obey and follow what my God has said on such things. I don't obey the preacher, just because he said something was wrong to do or that we were to do it necessarily. I obey my God the best of my ability to do as he says is right and stray from what he has informed us to be detestable to him. |
he was a vicar, he came up to me today at the school gates and said I have lovely children, (they are friends with his children) we talked for a bit then he started with the do I go to church, I told him no because I don't believe in god he didn't seem fazed he just smiled and said why. I then said do you really want to know and he said of course. I laughed a little and told him but one of the things I said was how can I follow a god (if he exists) that would allow people to preach hate about people who are gay. again he didn't seem fazed he just looked at me and said god is infallible he would not and will never create a person in his own image and get it wrong. everyone has a reason for being here from the baby that lived for 20 mins to the gay man who lives with his husband to the old woman who has lived a hundred years or more. he made no mistakes with these people. he also said he made no mistake with me. at this I had a couple of tears and then he went on to say he does not and will never preach hate, because that is not what god is about. I asked him (I don't know why) should I go to church?, and this is what he said, no two people should be unequally yoked, and what I mean by that is god does not want someone without hate in their heart to be with someone who has hate in their heart its that simple. he was a very interesting man and he is now a friend of mine. God doesn't hate homosexuals, he died so they could live ever more and everyone else as well. He detests that specific action, but for the person themselves God's already paid their debt if they accept his gift and turn away from their sinful ways. There is nothing sinful about wanting to be with someone, even the same gender. Not saying in a manner of "lusting" after them, but for the mere thought itself is not sinful per say. It's the physical action(s) done between the two that are sinful. And it's not even specifically the physical action between two of the same gender, it merely boils down to God only permits sex between two that are married. And God never sanctified marriage between two of the same gender. Regardless if some states in the USA and maybe across the world are recognizing same sex marriages either, God doesn't change. Nor did he instruct for such a change, so there is no proof that those marriages are even worth the paper they are written on. I'm guessing you're asking "if the church was selling stuff in the church for a new roof, would I go and buy something"? Absolutely not, the church is for worship. Not for money gain, even if that money is going to be used for the church itself. God has even told us about this Luke 19 45 And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought; 46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing(s) over and over and expecting a different result. Just because the "Christian" church down the road is doing it, doesn't make it right or any less of a sinful action. For God has warned us again such things. And "Christians" don't persecute nobody, gay or otherwise. For our Christ has told us "Judge not, less ye be judged. For what judgment we pass on them, will be measured back on us". Not worded exactly like that, but if needed will look the verse up for you. |
has anyone ever...
This is why being good and doing good things to help other people is amazing especially when it is done with pure intention. That is the core of Christian living. Love God and love your neighbor. Any one not trying to live that lifestyle is not trying to follow Christ. If you study the history of the Catholic and protestant religions, you will see they do not teach what is in the bible. Christ said this was going to happen. Thousands of religions acknowledging Christ is the messiah, teaching all about what he did, but not teaching his message. Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. There is but "God"... it's not about "religion"... But as God has told us "and will deceive many" Don't know, don't follow a religion. I follow my God's instructions the best I can. If you wish to call that my religion, so be it. But nobody can tell you their religion is the right one over yours or another's, simply won't work. So if you're asking if by me obeying and worshipping Jesus Christ over other "false Gods" then yes. One has to find God themselves. People can preach to you all day, but at the end, it's gonna be you that makes the choice on what you believe. I know not if the "Christian" faith is true or not. Again, I don't follow religion, I obey my God Jesus Christ. |
he was a vicar, he came up to me today at the school gates and said I have lovely children, (they are friends with his children) we talked for a bit then he started with the do I go to church, I told him no because I don't believe in god he didn't seem fazed he just smiled and said why. I then said do you really want to know and he said of course. I laughed a little and told him but one of the things I said was how can I follow a god (if he exists) that would allow people to preach hate about people who are gay. again he didn't seem fazed he just looked at me and said god is infallible he would not and will never create a person in his own image and get it wrong. everyone has a reason for being here from the baby that lived for 20 mins to the gay man who lives with his husband to the old woman who has lived a hundred years or more. he made no mistakes with these people. he also said he made no mistake with me. at this I had a couple of tears and then he went on to say he does not and will never preach hate, because that is not what god is about. I asked him (I don't know why) should I go to church?, and this is what he said, no two people should be unequally yoked, and what I mean by that is god does not want someone without hate in their heart to be with someone who has hate in their heart its that simple. he was a very interesting man and he is now a friend of mine. God doesn't hate homosexuals, he died so they could live ever more and everyone else as well. He detests that specific action, but for the person themselves God's already paid their debt if they accept his gift and turn away from their sinful ways. There is nothing sinful about wanting to be with someone, even the same gender. Not saying in a manner of "lusting" after them, but for the mere thought itself is not sinful per say. It's the physical action(s) done between the two that are sinful. And it's not even specifically the physical action between two of the same gender, it merely boils down to God only permits sex between two that are married. And God never sanctified marriage between two of the same gender. Regardless if some states in the USA and maybe across the world are recognizing same sex marriages either, God doesn't change. Nor did he instruct for such a change, so there is no proof that those marriages are even worth the paper they are written on. I'm guessing you're asking "if the church was selling stuff in the church for a new roof, would I go and buy something"? Absolutely not, the church is for worship. Not for money gain, even if that money is going to be used for the church itself. God has even told us about this Luke 19 45 And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought; 46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing(s) over and over and expecting a different result. |
has anyone ever...
This is why being good and doing good things to help other people is amazing especially when it is done with pure intention. That is the core of Christian living. Love God and love your neighbor. Any one not trying to live that lifestyle is not trying to follow Christ. If you study the history of the Catholic and protestant religions, you will see they do not teach what is in the bible. Christ said this was going to happen. Thousands of religions acknowledging Christ is the messiah, teaching all about what he did, but not teaching his message. Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. There is but "God"... it's not about "religion"... But as God has told us "and will deceive many" Don't know, don't follow a religion. I follow my God's instructions the best I can. If you wish to call that my religion, so be it. But nobody can tell you their religion is the right one over yours or another's, simply won't work. So if you're asking if by me obeying and worshipping Jesus Christ over other "false Gods" then yes. One has to find God themselves. People can preach to you all day, but at the end, it's gonna be you that makes the choice on what you believe. |